Saturday, March 31, 2012
7 Fakta Unik Seputar Air Mani
Laskarcerita - Dalam perspektif kesehatan, air mani dipandang sebagai suatu substansi biologis yang dikeluarkan oleh pria untuk membuahi telur-telur dari wanita melalui proses persatuan sperma-telur. Tapi ada beberapa fakta aneh seputar air mani yang belum banyak diketahui. Apa saja?Secara definisi, cairan semen atau air mani adalah cairan organik, juga dikenal sebagai seminal fluid, yang
6 Ciri Anda Mungkin Partner Bercinta yang Buruk
Bagaimana menilai seberapa hebat performa seks seseorang? Ternyata faktor penentunya tidak selalu sebaik apa melakukan foreplay, lama penetrasi atau ukuran alat vital.Banyak faktor yang menentukan hebat/kurangnya performa seseorang saat di ranjang. Bagi para wanita, waspadai jika Anda memiliki enam tanda yang dilansir dari All Women Stalk ini, karena bisa jadi Anda pasangan yang buruk dalam
4 Tanda Anda dan Si Dia Lebih Dari Teman Biasa
Meskipun telah lama menjadi sahabat, tidak menutup kemungkinan akan timbul rasa suka antara teman pria dan wanita. Mungkin Anda masih ragu dengan perasaan Anda atau masih bingung dengan perlakuan baiknya. Daripada bertanya-tanya, berikut ini tanda-tanda yang menyiratkan bahwa hubungan Anda dan si dia lebih dari teman biasa. Simak empat tandanya, seperti dirangkum dari Your Tango.Teman-teman Anda
Monday, March 26, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Misteri Area 51
Laskarcerita - Pusat penelitian adalah merupakan tempat para ilmuwan melakukan kegiatan riset yang dilengkapi dengan berbagai fasilitas dan perangkat pendukung yang dibutuhkan guna tercapainya sasaran dan tujuan suatu penelitian. Pada umumnya setiap negara maju ataupun sedang berkembang sangat berkepentingan untuk memiliki suatu pusat penelitian . Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di suatu
Misteri "Angka Tuhan"
laskarcerita - Angka Tuhan? Mungkin Anda bertanya-tanya tentang "Angka Tuhan", apaan sih? Sebenarnya itu hanya istilah saya saja untuk menyebut suatu "angka misteri" (baca:sangat menakjubkan) yang banyak ditemukan pada kejadian-kejadian di alam ini. Angka ini sejatinya telah banyak diteliti oleh peneliti luar negeri, mereka umumnya menyebut angka ini adalah "golden ratio" atau "golden number".Nah
Saturday, March 24, 2012
2012 Smith College Book Sale
The Booklover's First Rite of Spring

Literary looting at Smith College Book Sale
Smith College Book Sale
March 23-25, 2012 @ Maryland State Fairgrounds
In the lobby, I made a quick stop at a very sexy, hourglass-shaped ATM machine that was slightly smaller than the petite Ms. Linthicum and withdrew $100 from my rapidly dwindling checking account (can't wait for payday next week!), but it wasn't really necessary as both Amy and I fought our natural tendencies to stockpile books (and assorted other media) - a habit we've been weaning ourselves from since the demise of our beloved Daedalus Books store at Belvedere Square store in Govans - and spent less than $55 dollars combined for the day.
Maybe it's because we kept running into people we knew there, a veritable Who's Who of local book (and music) collecting nerds that included Chris Siron and Lynne Parks (amazing local artists who rummage through old books looking for vintage cover art and line illustrations for their collages - an example of which is shown below)...

