Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Conservatives Must Avoid Misdirected Hostility

This blog item is in response to a recent LTE in a local paper.
A very conservative gentleman strongly articulated his frustration with the state of our Nation; a frustration that most American’s are experiencing. After lofty Obama promises of positive change we have a pile of new negative changes that are also compounding our ongoing fiscal, financial, regulatory and employment problems.
The current financial mess of spend, tax and borrow went into high-gear in Jan 2007 when Pelosi and Reid took control of the legislative branch, the branch of government that controls taxing and spending. Unfortunately Pres. Bush did not veto the escalation of spending nor did he oppose the elimination of home mortgage rules that led directly to our financial disaster.
In 2010 we elected a significant number of strongly conservative Congressmen who have totally changed the situation in Congress. They have brought the spend, tax, and borrow issues to the front page and halted the Obama, Pelosi, Reid train and even have Obama now talking about fiscal responsibility. Talking being the operative word!
We now have to focus on the 2012 elections and replace Obama and the majority of Democrat Senators who continue to drive their reckless and damaging agenda. That is the only way to change direction and national policy. Stopping the train was important, redirecting the train is critical. It’s also imperative that we don’t destroy what we are trying to save. Something about babies and bathwater!
Our challenge now is not to berate our newly elected Conservative Congressmen but instead we should be thanking them for helping to stop the Washington madness.
Past misdirected hostility, toward those who are doing all within their power to solve our problems, resulted in the reelection of Reid and two other Democrat Congressmen who are major contributors to the problem. At this critical time we cannot afford to have any more friendly-fire casualties from misdirected hostility.
Obama and his entire team, down to the local level, will be working hard to create a “fog of conflict” intended to generate confusion and misdirection. We cannot allow that to happen.
We know who votes for spend, tax and borrow policies and we know who opposes those policies.
We need to support our Conservative-Republican team with our words and deeds.
Freshman congressman (Robert Hurt)  navigates Washington's political maze
By JONATHAN PARKER/Special to the Star-Tribune
Thursday, August 18, 2011 10:30 AM EDT
Prior Items:
It’s the Spending and Economic Policies - Stupid!
USA: What’s Your Credit Score?
For John Stewarts commentaries on Obama’s Positions click-on the following link:
Are The Good Times Over For Good?

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