Not found in the Roanoke Times: The Obama team is preventing Boeing from producing planes in South Carolina because it is a “Right to Work” State.
Obama and his team have undertaken an unprecedented action in “directing” where a company or business can or cannot do business within the United States.
No other administrations have ever undertaken such a Communist control of the Free Enterprise System in this country. No wonder he calls his henchmen “Czars”.
Hopefully this case can be resolved in favor of the American Free Enterprise System before Obama’s liberal-leftwing-activist judges totally reduce this country to a socialist and fascist state right before our eyes.
How can anyone who believes in the "American System" and voted for Obama not have voter remorse?
He is a bigger disappointment and is doing more damage than Jimmy Carter!
Boeing Facility Opens in S.C., Despite NLRB Opposition
Prior items:
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Seksinya Seragam Militer Tentara Cantik Dari Rusia
Spoiler:Seragam militer Seksi Rusia Spoiler:Seragam militer Seksi Rusia Spoiler:Seragam militer Seksi Rusia Spoiler:Seragam militer Seksi Rusia Spoiler:Seragam militer Seksi Rusia MOSKOW - Seragam militer baru Rusia yang didesain oleh perancang mode terkenal membuat ratusan prajurit masuk rumah sakit karena terbukti terlalu tipis untuk dapat bertahan di
Friday, April 29, 2011
10 Tips Meningkatkan rasa Percaya Diri
Percaya Diri memberikan kita kebebasan untuk melakukan kesalahan dan mengatasi dengan kegagalan tanpa membuat diri kita tidak berharga. Jika kita memiliki rasa percaya diri, secara tidak langsung dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri orang lain juga.Selain itu, kebanyakan orang segan untuk mengembalikan sesuatu hal yang dilemparkan oleh seseorang yang gugup, meraba-raba dan terlalu
Sale and QP freebie!
I'm having a 40% off sale on my kits (except the new released "Love you, mom!" - 25% off).
The sale will end on Sunday, May the 1st!
Also, I have a little something for you, hope you like it.. :)
It's a QP made using my "Love you, mom!" kit.
I'm not very familiar with layouts sooooo, please, be good to me :)
If you like it, you can download it from here:
And this is the qp with my mommy's picture in it :)
Love you, mom!! :)
Have a beautiful weekend everyone!!!
Hugs :)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
5 Kekuatan Superhero yang Berhasil Diciptakan Oleh Para Ilmuwan
1. Kemampuan Penglihatan Superman Dalam Menembus Dinding Camero’s Xaver 800, produk yang menggunakan radar gelombang mikro untuk menembus dinding dan proyek pencitraan 3-D dari apa pun yang bersembunyi di balik dinding-dinding.Menurut perusahaan pembuatnya, alat ini dapat digunakan untuk mencitrakan menembus dinding tua biasa, batu bata tanah liat, blok sinder dan bahkan struktur beton bertulang,
Hobbes was so cute, all snuggled up in "my" chair. Hmm, never thought I would
have a chair all my own. As kids we would love to sit on the floor to play board
games or watch T.V. As we became older we would call out "I get my spot back."
This assured us that when we returned we could retrieve our cushy seat. I do not
know what the deal was... were there too few seats or just favorite spots? Well,
it held the peace in a large household, where I will add we had ONE T.V. and we
all agreed on the program. Thus when we watched T.V. it was as a family. My
families living rooms were had fun and laughter.
No, Hobbes is not watching T.V., although I actually have seen him do this!
He has taken to snuggling into my favorite chair.
MaryP.S. I finally have photos of my latest piece!
I will have them up within a week... sooner hopefully!
Hobbes was so cute, all snuggled up in "my" chair. Hmm, never thought I would
have a chair all my own. As kids we would love to sit on the floor to play board
games or watch T.V. As we became older we would call out "I get my spot back."
This assured us that when we returned we could retrieve our cushy seat. I do not
know what the deal was... were there too few seats or just favorite spots? Well,
it held the peace in a large household, where I will add we had ONE T.V. and we
all agreed on the program. Thus when we watched T.V. it was as a family. My
families living rooms were had fun and laughter.
No, Hobbes is not watching T.V., although I actually have seen him do this!
He has taken to snuggling into my favorite chair.
MaryP.S. I finally have photos of my latest piece!
I will have them up within a week... sooner hopefully!
New release - "Love you, mom!" full kit
Hope you had a wonderful Easter!!
I've just uploaded this new kit to the store, called "Love you, mom!".
It's perfect for the Mother's Day holiday but it can be used again and again!! ^_^
The kit is full size only and it's 25% off until May 8th!!
You can find it here:
Andrej Pejic,Model Cantik Australia yang Mengegerkan Dunia Permodelan,Ada Apa Ya?
Model seksi asal Australia ini terlihat cantik dan tinggi semampai. Tapi, jangan salah, dia adalah seorang pria.Pria ini bernama Andrej Pejic (19) dari Broadmeadows, Melbourne, Australia, dan menjadi model internasional karena wajahnya lebih mirip perempuan ketimbang laki-laki.ia memulai tren baru, sesosok tampilan super feminin untuk seorang pria atau dikenal dengan nama femiman. Ia tidak
Keindahan Labuan Bajo, Pintu Masuk Wisata Pulau Komodo
Foto: TonnyKota Labuan Bajo merupakan ibukota Kabupaten Manggarai Barat yang saat ini berkembang dengan pesat. Sebelumnya kota ini hanyalah sebuah kota Kecamatan yang tidak terlalu banyak orang yang mengenalnya.Foto: TonnyKota ini menjadi pintu masuk banyak wisatawan domestik dan asing yang akan mengunjungi Pulau Komodo dan Pulau Rinca.Foto:
Inilah Pesawat Tercepat di Dunia !
Sebuah pesawat eksperimen berhasil memecahkan rekor penerbangan hipersonik Mach 6 atau enam kali kecepatan suara selama lebih dari tiga menit. Rekor sebelumnya hanya selama 12 detik. Pesawat bernama X-51A Waverider ini awalnya dipasang pada sayap pesawat B-52 Stratofortress di selatan California pada Rabu pagi, 26 Mei 2010. X-51A kemudian dilepaskan, mesin jetnya kemudian berakselerasi sampai
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Quilting & Reading = Quilting Book Club
If you love quilting and reading then I have an adventure for you!
Shawna at 1 choice 4 quilting is starting an online book club for quilters. Every month we will be making a new quilt from a pattern in a quilt book. Here's the link for all the info
I just got my fabric for the first project starting in May. I can't wait to start. Why not join me on this fun adventure?
Sha :)
Shawna at 1 choice 4 quilting is starting an online book club for quilters. Every month we will be making a new quilt from a pattern in a quilt book. Here's the link for all the info
I just got my fabric for the first project starting in May. I can't wait to start. Why not join me on this fun adventure?
Sha :)
Quilting & Reading = Quilting Book Club
If you love quilting and reading then I have an adventure for you!
Shawna at 1 choice 4 quilting is starting an online book club for quilters. Every month we will be making a new quilt from a pattern in a quilt book. Here's the link for all the info
I just got my fabric for the first project starting in May. I can't wait to start. Why not join me on this fun adventure?
Sha :)
Shawna at 1 choice 4 quilting is starting an online book club for quilters. Every month we will be making a new quilt from a pattern in a quilt book. Here's the link for all the info
I just got my fabric for the first project starting in May. I can't wait to start. Why not join me on this fun adventure?
Sha :)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
State of the art in headcam video displays
I think this is the current state of the art in headcam video display for orienteering.Back to
Margarita Shrimp
The other day my son Bryan called and wanted to make his girlfriend dinner. He needs very simple recipes so we decided on shrimp scampi. After a few phone calls from the store he was home and ready to cook. That's when I remembered how easy most shrimp dishes are. Here's a recipe for one of my favorite ways to make shrimp. Since its getting to be grilling weather this is a great recipe to try.
Margarita Shrimp with Mango Basil Sauce
Large shrimp, peeled and deveined, as much as you need to make
Margarita mix, without alcohol
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 T olive oil
1 mango
1 large basil leaves
1. 2 hours prior to cooking place the shrimp in a gallon size zipper bag.
