Monday, October 31, 2011
Beberapa Negara Paling Melankolis Di Twitter
Dalam sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan Cornell University di Amerika Serikat, terungkap negara-negara yang paling melankolis di Twitter. Postingan-postingan para tweeps dari negara-negara tersebut dianggap paling sendu berdasarkan nada kalimat dalam 140 karakter.Dari penelitian yang dilakukan selama dua tahun, diketahui warga Belarusia, Maroko, dan India, merupakan tweeps paling mellow. Sementara
5 Rahasia Dari Trending Topics Di Twitter
Penasaran bagaiman Twitter menampilan Trending Topic? Pengen Bikin Trending Topic? Trending topic merupakan hal yang paling dijadikan panutan di Twitter. Bagai penghargaan penting, barang siapa yang berhasil menduduki jajaran trending topic itu merupakan kebangaan tersendiri.Trending topic Twitter terkadang memuat bingung, kenapa? Karena hal yang tidak terlalu banyak dibincangkan di timeline
Tweet Cafe: Pesan Makanan Melalui Twitter
Ada yang menarik dari Dublin Web Summit, sebuah perhelatan akbar mengenai startup bisnis dan internet di Dublin, Irlandia.Di acara tersebut banyak ditemukan booth perusahaan dari berbagai bidang industri yang sedang memromosikan produk mereka.Electric Ireland, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang energi listrik dan gas, menggunakan konsep yang unik untuk menarik para pengunjung.Mereka tidak
Global Warming Alarmist Still Co-opting 1984 DoubleSpeak
Global Warming Alarmist Still Co-opting 1984 DoubleSpeak
Roanoke Times, 10-31-11, Pg 4: Skeptic now believer in global warming
It’s appropriate this “new news” is published on Halloween!
One wouldn’t want to wait for the peer-review process to run its course and muddy up the water with contrarian views.
Once again the Gore-AGW-Alarmist community continues to exploit Orwell’s 1984 DoubleSpeak to “fool” the masses with the convolution of “temperature changes” with “man-made temperature changes”. You-all should think of it as one thing. After all cause-effect concepts are usually complex and we wouldn’t want to tax the intellect of the common man. And if there is some measurable increase in temperature over the past 130 years it must be man-made, what else could it be?
Not until the end of this article is it divulged that the article’s authors did not even address nor allude to the CAUSE of atmospheric temperature changes. What a nice touch!
This blog and most Skeptics use the 130 year NASA graphic of 0.85 degree atmospheric temperature change as a demonstration that there is NOT a catastrophic change occurring (especially when compared to the major changes that occurred during the last 3000 years of earth’s history) and that the cause is clearly NOT established but only hypnotized by various groups.
For Example: The Alarmist community continues to NOT EVEN TRY TO EXPLAIN the causes for:
The coming and going of the Medieval Warm Period
The coming and going of the Little Ice Age
The increased temperature between 1750 and 1950 (a period of very limited atmospheric CO2 increases)
The temperature decline between 1940 and 1975 (a period of increased atmospheric CO2)
Click Graphic to Enlarge:
Clearly the Gore-AGW-Alarmist community has lost the public confidence in their draconian proclamations of the Apocalypse of “The Day After Tomorrow”. At some point in time even the most ardent Goreites are going to understand that global temperatures and global climate are not well understood and the cause-effect systems are not consistent with the AGW hypothesis and PR story line.
Alarmists: release your AGW man-caused data, analysis, assumptions and algorithms into public repositories and then come out of your closets and engage in open debate. Then and only then will you establish creditability as responsible scientists.
Some prior Skeptic items that continue to be valid and compelling:
How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:
Roanoke Times, 10-31-11, Pg 4: Skeptic now believer in global warming
It’s appropriate this “new news” is published on Halloween!
One wouldn’t want to wait for the peer-review process to run its course and muddy up the water with contrarian views.
Once again the Gore-AGW-Alarmist community continues to exploit Orwell’s 1984 DoubleSpeak to “fool” the masses with the convolution of “temperature changes” with “man-made temperature changes”. You-all should think of it as one thing. After all cause-effect concepts are usually complex and we wouldn’t want to tax the intellect of the common man. And if there is some measurable increase in temperature over the past 130 years it must be man-made, what else could it be?
Not until the end of this article is it divulged that the article’s authors did not even address nor allude to the CAUSE of atmospheric temperature changes. What a nice touch!
This blog and most Skeptics use the 130 year NASA graphic of 0.85 degree atmospheric temperature change as a demonstration that there is NOT a catastrophic change occurring (especially when compared to the major changes that occurred during the last 3000 years of earth’s history) and that the cause is clearly NOT established but only hypnotized by various groups.
For Example: The Alarmist community continues to NOT EVEN TRY TO EXPLAIN the causes for:
The coming and going of the Medieval Warm Period
The coming and going of the Little Ice Age
The increased temperature between 1750 and 1950 (a period of very limited atmospheric CO2 increases)
The temperature decline between 1940 and 1975 (a period of increased atmospheric CO2)
Click Graphic to Enlarge:
Clearly the Gore-AGW-Alarmist community has lost the public confidence in their draconian proclamations of the Apocalypse of “The Day After Tomorrow”. At some point in time even the most ardent Goreites are going to understand that global temperatures and global climate are not well understood and the cause-effect systems are not consistent with the AGW hypothesis and PR story line.
Alarmists: release your AGW man-caused data, analysis, assumptions and algorithms into public repositories and then come out of your closets and engage in open debate. Then and only then will you establish creditability as responsible scientists.
Some prior Skeptic items that continue to be valid and compelling:
How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:
How well do you know Kate Spain?
As you know I went to the International Quilt Market in Houston this past weekend. The entire experience was wonderful (well besides for 1 woman who was a bit rude, but that didn't ruin my time) and exciting. On Saturday afternoon I found myself at the Moda area, I would say booth, but it was more like a block, where the designers had their own areas to chat with attendees. I met many of the great fabric designers, but the first one I met was Kate Spain. It was funny watching people be awestruck by just meeting her, which I have to admit at first I was too, but then I realized that she is a person just like us and calmed down so I could have a conversation with Kate that I would remember.
