Sunday, December 27, 2009

Galileo’s Telescope 400th Anniversary, sunspots and climate

Roanoke Times, 12-27-09, Pg 10: Celebrate the 400th anniversary of modern astronomy by John Goss (
A very nice review of Galileo’s invention without ever touching upon the politically incorrect connection to the current debate about ClimateGate and Global Warming.
Indeed Galileo studied the stars with his new invention. He also studied in detail and documented sunspots.
To see many examples of Galileo’s sunspot observations:
Google; Images; Galileo Sunspots
Galileo’s sunspot data has been used to demonstrate that the period of low solar activity in the middle ages led to atmospheric changes that brought on the Little Ice Age. Sunspots were rarely observed during the Maunder Minimum in the second part of the 17th century (approximately from 1645 to 1715). This coincides with the middle (and coldest) part of a period of cooling known as the Little Ice Age.
Note: The end of the little ice age (circa 1750) begot our current 250 years of natural global warming:
Roanoke Times, 4/5/09, Pg 11: AP: Quieter sun (fewest sunspots since 1913) bodes well for Earth. Nice for GPS, satellites, shrinks the atmospheric boundary by 125 miles and marginally reduces the global warming by about 0.3 degrees. NASA’s chief solar physicist Hathaway says we don’t know why it happens.
Marginal reduction of 0.3 degrees? Note how glibly our government employee describes what is 50% of the 0.6 degree Global Temperature increase in 74 years (since 1935) as shown on the NASA data base.
No wonder the ClimateGate Alarmists are having so much difficulty with their man-made CO2 warming hypothesis and find the need to “fix” data that is in conflict with their hypothesis.
Was this all in Gore's "inconvenient truth" or did I miss it somehow?
It appears the only major news organization to cover the ClimateGate scandal is “The Daily Show” with anchor-man Jon Stewart. (large file takes time to load)
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