Monday, February 27, 2012


In 1992, new publishing kid on the block, TUNDRA, were developing a fortnightly football comic called GLORY GLORY, which they hoped would be the next big thing in the world of periodicals. 50,000 copies of a dummy version were printed for promotional purposes, with the launch date of the actual first issue announced for September 9th, 1992.

However, after all the time, effort and money spent on producing the dummy, plans were hastily abandoned and Glory Glory succumbed to
an inglorious fate - cancellation before it had even appeared on the newsagents' shelves. So why was the decision taken to abort the project before fruition? I'm not quite sure - as a contributor I was probably told at the time, but have long since forgotten the details. Perhaps reaction to the dummy was less than positive, resulting in Tundra deciding not to risk losing even more money by going ahead with the launch, hence the plug being pulled at the last moment.

Luckily, 'though, I have one of the 50,000 dummies printed, and have decided to unselfishly share with you the cover and a couple of interior pages - just to give you a taste of what might have been.

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