Chris Siron's "Transmutation of a Conniption" (2006 collage)
...Charles Brohawn of The Tinklers (who's always on the lookout for bird books and polka records), musician Bob Tiefenworth and his wife, photographer Denny Lynch, and even Dave Cawley (as shown below left).
Dave was actually on break from his 9-to-5 claims adjuster gig just down the road, where he was busy denying insurance claims with a gusto that has seen "Davey Denial" ("It's Not Just a River In Egypt!") rise rapidly to the upper echelon of insurance industry management; Davey D. had stopped by to check out the Modesty Blaise and other vintage comic books for sale in his beloved collector's corner, where last year he scored some early Flash Gordon comics. 
Dave and I are admittedly (unabashedly!) on a Modesty Blaise kick (Joseph Losey's oft-maligned kitsch-cult film adaptation - starring a flying-over-the-gaydar Dirk Bogarde, Terence Stamp and Monica Vitti - of the book and comic serial series by Peter O'Donnell is one of Dave's faves and he will enthusiastically sing you the theme song at the drop of a hat!) and it's hard to resist the tales of a spy who's "courage and cleavage in equal parts" and whose hobbies (like ours) include ""

Modesty Blaise: "Courage and cleavage in equal parts. Adventure is her game and her equipment is fantastic."
On our way in, Amy noticed a poster announcing that a film crew would be videotaping throughout the day for a upcoming documentary. Wow, I thought, maybe it's MPT doing one of those Rick Sebak- or Antiques Roadshow-style profiles about flea markets and avid collectors, but it turned out it was just two Stevenson College students doing an asignment for film class about this one event. I guess I'll be in it, because they filmed me, Charles Brohawn, Denny Lynch and his historian friend talking about what attracts us to the book sale.
"I just came to be in the movies," I confessed. We all signed releases, just in case Frederick Wiseman or Erol Morris wants to sign on for a development deal, and when they asked us to state our names and occupations, I replied, "I'm a card-carrying Librarian and a hoarder" or something to that effect. Geeze, the last time I signed a release was for Andrew Kolker and Louis Alvarez's People Like Us: Social Class in America (2001); the filmmakers had filmed a segment on the 2001 Hampden Honfest I attended - one which also featured Hampden native Kelly Conway in character as "Stella Gambino" (ertswhile soap opera reviewer on WJZ-TV's Soap Dish) - and I recall missing the film's premiere in New York City the week of 9/11 (poor Kelly attended the screening and was stuck in lower Manhattan all week - timing is everything!).

"(Mad) Man About (Gentrified) Town" Tom Warner adds a "yeah" and a "right" to the intense sociological debate about class in America in "People Like Us."
My ADD runs rampant at events like these, where I am easily distracted and unfocused like an "Ooh, lookit that...Ooh now lookit that!" kid in a candy store. Amy, on the other hand, is always very focused during booksale shopping sprees, limiting her hunting to Japanese language books (for her mother) and anything/everything to do with mythology-anthropology-spirituality (especially of the anti-Christian, pro-Pagan/Wiccan variety); on this day she scored at least a half dozen Joseph Campbell books (though she missed Bob Tiefenworth's score-of-the-day, the 2-disc Mythos II DVD for $4!) and Spencer Wells's The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey (we had enjoyed the 2003 PBS documentary based on his book - which attempts to trace and explain the geographical dispersal of early human migrations out of Africa to the rest of the world - so this was a great find).
Following are my disjointed, all-over-the-place (and decidely non-intellectual, compared to Ms. Linthicum's titles) scores for the day.
The Firesign Theatre - Lawyer's Hospital LP (1982)
Price: $2
"You mean, to Bambi?" "I not mean to Bambi - she likes it that way."