Kate was very down to earth and truly appreciated the visit. I totally adore the new has great colors and will mix well with any Terrain you have left in your stash. I had missed the mini charm packs of Good Fortune, but I did get a fortune cookie!
A few weeks ago I sent Kate some questions to answer so lets see how well you know her.
1. What store is Kate Spain products available in?
a. Fat Quarter Shop
b. Crate and Barrel
c. Costco
d. All of the above
2. What is your favorite flower?
a. Daisies
b. Roses
c. Honeysuckle
d. Tulips
3. When choosing fabric for the Designer Select Fat Quarter kit, for the Fat Quarter Shop, what was your starting fabric (ie what fabric was it built around)?
a. Forest Floor
b. Fern
c. Seedpod
d. Aster
4. Which is true of Kate?
a. She is a pilot and loves flying planes
b. She repaints the rooms in her house a lot
c. She is a Dallas Cowboys fan
d. She went to elementary school with Sandra Bullock
How do you think you did on this quiz?
How would you like to win a charm pack of Good Fortune?
For a chance to win just answer the questions in a comment below. And this time you do not have to be a follower of this blog!
And while on the subject of blogs, here's a link to Kate's blog The Drawing Board.
This is a short giveaway...come back tomorrow to see the answers and see who won.
Kate was very down to earth and truly appreciated the visit. I totally adore the new has great colors and will mix well with any Terrain you have left in your stash. I had missed the mini charm packs of Good Fortune, but I did get a fortune cookie!
A few weeks ago I sent Kate some questions to answer so lets see how well you know her.
1. What store is Kate Spain products available in?
a. Fat Quarter Shop
b. Crate and Barrel
c. Costco
d. All of the above
2. What is your favorite flower?
a. Daisies
b. Roses
c. Honeysuckle
d. Tulips
3. When choosing fabric for the Designer Select Fat Quarter kit, for the Fat Quarter Shop, what was your starting fabric (ie what fabric was it built around)?
a. Forest Floor
b. Fern
c. Seedpod
d. Aster
4. Which is true of Kate?
a. She is a pilot and loves flying planes
b. She repaints the rooms in her house a lot
c. She is a Dallas Cowboys fan
d. She went to elementary school with Sandra Bullock
How do you think you did on this quiz?
How would you like to win a charm pack of Good Fortune?
For a chance to win just answer the questions in a comment below. And this time you do not have to be a follower of this blog!
And while on the subject of blogs, here's a link to Kate's blog The Drawing Board.
This is a short giveaway...come back tomorrow to see the answers and see who won.
How well do you know Kate Spain?
As you know I went to the International Quilt Market in Houston this past weekend. The entire experience was wonderful (well besides for 1 woman who was a bit rude, but that didn't ruin my time) and exciting. On Saturday afternoon I found myself at the Moda area, I would say booth, but it was more like a block, where the designers had their own areas to chat with attendees. I met many of the great fabric designers, but the first one I met was Kate Spain. It was funny watching people be awestruck by just meeting her, which I have to admit at first I was too, but then I realized that she is a person just like us and calmed down so I could have a conversation with Kate that I would remember.
Kate was very down to earth and truly appreciated the visit. I totally adore the new has great colors and will mix well with any Terrain you have left in your stash. I had missed the mini charm packs of Good Fortune, but I did get a fortune cookie!
A few weeks ago I sent Kate some questions to answer so lets see how well you know her.
1. What store is Kate Spain products available in?
a. Fat Quarter Shop
b. Crate and Barrel
c. Costco
d. All of the above
2. What is your favorite flower?
a. Daisies
b. Roses
c. Honeysuckle
d. Tulips
3. When choosing fabric for the Designer Select Fat Quarter kit, for the Fat Quarter Shop, what was your starting fabric (ie what fabric was it built around)?
a. Forest Floor
b. Fern
c. Seedpod
d. Aster
4. Which is true of Kate?
a. She is a pilot and loves flying planes
b. She repaints the rooms in her house a lot
c. She is a Dallas Cowboys fan
d. She went to elementary school with Sandra Bullock
How do you think you did on this quiz?
How would you like to win a charm pack of Good Fortune?
For a chance to win just answer the questions in a comment below. And this time you do not have to be a follower of this blog!
And while on the subject of blogs, here's a link to Kate's blog The Drawing Board.
This is a short giveaway...come back tomorrow to see the answers and see who won.
Kate was very down to earth and truly appreciated the visit. I totally adore the new has great colors and will mix well with any Terrain you have left in your stash. I had missed the mini charm packs of Good Fortune, but I did get a fortune cookie!
A few weeks ago I sent Kate some questions to answer so lets see how well you know her.
1. What store is Kate Spain products available in?
a. Fat Quarter Shop
b. Crate and Barrel
c. Costco
d. All of the above
2. What is your favorite flower?
a. Daisies
b. Roses
c. Honeysuckle
d. Tulips
3. When choosing fabric for the Designer Select Fat Quarter kit, for the Fat Quarter Shop, what was your starting fabric (ie what fabric was it built around)?
a. Forest Floor
b. Fern
c. Seedpod
d. Aster
4. Which is true of Kate?
a. She is a pilot and loves flying planes
b. She repaints the rooms in her house a lot
c. She is a Dallas Cowboys fan
d. She went to elementary school with Sandra Bullock
How do you think you did on this quiz?
How would you like to win a charm pack of Good Fortune?
For a chance to win just answer the questions in a comment below. And this time you do not have to be a follower of this blog!
And while on the subject of blogs, here's a link to Kate's blog The Drawing Board.
This is a short giveaway...come back tomorrow to see the answers and see who won.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
A while back, over on DANIEL BEST's blog, he reported the fact that GREG THEAKSTON had claimed in the second volume of his JACK KIRBY biography that Kirby did not draw his recreations of MARVEL covers in the early '90s and that they were ghosted by other hands. This naturally has raised some interesting questions. For example, would Jack and Roz have allowed pages to be attributed to him and sold for high prices if he hadn't produced them? For that matter, would Marvel or SOTHEBY'S?