2. Pour enough maragrita mix over the shrimp just to cover it.
3. Add the garlic and olive oil and mix it up in the bag, making sure the shrimp are coated well.
4. Refrigerate for 2 hours.
5. Preheat the grill and skewer the shrimp.
6. Cook the shrimp till they are done, a few minutes per side. Shrimp should be pink all around.
7. While the shrimp is cooking peel the mango and cut into chunks. In a mini chop or food processor mix the mango and the basil leaves till smooth.
8. Serve the shrimp with the mango sauce.
Sha :)
Margarita Shrimp with Mango Basil Sauce
Large shrimp, peeled and deveined, as much as you need to make
Margarita mix, without alcohol
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 T olive oil
1 mango
1 large basil leaves
1. 2 hours prior to cooking place the shrimp in a gallon size zipper bag.
2. Pour enough maragrita mix over the shrimp just to cover it.
3. Add the garlic and olive oil and mix it up in the bag, making sure the shrimp are coated well.
4. Refrigerate for 2 hours.
5. Preheat the grill and skewer the shrimp.
6. Cook the shrimp till they are done, a few minutes per side. Shrimp should be pink all around.
7. While the shrimp is cooking peel the mango and cut into chunks. In a mini chop or food processor mix the mango and the basil leaves till smooth.
8. Serve the shrimp with the mango sauce.
Sha :)
Margarita Shrimp
The other day my son Bryan called and wanted to make his girlfriend dinner. He needs very simple recipes so we decided on shrimp scampi. After a few phone calls from the store he was home and ready to cook. That's when I remembered how easy most shrimp dishes are. Here's a recipe for one of my favorite ways to make shrimp. Since its getting to be grilling weather this is a great recipe to try.
Margarita Shrimp with Mango Basil Sauce
Large shrimp, peeled and deveined, as much as you need to make
Margarita mix, without alcohol
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 T olive oil
1 mango
1 large basil leaves
1. 2 hours prior to cooking place the shrimp in a gallon size zipper bag.
2. Pour enough maragrita mix over the shrimp just to cover it.
3. Add the garlic and olive oil and mix it up in the bag, making sure the shrimp are coated well.
4. Refrigerate for 2 hours.
5. Preheat the grill and skewer the shrimp.
6. Cook the shrimp till they are done, a few minutes per side. Shrimp should be pink all around.
7. While the shrimp is cooking peel the mango and cut into chunks. In a mini chop or food processor mix the mango and the basil leaves till smooth.
8. Serve the shrimp with the mango sauce.
Sha :)
Margarita Shrimp with Mango Basil Sauce
Large shrimp, peeled and deveined, as much as you need to make
Margarita mix, without alcohol
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 T olive oil
1 mango
1 large basil leaves
1. 2 hours prior to cooking place the shrimp in a gallon size zipper bag.
2. Pour enough maragrita mix over the shrimp just to cover it.
3. Add the garlic and olive oil and mix it up in the bag, making sure the shrimp are coated well.
4. Refrigerate for 2 hours.
5. Preheat the grill and skewer the shrimp.
6. Cook the shrimp till they are done, a few minutes per side. Shrimp should be pink all around.
7. While the shrimp is cooking peel the mango and cut into chunks. In a mini chop or food processor mix the mango and the basil leaves till smooth.
8. Serve the shrimp with the mango sauce.
Sha :)
Monday, April 25, 2011
9 Fakta Aneh di Balik Kerajaan Saudi
Mengapa Saudi sangat membatasi gerakan-gerakan Islam bahkan boleh dibilang memberangusnya? Ada beberapa fakta yang menarik tentang Arab Saudi:1. Rezim Saudi, seperti juga sebagian besar negara-negara Arab lainnya, adalah pemerintahan yang menyatukan antara yang benar (haqq) dan salah (batil). Aspek Haqq Saudi hanya bisa kita lihat dari simbol-simbol yang mereka pakai; bendera Saudi, klaim
Blind dog who has his own guide dog
"When ten-year old Zac went blind his companion Lilli stepped in to prove that a dog's best friend is...another dog.
Now Zac, who had his eyes removed five years ago, relies on his fellow Jack Russell terrier to guide him everywhere.
He stays inches from her side on walks, and she lets him rest his head on her when he becomes tired or disorientated.
The pair have been inseparable since they were taken in as stray pups a decade ago, and when an eye infection cost Zac his sight, Lilli became his guide dog.
The pair's owner has moved abroad and they are seeking a new home. Sarah Bussell, of the Blue Cross charity in Tiverton, Devon, said Zac would be lost without Lilli, and the dogs had to be re-homed together.
She said: 'They seem to have an almost telepathic understanding, which is quite amazing to see.
'Zac and Lilli would be such rewarding companions and would give lots of affection to whoever adopts them.'
Anyone interested in adopting Zac and Lilli should phone 01884 855291."
Altogether now...aaaahhh! Let's hope they've found a loving new home by now.
I'm Too Ugly for MTV

The Beatoes
"I'm Too Ugly for M-TV" b/w "Unemployed Total Videoid Blues"
(UK Spud Records, Baltimore, 1986)
On the way out of Normals bookstore this past Saturday, Rupert pointed out this 1986 single by the Beatoes, the band representing the writing partnership of Chris Dennstaedt (Poverty & Spit) and the late, great Mark Harp (Mark Linthicum, aka "Harpo" and "Corky Niedermayer"). What a score! It was another release from UK Spud Records, the same label as my ex-band Thee Katatonix. (Insert sound of thunderous silence here.) The 45 sleeve was designed by Mark Harp and "Aziza" - the latter being ertswhile Katatonix chanteuse, keyboard player (and girlfriend) Aziza Doumani.
It seems that every time Amy and I drop by Normals, we find some trace of her ex-husband Mark Harp lingering there. In previous visits, I scored the Cabal LP (Harpo's band after Null Set - basically Null Set with a name change), while Amy scored Mark's Insane! CD. (Amy suspects that the three Art of Noise records we saw there were also probably from Mark Harp's vinyl collection, as he was a huge Art of Noise fan.) Among the many players listed on the back is Ceil Strakna (Boy Meets Girl, Big As a House), erroneously listed as "Ceil Stranka."

Sunday, April 24, 2011
5 Makanan 'Haram' Bagi Penderita Asam Urat
Peradangan sendi yang disebabkan penumpukan asam urat seringkali menimbulkan rasa sakit luar biasa. Nyeri ini biasanya terjadi pada bagian jempol kaki. Tetapi rasa nyeri juga bisa terjadi pada bagian pergelangan kaki, lutut dan tangan.Serangan asam urat bisa terjadi dalam hitungan hari atau bulan. Pria dan orang obesitas adalah kelompok yang berisiko tinggi mengalami asam urat. Sebenarnya,
Happy Easter, Swellesley style
![]() | |
Two sets of bunny ears? |
I did not participate in the usual Easter morning hunt, my parents being disappointed in my behavior. I stole a gigantic something (it was delicious) from the street during my walk, and Mom felt that I had exceeded my extra-caloric limit. To make up for it, I tried to act a bit Sparky-like by donning this ridiculous outfit. Not only was he delighted to dress up, he also was a very successful plastic egg hunter and deft opener of said eggs. Our Easter bunny sets out eggs with Charlee Bear treats inside, but this year, the E.B. must have anticipated my gluttonous behavior, for I received a big goose egg instead: exactly zero.
Thanks to C.H. for the Easter portrait. Next year, I'm going egg-hunting at your house.
Mas Que Nada
Real Madrid: 2011 Kings of Europe?

Royal Pain: Real Madrid hoists the 2011 Copa del Ray trophy
It pains me to say this, but I predict Real Madrid will win the 2011 Champions League final against Manchester United in an historic victory that will make Jose Morinho the first coach to ever win three European soccer crowns with three different clubs. I hope I'm wrong, but if I was a betting man, I wouldn't bet against it. And it pains me because I am an FC Barcelona fan through and through. Every night when I go running, I proudly don one of my three Barca jerseys (usually getting sympathetic car honks from cab drivers and only the occasional raspberry from Real Madrid or Man U detractors) as I pretend I'm Lionel Messi, Andres Iniesta or Xavi Hernadez repeatedly running the length of the Camp Nou for a 5K jog.
