Thursday, December 31, 2009
My Dog
V scroll-down
Holy Cow, my dog is a democrat!
(author unknown - probably did not vote for Obama)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
More indoor orienteering....this time in Hungary
Obama: Can You Say “Terrorist”?
The Homeland Security Chief, Janet Napolitano said our security system worked well after the terrorist bomb attack on an aircraft landing at Detroit. Days later, Obama finally talked about an “isolated incident”. Days after that Napolitano acknowledged that there was a failure in the intelligence system. Days after that Obama finally talked about serious flaws in our intelligence system and admitted that weeks before the “attempted attack” much was known about the suicide bomber he finally described as “an extremist”.
It’s now clear that the potent explosive material the suicide bomber carried was consistent with other terrorist bombings and is not readily available. Also it’s now clear that Al Qaida in Yemen has played a key role in this bombing and the Fort Hood attack.
What’s with the “attempted” thing? The device was activated and detonated; it set the plane on-fire! How many folks need to die or be injured before Obama and his team will use the word attacked?
Obama is a very learned academic, but still cannot say the word “TERRORIST” or “TERRORIST ATTACK” relative to this incident or to the Fort Hood terror attack by Major Nidal Malik Hasan. What is his problem? Oh yes – during the campaign and during his inaugural address he declared the “war on terror” was over and he was launching a campaign of “appeasement without preconditions” with all the folks who are trying to destroy us. Wouldn’t want to disturb the wonderful success he’s having with that approach.
At what point, or after how many Americans are killed and injured, will Obama wake-up and hear and smell the bombs going off and react in an appropriate manner? And, when will the liberal media start holding Obama and his team to the same critical standards of critique they applied to George Bush?
How about an expose on the totally political nature of the appointments of Janet Napolitano to Homeland Security and Leon Panetta to CIA chief, to key national security cabinet posts, without any experience or qualifications for those job appointments by either one.
How’s that working out for us now?
Just More Hope and Change we can believe in! Yes we can!
Prior Items:
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Worldlink Codes for Jan-Mar10 Trimester
This is to let you know.. Our ONLINE workbook keys.
This is the link:
Here you can find instructions in Spanish:
and this is a tutorial:
Uploaded on authorSTREAM by doris3m If you need any help... let me know
Keep on shining Love and Peace!
Visit EFL University at:
Monday, December 28, 2009
World's slowest run?
New Rave for New Generation

Para Muda seakan tak pernah mati gaya buat berekspresi. Menunjukkan identitas dengan kreasi yang berani dan berwarna. Gaya hidup, cara bicara, cara berbusana selalu kian penuh corak.
Setelah beberapa lalu saya posting tentang gaya Harajuku, kini gaya ABG yang tak kalah popular dengan aliran Harajuku Style adalah New Rave Style. Sebuah gaya hidup terbaru yang menjadi sebuah fenomena fashion yang eksis dan happening banget. It’s New Rave Scene!!
New Rave yang popular dengan sebutan Nu Rave atau kadang kadang di tulis Neu Rave, merupakan istilah yang dipakai untuk sebuah identitas music, gaya hidup maupun fashion dari suatu genre yang mengandung suatu unsur electronic, techno, pop dan indie. Ke empat unsure itu ngeblend jadi satu, dan itulah corak baru yang disebut : New Rave Style.
Namun jangan samakan gaya New Rave saat ini dengan kejayaannya dua dekade lalu.
Meski New Rave Style lebih banyak menggunakan barang-barang Vintage juga, namun New Rave saat ini dihidupkan kembali lewat gaya para muda dalam acara music yang banyak digelar hingga tak jarang ada sebutan NEW Rave Party.