Theakston's claim has naturally set tongues wagging as to who may have been involved in creating these pages if, as he asserts, it wasn't Kirby. (And that's important to remember - if.) As far as I'm aware, there is no evidence to support the participation of any particular individual, but I'm not in full possession of the facts (or what passes as facts) in the matter.
Naturally, when such rumours take root (and there seems just no way to stop them), there is always rabid speculation amongst groups of fans, and, even if no one is publicly named, people tend to form their own ideas as to who might have been involved. There is only a relatively select group of people who would even be considered capable of such work, and doubtless all of them were regarded at some stage as potential candidates amongst those given to conjecture on the matter. It is in that context we must now consider what comes next.

HARRY MENDRYK from the JACK KIRBY MUSEUM Blog immediately went on the attack, accusing Best of not only slandering Royer, but of also charging Royer with fraud. Now, while deliberately misrepresenting the work of one artist as that of another undoubtedly gives rise to legal and ethical implications, that doesn't necessarily mean that the one who produced the work knew it was going to be sold on that basis.
If something is advertised as an original piece of a particular artist's work without the actual artist's prior knowledge or consent, then he's hardly guilty of any wrongdoing in those circumstances. And, at the risk of labouring the point, I can see nothing in Dan Best's post to the contrary.
If something is advertised as an original piece of a particular artist's work without the actual artist's prior knowledge or consent, then he's hardly guilty of any wrongdoing in those circumstances. And, at the risk of labouring the point, I can see nothing in Dan Best's post to the contrary.
Mr. Mendryk is not prepared to allow for any such possibility, or to give Best the benefit of the doubt. Indeed, such subtleties as I have expounded here seem lost on him. Did Mendryk investigate the matter? Did he ask Best to elaborate, or to say precisely what he meant? No, he immediately accused Best of smearing Royer's reputation, and attributed to Best's words meanings and motivations that are certainly open to a different interpretation. Why didn't he check first? In this regard, he seems at least equally as guilty of what he accuses Best of.

ated comment which has made people aware that Mike Royer rejects any suggestion of having been involved. (There are links to this in the comments section.) In reporting the already well-known rumour, Best has effectively put an end to one speculative aspect of it. Mike Royer says he was not involved, and I'm perfectly happy, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, to accept his word. I doubt I'm alone.

I should add that I do not presume to speak on Dan Best's behalf - my only purpose (which springs from a desire for fairness and impartiality) is to show that people who live in glass houses should perhaps think twice before throwing stones.
Misteri Krakatau dan Burung Ababil
AbabilKisah burung Ababil sudah sangat melegenda dalam ummat Islam. Terutama masyarakat Arab yang tinggal tak jauh dari Baitullah Ka’bah Al Mukarramah. Cerita tentang burung Ababil merupakan cerita dahsyat yang selama ini menghiasi keberadaan Ka’bah dimana pada masa lalu sebelum Rasulullah Muhammad SAW terlahir maka Ka’bah mendapat ancaman dari raja Abrahah yang ingin menghancurkannya.Rasulullah
Misteri Dunia, Krakatau dan Peristiwa Akhir Zaman
Krakatau membuat dunia kagum sekaligus ketakutan. Betapa tidak, pada abad ke-6 Krakatau menjadikan seantero dunia mengalami masa kegelapan sepanjang 18 bulan. Kesan ini begitu terasa disaat saya menyaksikan video dokumenter tentang Krakatau yang berjudul “Mega Disaster Krakatoa’s Revenge” yang beberapa hari lalu diputar disalah satu stasiun televisi nasional
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Benarkah Einstein Seorang Muslim?
INILAH.COM, Jakarta – Albert Einstein sejak lama diduga menganut Judaisme, agama kaum Yahudi. Namun, ada klaim yang menyatakan ilmuwan nyentrik itu sebenarnya adalah Muslim. Mana yang benar?Klaim yang beredar di blog-blog Tanah Air ini menyebutkan adanya dokumen rahasia yang berisi surat-surat Einsten. Surat tersebut menunjukkan, ilmuwan kelahiran Jerman penemu teori relativitas ini, menganut
Benarkah Albert Einstein Seorang Muslim?
INILAH.COM, Jakarta – Albert Einstein sejak lama diduga menganut Judaisme, agama kaum Yahudi. Namun, ada klaim yang menyatakan ilmuwan nyentrik itu sebenarnya adalah Muslim. Mana yang benar?Klaim yang beredar di blog-blog Tanah Air ini menyebutkan adanya dokumen rahasia yang berisi surat-surat Einsten. Surat tersebut menunjukkan, ilmuwan kelahiran Jerman penemu teori relativitas ini, menganut
Khusus Dewasa 10 Hal Yang Harus Dihindari Saat ML (Making Love)
Anda tahu ML?apa anda sudah melakukannya?bagi anda yang belum pernah melakukannya anda harus memperhatikan beberapa hal yang harus dihindari saat melakukan Making Love.Bagi yang sudah pernah ML juga tips ini perlu agar lain kali tambah hot ML-nya.Ini dia hal-hal yang dilarang saat ML. 1. Jangan pernah menggigit sampai berdarah pasangan ML Anda. Jurus gigitan lembutlah yang justru Anda
Roanoke Times Not Getting Into Green Heaven
Roanoke Times, 10-29-11, Pg 13: Editorial: Going on a carbon-dioxide diet
Save a Ton (of CO2) campaign effort by Roanoke and Roanoke County with objective of reducing the valley’s CO2 footprint by 100,000 tons per year.
A very worthwhile program by local government, business and individuals to reduce consumption of fossil fuels.
Why are the editors and management of the Roanoke Times absent from addressing their own very large CO2 Footprint? Apparently they think that sitting in the bleachers of life booing perceived bad actors and cheering on their version of good guys is all they need to do to get into “Green Heaven”. The reality is that they’re all destined to go to “Coal Dust Purgatory” instead.
