Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pretty Handsome

Hobbes was so cute, all snuggled up in "my" chair. Hmm, never thought I would
have a chair all my own. As kids we would love to sit on the floor to play board
games or watch T.V.   As we became older we would call out "I get my spot back."
This assured us that when we returned we could retrieve our cushy seat.   I do not
know what the deal was... were there too few seats or just favorite spots?  Well,
it held the peace in a large household, where I will add we had ONE T.V. and we
all agreed on the program.  Thus when we watched T.V. it was as a family.  My
families living rooms were had fun and laughter.


No, Hobbes is not watching T.V., although I actually have seen him do this!
He has taken to snuggling into my favorite chair.


P.S.  I finally have photos of my latest piece!  
I will have them up within a week... sooner hopefully!

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