Namun untuk saat ini, gaya New Rave lebih banyak ditemui pada Selebriti Madonna, Lady Sovereign, Kelis (pelantun lagu Milkshake), Sienna Miller sampai Gemma Ward (Supermodel era Millenium).
Perkembangan New Rave sekarang, bisa dirasakan makin jadi. Band-band Indie yang gerakannya makin bisa disamakan dengan perusahaan label besar dalam music. Begitu juga dalam dunia fashion yang gerakan indienya semakin maju pesat.
Lewat desain, serta gaya yang punya cirri khas, New Rave style jadi punya peminat yang luas dan menjadi pertanda eksistensi dikalangan muda. Cooperate company di industry fashion bisa dibilang tersaingi abis.
Gaya New Rave bisa diciptakan dengan Mix’n match, sehingga akan tercipta gaya baru yang “kita”banget.
Waaahhh keren banget kan??
New Rave is about youth, energy, fantasy, positivity and above all, the FUTURE!!
Memang, sebuah perjalanan panjang untuk bisa bangkit ke masa depan.
Yeah, the young’s..New Rave emang engga ada matinya.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Galileo’s Telescope 400th Anniversary, sunspots and climate
A very nice review of Galileo’s invention without ever touching upon the politically incorrect connection to the current debate about ClimateGate and Global Warming.
Indeed Galileo studied the stars with his new invention. He also studied in detail and documented sunspots.
To see many examples of Galileo’s sunspot observations:
Google; Images; Galileo Sunspots
Galileo’s sunspot data has been used to demonstrate that the period of low solar activity in the middle ages led to atmospheric changes that brought on the Little Ice Age. Sunspots were rarely observed during the Maunder Minimum in the second part of the 17th century (approximately from 1645 to 1715). This coincides with the middle (and coldest) part of a period of cooling known as the Little Ice Age.
Note: The end of the little ice age (circa 1750) begot our current 250 years of natural global warming:
Roanoke Times, 4/5/09, Pg 11: AP: Quieter sun (fewest sunspots since 1913) bodes well for Earth. Nice for GPS, satellites, shrinks the atmospheric boundary by 125 miles and marginally reduces the global warming by about 0.3 degrees. NASA’s chief solar physicist Hathaway says we don’t know why it happens.
Marginal reduction of 0.3 degrees? Note how glibly our government employee describes what is 50% of the 0.6 degree Global Temperature increase in 74 years (since 1935) as shown on the NASA data base.
No wonder the ClimateGate Alarmists are having so much difficulty with their man-made CO2 warming hypothesis and find the need to “fix” data that is in conflict with their hypothesis.
Was this all in Gore's "inconvenient truth" or did I miss it somehow?
It appears the only major news organization to cover the ClimateGate scandal is “The Daily Show” with anchor-man Jon Stewart. (large file takes time to load)
Prior blog items:
Obama’s Patriot Act Chickens Coming Home to Roost
Attempted terrorism? What are Obama and his AG Holder smoking? The Muslim terrorist set off an explosive device on an airborne passenger plane that set the plane’s interior on fire!
This vanilla soft-ball article is amazing when compared to how this incident would have been covered if Bush were still president
The Jihad chickens are coming home to roost and reality is setting in!
Gee Michelle, I don’t think we’re at Yale anymore!
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a muslim from Nigeria, who had traveled to Yemen, tried to bomb a plane landing in Detroit. He was on several security lists, was “turned-in” by his father to a US Embassy as an Al Qaida security threat, but apparently consistent with Obama political correctness policy, had not yet “broken the law” and therefore was just another nice young Muslim man on a pleasure trip to the US.
The height of hypocrisy is that now Obama and the Democrats are going to hold hearings to find out what went wrong.,2933,581211,00.html
Obama and the Democrats and Liberals were happy to capture the US government so they could declare that the war on terror is over, we love all Muslims, GITMO is history and the Patriot Act is dead!
How’s that working out for you now?
Home grown terrorists have continued to organize and pursue their quest for jihad.
However, Obama continue to avoid designating Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan a terrorist, his attack on soldiers at Ft Hood a terrorist attack and awarding the dead and wounded the Purple Heart Metals and the combat-inflicted disabilities benefits they deserve!
However, Obama and Michelle did wish the troops happy holidays. Nice touch.
Obama’s homeland security chief, Janet Napolitano , who for months refused to acknowledge that there is a war on terror, now clearly has show herself to be the incompetent non-experienced person she is and has been. Yet another cabinet choice based on politics and PC for a post that’s vital to our national and personal security.
It’s clear that Obama’s Political Correctness Policies have become this administrations primary management focus and anyone who identifies a Muslim as a potential problem immediately becomes the focus of concern about himself.
Just More Hope and Change we can believe in! Yes we can!
Prior Items:
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Beginning to learn about open mapping projects
Friday, December 25, 2009
10 Kota Termahal di Dunia
Sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang sumber daya manusia, Mercer Human Resource Counseling pernah mengadakan suatu penelitian Cost Living Survey dan mendapatkan total biaya hidup dari 143 negara yang meliputi : biaya sewa/beli apartemen, makanan, pakaian, peralatan rumah tangga dan biaya entertainment.
Akhirnya terungkaplah 10 kota dengan biaya hidup termahal di dunia.