The RT’s CO2 Footprint starts in the pine forests and power generation systems and extends all the way to and through the readers disposition of the paper. Their CO2 Footprint is very large and warrants analysis, calculation, generation of improvement plans and processes and then tracking and reporting. Included should be the negative impacts of reducing our forests that breathe in CO2 and breathe out O2 thereby making their footprint even more disturbing.
This blog started challenging the RT in June 2005:
“Isn't it long past due for the Roanoke Times, a self-proclaimed ecology leader, to publish their environmental footprint to their readers and the community? As a major consumer of power and chemicals and natural resources their environmental footprint has a major impact on the Roanoke Valley and its residents. To help get them started they might go to the eco-business web site below and get started:”
Attached are some of the published direct challenges posed to the Roanoke Times over the past 6 years. Apparently these exploitative colonialist capitalist are only interesting in maximizing their profits at the expense of the well being and survival of the world we all live in. How’s that for your Goreite hyperbole coming back at you?
Why aren’t the OCCUPY folks camped out at the Roanoke Times?
Roanoke Times, 10-29-11, Pg 13: Editorial: Going on a carbon-dioxide diet
Save a Ton (of CO2) campaign effort by Roanoke and Roanoke County with objective of reducing the valley’s CO2 footprint by 100,000 tons per year.
A very worthwhile program by local government, business and individuals to reduce consumption of fossil fuels.
Why are the editors and management of the Roanoke Times absent from addressing their own very large CO2 Footprint? Apparently they think that sitting in the bleachers of life booing perceived bad actors and cheering on their version of good guys is all they need to do to get into “Green Heaven”. The reality is that they’re all destined to go to “Coal Dust Purgatory” instead.
The RT’s CO2 Footprint starts in the pine forests and power generation systems and extends all the way to and through the readers disposition of the paper. Their CO2 Footprint is very large and warrants analysis, calculation, generation of improvement plans and processes and then tracking and reporting. Included should be the negative impacts of reducing our forests that breathe in CO2 and breathe out O2 thereby making their footprint even more disturbing.
This blog started challenging the RT in June 2005:
“Isn't it long past due for the Roanoke Times, a self-proclaimed ecology leader, to publish their environmental footprint to their readers and the community? As a major consumer of power and chemicals and natural resources their environmental footprint has a major impact on the Roanoke Valley and its residents. To help get them started they might go to the eco-business web site below and get started:”
Attached are some of the published direct challenges posed to the Roanoke Times over the past 6 years. Apparently these exploitative colonialist capitalist are only interesting in maximizing their profits at the expense of the well being and survival of the world we all live in. How’s that for your Goreite hyperbole coming back at you?
Why aren’t the OCCUPY folks camped out at the Roanoke Times?
Students Follow The Pied Piper: Obama Our Evita
Roanoke Times, 10-27-11, Pg 1,16: Obama: help to come for student loan borrowers
What a wonderful and compassionate President we have. Where has he been all our lives, and why can’t we make him President for life as has been done in other third world countries?
He and Michelle owed $120,000 for their Yale and Princeton educations. Took them 10 years to pay off the loans. Is this story intended to elicit sympathy or what? In keeping with his eloquent speeches isn’t this an INVESTMENT loan that both needs to be repaid and that will yield major returns in the future?
Why would this be the basis for transferring personal investment loans to a taxpayer unfunded liability?
What’s Obama’s Number One Plan: GET REELECTED giving away taxpayer money by having Students follow the well traveled paths of the Pied Piper and Evita:
Click to enlarge image:
Obama to “demand” lenders consolidate multiple loans at reduced rates and limit the payments to 10% of income and forgive the loan balance after 20 years. Loan defaults and “forgive” balance amounts will be paid off with taxpayer money.
Why should the taxpayers assume this liability and where in the Constitution does it say that this activity is a responsibility and authority of the Federal Government and more specifically by Presidential Decree?
Gee Toto; I'm not sure we're in America anymore!
Roanoke Times, 10-27-11, Pg 1,16: Obama: help to come for student loan borrowers
What a wonderful and compassionate President we have. Where has he been all our lives, and why can’t we make him President for life as has been done in other third world countries?
He and Michelle owed $120,000 for their Yale and Princeton educations. Took them 10 years to pay off the loans. Is this story intended to elicit sympathy or what? In keeping with his eloquent speeches isn’t this an INVESTMENT loan that both needs to be repaid and that will yield major returns in the future?
Why would this be the basis for transferring personal investment loans to a taxpayer unfunded liability?
What’s Obama’s Number One Plan: GET REELECTED giving away taxpayer money by having Students follow the well traveled paths of the Pied Piper and Evita:
Click to enlarge image:
Obama to “demand” lenders consolidate multiple loans at reduced rates and limit the payments to 10% of income and forgive the loan balance after 20 years. Loan defaults and “forgive” balance amounts will be paid off with taxpayer money.
Why should the taxpayers assume this liability and where in the Constitution does it say that this activity is a responsibility and authority of the Federal Government and more specifically by Presidential Decree?
Gee Toto; I'm not sure we're in America anymore!
Friday, October 28, 2011
7 Jembatan Paling Eksotik dan Mengerikan
1. Jembatan Immortal (Cina) Gunung Tai di Provinsi Shandon Cina telah memiliki nilai budaya dan agama selama ribuan tahun. Ini adalah salah satu dari lima gunung suci dari Cina dan berhubungan dengan kelahiran, fajar dan kebangkitan.Ketika Anda mendaki sampai gunung Anda akan menemukan Jembatan Immortal ini.Jembatan ini terdiri dari tiga batu besar dan beberapa yang lebih kecil.
Intip Kamar Ayu Ting Ting, Yuk
Nama penyanyi cantik yang masih duduk di bangku kuliah Ayu Ting Ting kian melambung. Ia pun menjadi selebritas yang super sibuk, karena tawaran manggung yang membludak dan wawancara membanjir. Otomatis, pundi-pundi Rupiah pun mengalir deras kepadanya.Namun demikian, Ayu tetap menunjukkan kesederhanaan. Hal itu terbukti saat Ayu memperlihatkan seisi kamarnya di sebuah rumah di kawasan Depok, Jawa
Janda, Melinda Dekat Lagi dengan Saipul Jamil?