"Lawyer's Hospital" w/William Stout cover (Rhino, 1982)
Amy found this one for me (God bless her!) right off the bat. Ah, the Firesign Theatre - the Fab Four of '70s FM Radio Comedy Troupes (a true anachronism to today's iPod Generation) - how I love(d) them! This is one of their 1980s "leftover" albums for the Rhino label (the follow-up to Nick Danger, Third Eye In the Case Of the Missing Shoe), which compiles pre-existing bits into two loosely thematic LP sides. The Firesign Theatre were in essence a '60s-inspired, '70s-defined FM Radio anomaly that got kinda lost in the '80s as the comedy album concept gradually died away and this new thing called "video" and then cable television and compact discs came along. I've only ever heard a snippet of this record, one that was translated to live action as part of Firesign Theatre's 1986 video release Eat Or Be Eaten (see a clip below).
Watch "Lawyer's Hospital, Part 1" (YouTube)
As if the comedy weren't enough, this record was worth picking up just for the cover by the great "paleo-artist" William Stout, who had a comic career that any artist would envy. He started out working on Tarzan comic strips, then worked with a Hall of Fame roll call of fellow cartoonists like Harvey Kurtzman and Will Elder (Little Annie Fanny), Jack Kirby, Archie Goodwin, the folks at Heavy Metal magazine, and later still did some of the surreal set designs for films like Pan's Labyrinth. He did a number of Firesign Theater covers, including the amazing In the Next World You're On Your Own (1975), as shown below:

Stout couldn't resist putting a dino on the cover!
I particularly liked the back cover of this LP for its depiction of an inter-species baseball game:

Cicada at the Bat: Pop-up Fly?
Stout also did one of my all-time favorite Bomp! magazine covers - the one for the Power Pop issue:

Who Put the Bomp?: Power Pop!
Frank Sinatra - This is Sinatra! LP (1956)
Price: $2

"This is Sinatra!" LP (Capitol, 1956): Love "Rain" Over Me!
Unbelievably, I didn't own this classic Sinatra LP from his 1950s "hat years" period at Capitol Records. Though released in 1956, this collection represents Sinatra singles and B-sides recorded with Nelson Riddle in 1953 and is worth it just for the rare recording of "Rain (Falling from the Sky)" - one of the least-known Sinatra songs, despite being among his greatest "emo" intrepretions (and I love how it opens with the sound of rainfall). Before I toughened up into a Macho Man, this song by George Finlay and Robert Mellin used to make me cry (I'm sensitive like that). The other essential inclement weather Sinatra tune is, of course, "Here's That Rainy Day" (but that's a song for another day, I 'spose).
Watch/listen to "Rain."
Ethel Merman - The Ethel Merman Disco Album (1978)
Price: $2
Special Features: Back cover is signed "To Ann and Milton, all my love - Ethel Merman" !

Aesthetically-speaking, Ethel almost slipped her disco on the dancefloor
I really enjoyed listening to this! It made me think back fondly to Love Boat; it's like something cokehead cruise entertainment director "Julie McCoy" (Lauren Tewes) would have played to amuse all the middle-aged swingers on board. As Amazon reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli describes it:
Watch Ethel promoting her disco album on the "Tonight Show" w/Johnny Carson.
The Doors - Other Voices LP (1971)
Price: $2

The Lizard King has left the building!
Other Voices was the seventh studio album by The Doors and the first album released by the band following the death of lead singer Jim Morrison (a period referred to by closed-Door purists as "Morrison, A.D.") - and trust me, that's a gaping hole in the end-product as big as the Grand Canyon (or adult film starlet Liza "Black Hole" Harper's (w)rectum, to put it in layman's terms); the band had started recording tracks for this LP while Morrison was on holiday in France and it was released without much fanfare when that holiday turned into a permanent vacation with Jimbo's untimely death in a Paris bathtub. It's not very good, but I picked it up for nostalgia's sake, specifically for the Robby Krieger-penned "I'm Horny, I'm Stoned" which practically defines the dated '70s stoner-hippie vibe (and highlights Krieger's slide guitar abilities, as well). Back in the early '70s, I recall one of the cool FM DJs (Joe Buchari?) on my beloved [okay that's the third time I've used this expression, but what can I say? - I'm a luver, not a hater!) WKTK used to play this as his theme song. (WKTK was great. Another DJ opened his show with National Lampoon's "Deteriorata" (a parody of Les Cranes's 1971 spoken word recording of "The Desiderata") as his theme song, and the station would also play Firesign Theater albums in their entirety!).
Watch a BBC outtake of sans-Lizard King Doors playing "I'm Horny, I'm Stoned."
My Husband Keeps Telling Me To Go To Hell (Hardback, 1955)
by Ella Bentley Arthur and Hannett T. Kane; illustrations by R. Taylor
Price: $3