1. Moskow
Luxurious Spot : Patriarch’s Ponds yang terletak di Garden Ring adalah kawasan pemukiman termahal. Disini pula tempat banyak kedutaan berada. Tverskaya Street dan sekitarnya adalah tempat hotel dan butik-butik termahal di Moskow.
Biaya Sewa Apartemen : £2,057, Harga 1 CD Musik : £12,77, Harga Secangkir Kopi : £3,14 Euro, Harga Tiket Bus/Kereta : £1,16, Harga Burger :£2,47

2. London
Luxurious Spot : Kawasan pemukiman yang harganya bisa mencapai £10 juta terletak di West London. Disana ada Notting Hill, Knightsbridge dan Chelsea. Resto termahal di London adalah Gordon Ramsey yang menawarkan konsep fine dining dengan harga rata-rata makanan plus minuman sekitar 200 USD atau Rp.1.900.000 saja.
Biaya Sewa Apartemen : £2,000 Euro, Harga 1 CD Musik : £12,99, Harga Secangkir Kopi : £2, Harga Tiket Bus/Kereta : £3, Harga Burger : £3,89

3. Seoul
Luxurious Spot : Gengnam adalah sebutan untuk tiga kawasan di Seoul yang terletak di sebelah selatan Han River. Yaitu Gangnam-gu, Seocho-gu dan Songpa-gu. Gangnam dikenal dengan apartemen-apartemen mewahnya. Distrik Pyeongchang-dong di Jongno-gu juga merupakan pemukiman warga kaya.
Biaya Sewa Apartemen : £1,762, Harga 1 CD Musik : £7,44, Harga Secangkir Kopi : £2, Harga Tiket Bus/Kereta : £0,43, Harga Burger :£2,63.

Luxurious Spot : Restoran termahal terletak di distrik Shinbashi bernama Aragawa. Harga steak 1 porsi mencapai 370 USD atau Rp.3.515.000 saja. Selain itu ada Chuo yang menjadi pusat perdagangan komersial di Tokyo.
Biaya Sewa Apartemen : £2,110, Harga 1 CD Musik : £8.13, Harga Secangkir Kopi : £2,33, Harga Tiket Bus/Kereta : £1.32, Harga Burger :£2,77.

5. Hongkong
Luxurious Spot : Victoria Peak adalah pegunungan yang terletak dibagian barat HK Island Di sinilah tempat peristirahatan orang kaya sekaligus merupakan tempat wisata yang paling menarik.
Biaya Sewa Apartemen : £3,291, Harga 1 CD Musik : £8.35, Harga Secangkir Kopi : £2,63, Harga Tiket Bus/Kereta : £0,24, Harga Burger : £0,74.

6. Copenhagen
Luxurious Spot : Amalienborg Palace, merupakan daerah perumahan termahal dengan arsitektur bangunan kelas tinggi. Daerah yang terkenal lainnya adalah Holmen yang dilengkapi Opera House.
Biaya Sewa Apartemen : £1.182, Harga 1 CD Musik : £14, Harga Secangkir Kopi : £2,55, Harga Tiket Bus/Kereta : £1,73, Harga Burger :£4,99.

7. Geneva
Luxurious Spot : Geneva terkenal memiliki danau yang indah Lake Geneva Wisconsin. Disana terdapat hotel yang paling mahal yaitu Hotel The Lady Cloud Inn seharga 500$ semalam atau 5 juta rupiah saja
Biaya Sewa Apartemen : £1.397, Harga 1 CD Musik : £12,71, Harga Secangkir Kopi : £2,12, Harga Tiket Bus/Kereta : £1,27, Harga Burger :£4,91.
8. Osaka
Luxurious Spot : Umeda merupakan daerah komersial dan terkenal karena ada railway dan butik-butik terkenal
Biaya Sewa Apartemen : £1.295, Harga 1 CD Musik : £12,96 , Harga Secangkir Kopi : £1,08, Harga Tiket Bus/Kereta : £2.62, Harga Burger :£6,35.

9. Zurich
Luxurious Spot : Pusat perbelanjaan yang paling ngetop di Zurich berada di Bahnofstrasse. Segala barang mewah disediakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konglomerat di Zurich yang terkenal gila belanja.
Biaya Sewa Apartemen : £1.036, Harga 1 CD Musik : £10,59, Harga Secangkir Kopi : £2,54, Harga Tiket Bus/Kereta : £1,02, Harga Burger : £4,91.