But anyone who's a realist, anyone who's been following soccer lately has to admit it: Real Madrid may be second in La Liga (8 points behind Barcelona), but in everything else their current form is world-class. Even Barca coach Pep Guardiola agrees, admitting that the recent extra time loss to Madrid in the Copa Del Rey final and the 1-1 La Liga tie at the Bernabeu makes his team underdogs for the upcoming clash with their arch-rivals in the first leg of their Champions League semi-final meeting at the Santiago Bernabeu on Wednesday, April 27.
Barcelona may be "more than a club" (as in their motto, mas que un club), but they aren't more than human.

You got the silver: All that glitters isn't gold at Barca these days
Both sides were exhausted by the long and extremely physical Copa del Ray final, but Mourinho's "reserve" team - if one can call last year's leading Madrista scorer Gonzalo Higuain, Brazilian former World Player of the Year Kaka (also the second most expensive player transfer in history, after Ronaldo), and Karim Benzama a "B-side" - was much more impressive in its next game, a 6-3 win over a very good 3rd-place Valencia team, than Barca's reserves were as they struggled at home to beat an outclassed 17th-place Osasuna side 2-0; Barca reluctantly had to insert its exhausted superstars Xavi, Iniesta, and Messi into the game to ensure the victory, with starter Dani Alves having to play the full 90 minutes despite running his legs off in the recent Copa del Ray clash.
The problem with Barcelona is simply this: they are small and they are thin of bench - and they rely far too much on one player, Lionel Messi, whose 31 league goals and 50 (!) total goals (in all competitions) this year have carried the Blaugrana on his miniscule back.
Counter that with a Real Madrid side of Galaticos who are big and tall (Ronaldo, Bezema, Adebayor), deep (the midfield in particular is positively bursting at the seams with Xabi Alonso, Sami Khedira, Mesut Ozil, Marcelo, Angel di Maria, Lassana Diarra, Sergio Canales, Estaban Grenaro, Fernando Gago and - oh yeah - Kaka vying for playing time) and, under The Special One's stewardship, more disciplined (especially defensively, with Morinho adding his reliable former Chelsea stopper Ricardo Cavalho) than ever. But that's what you get when you break records spending in excess of $220 million dollars to sign peeps like Ronaldo ($80 million), Kaka ($56 million), Benzema ($30 million) and Alonso ($30 million). And play defensively, which is Morinho's style.
In the Copa del Ray game, I didn't notice until the second half (when Manuel Adebayor came on) that Ronaldo was being played as the lone striker in Real Madrid's 4-5-1 attack - backed by a packed midfield of Ozil, Kehdira, Marcelo, di Maria and Alonso. They had Benzema, Adabeyor, Higuain, and Kaka sitting on the bench! And the game plan was obvious: Morinho's men were told to sacrifice their bodies contesting every ball - especially Khedira in his best game as a Madrista, who gave so much that it looks like he may now miss the rest of the thigh injury he suffered giving it his all - and clog up Barca's creative generals in the midfield. Morinho deployed three defensive midfielders (Khedira, Marcelo, Alonso) in that clogged five-man midfield, with only Ozil and di Maria left to create crosses and chances for the well-marked strikers. Real Madrid played ugly and won; Barca tried to play with class and lost, thrown off their game by tactics dictated by a master tactician.
Barca has a paper-thin bench (thinner, in fact, than Guardiola's increasingly gray-flecked hairline), with Puyol (and now after the cup final, Adriano) and Eric Abidal (first a liver tumor, now a thigh boo-boo) out injured, Bojan out for the year, Milito coming back from almost two years of inactivity, Maxwell out with a back injury following the Osasuna game...and everyone outside of Sergio Busquets, Gerard Pique and Abidal are tiny!
There's a reason why Ronaldo got that header to win the Copa del Rey for Madrid: he's a big boy! Little Brazilian Adriano played his heart (and now injured legs) out marking Ronaldo for all but one play in the match, but he couldn't match the soaring girth of Ronaldo and that sky-high header. Size matters. That's the main reason why set plays for Barca are so anti-climatic. They don't have anyone - even Messi - who can take a free kick and score from distance like a Ronaldo. And with the departure of Zlatan Ibrahimovic, they don't have any big bodies to throw into the box on corner kicks other than defensive midfielder Busquets or defender Pique (who have to hurry and get back to guard as against counterattacks) - which is why they so often play the ball short and outside on corner kicks.

Big little man Messi and Little big man Ronaldo
And, post-Ibrahimovic, there is no big, Didier Drogba or Andy Carroll-type striker who can play with his back to the opposing goal and hold the ball up. It's all the burden of Villa and Messi to get the perfect pass from the tiny midfield trio of Pedro, Iniesta, or Xavi, or for Pedro or Dani Alves to make exhausting runs on the wings to snake through. And, unlike Ronaldo, Lionel Messi never flops in the box, always staying on his feet no matter how hacked he gets with his legendary footwork. Ronaldo may have more weapons (size, scoring at will from free kicks, deadly with headers), but Messi's heart and spirit-of-the-game are stronger; he's no cheat.
"We accept that Madrid are in the role of favourites in the Champions League," Guardiola admitted to the Spanish media. "I understand that is so, because they won the Copa and they are playing well. We also accept the challenge. We have great faith in ourselves and I have faith more than anything in my players."
I too have faith in Barca, but as I've seen over the course of the 2010-2011 season, faith is an intangible. Reality is tired legs, injury, limited bench options, and the burden of knowing you must play a perfect match every time out against a foe who can concede bodies, who can survive red cards (Madrid ended up with 10 players in its last two Barca clashes - a tie and a win), and still throw more world-class bodies at you. So while it looks certain that Barcelona will soon win its third consecutive La Liga regular season title (they now only need just two wins and a draw in the remaining five games to clinch), in the scheme of things it's really not much mas que nada. Better than nothing (as mas que nada translates in Latin American Spanish), but no silverware. No European glory.
Of course, Sir Alex Ferguson's Red Devils will have a say in the finals as well. It's a given that they'll get past a "Cinderella" Schalke 04 squad inspired by Madrid cast-off Raul, as the 10th-place Bundesliga team is clearly playing over their heads. Though two other Madrid cast-offs, Bayern Munich's Arjan Robben and Inter Milan's Wesley Sneijder, powered their respective sides to last year's final, it's unlikely given run of form that Schalke will repeat the trick (though Inter would argue otherwise!). Certainly Ronaldo is looking forward to this potential final against his former team; his outspoken critism of Sir Alex's tactics in Man U.'s loss to Barca in the 2009 final led quickly to his ouster there.
Time will tell. Until then, I'm keeping the faith, but accepting that this may not be Barca's year for European glory. Barca's aura of invincibility has passed since that infamous 5-0 drubbing of Real Madrid last November that now seems so far away and insignificant. Barca will continue to play the beautiful game of attacking football (that's why they're Barcelona!), but I'm afraid Morinho will continue to win titles, if not beauty contests.
Mas que un club ("More than a club") - FC Barcelona motto
Mas que nada - In Brazilian Portuguese slang: "Yeah, right!; in Spanish: "Better than nothing"

Royal Pain: Real Madrid hoists the 2011 Copa del Ray trophy
It pains me to say this, but I predict Real Madrid will win the 2011 Champions League final against Manchester United in an historic victory that will make Jose Morinho the first coach to ever win three European soccer crowns with three different clubs. I hope I'm wrong, but if I was a betting man, I wouldn't bet against it. And it pains me because I am an FC Barcelona fan through and through. Every night when I go running, I proudly don one of my three Barca jerseys (usually getting sympathetic car honks from cab drivers and only the occasional raspberry from Real Madrid or Man U detractors) as I pretend I'm Lionel Messi, Andres Iniesta or Xavi Hernadez repeatedly running the length of the Camp Nou for a 5K jog.