Picked this up for the illustrations by legendary New Yorker gag cartoonist R. Taylor, best known for his saucer-eyed characters and elegant line drawing style, as shown below:

Dick Tracy Meets the Punks (1980)
Price: $3

Worth it for the cover alone! Writer Max Allan Collins and artist Rick Fletcher breathed new life into Chester Gould's Dick Tracy franchise in the '80s with new storylines and characters, including "Dick Tracy Meets the Punks." Though Tracy had dealt with lots of criminal punks like Flyface, Bolo and Puckerpuss before, the androgynous "Bony" and butch "Claudine" were actual punk rockers who, along with Quiver Trembly and her brother (who bear a vague resemblance to Debbie Harry and Elvis Costello) reflect Collins' interest in New Wave rock 'n' roll (the author was a former rock musician himself). Okay, it may be corny and gimmicky, but it works for me!

Dick attempts to deconstruct post-modern rock
Sexsations (Hardback, 1954)
Price: $3

Gag me with a 'Toon!
This retro-risque (but not dirty!) gag book lists neither authors nor cartoonists, but is a lot of fun. It's filled with stupid jokes, poems, limericks and traveling salesmen jokes, but I got it for the great gag drawings that adorn almost every page. Lots of nudity and semi-nudity, but the language is strictly PG-13, as this was from the 1950s - when people sold the sizzle and not the steak!

Typical "Sexsations" 'toon

A Sure bet: Win, Place (and especially!) Show!

"The Highballs are on me!": Teabaggin' toon teaser?
Pet Shop Boys, Literally (Paperback, 1992)
by Chris Heath
Price: $4

Amy found this for me. I like the Pet Shop Boys, but I almost wish I hadn't been carrying it around all day because it only added fuel to the fire as far as another aquaintance I saw at the book sale - the gay guy who always flirts with me at the library. He's harmless and means well, but tends to follow me around like a puppy, despite my protestations of "Excuse me, that's fascinating, but I have to go find my girlfriend - ta!" The presence of that book in my hand may have led him to think I'm teetering on the fence.
Also, I'm convinced that the blue-haired septagenarian lady who rang me up (to the tally of $26.50 for the day) now thinks I'm gay (and her opinion really matters to me!).
Once in Love With Amy - sheet music
Price: $1 or $2 (can't remember!)
I bought this for sentimental reasons, for to know my Amy once is to love her forever! (Awl!)

Attention booklovers! The next rite of spring is the (18th annual) Friends of the Towson Library Book Sale, which will be held April 12-15 at the Towson Branch of the Baltimore County Public Library. Like the Smith College Book Sale, I think they charge $10 for the "preview" sale held on opening night, Thursday, April 12.

Literary looting at Smith College Book Sale
Smith College Book Sale
March 23-25, 2012 @ Maryland State Fairgrounds
"A room without books is like a body without a soul." - CiceroYesterday, Amy and I went to the opening day of the three-day Smith College Book Sale at the Timonium Fairgrounds, an annual rite of spring for movable typeface geeks like us who remember the pre-Kindle days when knowledge was passed from one person to another via the printed page (as well as videotape, audiotape, and vinyl grooves - as Analog Anarchronists, we collect these beloved information distribution formats as well!). We skipped the 10 a.m. opening, because the organizers charge $10 the first hour - a price diehard collectors, hoarders and book (re)sellers are only too willing to pay - but there was still plenty of good stuff on offer after that, especially at the Vintage table.
In the lobby, I made a quick stop at a very sexy, hourglass-shaped ATM machine that was slightly smaller than the petite Ms. Linthicum and withdrew $100 from my rapidly dwindling checking account (can't wait for payday next week!), but it wasn't really necessary as both Amy and I fought our natural tendencies to stockpile books (and assorted other media) - a habit we've been weaning ourselves from since the demise of our beloved Daedalus Books store at Belvedere Square store in Govans - and spent less than $55 dollars combined for the day.
Maybe it's because we kept running into people we knew there, a veritable Who's Who of local book (and music) collecting nerds that included Chris Siron and Lynne Parks (amazing local artists who rummage through old books looking for vintage cover art and line illustrations for their collages - an example of which is shown below)...

