"You are what you eat!" is a principle that doesn't just apply to food. Psychologists recognize that what you 'feed' your mind with helps shape your personality to a greater or lesser degree. That's why, when it comes to children in particular, it's wise to exercise caution in what we allow them access to. We don't want unsuitable material - whatever form it takes - working its influence on their impressionable young minds. However, as I've said before, it's the content and not the 'carton' which defines whether something is suitable or not.

mediums don't sometimes play their part, but other factors are also culpable, sometimes even more so. Often, it's just too easy to point the finger at a handy scapegoat than it is to look at the whole problem from a wider perspective.
One such instance appeared in the late and largely unlamented
NEWS OF THE WORLD on April 3rd, 1994. I have excised the names to spare any possible distress to the families of those involved, and
omitted any paragraphs which did not pertinently pertain to comics, but the tone of the piece remains intact.
NEWS OF THE WORLD on April 3rd, 1994. I have excised the names to spare any possible distress to the families of those involved, and
omitted any paragraphs which did not pertinently pertain to comics, but the tone of the piece remains intact.
STAB MAN WAS CAPTAIN MARVEL CRAZY - He collected violent mags.
The man accused of stabbing a 12 year old schoolgirl to death in her classroom spent hours poring over violent Captain Marvel comics. The loner was enthralled by the scenes of death and mayhem in the American superhero magazines. In one edition Captain Marvel is seen battling with a knife-wielding alien. Characters say things like "Death should be a glorious event," and "Life should be a continuous series of pains."

Former schoolpals yesterday recalled the teenage years when they devoured the tales and disturbing illustrations in the fantasy world of horror comics. "We all read them, but he took it much further," said one. "He was always drawing the characters and was excellent at it. He made up his own stories with all the Marvel heroes. We enjoyed the Captain Marvel comics, with all their violent images. But it never occurred to me as being unusual. He seemed totally normal. The only thing different about him was he spent so much time with comics. He had a huge collection of them. He was obsessed with violent comics like Captain Marvel, The Incredible Hulk and (sic) Spiderman."

"horror" comics. (I know from experience that newspapers often 'punch up' stories by rendering paraphrases as direct quotes and isolating sentences from their frame of reference.)
In short, it's a hatchet job. The reporter doesn't seem to be familiar with the actual content of the comics named, otherwise he would never have described them in the way he did. (If he cared about accuracy that is.) However, comics don't have a monopoly in being picked on like this. Newspapers, because they cast themselves in the role of crusaders in pursuit of truth, justice, morality and decency (instead of just another business chasing a buck), often target other mediums that - like GALACTUS - they consider themselves to be above and beyond in the scheme of things.
The truth is much simpler. Some newspapers are nothing more than purveyors of all the worst aspects of society. They pander to the seedier and more salacious appetites of certain sections of the public while claiming, rather ridiculously in my opinion, to be "family" newspapers. (Even the scurrilous DAILY and SUNDAY SPORT make this claim, while counting down the days until some 15 year old girl is old enough to 'get her kit off' for their readers.)
One wonders how any paper which peddles nudity (page 3), gambling (bingo), and panders to an interest in the supernatural (horoscopes), while reporting rape, paedophillia, murder, etc., in the most lewd, prurient and unnecessarily detail can presume to take the moral highground when
pontificating on society's ills. Now, obviously I'm indulging in a slight bit of ironic hyperbole with the first part of the preceding sentence in order to make a point, but perhaps we should be asking ourselves what effect a steady diet of such content day after day or week after week could have on the minds of some of those exposed to it. (You are what you eat, remember.)
pontificating on society's ills. Now, obviously I'm indulging in a slight bit of ironic hyperbole with the first part of the preceding sentence in order to make a point, but perhaps we should be asking ourselves what effect a steady diet of such content day after day or week after week could have on the minds of some of those exposed to it. (You are what you eat, remember.)
In short, was the "loner" who murdered that 12 year old girl a News Of The World reader? Makes one wonder, eh?
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