JAKARTA - Melinda kini berstatus janda setelah bercerai pada Juli lalu. Pelantun Cinta Satu Malam ini tak mempermasalahkan jika dihubungkan kembali dekat dengan Saipul Jamil yang juga berstatus duda."Enggak apa-apa kalau dikait-kaitkan lagi sama dia (Saipul). Saya mah cuek saja. Tapi saya takut dia marah kalau diberitakan seperti itu," kata Melinda saat berkunjung ke kantor okezone, di Gedung
My Terrain Projects

One of the reasons I am doing this series is that I wanted to make sure I made something with the FQ kit each month and this is keeping me honest :) I find myself loving the fabric line so much that the past 2 months I made more than 1 quilt with that specific fabric line.
I recently got the Scrap Basket Sensation Book and fell in love with the quilt on the cover. It's called Picnic. When I look at this picture I see flowers so that's the direction I decided to go in.
Here's the quilt that I made with the Designer Select FQ kit. Although I could have done the whole quilt with the fabric in the kit, I fell in love with some of the oranges and pinks so I picked up a small amount of yardage for this. I know I kinda broke my 'only use the FQ kit for the project' rule (well besides background fabric), but I couldn't help myself. What do you think?
And if you guessed this fabric for the backing then you are right! It's called Terrain Mist Stonecrop. I just love how the purple and orange work together and how the green cools it down a bit.
The other quilt I am working on with Terrain is Stepping Stones, which is the Terrain Project Sheet. That pattern can be found here for free. It's in the 3rd row down in the center of the row. Here's my layout for the quilt. When I get home from market I plan on finishing this and quilting and binding at least 2 quilts before I break into my Market goodies, but we'll see how I do with that plan. This quilt is the perfect quilt for a layercake.
So there are my Terrain projects. I also made a few goodies for some friends with some leftovers, but I can't show them or I will spoil the surprise.
What did you make with Terrain or what do you plan to make with Terrain?
See you after Market!
My Terrain Projects

One of the reasons I am doing this series is that I wanted to make sure I made something with the FQ kit each month and this is keeping me honest :) I find myself loving the fabric line so much that the past 2 months I made more than 1 quilt with that specific fabric line.
I recently got the Scrap Basket Sensation Book and fell in love with the quilt on the cover. It's called Picnic. When I look at this picture I see flowers so that's the direction I decided to go in.
Here's the quilt that I made with the Designer Select FQ kit. Although I could have done the whole quilt with the fabric in the kit, I fell in love with some of the oranges and pinks so I picked up a small amount of yardage for this. I know I kinda broke my 'only use the FQ kit for the project' rule (well besides background fabric), but I couldn't help myself. What do you think?
And if you guessed this fabric for the backing then you are right! It's called Terrain Mist Stonecrop. I just love how the purple and orange work together and how the green cools it down a bit.
The other quilt I am working on with Terrain is Stepping Stones, which is the Terrain Project Sheet. That pattern can be found here for free. It's in the 3rd row down in the center of the row. Here's my layout for the quilt. When I get home from market I plan on finishing this and quilting and binding at least 2 quilts before I break into my Market goodies, but we'll see how I do with that plan. This quilt is the perfect quilt for a layercake.
So there are my Terrain projects. I also made a few goodies for some friends with some leftovers, but I can't show them or I will spoil the surprise.
What did you make with Terrain or what do you plan to make with Terrain?
See you after Market!
My Fave Dave Raves
One man's favorite Berserk songs on video
I was doing some Fall cleaning on my computer last night and dug up these videos gathering dust in my hard drive. They represent my favorite songs by Dave Cawley, erstwhile bassist in my favorite Baltimore band from the '90s, Berserk. Giant robots! Ultra 7! These are the songs that defined a generation of otaku pop-punk-purists - at least in Dave's Cawley's mind.
Watch the Berserk - "Giant Robots" music video.
Baltimore's Berserk play their classic '90s anthem, "Giant Robots" - Dave Cawley's love song to a boy's best friend.
Now watch Berserk play "Giant Robots" live at Ottobar (2005).
Grand finale number from Berserk's Reunion Show at Ottobar, February 7, 2005.
Watch the Berserk "Ultra 7" music video.
Unfortunately, this great song is only available on a Go Kart records compilation record, Go Kart Vs. the Corporate Giant. Forget Wall Street - Occupy the Corporate Giant and seek it out!
Now watch Beserk play "Ultra 7" live at Ottobar (2005).
Dave Cawley continues his love letter to Japan ("How do I love thee, let me count the ways...") with his sonic celebration of Ultraman (and, for vegan Brent, burritos that contain no meato). From the Berserk Reunion Show at the Ottobar, February 7, 2005.
I was doing some Fall cleaning on my computer last night and dug up these videos gathering dust in my hard drive. They represent my favorite songs by Dave Cawley, erstwhile bassist in my favorite Baltimore band from the '90s, Berserk. Giant robots! Ultra 7! These are the songs that defined a generation of otaku pop-punk-purists - at least in Dave's Cawley's mind.
Watch the Berserk - "Giant Robots" music video.
Baltimore's Berserk play their classic '90s anthem, "Giant Robots" - Dave Cawley's love song to a boy's best friend.
Now watch Berserk play "Giant Robots" live at Ottobar (2005).
Grand finale number from Berserk's Reunion Show at Ottobar, February 7, 2005.
Watch the Berserk "Ultra 7" music video.
Unfortunately, this great song is only available on a Go Kart records compilation record, Go Kart Vs. the Corporate Giant. Forget Wall Street - Occupy the Corporate Giant and seek it out!
Now watch Beserk play "Ultra 7" live at Ottobar (2005).
Dave Cawley continues his love letter to Japan ("How do I love thee, let me count the ways...") with his sonic celebration of Ultraman (and, for vegan Brent, burritos that contain no meato). From the Berserk Reunion Show at the Ottobar, February 7, 2005.
Roanoke Times Continues Its Political Hypocrisy
Roanoke Times, 10-26-11, Pg 8: Appalachian Power says Obama coal compliance rules will close one power plant partially and another completely.
