Monday, February 27, 2012


I can only speculate as to the reasons why, but after releasing their first three weeklies - THE MIGHTY WORLD OF MARVEL, SPIDER-MAN COMICS WEEKLY, and THE AVENGERS - as individual titles over a period of a few months, MARVEL UK then tried a different approach. DRACULA LIVES and PLANET OF THE APES were both released the same week - as were their next two comics, THE SUPER-HEROES and SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN. Perhaps they felt that two comics had twice the chance of success - at least for one of them - than one on its own. Who knows?

Their next new publications, THE TITANS and CAPTAIN BRITAIN, were released individually about a year apart, although with RAMPAGE and
THE COMPLETE FANTASTIC FOUR in 1977, it was back to two at a time. (I think the next Marvel UK weeklies released together were the
THOR and X-MEN titles in early 1983, which soon merged into one mag - making it even more like the Odhams Press POWER COMIC known as FANTASTIC from the late 1960s.)

Anyway, here's a selection of covers from some of the comics mentioned, simply because they're nice to look at and also bring back a lot of memories for me. I'm sure it's the same for you, too - so feel entirely free to indulge yourself in these images of yesteryear.

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