10. Oslo
Luxurious Spot : Greenland merupakan tempat terpopuler di Oslo karena menyediakan hal-hal yang berasal dari budaya lain. Saking populernya, harga makanan bagi turis asing dipatok dengan harga paling mahal.
Biaya Sewa Apartemen : £895,91, Harga 1 CD Musik : £12,54, Harga Secangkir Kopi : £2,69, Harga Tiket Bus/Kereta : £1,97, Harga Burger : £6,18.
Siapa tahu ya, mungkin suatu saat bakalan bisa ke sana, meski dalam mimpi..he..he..he
Note : 1£ = Rp. 15.291
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Obama Doctrine: Summary Execution Better Than Water-Boarding
Not found in the Roanoke Times: (Too politically embarrassing to cover)
“Muhammad ud-Deen via AP: Imam Linked to Ft. Hood Rampage Believed to Be Among 30 Al Qaeda Killed in Airstrike. Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical imam in Yemen with alleged terror links, whom Maj. Nidal Hasan (the Huston US Army terrorist) corresponded with. The radical Muslim imam linked to the rampage at Fort Hood reportedly is believed to have been killed in a Yemen airstrike that may have also taken out the region's top Al Qaeda leader and 30 other militants.”,2933,581053,00.html
The liberals and left-wingers who have been so upset with our treatment of terrorists and Obama who just can’t close GITMO fast enough are now perfectly happy summarily killing targeted people in yet another country, Yemen! Apparently the liberals are OK with killing people without arrest, charges or legal process!
They have embraced the new Obama Doctrine: Summary Execution Better Than Water-Boarding. It’s also cheaper, simpler and lots faster.
Talk about your liberal bipolar-conflicted political, mental and ethical processes and the height of gross hypocrisy.
Prior RoanokeSlant Blog item:
Wednesday, October 28, 2009: Why Obama Doesn’t Need GITMO or Patriot Act:
Roanoke Times, 10-25-09, Pg 8: Hit list of drug kingpins worries Afghan officials. Obama has a hit-list of Afgans to target with drone-missiles strikes. He refuses to share the list with Afgan government or military. Afgan officials are worried that Obama will “act on his own to kill suspected drug lords, based on secret evidence, instead of handing them over for trial”!
What a stroke of genius. - Why didn’t Bush and Cheney think of this?
This item highlights the disgusting fact that Obama and team are still stone-walling the designation of Maj. Nidal Hasan as a terrorist, his vicious attack as a terrorist attack, and awarding all those killed and wounded with the Purple Heart Medals they justly deserve.
Just more hope and change we can believe! Yes we can!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Airline Travel: Nine Thousand Dollars Per Hour
I was “stuck” on I-81 for more than 3 hours Sunday after Thanksgiving – when does Gov Kaine send me a $27,500 check?
Thousands of passengers have been “stuck” on AMTRAK for more than 3 hours.
Thousands of passengers have been “stuck” on DC’s Metro for more than 3 hours.
Tens of thousands of people were “stuck” on the public highways in this last storm, many for lot’s more than 3 hours.
Thousands of people were “stuck” in airline terminals (owned by the government) during this last storm, many sleeping on the floor for two days!
So when do all these folks get their big checks?
Hello – the $9,000 per hour only applies to commercial carriers and NOT to Government operations! Is the government ever really responsible and accountable for anything?
The major causes for excessive on-the-tarmac flight delays are government related:
1. The “less than competent” Federal Airline Controllers change take-off and landing slots after the flight is boarded and pushed-back from the terminal.
2. The “less than competent” National Weather Service can’t predict weather until it happens thereby trapping thousands of flights in process.
This totally ridiculous draconian fiat will result in major adverse consequences for travelers:
• Flights will be cancelled if there’s any doubt about departure
• “Stuck” flights will be returned to the terminal, if there is a ramp available, and all passengers and baggage will be off-loaded and the fight cancelled.
• If no ramp is available, passengers and baggage will be off-loaded on the tarmac (most probably in bad weather conditions).
• Passengers who really want to get to their destination will be severely penalized.
I was “stuck” on a flight from Albany to Chicago, on the Albany tarmac for six hours with my spouse and eight year old granddaughter. The passengers “voted” every hour to “stay the course” because going back meant: cancelled flight and rescheduled at least 24 hours later, no rental cars available, no hotel rooms available, no food left in the terminal, and spending the night sleeping on the floor in the terminal with Bubba and Junior.
The passengers and crew should do their best to work through bad situations and penalties, if any, should be limited to a free ticket. Note: I have never worked for an airline but I have safely flown hundreds of thousands of miles.
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Art or science?
Freakbeat, December 2009

