In case you're wondering, ol' SPIDEY's web is attached to a passing helicopter - unfortunately, he's been hanging on since Glasgow and he's now over Blackpool, so his arms are tired. What a great cover 'though. This was a cracker of a Summer Special, featuring SPIDER-MAN MEETS DR. STRANGE, the origin of DAREDEVIL (abridged), THE TORCH MEETS THE ICEMAN, THE CLOAK BATTLES THE CRAFTY CROW, MR. KNOWALL'S FUN PAGE, THE SWOTS & THE BLOTS, THOR vs HERCULES in WHEN TITANS CLASH!, SAMMY SHRINK, BRIAN'S BRAIN, full-colour pin-ups, plus a few other things I've doubtless forgotten. I only have to look at this and I'm back in 1968. Ah, happy days.

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