Obama and Hillary and Panetta’s kowtowing to the middle-east radical Muslims and putting-down and isolating Israel is not working out well.
It now appears that Obama had 19 Americans involved in the Egyptian Revolution and these folks will now pay the price for Obama’s Folly. Their price will pale however relative to the loss of Egypt as a good ally in a hostile and tumultuous area.
Obama and friends have turned Egypt into yet another Radical Muslim Sharia country in record time! The Muslim Brotherhood and associates are now in charge of the “Democracy” and the only entity keeping them from turning Egypt into another Iran is the Military. Is that ironic or what?
“CAIRO – The son of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is among 19 Americans being referred to criminal trial for allegedly receiving foreign funds illegally and being involved in banned activity in Egypt, several news agencies reported Sunday.
In all, Egyptian officials say 44 non-governmental organization workers will be put before the court after investigating judges claimed they had reason to try the democracy and rights workers.”
“Beside the 19 Americans, five Serbs, two Germans and three non-Egyptian Arab nationals are reportedly among the 43 to face trial. A date has yet to be set, media reports said, quoting an Egyptian judiciary official.”
In addition to this fiasco, Panetta has given Iran advanced inside intelligence on an Israeli preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. With friends like Obama, Panetta and Hillary – Israel doesn’t need any more enemies!
Have we all noticed how nasty big mouth NY Dem Senator Schumer has become so quiet that you can almost hear the NY Jewish Community tearing up their Democrat Campaign Contribution checks!
And through all these gross failures in our foreign policy and affairs the liberal progressive media continue to carry King Barack around on a litter ordained with slant and bias as if totally disconnected from reality, their only mantra his reelection.
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