Monday, February 6, 2012

Jacqueline is Frolicing for us!

If you are looking for the giveaway click here.

Today my friend Jacqueline, who blogs at Handmade with Love, is here to share all her great projects. I met J in real life in October at Fall Market, we had a ball going around to all the booths together. Shes also a wonderful quilter and sewist as you will see.  

You know that warm fuzzy feeling you get from a soft blankie or a new pair of jammies?? Yeah. THAT feeling. Well, I just so happened to get the same one when I received an order from eBay. Random, right?? It was when I first started sewing diligently - so, maybe 3 years ago? I had bid on something called a 'charm pack' and pretty much had said if I like it I like it, If I don't, I don't - I wasn't attached, ya know? So, I get this envelope and open it. I instantly fell in love. It was two charm packs (Yes, I had figured out what they were by the time they got here) of L'amour by Sandy Gervais. 

Cute, right? Makes you just say 'awwweeee!' So I had it. And there it sat. For years. (Yes I just said years) As in this line came out in 2009 and I didn't use it until 2011 - and it was NEW JUST OUT when I bought it. 
I had decided to do a quilt-a-long with Melanie (formerly of Above All Fabric) to make this quilt. I figured, its cute, its simple, I HAVE the materials, LETS DO THIS!! 

Well.... I got as far as the 9-patches. And there it sat. And sat. And sat some more. Then I found out that my friend was having a bouncing baby girl. HOORAYY! Reason to finish!! The finish came out fantastic. 

For those of you on Twitter (@jmmaxman here) you may have seen that I posted that the hubs was shopping in my stash. He was shopping for the sashing fabric because he tells me at the 11th hour that he didn't like what I had chosen. "It looks dirty - change it" Gee, if it were that simple! Well, it was that simple. He chose the light blue and its growing on me. Baby Brinlynn will look fantastic snuggled on it with her dark hair.

On another note, I have this AMAZING tree in my front yard - the documentation on this area puts this walnut tree at over 150 years old. We don't run the air conditioning in the summer. At all. Even in over 100* weather. 

AND it makes for great photos.  

At Christmas time year before last I got the wild idea to make my Gram a quilt. She is a quilter. Or she was until her eyesight became too poor. She says she misses it. I now understand what she means. I would miss it too. I had purchased a jelly roll of Frolic by Sandy Gervais at the LQS. I had NO idea what I was going to do with it, but I loved it. Instantly. Frolic spoke to my inner child. The funky flowers, the swirls, the colors. They reminded me of the wild flowers with the yellows, greens, and orangey-reds from when I was a kid on the ranch. Yes, I was a ranch kid. So, my Gram got a quilt. 

(You can see her hair pokin out the top!)

I used a Moda Bakeshop recipe. I cannot remember which. (SORRY!) I backed it with red cuddles.

She loved it. She sat and had a little cry over it. She sniffled a little and shared that no one had made her a quilt since her mamma did for her wedding to my Grouchy Poppa. That made me tear up. It was such an awe-struck feeling to make her feel that good. AND she loved the fabric. I was a little worried that she wouldn't - its a little modern, a little funky, but she seriously LOVED it. 

THIS Christmas I used scraps to make some zippy pouches for the teen girls in my life - I filled them with goodies and away they went. Well, all except this one. Which just happens to be some Frolic left overs... 

Isn't it cute!!! This one I think I'm keeping. My mom has tried stealing it already!! Or maybe she just wanted the leftover Christmas candy that had been stashed in it... I do love me some Hershey's kisses!! 

I hope everyone has a GREAT week!! 
Make sure to stop back in at Sha's blog to see the rest of what she has goin' on for her 
Sandy Gervais spotlight! 


Don't you just love those quilts? And the bag is adorable. I have some left over frolic too, guess what I'll be making with it?

Thank J for sharing this with us! If you are new to Jacquelines blog you should check out her post today and tell her Sha sent you.

Remember to enter the giveaway for a Designer Select FQ kit. Click here to enter.

Come back tomorrow for some more Sandy Gervais fun.

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