But anyone who's a realist, anyone who's been following soccer lately has to admit it: Real Madrid may be second in La Liga (8 points behind Barcelona), but in everything else their current form is world-class. Even Barca coach Pep Guardiola agrees, admitting that the recent extra time loss to Madrid in the Copa Del Rey final and the 1-1 La Liga tie at the Bernabeu makes his team underdogs for the upcoming clash with their arch-rivals in the first leg of their Champions League semi-final meeting at the Santiago Bernabeu on Wednesday, April 27.
Barcelona may be "more than a club" (as in their motto, mas que un club), but they aren't more than human.

You got the silver: All that glitters isn't gold at Barca these days
Both sides were exhausted by the long and extremely physical Copa del Ray final, but Mourinho's "reserve" team - if one can call last year's leading Madrista scorer Gonzalo Higuain, Brazilian former World Player of the Year Kaka (also the second most expensive player transfer in history, after Ronaldo), and Karim Benzama a "B-side" - was much more impressive in its next game, a 6-3 win over a very good 3rd-place Valencia team, than Barca's reserves were as they struggled at home to beat an outclassed 17th-place Osasuna side 2-0; Barca reluctantly had to insert its exhausted superstars Xavi, Iniesta, and Messi into the game to ensure the victory, with starter Dani Alves having to play the full 90 minutes despite running his legs off in the recent Copa del Ray clash.
The problem with Barcelona is simply this: they are small and they are thin of bench - and they rely far too much on one player, Lionel Messi, whose 31 league goals and 50 (!) total goals (in all competitions) this year have carried the Blaugrana on his miniscule back.
Counter that with a Real Madrid side of Galaticos who are big and tall (Ronaldo, Bezema, Adebayor), deep (the midfield in particular is positively bursting at the seams with Xabi Alonso, Sami Khedira, Mesut Ozil, Marcelo, Angel di Maria, Lassana Diarra, Sergio Canales, Estaban Grenaro, Fernando Gago and - oh yeah - Kaka vying for playing time) and, under The Special One's stewardship, more disciplined (especially defensively, with Morinho adding his reliable former Chelsea stopper Ricardo Cavalho) than ever. But that's what you get when you break records spending in excess of $220 million dollars to sign peeps like Ronaldo ($80 million), Kaka ($56 million), Benzema ($30 million) and Alonso ($30 million). And play defensively, which is Morinho's style.
In the Copa del Ray game, I didn't notice until the second half (when Manuel Adebayor came on) that Ronaldo was being played as the lone striker in Real Madrid's 4-5-1 attack - backed by a packed midfield of Ozil, Kehdira, Marcelo, di Maria and Alonso. They had Benzema, Adabeyor, Higuain, and Kaka sitting on the bench! And the game plan was obvious: Morinho's men were told to sacrifice their bodies contesting every ball - especially Khedira in his best game as a Madrista, who gave so much that it looks like he may now miss the rest of the thigh injury he suffered giving it his all - and clog up Barca's creative generals in the midfield. Morinho deployed three defensive midfielders (Khedira, Marcelo, Alonso) in that clogged five-man midfield, with only Ozil and di Maria left to create crosses and chances for the well-marked strikers. Real Madrid played ugly and won; Barca tried to play with class and lost, thrown off their game by tactics dictated by a master tactician.
Barca has a paper-thin bench (thinner, in fact, than Guardiola's increasingly gray-flecked hairline), with Puyol (and now after the cup final, Adriano) and Eric Abidal (first a liver tumor, now a thigh boo-boo) out injured, Bojan out for the year, Milito coming back from almost two years of inactivity, Maxwell out with a back injury following the Osasuna game...and everyone outside of Sergio Busquets, Gerard Pique and Abidal are tiny!
There's a reason why Ronaldo got that header to win the Copa del Rey for Madrid: he's a big boy! Little Brazilian Adriano played his heart (and now injured legs) out marking Ronaldo for all but one play in the match, but he couldn't match the soaring girth of Ronaldo and that sky-high header. Size matters. That's the main reason why set plays for Barca are so anti-climatic. They don't have anyone - even Messi - who can take a free kick and score from distance like a Ronaldo. And with the departure of Zlatan Ibrahimovic, they don't have any big bodies to throw into the box on corner kicks other than defensive midfielder Busquets or defender Pique (who have to hurry and get back to guard as against counterattacks) - which is why they so often play the ball short and outside on corner kicks.

Big little man Messi and Little big man Ronaldo
And, post-Ibrahimovic, there is no big, Didier Drogba or Andy Carroll-type striker who can play with his back to the opposing goal and hold the ball up. It's all the burden of Villa and Messi to get the perfect pass from the tiny midfield trio of Pedro, Iniesta, or Xavi, or for Pedro or Dani Alves to make exhausting runs on the wings to snake through. And, unlike Ronaldo, Lionel Messi never flops in the box, always staying on his feet no matter how hacked he gets with his legendary footwork. Ronaldo may have more weapons (size, scoring at will from free kicks, deadly with headers), but Messi's heart and spirit-of-the-game are stronger; he's no cheat.
"We accept that Madrid are in the role of favourites in the Champions League," Guardiola admitted to the Spanish media. "I understand that is so, because they won the Copa and they are playing well. We also accept the challenge. We have great faith in ourselves and I have faith more than anything in my players."
I too have faith in Barca, but as I've seen over the course of the 2010-2011 season, faith is an intangible. Reality is tired legs, injury, limited bench options, and the burden of knowing you must play a perfect match every time out against a foe who can concede bodies, who can survive red cards (Madrid ended up with 10 players in its last two Barca clashes - a tie and a win), and still throw more world-class bodies at you. So while it looks certain that Barcelona will soon win its third consecutive La Liga regular season title (they now only need just two wins and a draw in the remaining five games to clinch), in the scheme of things it's really not much mas que nada. Better than nothing (as mas que nada translates in Latin American Spanish), but no silverware. No European glory.
Of course, Sir Alex Ferguson's Red Devils will have a say in the finals as well. It's a given that they'll get past a "Cinderella" Schalke 04 squad inspired by Madrid cast-off Raul, as the 10th-place Bundesliga team is clearly playing over their heads. Though two other Madrid cast-offs, Bayern Munich's Arjan Robben and Inter Milan's Wesley Sneijder, powered their respective sides to last year's final, it's unlikely given run of form that Schalke will repeat the trick (though Inter would argue otherwise!). Certainly Ronaldo is looking forward to this potential final against his former team; his outspoken critism of Sir Alex's tactics in Man U.'s loss to Barca in the 2009 final led quickly to his ouster there.
Time will tell. Until then, I'm keeping the faith, but accepting that this may not be Barca's year for European glory. Barca's aura of invincibility has passed since that infamous 5-0 drubbing of Real Madrid last November that now seems so far away and insignificant. Barca will continue to play the beautiful game of attacking football (that's why they're Barcelona!), but I'm afraid Morinho will continue to win titles, if not beauty contests.
5 Aksi Cyber Terbesar Sepanjang Sejarah
Seluruh dunia kini sangat tergantung dengan komputer. Segala sistem kini telah terkomputerisasi, mulai dari perbankan, perdagangan, perbelanjaan, telekomunikasi, maupun informasi. Ini membuat kita di seluruh dunia sangat rentan terhadap serangan cyber. Oleh karenanya, perang cyber yang dipicu oleh tekanan dan penangkapan terhadap pendiri situs WikiLeaks cukup mengkhawatirkan.
Stuttgart Stunner
Julia Goerges: Beauty Uber Alles

Drop-dead Goerges: Her game is like her name
STUTTGART, Germany (April 24, 2010) – Julia Goerges is my new favorite female tennis player. The 22-year-old German native of Bad Oldesloe is also probably the most *Goergeous* woman currently bouncing around the WTA circuit - a statuesque 6-footer with slender long legs and - an anomaly in the women's game (outside of Serena Williams, Nicole Vaidosova, Caroline Wozniacki and perhaps handful of others) - a curvaceous female athlete actually built like a woman: that is to say, she has a rack! (Think about it: when's the last time you saw a top female tennis player that actually needed to wear a sports bra? I have a short list of candidates - see "The All England Rack-It Club" - but only a scant few are also top-heavy in the WTA rankings.) Facially, she reminds me of a cross between actresses Jill Hennessy and Sandra Bullock.