It will also cause major expensive renovations to other plants and result in generating replacement electricity with more expensive fuels.
Electricity cost to consumers to increase by at least 15%.
In total conflict with the facts in this article and the many articles listed below, what is the learned position of the Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times?
Roanoke Times, 10-23-11, Editorial: Send Armstrong back to the House
This is the Armstrong whose ONLY political platform position is to “fight electric rate increases”. And how does he stop rate increases when it’s His Obama Democrat Team that is THE MAJOR CAUSE behind the rate increases? What a pathetic hypocrite and what a pathetic endorsement by a politically and intellectually challenged Editorial team.
Ward Armstrong (D-Va) Has More Money Than Good Sense
Ward Armstrong Had His Chance
Let’s Play Hide The Real Reasons For High Energy Prices
Armstrong & Reynolds: The Democrat Energy Bait & Switch
AEP Rates: The Reality of Democrat Energy Policy
Roanoke Times, 10-26-11, Pg 8: Appalachian Power says Obama coal compliance rules will close one power plant partially and another completely.
It will also cause major expensive renovations to other plants and result in generating replacement electricity with more expensive fuels.
Electricity cost to consumers to increase by at least 15%.
In total conflict with the facts in this article and the many articles listed below, what is the learned position of the Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times?
Roanoke Times, 10-23-11, Editorial: Send Armstrong back to the House
This is the Armstrong whose ONLY political platform position is to “fight electric rate increases”. And how does he stop rate increases when it’s His Obama Democrat Team that is THE MAJOR CAUSE behind the rate increases? What a pathetic hypocrite and what a pathetic endorsement by a politically and intellectually challenged Editorial team.
Ward Armstrong (D-Va) Has More Money Than Good Sense
Ward Armstrong Had His Chance
Let’s Play Hide The Real Reasons For High Energy Prices
Armstrong & Reynolds: The Democrat Energy Bait & Switch
AEP Rates: The Reality of Democrat Energy Policy
SPG Cantik Ramaikan Penjualan Hewan Kurban
VIVAnews - Bukan hanya showroom otomotif saja yang menggunakan jasa Sales Promotion Girl (SPG), untuk mempromosikan produknya. Showroom sapi pun tidak mau kalah.
Salah seorang pedagang sapi di Depok, Jawa Barat, memanfaatkan SPG untuk membantu menjual hewan-hewan kurban menjelang Idul Adha. Adalah H Doni, yang menyulap showroom mobil miliknya menjadi outlet Sapi.Di salah satu showroom, di Jalan
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Every so often you read a story in the newspaper that reaffirms your faith in human nature. Then, however, there's the other kind. This is one of those.
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Ginger's owner leads her away from his car before driving off. First photo, Ginger looking happy yesterday |
By Sara Dixon
'This is the moment before a faithful dog was dumped by her heartless owner and left to fend for herself in an act of cruelty condemned as "despicable" by an animal charity.
The pet was led into a thin strip of woodland bordering a busy road where she was abandoned to her fate.
But she was so desperate to stay with her cruel owner that, even though she was lame, she tried to run after his car as he sped away.
At first it appeared he was merely taking her for a walk. But seconds later he was captured on CCTV racing back to his vehicle. It is thought there were three others in the car.
The dog desperately tried to catch up with him despite only being able to limp because her claws had been left to grow into her paw pads.
When the Shetland terrier cross, now nicknamed Ginger, realised she had been left she sat in one spot and refused to budge until rescuers gently coaxed her inside their office.
Luckily for Ginger the entire incident was witnessed by shocked workers in the office overlooking the car park in Granby Industrial Estate in Weymouth, Dorset.
Steve Sudworth and his colleague at BMT Defence Services, Mike Jolliffe, rushed to rescue the abandoned animal as the owner drove off in a metallic-blue Kia Rio.
Despite her ordeal and distress, the good-natured dog quickly made friends with her rescuers.
Mr Sudworth, 49, an engineer at the firm, said: "I saw the man walking very fast back to the car and he jumped in. I thought he was going to shout to the dog, but he just drove off fast. He looked really unrepentant. The dog was trying to follow but couldn't because of the limp. I would have run up the road after them but they were gone too fast. It's shocking."
Mr Jolliffe, a designer, made the dog a makeshift collar out of his belt.
Ginger, who was abandoned last Thursday lunchtime, was taken to a vet so her painful paws could be tended.
Mr Jolliffe said: "She was a lovely little girl and she made so many friends here very quickly."
Animal charity Dogs Trust condemned Ginger's abandonment as "inexcusable".
Chief Executive Clarissa Baldwin said: "There is absolutely no excuse for abandoning a dog to fend for itself in this despicable way. Sadly cases of animals being dumped in this fashion are all too common. We would urge people always to seek help from animal rehoming charities."
Ginger is being cared for by dog wardens at the Weymouth and Portland Borough Council kennels while they look for a new home for her. Officials are hunting Ginger's heartless owner from the CCTV footage.
Chris Robertson, the council's assistant dog warden, said: "The footage speaks for itself and it is appalling."
Her owner is described as white, between 5ft 10in and 6ft tall and wearing blue jeans and a brown sweater.
Mr Robertson said the council was considering prosecuting the owner under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.'
From THE DAILY EXPRESS, Tuesday, September 21, 2110.
We can only hope that they find him and someone kicks the absolute living sh*t out of him. In a tender, loving, caring way of course.
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Ginger with walker Vicky Crow |
UPDATE: The response to Ginger's predicament was overwhelming, and I'm glad to say that she has now been re-homed with a more suitable owner who will give her all the love and attention she deserves. Two people are being prosecuted for abandoning her.
Eleven Year Old Boys to Get HPV (STD) Shots
Roanoke Times, 10-26-11, Pg 5: Panel says boys should get HPV shots.
The “Health Panels” and the CDC are now going after a three-shot mandatory vaccination series for the male carriers of the HPV-STD.
How times have changed. When I was 11 we were still trying to find a vaccination and cure for Polio that was a pandemic at that time and struck down people that I knew!
