Friday, July 23, 2010


Sometime back in February or March of 1985, BOB PAYNTER, group editor of IPC's humour division, asked me if I might have any ideas for a new comic which was in development. "It's going to be like VIZ, but not quite as rude!", he informed me. As far as I remember, the comic was an "out-of-house" production - it was being developed in Manchester (I think - could have been Birmingham) and IPC were only going to print and distribute it through their usual channels.

I turned my mighty brain to the task and soon came up with a daft idea for someone who owned a pair of talking socks. At first I was going to call him TREVOR, being slightly more alliterative, but I decided to name him in honour of KEVIN BRIGHTON, one of the IPC art assistants, who worked at the desk next to mine on the 26th floor of KING'S REACH TOWER.

I was living in Southsea at the time, and I remember as if it were only yesterday, sitting in the cafe on the top floor of Portsmouth's central library, working on the rough of the first (and - so far - only) episode of KEVIN & HIS TALKING SOCKS. I duly submitted it to Bob, who sent it off to the OINK boys (for that was the very comic under development) for consideration. Some weeks later I asked Bob if he'd had any response, but he hadn't, so we both assumed that my strip hadn't found favour and promptly forgot about it. A few months later, however, I decided to draw up the finished strip - just for my own satisfaction. Below is a scan of photocopies I made of the original roughs before giving them to Bob to send on (which were never returned), and which I used as a guide when I drew up the finished page.

Interestingly, some time after OINK hit the stands, a new strip appeared in it called HECTOR VECTOR & HIS TALKING T-SHIRT. Coincidence? Subliminal influence? Rip-off? I don't suppose I'll ever really know, but it certainly gives me pause for thought. The strip at the top of the page is scanned (in two halves) from an A3 hand-coloured photocopy, hence the wrinkles and wavy border lines in places. It was produced in a hurry for THE ILLUSTRATED COMIC JOURNAL about fifteen years ago - see footnote under the strip for details.

At the risk of overkill, here it is again, in its original, one-page format. Created, written, pencilled, inked and lettered by myself. Nice of me to take the blame, don'tcha think?

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