And on April 24th, this 32nd-ranked outsider "stunned" world No. 1 Caroline Wozniacki 7-6 (7-3), 6-3 in the Stuttgart WTA claycourt final to win her first title of the year in front of an ecstatic home crowd. I put "stunned" in quotes because, cute and loveable and media-friendly as the Dane darling is, I've always seen her as a pretender and not a true contender for the throne of women's tennis - she's a counterpuncher who's pretty good in all aspects of the game without any one go-to weapon in her arsenal that's a knockout punch. And she's still never won a Grand Slam event. (I rest my case.) Now, Julia Goerges has a similar all-around game, and is not exactly fleet of foot (she's carrying around that extra real estate uptown, after all), but at 6-feet tall, her kick-serve is a force to be reckoned with. Let's hope she carries on her current excellent form to even bigger accomplishments as the 2011 French Open (where Julia lost to Serena Williams in the second round last year) nears!

Drop-dead Goerges: Her game is like her name
STUTTGART, Germany (April 24, 2010) – Julia Goerges is my new favorite female tennis player. The 22-year-old German native of Bad Oldesloe is also probably the most *Goergeous* woman currently bouncing around the WTA circuit - a statuesque 6-footer with slender long legs and - an anomaly in the women's game (outside of Serena Williams, Nicole Vaidosova, Caroline Wozniacki and perhaps handful of others) - a curvaceous female athlete actually built like a woman: that is to say, she has a rack! (Think about it: when's the last time you saw a top female tennis player that actually needed to wear a sports bra? I have a short list of candidates - see "The All England Rack-It Club" - but only a scant few are also top-heavy in the WTA rankings.) Facially, she reminds me of a cross between actresses Jill Hennessy and Sandra Bullock.
And on April 24th, this 32nd-ranked outsider "stunned" world No. 1 Caroline Wozniacki 7-6 (7-3), 6-3 in the Stuttgart WTA claycourt final to win her first title of the year in front of an ecstatic home crowd. I put "stunned" in quotes because, cute and loveable and media-friendly as the Dane darling is, I've always seen her as a pretender and not a true contender for the throne of women's tennis - she's a counterpuncher who's pretty good in all aspects of the game without any one go-to weapon in her arsenal that's a knockout punch. And she's still never won a Grand Slam event. (I rest my case.) Now, Julia Goerges has a similar all-around game, and is not exactly fleet of foot (she's carrying around that extra real estate uptown, after all), but at 6-feet tall, her kick-serve is a force to be reckoned with. Let's hope she carries on her current excellent form to even bigger accomplishments as the 2011 French Open (where Julia lost to Serena Williams in the second round last year) nears!

Kisah Orang Terkaya No 3 Indonesia Yang Hanya Lulus SD !
Nama lelaki tersebut ialah Eka Tjipta Widjaja , lahir 1923 dengan keluarga yang hidup dalam kemiskinan. Bersama ibunya, ia pindah ke Makassar pada tahun 1932, saat usianya 9 tahun. Di Makassar, ia membantu ayahnya yang telah pindah lebih dahulu, dan telah memiliki toko kecil. Ia membantu ayahnya menjajakan produk toko dengan cara door to door selling. Setelah hanya lulus SD, karena
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The Dahomy Amazone, Para Prajurit Wanita yang Banyak Menewaskan Tentara Perancis
Dahomy Amazone, atau Mino, adalah Fon (kelompok etnis dan bahasa utama Afrika Barat di negara Benin, dan Nigeria barat daya) resimen militer yang semuanya perempuan di Kerajaan Dahomey (sekarang Benin), yang berlangsung sampai akhir abad ke-19. Mereka dinamakan demikian oleh pengamat Barat dan sejarawan karena kesamaan mereka dengan semi-mitos Amazon Anatolia kuno dan Laut Hitam.Prajurit
9 Makhluk Paling Misterius
Makhluk-makhluk yang disebutkan di bawah ini dianggap misterius karena muncul secara tak terduga dan hilang secara tak terduga pula tanpa bukti-bukti yg kuat.Bagaimanapun juga tetap menarik untuk membahas mereka karena tidak ada seorang pun yg tau pasti mengenai kebenaran eksistensi mereka hingga masi menjadi misteri sampai saat ini. Saya mulai saja daftar 10 makhluk plg misterius abad ini.1
10 Wanita Paling Berpengaruh di Dunia
Ibu Negara Amerika Serikat, Michelle Obama menduduki peringkat pertama dalam 100 wanita paling hebat di muka bumi versi majalah Forbes. Michelle merupakan paduan ikon fashion dan politik. Tipe wanita masa kini.Dalam Forbes edisi Oktober 2010 merilis, peringkat Michelle naik 39 peringkat dan berhasil menggeser Kanselir Jerman, Angela Merkell yang merosot ke posisi ke empat.Michelle terlibat
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The mighty Christopher Reeve - gone but not forgotten |
I note with interest that some advance reviews of the upcoming THOR movie proclaim it to be the best superhero movie since SUPERMAN in 1978. Remembering just what an impact that particular movie had on audiences, I'm looking forward to seeing if Thor can truly measure up to such fulsome praise. Nowadays, showing the impossible on screen is a much easier task than it was in 1978 - thanks to the advances in CGI technology - but most of the flying sequences in Superman still hold up pretty well, even after all this time.
Anyway, I'm not here today to talk about Thor - rather it's Superman I want to blather on about for a minute or two - and in particular CHRISTOPHER REEVE's interpretation of THE MAN OF STEEL. It seemed that PETER PIPER had blown his magic pipes (now there's a reference bound to confuse my American readers) and ol' Supes had stepped straight out of the pages of his own comic. Has ever a human being so personified a comicbook superhero better than Chris did? The answer is obviously "no" (I'm talking about cinematic portrayals, so all you KIRK ALYN and GEORGE REEVES fans can relax), so it will be interesting to see just how future interpretations of THE MAN OF TOMORROW compare to Mr Reeve's definitive portrayal. BRANDON ROUTH managed a fairly acceptable impersonation of Christopher Reeve, but failed to truly match the original.
Anyway, with a new Superman epic in the works, let's take a moment to remember the man who first gave life to the world's greatest superhero on the big screen.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Hobi Aneh 6 Pemimpin Paling Brutal di Dunia !
Para pemimpin ini, terkenal karena kekejamannya. Namun setiap manusia selalu memiliki sisi uniknya, tanpa pandang bulu dan ini dia, hobi unik para pemimpin tersebut. Di mulai dari urutan ke-6. 6. Hitler Mencintai Disney dan Sketsa Hitler dulunya sebagai seorang seniman, beberapa karyanya pernah muncul sebelumnya, sketsa-sketsa baru ditemukan tahun 2008, memberikan sedikit cahaya kepada
Obama Takes New & Improved “TaskForce” For Gas Pains
Roanoke Times, 4-22-11, Pg 4: Obama announces gas price task force
Gas was $1.85 when Obama took the wheel for the first lap.
Gas prices are now at $3.85 with Obama going in for a TaskForce Pit Stop.
How many oil wells, tankers and refineries does his Task Force have?
What’s that you say?
They’re just a bunch of bureaucrats that don’t produce anything – bummer!
What to do, what to do? Let’s say speculators and traders are the bad guys. Everyone hates them.
What’s that you say? Bill Clinton tried that and they weren’t to blame – bummer!
Then let’s have some major increases in burning ethanol.
“We don’t need corn for food or livestock – let’s just burn the stuff”!
What’s that you say? It’s part of the reason gas prices have gone up – bummer!
Obama needs to get over to the Middle East and do some serious kneeling and bowing and kowtowing and apologizing! And while he’s at it, get all those righteous-rioters back out in the oil fields pumping oil instead of burning it.
What are the dozens of Czars doing? Aren’t they supposed to be solving all our problems? And how about the Dept of Energy? Weren’t they established over 30 years ago to solve our external oil dependency problem? Another bummer!
