Friday, March 5, 2010

Roanoke Times Embraces Yet Another Obama ObamaCare Bribe

Roanoke Times, 3-5-10, Pg 3: Obama pushes reform effort; asked several House Democrats to take bold action on health care.
Once again the Editors of the Roanoke Times embrace the Obama-Pelosi-Reid corrupt behaviors of pay-offs and bribes in order to pass ObamaCare.
The editors showed no indignation last December over the Louisiana Purchase (Dem Sen Landau) and the Cream Corn Delight (Dem Sen Nelson) and the gross compromises with the AFL-CIO and UAW.
These gross violations of the public trust caused public support for ObamaCare to tank to a low of only 1 out of 3 Americans who support this gross proposal.
Now, yet again, the Editors refuse to include or cover in this so called “news” article the gross Obama malfeasance of nominating Scott Matheson for U.S. Circuit Court Judge.
Scott is the brother of Congressman Jim Matheson who has been on the fence when it comes to supporting the President's health care reform proposal.
Just more dirty Chicago politics that we can believe in and that the Editors of the Roanoke Times embrace with their slanted and biased coverage of the “news”.
If ObamaCare is good for the American people, why does Obama-Pelosi-Reid and associates need to bribe members of Congress and the Senate to vote for it and why does the liberal media find the need to cover up the facts?
Click for a Youtube video of Ronald Reagan's view of socialized healthcare:

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