Friday, February 3, 2012


You're looking at maybe the shortest-running British comic ever printed! IPC's THUNDER lasted twenty-two issues back in the '70s, JET held on for twenty-one, and, in the mid-'80s, SCREAM! disappeared after fifteen. No doubt there are quite a few examples of other comics that didn't survive too long, but I'm wondering if there was ever one that lasted less than the three-issue, fortnightly, CONAN THE ADVENTURER in 1994. That's a mere month before it stumbled to a halt.

I believe it was meant as a tie-in to a TV cartoon of the same name, which accounts for the classic BARRY SMITH Conan The Barbarian reprints being retitled to match, but the comic obviously just never sold. I've no idea if the cartoon series was any more popular with TV viewers in the UK, but I suspect not, otherwise the comic would doubtless have been more successful.

Note that on issue #3's cover, it only says Conan, the rest of the logo having disappeared. An oversight or deliberate? Who knows? Not me for sure. Anyway, enjoy feasting your eyes on the covers and splash pages of one of the shortest comic runs in history - Conan The Cancelled!

Remember to click on images to enlarge (it's well worth it), then click again for optimum size. By Crom!

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