The articles focus on cervical cancer; however, of significant note is the number of males who now have throat cancer purportedly from HPV. And we though it was only caused by smoking and asbestos.
Not clear how this is all handled by the demise of “don’t ask, don’t tell”. Perhaps it relates somehow to the Old Testament (Genesis 18, 19). That is so politically incorrect! No one quotes Bible passages anymore; especially the Old Testament! It’s that tolerance vs. acceptance thing again.
Our progressive and permissive society now gives parents the joyful experience of explaining to their 11 year old sons and 12 year old daughters all about promiscuous and salacious sexual behaviors and STD’s and the adverse consequences associated with those behaviors. What a joy!
For starters, just let them read the old People Magazine articles about Bill and Monica and Barney Frank and his friends. It’ll all be easy to explain from there.
In the mean time the progressive liberals continue to hammer the concept of abstinence as a “fool’s errand” and a negative thing. Why not support Abstinence while also emphasizing the very important phrase: “If you forgot it, forget it”! That's abstience isn't it?
Roanoke Times, 10-26-11, Pg 5: Panel says boys should get HPV shots.
The “Health Panels” and the CDC are now going after a three-shot mandatory vaccination series for the male carriers of the HPV-STD.
How times have changed. When I was 11 we were still trying to find a vaccination and cure for Polio that was a pandemic at that time and struck down people that I knew!
The articles focus on cervical cancer; however, of significant note is the number of males who now have throat cancer purportedly from HPV. And we though it was only caused by smoking and asbestos.
Not clear how this is all handled by the demise of “don’t ask, don’t tell”. Perhaps it relates somehow to the Old Testament (Genesis 18, 19). That is so politically incorrect! No one quotes Bible passages anymore; especially the Old Testament! It’s that tolerance vs. acceptance thing again.
Our progressive and permissive society now gives parents the joyful experience of explaining to their 11 year old sons and 12 year old daughters all about promiscuous and salacious sexual behaviors and STD’s and the adverse consequences associated with those behaviors. What a joy!
For starters, just let them read the old People Magazine articles about Bill and Monica and Barney Frank and his friends. It’ll all be easy to explain from there.
In the mean time the progressive liberals continue to hammer the concept of abstinence as a “fool’s errand” and a negative thing. Why not support Abstinence while also emphasizing the very important phrase: “If you forgot it, forget it”! That's abstience isn't it?
Or, as Billy Joel explained to the Catholic Girls: “Only the Good Die Young”
Blog Action Day!!! We said URBE is here!
2,710 bloggers from 109 countries, registered to take part in Blog Action Day 2011.
Here's Nikki with the Blue Eyes
I know the title of this post is a little cheesy, but we all know that's who I it's early here and I haven't had any coffee yet. Today Nikki from Nikki's Quilting Projects is here.
Hello, there! I'm Nikki (also known as Nkiblueeyes) from near Kansas City in Overland Park, Kansas. I'm a former elementary teacher and current stay-at-home-mom who spends an irrational amount of time, energy and thought on quilting. I belong to two local quilt guilds: The Blue Valley Quilters Guild and the Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild, of which I am a founding member.
I am guest posting today to share my love for Kate Spain's fabric. I love it all. Last Christmas, I discovered her when I was visiting my mom in Houston. I bought a charm pack of The 12 Days of Christmas line. I spent the rest of my trip petting it and wishing I'd bought more. When I got home, I ordered two layer cakes and a little yardage, not knowing quite what I'd do with them. After some consideration, I decided to make my version of a stacked coins quilt. I used some white flannel from my stash and I quilted it to resemble snow drifts. This quilt was a Christmas gift to myself last year. I looked around my house and realized that I'd been giving away most of the quilts I finished to loved ones & didn't have many quilts in my own house. This Christmas quilt is just the right size for me to curl up with on the couch. I love it so much that I use it year round.
These pictures were taken last weekend when I was visiting my grandmother in Arkansas. I love pictures of quilts on clotheslines and I especially LOVE pictures of quilts with the sun shining through them. Here are a couple pictures of the back of the quilt top:
If you'd like to learn more about me or see more of my quilting projects, you can find me:
Here on Blogger
Thanks are 1 busy lady.
That ends our Guest Bloggers for Kate Spain month. Come back tomorrow to see my project for the month (that is if I get the 2nd one done today). Then on Monday Kate Spain herself will be here with a fun game to play and a lil giveaway of her own.

Have you got your Designer Select Kate Spain FQ kit yet? It's a Fat Quarter Shop exclusive so hurry and get yours today. And if you need yardage or other precuts the FQS has that too. As a matter of fact I haven't found anything that I am looking for that they don't have, which is why I spend way too much time checking out the web site and planing another quilt...but its always a bright spot in my day so why change it? It's time well spent. How much time do you spend dreaming about all the fabric you would like from FQS?
Hello, there! I'm Nikki (also known as Nkiblueeyes) from near Kansas City in Overland Park, Kansas. I'm a former elementary teacher and current stay-at-home-mom who spends an irrational amount of time, energy and thought on quilting. I belong to two local quilt guilds: The Blue Valley Quilters Guild and the Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild, of which I am a founding member.
I am guest posting today to share my love for Kate Spain's fabric. I love it all. Last Christmas, I discovered her when I was visiting my mom in Houston. I bought a charm pack of The 12 Days of Christmas line. I spent the rest of my trip petting it and wishing I'd bought more. When I got home, I ordered two layer cakes and a little yardage, not knowing quite what I'd do with them. After some consideration, I decided to make my version of a stacked coins quilt. I used some white flannel from my stash and I quilted it to resemble snow drifts. This quilt was a Christmas gift to myself last year. I looked around my house and realized that I'd been giving away most of the quilts I finished to loved ones & didn't have many quilts in my own house. This Christmas quilt is just the right size for me to curl up with on the couch. I love it so much that I use it year round.
My latest Kate Spain quilt is from her Terrain line. I got really lucky and was able to purchase a jelly roll of Terrain before the general public, so I whipped together this fun top with some Moda Crossweaves, which really gave it an interesting texture & extra soft feel. I love the drape of the cross weaves and with this design, I was able to make the most of my jelly roll. I believe I only had 6 or 7 strips leftover.
