Sunday, February 12, 2012


I am advised that, over on the pages of his own blog, a certain disgruntled, huffy teenager with an axe to grind is still peddling his disingenuous version of the events behind me taking him to task for his impertinence.
If you're not already aware of the background, read the full story on
- and then consider the following piece of nonsense:

Okay , so I read the critic mention above's response. He's now stereotyping me, stating I'm a noisy, spotty little teenager who stands on street corners yelling at everyone who walks past.

The point I was making was that teenagers who use the internet for hurling abuse at people are the technological equivalent of those spotty neds who stand on street corners shouting at pensioners (hardly "everyone"). He is noisy (insists on trying to "shout down" adults on his blog), he definitely is a teenager, and if he isn't a spotty one then he's a biological phenomenon.
The fact that he's still banging on his pet drum proves my point, I'd say. He goes on to say:

He also stated that it's okay to talk on a public forum, but I sent him a friend request on a different website, and "that's just creepy".

Once more this person, with scant regard for the truth, disingenuously distorts the facts of the matter. Here are my actual words:

Now, I don't know about you, but I think it's distinctly creepy for anyone around a certain age to be swapping private emails with teenaged strangers...

In other words, nothing wrong with a kid sending a "friends request", but that's a different thing from an adult accepting it. He has presented his own version of my words as if he's quoting me, which is just plain dishonest. He also says he sent requests to 100 of the members, which suggests to me that's he's a bit too desperate to wheedle his way in with people. Obviously a bit of a groupie, wanting to hang out with the guys - most of whom are older than him by a wide margin. Talk about irritating teenage sidekicks, eh? I never could understand why Captain America or the Avengers simply didn't tell Rick Jones to feck off.

Following on from his above comment, he had this to say:

Ok, but this friend request he speaks of was not on a site like facebook, but on a public forum...

He neglects to mention the fact that he had already contacted me privately on my email address, which I subsequently removed from my blog's profile. Also, as far as I understand it, the "public forum" (a site about comics) he refers to permits private communications between "friends", which is why I ignored his request.

It's obvious that he's simply trying to ingratiate himself with as many comics professionals (past and present) as he can, in order to bathe in their reflected glory by being able to claim them as "friends". I'm simply not interested in indulging people like that. My ego doesn't need it. He goes on to mis-state the facts thus: original post was more aimed at the hate pages, and I was simply asking that people stop arguing.

Nope, it was more than that. It was a one-sided attack on those who weren't fans of his artistic heroes, with no mention of the hate-filled comments that have also been directed at those who don't necessarily agree with his assessment of his idols' abilities. He presented it as if only artists who worked for The Dandy had been subjected to abuse. It wasn't balanced, it wasn't accurate, and it was designed only to impress the artists in question with a public display of unwavering, squirmingly-embarrassing declaration of loyalty and hero-worship, regardless of any concern for the facts.

In response to my comment that The Dandy couldn't afford me, he facetiously asks how I know. Simple: I know what I'm worth and I know what they pay. I'll refrain from revealing what a Dandy artist gets for writing and drawing a page (far less than I could earn for a few hours lettering more than twenty years ago) because it's nobody's business but theirs. He then refers to my comment, below:

At first he appeared to be apologetic [in the form of two more messages, which I ignored, to my private email address, obtained before deletion from my blog], but then , in a sudden twist, he went on the offensive..."

Amazingly, despite me having already revealed the circumstances behind this comment - he ignores them to reiterate the lie which prompted my remark in the first place. This is what he says:

Why did I do that? Because I was originally going to leave it at that, but then you started saying nasty comments about me, so I reacted.

An absolute, complete, total, and utter lie. First of all, any comments I made (and which were far from nasty) were on my own blog (in the comments section) and in direct response to rude and abusive comments already made by this individual on other sites. His initial ire comes from me calling him a kid and saying that he shouldn't be involving himself in adult disputes, and that perhaps his parents should monitor his internet activities more closely.

Simply put, nothing more than the measly-mouthings of an obnoxious teenager with a chip on his shoulder who doesn't like being called what he is - a kid.

And a bloody whining, cheeky, dishonest one at that.

(Incidentally, his claim that he's not responding to the rest of my post because he never read it is yet another porky. Simply put, he can't
dispute the truth of it without resorting to a whole load of other lies.) 

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