Thursday, October 27, 2011

Eleven Year Old Boys to Get HPV (STD) Shots

Roanoke Times, 10-26-11, Pg 5: Panel says boys should get HPV shots.
The “Health Panels” and the CDC are now going after a three-shot mandatory vaccination series for the male carriers of the HPV-STD.
How times have changed. When I was 11 we were still trying to find a vaccination and cure for Polio that was a pandemic at that time and struck down people that I knew!
The articles focus on cervical cancer; however, of significant note is the number of males who now have throat cancer purportedly from HPV. And we though it was only caused by smoking and asbestos.
Not clear how this is all handled by the demise of “don’t ask, don’t tell”. Perhaps it relates somehow to the Old Testament (Genesis 18, 19). That is so politically incorrect! No one quotes Bible passages anymore; especially the Old Testament! It’s that tolerance vs. acceptance thing again.
Our progressive and permissive society now gives parents the joyful experience of explaining to their 11 year old sons and 12 year old daughters all about promiscuous and salacious sexual behaviors and STD’s and the adverse consequences associated with those behaviors. What a joy!
For starters, just let them read the old People Magazine articles about Bill and Monica and Barney Frank and his friends. It’ll all be easy to explain from there.
In the mean time the progressive liberals continue to hammer the concept of abstinence as a “fool’s errand” and a negative thing. Why not support Abstinence while also emphasizing the very important phrase: “If you forgot it, forget it”!  That's abstience isn't it?
Or, as Billy Joel explained to the Catholic Girls: “Only the Good Die Young”

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