It's well-documented that I'm a freak magnet, both in my function as the first line of defense as a beleagured librarian at the downtown central library and (lucky me) in my off-duty role as freak-magnet-about-town. Here are some recent encounters of the freak kind.
Here's to You, Mrs. Robinson
Thursday, I walked down to the Lexington Market and passed an elderly man having an animated, one-sided argument with...a movie poster! He yelled, "Excuse me Mrs. Robinson, it's called a 'music club,' where they play 'music' and not this garbage they call music nowadays. I would like to play in the music club, Mrs. Robinson, is that alright with you, Mrs. Robinson!"

Sending a shout out to Mrs. Robinson
I looked around to see if there was someone next to him or in the building next to him, to no avail. He was talking to a action movie poster plastered to the side of the wall on scenic Lexington Street. The poster depicted some chick in Tomb Raider-looking fetish gear wielding a gun. Hmmmm, definitely cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs...
What Would Annoying Crazy Loudmouth Proselytizer Do? (WWACLPD?)
...further down at the Market, it was the usual pandemonium. Everybody was chattering, or more often shouting - like the vendors hawking their knit caps, club CDs, and Obama knick-knacks - boom boxes were blaring, people walking into traffic, and there across the street by the old bus station was The Annoying Crazy Loudmouth Proselytizer shouting to the World At Large, "GEEEEEEE-zuss will save you, only JEEEEE-zuss!" I had caught his act before, when he was working the corner outside The Basilica on Cathedral and Mulberry streets and again at Artscape (as shown below).
Inside the Market I went to my favorite Korean Soul Food stand and got enough collard greens to last me through the snowstorm forecasted for that weekend. As I was standing there, two numbskulls who looked like they'd have trouble figuring out how to open a door (and would probably need assistance navigating a revolving door) were so messed up they practically fell over me as I went to pay the cashier. I don't think it's too much to ask that our city's well-lubricated/medicated Bo Bo Bolinski's be able to stand on two feet while out in public, do you?
Spare Change We Can Believe In
On the way out a black guy approaches me and, pulling himself away from his cell phone, asks: "Excuse me sir, are you prejudiced?"
Wow, I think, what a question! I wonder if anybody other than a angry white supremacist skinhead would answer this man's query in the affirmative (not that a whole lot of Aryan nation folks hang out at the Lexington Market to begin with!).
"No," I stammer, caught off-guard by the socio-philosphical query and dreading what I am sure will be a follow-up request for spare change. It comes almost immediately.
"In that case, can you help a brother out with 40 cents for the bus?"
"Nope," I reply, "Sorry, don't have it." It's true, I just spent all my spare change on my afternoon cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee. But now I'm feeling stunned that a request for bus fare has become the new lithmus test for racial bias.

Brother, can you spare a hate crime?
I receive a mumbled "Have a blessed day" response as the guy walks on and stops another pedestrian.
But now I feel guilty, like I've been out-ed as a racist for not giving spare change to a person of color. And I wonder, does he suddenly seen me as nothing more than Bruce Willis walking through Harlem with that infamous sandwich board in Die Hard: With A Vengeance?

Upon reflection, I realise that in future a better answer to the "Are you prejudiced?" question would be, "No, I'm not prejudiced; I hate everybody!" (A variation on a button I have that reads "I'm liberal: fuck you too!") Later, a co-worker empathizes and tells me in future to tell pandhandlers, "Sorry, I'm suffering from Compassion Burn-out." Yes! In fact, I think I'll add "I'm late for my Compassion Burn-outs Anonymous meeting."
Coming back to work, a wack pack regular, a middle-aged drunk-cum-retard who likes to watch cartoons (go figure!) comes up to the reference desk and torments our part-timer with a request to print out all 293 episodes of Dragonball Z. As I look up from my computer I notice he's giving me the evil eye.
"I'm sorry, are you being helped sir?" I ask, uncomfortable with being glared at by someone standing mere inches away from my face. (Yes, I know - I'm so uptight!)
"Do I know you?" he asks me.
"I don't think so," I reply.
"I think I know you," he replies, mysteriously.
"Well, maybe so, I'm always here," I say.
He continues to stare at me until my co-worker intervenes to give him his list.
"Oh, so you are being helped," I comment.
"Yes, I lied," he counters. "What can I say, I'm a Baltimorean, ha ha ha ha ha!"
What a jokester!
I eye the clock, counting the minutes until 5 o'clock.
Serendipity! Who walks in but Bitter Bob, the retired art teacher who hates everything and everybody.