Chris Siron's "Transmutation of a Conniption" (2006 collage)
...Charles Brohawn of The Tinklers (who's always on the lookout for bird books and polka records), musician Bob Tiefenworth and his wife, photographer Denny Lynch, and even Dave Cawley (as shown below left).

Dave and I are admittedly (unabashedly!) on a Modesty Blaise kick (Joseph Losey's oft-maligned kitsch-cult film adaptation - starring a flying-over-the-gaydar Dirk Bogarde, Terence Stamp and Monica Vitti - of the book and comic serial series by Peter O'Donnell is one of Dave's faves and he will enthusiastically sing you the theme song at the drop of a hat!) and it's hard to resist the tales of a spy who's "courage and cleavage in equal parts" and whose hobbies (like ours) include ""

Modesty Blaise: "Courage and cleavage in equal parts. Adventure is her game and her equipment is fantastic."
On our way in, Amy noticed a poster announcing that a film crew would be videotaping throughout the day for a upcoming documentary. Wow, I thought, maybe it's MPT doing one of those Rick Sebak- or Antiques Roadshow-style profiles about flea markets and avid collectors, but it turned out it was just two Stevenson College students doing an asignment for film class about this one event. I guess I'll be in it, because they filmed me, Charles Brohawn, Denny Lynch and his historian friend talking about what attracts us to the book sale.

"(Mad) Man About (Gentrified) Town" Tom Warner adds a "yeah" and a "right" to the intense sociological debate about class in America in "People Like Us."

Following are my disjointed, all-over-the-place (and decidely non-intellectual, compared to Ms. Linthicum's titles) scores for the day.
The Firesign Theatre - Lawyer's Hospital LP (1982)
Price: $2
"You mean, to Bambi?" "I not mean to Bambi - she likes it that way."

"Lawyer's Hospital" w/William Stout cover (Rhino, 1982)
Amy found this one for me (God bless her!) right off the bat. Ah, the Firesign Theatre - the Fab Four of '70s FM Radio Comedy Troupes (a true anachronism to today's iPod Generation) - how I love(d) them! This is one of their 1980s "leftover" albums for the Rhino label (the follow-up to Nick Danger, Third Eye In the Case Of the Missing Shoe), which compiles pre-existing bits into two loosely thematic LP sides. The Firesign Theatre were in essence a '60s-inspired, '70s-defined FM Radio anomaly that got kinda lost in the '80s as the comedy album concept gradually died away and this new thing called "video" and then cable television and compact discs came along. I've only ever heard a snippet of this record, one that was translated to live action as part of Firesign Theatre's 1986 video release Eat Or Be Eaten (see a clip below).
Watch "Lawyer's Hospital, Part 1" (YouTube)
As if the comedy weren't enough, this record was worth picking up just for the cover by the great "paleo-artist" William Stout, who had a comic career that any artist would envy. He started out working on Tarzan comic strips, then worked with a Hall of Fame roll call of fellow cartoonists like Harvey Kurtzman and Will Elder (Little Annie Fanny), Jack Kirby, Archie Goodwin, the folks at Heavy Metal magazine, and later still did some of the surreal set designs for films like Pan's Labyrinth. He did a number of Firesign Theater covers, including the amazing In the Next World You're On Your Own (1975), as shown below:

Stout couldn't resist putting a dino on the cover!
I particularly liked the back cover of this LP for its depiction of an inter-species baseball game:

Cicada at the Bat: Pop-up Fly?
Stout also did one of my all-time favorite Bomp! magazine covers - the one for the Power Pop issue:

Who Put the Bomp?: Power Pop!
Frank Sinatra - This is Sinatra! LP (1956)
Price: $2

"This is Sinatra!" LP (Capitol, 1956): Love "Rain" Over Me!
Unbelievably, I didn't own this classic Sinatra LP from his 1950s "hat years" period at Capitol Records. Though released in 1956, this collection represents Sinatra singles and B-sides recorded with Nelson Riddle in 1953 and is worth it just for the rare recording of "Rain (Falling from the Sky)" - one of the least-known Sinatra songs, despite being among his greatest "emo" intrepretions (and I love how it opens with the sound of rainfall). Before I toughened up into a Macho Man, this song by George Finlay and Robert Mellin used to make me cry (I'm sensitive like that). The other essential inclement weather Sinatra tune is, of course, "Here's That Rainy Day" (but that's a song for another day, I 'spose).
Watch/listen to "Rain."
Ethel Merman - The Ethel Merman Disco Album (1978)
Price: $2
Special Features: Back cover is signed "To Ann and Milton, all my love - Ethel Merman" !

Aesthetically-speaking, Ethel almost slipped her disco on the dancefloor
I really enjoyed listening to this! It made me think back fondly to Love Boat; it's like something cokehead cruise entertainment director "Julie McCoy" (Lauren Tewes) would have played to amuse all the middle-aged swingers on board. As Amazon reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli describes it:
The title says it all. This is the disco album "the Merm" recorded in 1979, a few years before her death. Rumor has it that Merman couldn't stand the disco craze that was sweeping the nation in the late '70s, recording her vocals before the instrumental tracks were laid down. Masterminded by Peter Matz, who produced, arranged, and conducted the whole thing, Merman's disco album is one of those jaw-dropping, "what were they thinking?" UFOs that periodically land on the pop landscape. Merman (at her most bombastic, vibrato-laden) barrels through eight of her signature tunes. All are taken at breakneck speed, and even dramatic show-stoppers, such as "Everything's Coming Up Roses" (from Gypsy), become dance-floor burners. Whether you find the album simply horrifying or an entrancing testimony to the power of people to lose their heads as they fall prey to a dance fad, this collision between two completely different American musical traditions is nothing short of, ahem, breathtaking.
Watch Ethel promoting her disco album on the "Tonight Show" w/Johnny Carson.
The Doors - Other Voices LP (1971)
Price: $2

The Lizard King has left the building!
Other Voices was the seventh studio album by The Doors and the first album released by the band following the death of lead singer Jim Morrison (a period referred to by closed-Door purists as "Morrison, A.D.") - and trust me, that's a gaping hole in the end-product as big as the Grand Canyon (or adult film starlet Liza "Black Hole" Harper's (w)rectum, to put it in layman's terms); the band had started recording tracks for this LP while Morrison was on holiday in France and it was released without much fanfare when that holiday turned into a permanent vacation with Jimbo's untimely death in a Paris bathtub. It's not very good, but I picked it up for nostalgia's sake, specifically for the Robby Krieger-penned "I'm Horny, I'm Stoned" which practically defines the dated '70s stoner-hippie vibe (and highlights Krieger's slide guitar abilities, as well). Back in the early '70s, I recall one of the cool FM DJs (Joe Buchari?) on my beloved [okay that's the third time I've used this expression, but what can I say? - I'm a luver, not a hater!) WKTK used to play this as his theme song. (WKTK was great. Another DJ opened his show with National Lampoon's "Deteriorata" (a parody of Les Cranes's 1971 spoken word recording of "The Desiderata") as his theme song, and the station would also play Firesign Theater albums in their entirety!).
Watch a BBC outtake of sans-Lizard King Doors playing "I'm Horny, I'm Stoned."
My Husband Keeps Telling Me To Go To Hell (Hardback, 1955)
by Ella Bentley Arthur and Hannett T. Kane; illustrations by R. Taylor
Price: $3

