Art by Kid Robson after John Romita Jr. & Bob Layton
There's an old saying that I'm sure you're all familiar with: "If you don't USE it, you LOSE it." With that in mind, I thought I'd try having a go at drawing something, and the cover of IRON MAN #150 seemed ideal. Note that the above artwork is not a tracing, nor the result of a projector; I merely sat the comic in front of me and drew it freehand as I saw it - much as I would if I had a model posing for me. (I used a ruler to "finish" the logo, of course - after sketching it out freehand.) I didn't strive to make it an exact copy down to the last line; I allowed for a little personal interpretation, which is why it looks more like a pin-up than a cover. When I sign it, I'll also acknowledge the original cover artists. I'm quite proud of it, but I could be persuaded to part with it for the right offer, I suppose.
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