On the other hand, isn’t this what our Obama Energy Policy is all about? Drive up the cost of gasoline and electricity so that the solar panels and wind turbines look like a good alternative (when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining).
We are on the Obama path to his energy vision, he just doesn’t want to announce it yet.
Prior Items:
Roanoke Times, 4-22-11, Pg 4: Obama announces gas price task force
Gas was $1.85 when Obama took the wheel for the first lap.
Gas prices are now at $3.85 with Obama going in for a TaskForce Pit Stop.
How many oil wells, tankers and refineries does his Task Force have?
What’s that you say?
They’re just a bunch of bureaucrats that don’t produce anything – bummer!
What to do, what to do? Let’s say speculators and traders are the bad guys. Everyone hates them.
What’s that you say? Bill Clinton tried that and they weren’t to blame – bummer!
Then let’s have some major increases in burning ethanol.
“We don’t need corn for food or livestock – let’s just burn the stuff”!
What’s that you say? It’s part of the reason gas prices have gone up – bummer!
Obama needs to get over to the Middle East and do some serious kneeling and bowing and kowtowing and apologizing! And while he’s at it, get all those righteous-rioters back out in the oil fields pumping oil instead of burning it.
What are the dozens of Czars doing? Aren’t they supposed to be solving all our problems? And how about the Dept of Energy? Weren’t they established over 30 years ago to solve our external oil dependency problem? Another bummer!
On the other hand, isn’t this what our Obama Energy Policy is all about? Drive up the cost of gasoline and electricity so that the solar panels and wind turbines look like a good alternative (when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining).
We are on the Obama path to his energy vision, he just doesn’t want to announce it yet.
Prior Items:
Penyaluran Hobby Yang Bisa Ketiban Sial
Menyalurkan hobby sih boleh - boleh aja tapi apa yang dilakukan oleh orang - orang di bawah ini bisa bikin mereka ketiban sial . Loe lihat aja ide gila mereka menyalurkan hobby mancingnya dan kesialan apa yang akan mereka dapat dari penyaluran hobby ini.1. Gila abiez mancing di tengah jalan padahal udh jelas ngga adanya ikannya.Belum dapat ikan udah koit duluan ditabrak mobil2. Mancing di tengah
Kesalahan-Kesalahan Dalam Olah Raga
Dalam olahraga sering terjadi kesalahan-kesalahan yang tidak disengaja, dan pada saat terjadinya kejadian itu mungkin hal itu biasa-biasa aja atau bahkan bisa berakibat tragis dan bisa membuat kita prihatin.Tetapi ketika kesalahan itu diabadikan dalam suatu karya photografi dan dilihat lagi mungkin bisa bikin kita ketawa . Kenapa ? Yah karena kejadiannya benar-benar tanpa disengaja dan moment
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Koleksi Foto Ulat-ulat Terunik
Bagi Anda yang phobia dengan ulat, saya anjurkan untuk tidak melihat foto-foto berikut. Di dunia ini ada banyak sekali jenis ulat, tapi hanya beberapa memiliki bentuk tubuh dan bulu yang paling aneh di seluruh muka bumi, seperti terlihat dalam kumpulan foto-foto di bawah ini. Sumber :
Aneh, Empat Lubang Misterius Muncul di Maros
LIHAT LUBANG - Bupati Maros HM Hatta Rahman (paling kanan) memperhatikan Kabag Humas Pemkab Maros Kamaluddin Nur, menjajaki kedalaman lubang misterius di Dusun Lempangang, Desa Tanete, Kecamatan Simbang, Rabu (20/4). Lubang berdiameter 8 meter itu muncul secara misterius sejak sebulan lalu dengan jumlah sebanyak 4 buah.MAROS - Lubang berdiameter 8 meter muncul secara misterius di Dusun
Raja-raja yang Mempunyai Kelakuan Menyimpang
1. Justin IIJustin II adalah Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Emperor berkuasa pada 565 to 578. Justin II keponakan dari Justinian I. Justin II terkenal karena takhta berodanya dan gigitannya yang menyakiti semua orang di istana. Pada hari-hari terakhir sebagai Kaisar, dia memerintahkan kelompok musik untuk bermain sepanjang waktu untuk menenangkan pikirannya. 2. Ibrahim IIbrahim I adalah
Attention please: can dogs eat edamame?
Ok, I have to be honest with myself: did I really want to try the edamame, or was I merely engaging in attention-seeking behavior?
Never to take the simplest path, and feeling a little Willy Loman-esque, of course I wanted attention. Attention must be paid to this dog!
Mom was packing up to take my sister to a college overnight, and I didn't like the look of things at all. I am not a fan of travel, especially when I am not included. I didn't see anyone gathering up my travel bowls, beds, accessories, toys—all the essentials. Instead, my folks had stacked up a few treats on the kitchen island. Yeah, I knew they weren't for me. I didn't even try them—simply carried the container to my lair, artfully scattered the edamame on the rug, and delayed departure by at least a few minutes.
And when everyone came home, I knocked them over, just to show how much I missed them.
To the question of whether dogs can eat edamame, of course we can! We can eat anything—it's the results that are questionable, and according to my research, humans don't tend to appreciate the gastrointestinal consequences.
Never to take the simplest path, and feeling a little Willy Loman-esque, of course I wanted attention. Attention must be paid to this dog!
Mom was packing up to take my sister to a college overnight, and I didn't like the look of things at all. I am not a fan of travel, especially when I am not included. I didn't see anyone gathering up my travel bowls, beds, accessories, toys—all the essentials. Instead, my folks had stacked up a few treats on the kitchen island. Yeah, I knew they weren't for me. I didn't even try them—simply carried the container to my lair, artfully scattered the edamame on the rug, and delayed departure by at least a few minutes.
And when everyone came home, I knocked them over, just to show how much I missed them.
To the question of whether dogs can eat edamame, of course we can! We can eat anything—it's the results that are questionable, and according to my research, humans don't tend to appreciate the gastrointestinal consequences.
Menikah 23 Kali, Nenek Masuk Guiness of Record
Seorang Nenek berusia 68 tahun resmi menjadi wanita pemecah rekor melakukan paling banyak perkimpoian sepanjang sejarah. Linda Wolfe nama wanita tersebut telah melakukan pernikahan sebanyak 23 kali , dan pernikahan pertama yang dia lakukan , yaitu pada saat berumur 16 tahun.Tujuh pernikahan pertamanya berjalan cukup lama, yaitu setiap masing-masing pernikahan berlangsung selama tujuh tahun.
10 Film Box Office Indonesia terlaris di tahun 2011
Entah dipengaruhi oleh kebijakan pengurangan film asing di Indonesia atau tidak, yang jelas, Film-film box Office Indonesia di tahun 2011 mengalami kenaikan penonton yang sangat signifikan jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah penonton di tahun 2010. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan jumlah penonton film bioskop indonesia yang menembus angka 2 juta penonton.Lantas Film apa sajakah yang merajai arena
10 Selebriti Dengan Rekor Kawin Cerai Paling Banyak
Sepertinya fenomena kawin cerai dikalangan dunia selebriti sangat sering kita dengar di infotainment, tidak hanya selebriti luar negeri tapi juga selebriti dalam negeri. Apakah nilai perkawinan bagi mereka tidak terlalu penting untuk dijaga? Apakah fenomena kawin bagian dari fase menuju popularitas bagi mereka? 10. Lana TurnerCerai: 8 kali 9. Elizabeth TaylorCerai: 7 kali 8.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
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Courtesy of Forbidden Planet |
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Herb Trimpe |
When I was in FP on Tuesday, I noticed they had a sale on a shelf-load of MARVEL MASTERWORKS editions, which doubtless includes some of Herb's Hulk work - why not console yourself by buying a volume, kicking back your heels and reliving those power-packed adventures from the '60s and '70s?
And, even if you can't get Herb's name on your comics, you can still always ask for proprietor Jumpin' JIM HAMILTON's autograph instead - he's a well-respected legend in the Scottish comics scene, and personal friend of quite a few industry superstars.
