Art & logo by Kid Robson
Regarding the image to the right, I originally drew the face freehand (using a photo as reference) back in about 1981/82. In 1985 I was contributing to HUGH CAMPBELL's fanzine called FUSION, and I decided to knock up a cover for it. I hand-lettered the logo, added some Letratone, drew the shoulders, then cut out a photocopy of my drawing of the head and stuck it down. (I wasn't drawing all that again.) The above scan comes from a poor photocopy of the original finished cover. I can't remember if I ever sent it to Hugh (perhaps Fusion had folded before I got around to it), but it was never printed. You're seeing it here for the very first time. (Actually, I had used the head to produce a cover for RON BENNETT's catalogue, SKYRACK's FANTASY TRADER first, but I never got around to sending that either.)
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