Sunday, March 7, 2010

Where’s the Roanoke Times Carbon Footprint?

Roanoke Times, 3-7-10, Pg Horiz 1: Editorial Commentary: Shrinking Roanoke’s (Carbon) Footprint
A positive article about what many people and organizations and local governments are doing to conserve energy and reduce consumption of carbon-based fuels. It’s a nice touch to give folks positive visibility for doing good things.
However, why do the editors of the Roanoke Times think they are bystanders or observers sitting in the bleachers watching this game?
The RT has a massive carbon footprint that they refuse to address! – Why?
This blog has been challenging the RT since Dec 2006 to step up to their responsibilities as community leaders and stewards of the environment.
They refuse to do so! What a sad situation! The tools are available just click and go:
The RT’s carbon footprint starts in the planting and harvesting of pulp trees and the generation and delivery of electricity and other fuels and extends through delivery of the finished paper to my box in beautiful downtown Scruggs. There is a big energy savings involved in recycling the paper that they should be encouraging and supporting, tracking, reporting and demonstrating how they are improving over time.
This blog has also been asking the RT to buy green-tags devoted to buying green energy from the Highland Wind Farm Project. No action there either!
It’s way past time for the RT to stop being simply an observer of others good behaviors, realize that they are a big part of the problem and step-up to their Corporate Social Responsibilities to do the right thing!
We’re watching and waiting!

Summary of Some Prior Blog Items encouraging the RT to do the right green thing:
Roanoke Going Green
Roanoke Times, 9/24/08, Pg Va 4: A meeting sought ideas from guests to help the city reduce its carbon footprint.
Going Green is a major component of moving toward sustainability.
Roanoke leaders and employees should be commended for their efforts in these activities.
A very puzzling item is: “where are the Roanoke Times Green efforts”?
Monday, June 02, 2008
Unprofessional Roanoke Times Editorial Staff
Roanoke Times, 6/2/08, Pg Va 6: Editorial: Give consumers a green power choice.
Item #6. It’s also interesting that the RT Editors represent a large manufacturing organization that has a huge carbon-footprint that they refuse to acknowledge or document or quantify or improve.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Why isn't the Roanoke Times turning green?
Roanoke Times, 12/12/06, Pg 1: Roanoke City turning green. Very good and comprehensive article by John Cramer on the actions being taken by the City to reduce consumption of fossil fuels and city water. Kudos to them!
Isn’t it interesting that the Roanoke Times, a very large manufacturing and distribution company, has not yet decided to make a commitment to going-green. The amount of fuel, water, energy and natural resources consumed by the Roanoke Times is very large and represents a worthy target for green-action.
Why not start by doing and publishing: an “environmental footprint” and start a major focus on recycling.
These analysis would then be the basis for a set of doable and reportable action plans similar to the items in this article. What a nice piece of corporate-responsibility that would be! Let’s not! Lot’s more fun to write about and critique others!

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