OzoneGate and the Scientific Consensus
Panic Everyone! The End of Life as we know it is at hand! We just reached a consensus that atmospheric fluorocarbons from your air conditioners, your business, your car, your refrigerator, your freezer, propellant in your aerosol cans and in your halon fire extinguishers are destroying the ozone and causing a hole in the ozone layer that will give you cancer and destroy the world! (Not clear which will get you first!)
Congress, scared to death by this apocalyptic scientific consensus passed in 1990 a ban on all Chlorofluorocarbons, or CFC’s, that were long considered the ideal refrigerant. Inexpensive and efficient, they are also non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-corrosive and replaced prior used dangerous and toxic chemicals.
The CFC ban impacted millions of people, cost Billions of dollars, resulted in a massive scrapping and replacement of all refrigeration units and processes and during this massive disruptive mess the cost of a pound of CFC was artificially driven by the US Government from $1 to $40!
So here we are 20 years later and the ozone hole over the North Pole (Arctic) is getting bigger and the ozone hole over the South Pole (Antarctic) is getting smaller.
Also there is more warming over the North Pole than over the South Pole.
What to do? What to do? We need a new Scientific “Polar” Consensus!
Where’s Al Gore when you really need him?
This is yet another bunch of Yahoos on a Boondoggle using a totally unproven hypothesis to enact laws to implement actions that are massively disruptive and costly without a clear understanding of the outcomes or of how the natural variability of earth’s systems change over time and space!
Their story line now – wait another 300 years and you’ll see we’re right!
Our so called Science by Consensus has lost its way from The Scientific Method and Cause vs Effect Analysis that has served mankind so well over the past 300 years.
Our So Called Consensus Scientists are fast loosing their credibility with each massive government grant they receive and squander on preconceived outcomes.
Physician Heal Thyself!
Panic Everyone! The End of Life as we know it is at hand! We just reached a consensus that atmospheric fluorocarbons from your air conditioners, your business, your car, your refrigerator, your freezer, propellant in your aerosol cans and in your halon fire extinguishers are destroying the ozone and causing a hole in the ozone layer that will give you cancer and destroy the world! (Not clear which will get you first!)
Congress, scared to death by this apocalyptic scientific consensus passed in 1990 a ban on all Chlorofluorocarbons, or CFC’s, that were long considered the ideal refrigerant. Inexpensive and efficient, they are also non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-corrosive and replaced prior used dangerous and toxic chemicals.
The CFC ban impacted millions of people, cost Billions of dollars, resulted in a massive scrapping and replacement of all refrigeration units and processes and during this massive disruptive mess the cost of a pound of CFC was artificially driven by the US Government from $1 to $40!
So here we are 20 years later and the ozone hole over the North Pole (Arctic) is getting bigger and the ozone hole over the South Pole (Antarctic) is getting smaller.
Also there is more warming over the North Pole than over the South Pole.
What to do? What to do? We need a new Scientific “Polar” Consensus!
Where’s Al Gore when you really need him?
This is yet another bunch of Yahoos on a Boondoggle using a totally unproven hypothesis to enact laws to implement actions that are massively disruptive and costly without a clear understanding of the outcomes or of how the natural variability of earth’s systems change over time and space!
Their story line now – wait another 300 years and you’ll see we’re right!
Our so called Science by Consensus has lost its way from The Scientific Method and Cause vs Effect Analysis that has served mankind so well over the past 300 years.
Our So Called Consensus Scientists are fast loosing their credibility with each massive government grant they receive and squander on preconceived outcomes.
Physician Heal Thyself!
Obama’s Air Controllers Union; Not Your Reagan Controllers!
Roanoke Times, 4-20-11, Pg 5: First Lady’s Plane Aborts Landing
Air Controllers asleep within sight of the White House at National. More Air Controllers asleep and then again more Air Controllers asleep. They’ve caught up to five now.
Then Air Controllers abort landing of plane with Michelle on board after directing it to tail-gate too close to a large military plane landing on same runway.
Obama’s action: give the Air Controllers Union an additional paid hour per shift!
This is like a modern Snow White story: Sleepy meets Dopey!
This is your Government Union Employees and their Obama-management team at work!
What a contrast with Republican President Ronald Reagan when he told the Air Controllers Union to shape up or ship out!
They went on strike – Reagan FIRED them ALL; 11,000 of them on Aug 5th 1981!
No wonder the Unions Love Obama! What’s not to Love?
TaxPayers & Pilots to Tower: WTF -- Over!
Prior Items:
Roanoke Times, 4-20-11, Pg 5: First Lady’s Plane Aborts Landing
Air Controllers asleep within sight of the White House at National. More Air Controllers asleep and then again more Air Controllers asleep. They’ve caught up to five now.
Then Air Controllers abort landing of plane with Michelle on board after directing it to tail-gate too close to a large military plane landing on same runway.
Obama’s action: give the Air Controllers Union an additional paid hour per shift!
This is like a modern Snow White story: Sleepy meets Dopey!
This is your Government Union Employees and their Obama-management team at work!
What a contrast with Republican President Ronald Reagan when he told the Air Controllers Union to shape up or ship out!
They went on strike – Reagan FIRED them ALL; 11,000 of them on Aug 5th 1981!
No wonder the Unions Love Obama! What’s not to Love?
TaxPayers & Pilots to Tower: WTF -- Over!
Prior Items:
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Sewing Curse
Today I had the task of making 5 makeup bags for gifts for family members on our upcoming trip. They are pretty easy so I thought it would only take 1 day to make them. But my guardian angel was asleep or on a trip or something because I had a big sewing curse on me today. To start with I took a chuck off my fingertip with my rotary blade today. So off to the drug store I went to get supplies (don’t ask me how a chef is caught at home with no finger rubbers?). Dealing with that took an hour out of my sewing time. Then the hot iron fell and missed my foot by an inch or so followed by poking my fingers too many times to count with pins. So what’s a girl to do? I went to sleep and had a nice little nap, taking 2 more hours out of my sewing time. Luckily for me when I woke up the curse was gone and I was able to finish 2 of the 5 bags I need to make this week. The fabric I used for these is from Me and My Sisters fabric lines. I hope my neices like them.
The Sewing Curse
Today I had the task of making 5 makeup bags for gifts for family members on our upcoming trip. They are pretty easy so I thought it would only take 1 day to make them. But my guardian angel was asleep or on a trip or something because I had a big sewing curse on me today. To start with I took a chuck off my fingertip with my rotary blade today. So off to the drug store I went to get supplies (don’t ask me how a chef is caught at home with no finger rubbers?). Dealing with that took an hour out of my sewing time. Then the hot iron fell and missed my foot by an inch or so followed by poking my fingers too many times to count with pins. So what’s a girl to do? I went to sleep and had a nice little nap, taking 2 more hours out of my sewing time. Luckily for me when I woke up the curse was gone and I was able to finish 2 of the 5 bags I need to make this week. The fabric I used for these is from Me and My Sisters fabric lines. I hope my neices like them.
Driving and orienteering mistakes
I was struck by the parallel between driving mistakes and orienteering mistakes in a news story I read today. Here's a bht of the story.Teenagers are notoriously bad drivers, accounting for 10 times as many crashes as middle-aged ones. But short of keeping them off the road entirely, is there a way to make their driving safer — for them and for the rest of us?New research suggests that there is.
New release - "My secret diary" - full & taggers size - 25%off!!
I've just uploaded this kit to the store called "My secret diary".
It's available in both full (
and taggers ( sizes!
and taggers ( sizes!
25% off until April 24th!!
This kit is HUGE!!
There are 30 papers and about 150 mixed elements so I made a few previews to show them (almost) all :)
Totally Wired

Totally Wired: Postpunk Interviews and Overviews
by Simon Reynolds
(Soft Skull Press, 2010, 464 pages)
I just finished reading Simon Reynold's latest post-punk tome, Totally Wired: Postpunk Interviews and Overviews. The title is taken from a song by The Fall, one of his fave bands, and is a follow-up/companion piece to his superlative/definitive post-punk chronicle, Rip It Up and Start Again: Postpunk 1978-1984.