Bitter Bob
Unfortunately, I do know BB, and he knows me. BB likes plays, especially Shakespeare and Greek Tragedies. He also is somewhat of a provocateur who likes to use the library as a sounding board for outrageous statements that he hopes will make him seem witty or at the very minimum get a rise out of staff and othr patrons. In other words, he likes to yank our collective chains.
The Play's the Thing
Today Bitter Bob makes a seque from whining about how nobody's written a good play since Shakespeare and Euripedes to offering up his brilliant play idea.
"You know, I have a good idea for a play that would address all the problems affecting Baltimore's blacks," Bob starts.
Oh, no, I think. Where's this gonna lead?
"I wanna write a play about how a return to slavery will eradicate their problems with drugs, crime, and murder...I mean, a third of the men are in jail, another third are addicted, the rest are unemployed, and... (blah blah blah)," he goes on, waiting to see if his provocative rant has managed to make the veins in my forehead start throbbing with the onset of thrombosis. "So, what do you think?"
"I don't think that play would go over too well in Baltimore," I reply, keeping my cool and trying to ignore his call-to-argument. "I don't think it would ever come around to the Hippodrome."
What a coward. I'd like to see him make that comment out in the lobby. He'd be gang-tackled and stomped into meat tenderizer within minutes. Much easier to burden a skinny, bespectacled librarian who has to sit there and be civil in his guise as a "public servant" no matter how outrageous the provocation or ornery the clientele. And to what purpose?
Then I think to myself...hey, I do know at least one Baltimoron who would answer that prejudice question affirmatively.
I momentarily fantasize telling BB, Hey, Bob, I met a guy walking back from lunch who'd like to ask you a question...but think better of it.
Good old Bob, spreading that holiday cheer!
All in a day's work on the freak beat.
Can I go now?
Postscript Update (2:30 p.m.):
Two more incidents (geeze, will this day ever end?)...first the mentally challenged guy who rented Bridget Jones' Diary every week for two months until he moved on in obsessional devotion to Jennifer Hudson came in, asking the same question he asks every time he's in. Which is, "Can I buy your Jennifer Hudson CD?" See, someone told him that you could buy CDs for a buck at our year-end book sale. Every time he comes in we tell him the date of the book sale (which ended over two weeks ago) and that it's only once a year, but he keeps asking. We even show him the calendar and write down the date, but he just keeps repeating the question, hoping for a different answer. Which never comes. Maybe he'll go back to watching Bridget Jones...
Then, walking out of the computer room is an loud angry man (you heard it here first - loud angry people have been spotted at the library!) shouting "A stigma! A stigma! A stigma! A stigma! A stigma! A stigma!"
I can tell A-Stigmatism Man is just dying for someone to ask him what societal stigma he is raving about.
But no one's interested.
Separating runners report
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Gingerbread Mug Perches
Gingerbread Mug Perches
The Twilight Saga : New Moon’s Sensation

Barangkali sedikit terlambat membicarakan Film Romantis yang penuh imajinasi ini, ya : New Moon’s Twilight Saga yang merupakan sequel dari Twilight yang telah sukses sebelumnya.
Tak jauh berbeda sensasinya dengan Twilight, New Moon’s ini tetap dipenuhi dengan imajinasi kisah romantika antara Vampire keren Edward Cullen dengan Bella Swan. Namun dengan munculnya banyak tokoh New Girls dan New Casts for New Werewolf membuat film ini menjadi semarak dengan cerita yang kian kompleks
Pemain Utama New Moon’s Twilight Saga:

Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen

Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan
New Girls:

1. Not Seer as Heidi : Vampire yang bertugas memberikan manusia ke Volturi untuk di makan

2. Dakota Fanning as Jane : Penjaga the Volturi, yang punya kekuatan menyiksa manusia

3. Tinsel Karey as Emily Young : Manusia yang bertunangan dengan Sam Ulay.
New Casts, New Werewolf:

1. Tyson Houseman as Quill Ateara : Teman Jacob yang terakhir yang mempelajari warisan werewolf.

2. Alex Meraz as Paul : Baik tapi kadang jahat

3. Chaske Spencer as Sam Ulay : pemimpin werewolf, melindungi manusia dari vampire yang predator

4. Bronson Pelletier as Jared : werewolf paling kuat, punya kekuata menyembuhkan

5. Jamie Campbell Power as Caius : Pemimpin the Volturi

6. Kiowa Gordon as Embry Call : Teman Baik Jacob
Synopsis Film New Moon’s:
The Cullen’s akhirnya terpaksa meninggalkan Forks, kota tempat tinggal mereka, karena mereka yakin keselamatan mereka bakalan terancam kalo Bella bersama Edward. Karena kepindahan itu, Bella menjadi sedih, dan satu-satunya teman yang setia menghiburnya adalah werewolf cakep bernama Jacob Black.Pendapat saya tentang Film The Twilight saga NEW MOON:
Jacob dan teman-teman Wolves lainnya harus melindungi Bella dari ancaman Victoria, yang pengin banget bales dendam karena kematian James. Tapi yang terjadi malah adanya salah paham. Edward Cullen mendapat info kalau Bella sudah meninggal. Edwardpun bertekad bunuh diri di Volterra Italia, tapi berhasil dihentikan oleh Bella dan Alice, adik Edward. Akhirnya membuat mereka berhubungan dengan Volturi, yang memungkinkan Bella menjadi Vampire di masa depan.
Biasa aja! Engga ada sesuatu yang beda atau lebih sensional ketimbang Twilight.
Sampai film selesai, cerita selanjutnya sudah bisa ditebak. Urusan cinta segitiga dan cerita heroic. Ide penulis untuk memanusiakan vampire atau mengajak penonton bersimpati pada sekawanan warewolves atau tokoh-tokoh gaib lainnya, remaja kita dibawa masuk ke dalam alam antah berantah dimana everything is possible.
Sisi baiknya, mereka terpapar pada ide kreatifitas tanpa batas.
Itu pendapat saya lho..boleh setuju boleh tidak, silahkan saja he..he
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Global Warming & ClimateGate
This blog item was published as a Commentary article in the Roanoke Times, Dec 30, 09
Contrary to Mr. Munley’s assertions that skeptics are either in the energy industry’s control or are very dull people, my initial views of global warming were formed by viewing land-based glaciers in
The Mendenhall glacier center highlights a graphic of the glacier deglaciation history that started from the furthest moraine in approximately 1750 (end of little ice age and start of the American Revolution) to its current location. This is not complex reconstruction; people lived there during all this time period!
The graphic shows massive melting and retreat occurred from 1750 to 1950, before there was any significant increase in atmospheric CO2!
I subsequently visited Nisqually Glacier at
The published NASA temperature data shows that there has only been one degree warming in the past 100 years and no net warming in the past 10 years. It’s not clear why alarmists would describe this as a crisis given the variability of earth’s climate for thousands of years. There isn’t any CO2 based explanation for the 35 years of significant cooling, from 1940 to 1975 nor is there any clear CO2 based explanation why the rate of warming is the same for the first 35 years of the 20th century as the last 35 years. All this data is inconsistent with CO2 being the forcing function for global temperature.
Also the Gore-Inconvenient-Truth presentation did not point out that there was a 200 to 800 year delay from Vostok ice-core temperature changes until changes occurred in CO2 (an omission that by itself falsified the hypothesis that CO2 was the temperature forcing function). And most significantly, there is no measured hotspot in the tropics at 10 km; a key measurement parameter that is a required scientific component IF CO2 were causing warming that is clearly a hypothesis; not at the level of a theory and clearly not proven fact.
These open issues form a small subset of the many unanswered issues with the IPCC Hypothesis, that man-kind is causing global warming, and should cause one to conclude that the debate is clearly not over and that the alarmists need to: publicly and openly address the many issues that exist, place all the taxpayer funded data into open-system archives, stop “fixing” data to hide results that doesn’t support their hypothesis and join in an open and constructive dialogue that will result in a clear understanding of the significant level of uncertainty in their hypothesis.
Real scientists don’t manipulate data to support their hypothesis and they don’t try to marginalize and personally disparage dissenting members of their scientific community.
References and graphics at:
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