Here's a closeup:
These pictures were taken last weekend when I was visiting my grandmother in Arkansas. I love pictures of quilts on clotheslines and I especially LOVE pictures of quilts with the sun shining through them. Here are a couple pictures of the back of the quilt top:
Notice the texture of these Moda Crossweaves. So luxurious.
I'll back this quilt with my favorite print from this line in flannel and I'll practice different free motion designs in each square, while quilting in the ditch around each block.
Here on Etsy where I sell vintage linens and notions
Thanks are 1 busy lady.
That ends our Guest Bloggers for Kate Spain month. Come back tomorrow to see my project for the month (that is if I get the 2nd one done today). Then on Monday Kate Spain herself will be here with a fun game to play and a lil giveaway of her own.

Have you got your Designer Select Kate Spain FQ kit yet? It's a Fat Quarter Shop exclusive so hurry and get yours today. And if you need yardage or other precuts the FQS has that too. As a matter of fact I haven't found anything that I am looking for that they don't have, which is why I spend way too much time checking out the web site and planing another quilt...but its always a bright spot in my day so why change it? It's time well spent. How much time do you spend dreaming about all the fabric you would like from FQS?

Here's Nikki with the Blue Eyes
I know the title of this post is a little cheesy, but we all know that's who I it's early here and I haven't had any coffee yet. Today Nikki from Nikki's Quilting Projects is here.
Hello, there! I'm Nikki (also known as Nkiblueeyes) from near Kansas City in Overland Park, Kansas. I'm a former elementary teacher and current stay-at-home-mom who spends an irrational amount of time, energy and thought on quilting. I belong to two local quilt guilds: The Blue Valley Quilters Guild and the Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild, of which I am a founding member.
I am guest posting today to share my love for Kate Spain's fabric. I love it all. Last Christmas, I discovered her when I was visiting my mom in Houston. I bought a charm pack of The 12 Days of Christmas line. I spent the rest of my trip petting it and wishing I'd bought more. When I got home, I ordered two layer cakes and a little yardage, not knowing quite what I'd do with them. After some consideration, I decided to make my version of a stacked coins quilt. I used some white flannel from my stash and I quilted it to resemble snow drifts. This quilt was a Christmas gift to myself last year. I looked around my house and realized that I'd been giving away most of the quilts I finished to loved ones & didn't have many quilts in my own house. This Christmas quilt is just the right size for me to curl up with on the couch. I love it so much that I use it year round.
These pictures were taken last weekend when I was visiting my grandmother in Arkansas. I love pictures of quilts on clotheslines and I especially LOVE pictures of quilts with the sun shining through them. Here are a couple pictures of the back of the quilt top:
If you'd like to learn more about me or see more of my quilting projects, you can find me:
Here on Blogger
Thanks are 1 busy lady.
That ends our Guest Bloggers for Kate Spain month. Come back tomorrow to see my project for the month (that is if I get the 2nd one done today). Then on Monday Kate Spain herself will be here with a fun game to play and a lil giveaway of her own.

Have you got your Designer Select Kate Spain FQ kit yet? It's a Fat Quarter Shop exclusive so hurry and get yours today. And if you need yardage or other precuts the FQS has that too. As a matter of fact I haven't found anything that I am looking for that they don't have, which is why I spend way too much time checking out the web site and planing another quilt...but its always a bright spot in my day so why change it? It's time well spent. How much time do you spend dreaming about all the fabric you would like from FQS?
Hello, there! I'm Nikki (also known as Nkiblueeyes) from near Kansas City in Overland Park, Kansas. I'm a former elementary teacher and current stay-at-home-mom who spends an irrational amount of time, energy and thought on quilting. I belong to two local quilt guilds: The Blue Valley Quilters Guild and the Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild, of which I am a founding member.
I am guest posting today to share my love for Kate Spain's fabric. I love it all. Last Christmas, I discovered her when I was visiting my mom in Houston. I bought a charm pack of The 12 Days of Christmas line. I spent the rest of my trip petting it and wishing I'd bought more. When I got home, I ordered two layer cakes and a little yardage, not knowing quite what I'd do with them. After some consideration, I decided to make my version of a stacked coins quilt. I used some white flannel from my stash and I quilted it to resemble snow drifts. This quilt was a Christmas gift to myself last year. I looked around my house and realized that I'd been giving away most of the quilts I finished to loved ones & didn't have many quilts in my own house. This Christmas quilt is just the right size for me to curl up with on the couch. I love it so much that I use it year round.
My latest Kate Spain quilt is from her Terrain line. I got really lucky and was able to purchase a jelly roll of Terrain before the general public, so I whipped together this fun top with some Moda Crossweaves, which really gave it an interesting texture & extra soft feel. I love the drape of the cross weaves and with this design, I was able to make the most of my jelly roll. I believe I only had 6 or 7 strips leftover.
Here's a closeup:
These pictures were taken last weekend when I was visiting my grandmother in Arkansas. I love pictures of quilts on clotheslines and I especially LOVE pictures of quilts with the sun shining through them. Here are a couple pictures of the back of the quilt top:
Notice the texture of these Moda Crossweaves. So luxurious.
I'll back this quilt with my favorite print from this line in flannel and I'll practice different free motion designs in each square, while quilting in the ditch around each block.
Here on Etsy where I sell vintage linens and notions
Thanks are 1 busy lady.
That ends our Guest Bloggers for Kate Spain month. Come back tomorrow to see my project for the month (that is if I get the 2nd one done today). Then on Monday Kate Spain herself will be here with a fun game to play and a lil giveaway of her own.

Have you got your Designer Select Kate Spain FQ kit yet? It's a Fat Quarter Shop exclusive so hurry and get yours today. And if you need yardage or other precuts the FQS has that too. As a matter of fact I haven't found anything that I am looking for that they don't have, which is why I spend way too much time checking out the web site and planing another quilt...but its always a bright spot in my day so why change it? It's time well spent. How much time do you spend dreaming about all the fabric you would like from FQS?

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