It kind of works like Jon Savage's The England's Dreaming Tapes, which presented most of the complete interviews that were edited down for his England's Dreaming punk rock history, in that it goes back to what were the source interviews for Rip It Up and Start Again - plus some added "director's cut" edits of previously published magazine articles and essays ("John Lydon and Public Image Ltd: Two Biographies," "Joy Division: Two Movies," "Ono, Eno, Arto: Non-Musicians and the Emergence of 'Concept Rock,'" "Glam City: Poseurs, Dreamers, Heroes and Monsters, from the Bromley Contingent and Blitz to the Batcave and Leigh Bowery," as well as the LA scene chapter that was excluded from the American edition of Rip It Up and Start Again: "The Blasting Concept: Los Angeles, SST, and 'Progressive Punk'") - and presents them whole. He evens included an interview with himself ("A Final Interview: Simon Reynolds") to further explain the who, what, where, and why of his definition of postpunk and Rip It Up and Start Again.

Like Rip It Up, it's a fantastic, informative read. Reynolds is my favorite music writer. He gets it, and articulates it, in a way no one else can. Hip without being snarky. Intelligent and thought-provoking without being pedantic, elitist, or patronizing. The only chink in his critical armour to me has always been his adulation of Public Image Ltd (PiL) as the inspiration and starting point for post-punk. Sorry, I never cared much for them - and the telling ting is, I don't think John Lydon does either - he re-united for filthy lucre with the Sex Pistols - not (tellingly) PiL - and PiL garner barely a passing mention in his bio! (Guess he knew his legacy, fame, and fortune rested with the Pistols - much as he purports to detest Malcolm McLaren - not to mention the unseemly fallings-out he had with various PiL members)
While I enjoyed all the interviews collected here - Ari Up, Jah Wobble, Alan Vega, Gerard Casale, Mark Mothersbaugh, David Thomas, Tony Wilson, Bill Drummond, Mark Stewart, Dennis Bovell, Andy Gill, david Byrne, Andy Gill, James Chance, Lydia Lunch, Steve Severin, Nikki Sudden, John Peel, Alison Stratton, Green Gartside, Gina Birch, Martin Bramah, Linder Sterling, Steven Morris, Richard H. Kirk, Alan Rankine, Paul Haig, Phil Oakey, Martin Rushent, Edwyn Collins, Steven Daly, Paul Morley, Trevor Horn - my fondest connection came when Reynolds defined the pre-digital, pre-Internet world that we all lived through in the postpunk 1980s...the world of true "Boredom" (ba-dum, ba-dum), when there wasn't the massive reissue industry and availability of "everything-ever-recorded in the history of music" that there is today and that is just a few clicks (or cliques) away. It was the era of a scant few music magazines, whose rock press scribes (like Paul Morley, Greil Marcus, Lester Bangs, Nick Kent, Jon Savage) become as much stars as the musicians they were writing about.
"One thing that came to me as I did my research was how much music and the rock press in those days was a lifeline that I and oter people who lived in small towns across the UK grabbed onto. If you didn't live in one of the big metropolitan centres, you were starved of stimulation. Boredom is a great motivator. A vista of emptiness is something you want to fill. It was a different kind of boredom in those days to the kind you get nowadays, which I think of as this sated, distracted-to-death boredom, the problem of having too many options. [This condition speaks to this ADHD-afflicted blogger's soul!] We didn't have that problem in the seventies. As a kid at that time, there were big stretches of time where the sensation of boredom was so gnawingly intense it was almost spiritual. In the UK back then there were only three TV channels, and they were off for stretches during the afternoon and closed down completely around midnight. There were only a few radio stations and the time they allotted to left-field music was pretty restricted. We didn't have video rental or DVDs to buy. There were no blogs or online message boards, no YouTube or internet radio. Kids today living in small towns probably suffer from not having much to do, but they still have infinitely more in terms of stimulation and distraction that they can siphon into their computer or mobile phone. They can download and get what they want instantly, legally or illegally. But during postpunk days the avenues that existed for accessing cutting-edge music were the local record store, John Peel's radio show, a couple of TV shows that might occasionally have something left-field on, and the music press. Those were your connection points and they became enormously highly charged. It created a relationship with music of an intensity that I don't see today. Both information-wise and in terms of getting hold of the music itself, it was a scarcity economy. An economy of delay and anticipation: you had to wait for the record to arrive in your local shop; you had to wait until 10 p.m. for Peel; you had to wait for the weekly music papers to arrive in WH Smith. The day the new issues of the music press came out was the best day of the week. They were like little capsules from a world where all the excitement and all the ideas were. Lots of people would read them from cover to cover." (Simon Reynolds, "A Final Interview")
Those were the days, my friend. And I was was one of those avid readers, devouring Creem, Bomp!, Trouser Press, New Yorker Rocker, Punk, Slash - whatever was at hand.
Watch The Fall's "Totally Wired."
The Obama-Democrat Credit Score Train-Wreck
Roanoke Times, 4-18-11, Pg 3: Geithner (Obama’s Treasure Secretary) says GOP OK with raising debt limit. GOP Paul Ryan actually says “We want cuts in spending before discussing debt limit increases”.
The Credit Score TV singing boys have been joined by the The 2010 Voters, The International Financial Community, The TeaParty, The Republican Party, The Obama-Debt Commission and now the Credit Rating Services all are telling the world that the Obama-Democrat Spend, Tax and Borrow Binge has resulted in a $14.5 TRILLION Debt Train-Wreck with $1.5 TRILLION added each year.
The Obama answer – we can tax our way out of this mess!
Has any government in the history of the world ever taxed its way to prosperity?
Have not the ones who tried died in unemployment and hyperinflation?
Obama’s Class Warfare Chant: Let’s tax the “rich” more!
After all the top 10% of the income earners (most of whom are small-business owners and therefore the primary job creators) are currently paying 70% of the Federal Income Tax (FIT) collected.
And 50% of the population doesn’t pay any FIT at all! Perhaps that’s why all the polls show 50% of the population are happy with the taxes they pay! You think?
Raising the Federal Debt Ceiling simply keeps the door wide open for more spending and taxing and borrowing. When individuals, companies and governments cannot borrow more money they are forced to make a realistic budget and live within their income. Millions of people and thousands of companies have been forced to do that and they don’t understand why the Federal Government can’t do the same!
Vote NO on raising the Debt Ceiling!
Vote YES on stopping our Federal and State Spend, Tax, and Borrowing Binge!
Prior Items:
Roanoke Times, 4-18-11, Pg 3: Geithner (Obama’s Treasure Secretary) says GOP OK with raising debt limit. GOP Paul Ryan actually says “We want cuts in spending before discussing debt limit increases”.
The Credit Score TV singing boys have been joined by the The 2010 Voters, The International Financial Community, The TeaParty, The Republican Party, The Obama-Debt Commission and now the Credit Rating Services all are telling the world that the Obama-Democrat Spend, Tax and Borrow Binge has resulted in a $14.5 TRILLION Debt Train-Wreck with $1.5 TRILLION added each year.
The Obama answer – we can tax our way out of this mess!
Has any government in the history of the world ever taxed its way to prosperity?
Have not the ones who tried died in unemployment and hyperinflation?
Obama’s Class Warfare Chant: Let’s tax the “rich” more!
After all the top 10% of the income earners (most of whom are small-business owners and therefore the primary job creators) are currently paying 70% of the Federal Income Tax (FIT) collected.
And 50% of the population doesn’t pay any FIT at all! Perhaps that’s why all the polls show 50% of the population are happy with the taxes they pay! You think?
Raising the Federal Debt Ceiling simply keeps the door wide open for more spending and taxing and borrowing. When individuals, companies and governments cannot borrow more money they are forced to make a realistic budget and live within their income. Millions of people and thousands of companies have been forced to do that and they don’t understand why the Federal Government can’t do the same!
Vote NO on raising the Debt Ceiling!
Vote YES on stopping our Federal and State Spend, Tax, and Borrowing Binge!
Prior Items:
Spunky Page kit now available!
Because some of you asked.. I'm going to upload my kits in Full size.
It will take a looot but... the first is ready!!
It's my Spunky kit and you can find it here:
See you later with a new release!!
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