Picked this up for the illustrations by legendary New Yorker gag cartoonist R. Taylor, best known for his saucer-eyed characters and elegant line drawing style, as shown below:

Dick Tracy Meets the Punks (1980)
Price: $3

Worth it for the cover alone! Writer Max Allan Collins and artist Rick Fletcher breathed new life into Chester Gould's Dick Tracy franchise in the '80s with new storylines and characters, including "Dick Tracy Meets the Punks." Though Tracy had dealt with lots of criminal punks like Flyface, Bolo and Puckerpuss before, the androgynous "Bony" and butch "Claudine" were actual punk rockers who, along with Quiver Trembly and her brother (who bear a vague resemblance to Debbie Harry and Elvis Costello) reflect Collins' interest in New Wave rock 'n' roll (the author was a former rock musician himself). Okay, it may be corny and gimmicky, but it works for me!

Dick attempts to deconstruct post-modern rock
Sexsations (Hardback, 1954)
Price: $3

Gag me with a 'Toon!
This retro-risque (but not dirty!) gag book lists neither authors nor cartoonists, but is a lot of fun. It's filled with stupid jokes, poems, limericks and traveling salesmen jokes, but I got it for the great gag drawings that adorn almost every page. Lots of nudity and semi-nudity, but the language is strictly PG-13, as this was from the 1950s - when people sold the sizzle and not the steak!

Typical "Sexsations" 'toon

A Sure bet: Win, Place (and especially!) Show!

"The Highballs are on me!": Teabaggin' toon teaser?
Pet Shop Boys, Literally (Paperback, 1992)
by Chris Heath
Price: $4

Amy found this for me. I like the Pet Shop Boys, but I almost wish I hadn't been carrying it around all day because it only added fuel to the fire as far as another aquaintance I saw at the book sale - the gay guy who always flirts with me at the library. He's harmless and means well, but tends to follow me around like a puppy, despite my protestations of "Excuse me, that's fascinating, but I have to go find my girlfriend - ta!" The presence of that book in my hand may have led him to think I'm teetering on the fence.
Also, I'm convinced that the blue-haired septagenarian lady who rang me up (to the tally of $26.50 for the day) now thinks I'm gay (and her opinion really matters to me!).
Once in Love With Amy - sheet music
Price: $1 or $2 (can't remember!)
I bought this for sentimental reasons, for to know my Amy once is to love her forever! (Awl!)

Attention booklovers! The next rite of spring is the (18th annual) Friends of the Towson Library Book Sale, which will be held April 12-15 at the Towson Branch of the Baltimore County Public Library. Like the Smith College Book Sale, I think they charge $10 for the "preview" sale held on opening night, Thursday, April 12.
Treasures? Get thee to Ken's Steak House for Buddy Dog's fundraiser
Dig out your valuables—but be sure to keep those dog bones—and hie yourself over for a bit of steak and appraisal today to benefit my former home, Buddy Dog Humane Society.
Looks like my could-be twin Moose has been adopted (hey, let's do a playdate!) but there are plenty of other pups and cats who could use homes.
Find out just what those treasures are worth from 12-4 today, Saturday, at Ken's. More here.
Looks like my could-be twin Moose has been adopted (hey, let's do a playdate!) but there are plenty of other pups and cats who could use homes.
Find out just what those treasures are worth from 12-4 today, Saturday, at Ken's. More here.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Jumpin' Thru Hoops with Danielle Weismann

Danielle Weissman hoops at Club Orpheus on New Year's Eve (photo by Aaron S. Krosner)
I'm reposting this article from yesterday's bthesite because it highlights my friend Danielle Weismann, who I know only as the salad bar girl at my neighborhood Eddie's Supermarket. I realized after-the-fact that I had seen her hooping around town at various events before I knew who she was; for example, here's a clip I shot of her at the October 6, 2011 "All Things Round" opening night preview party at the American Visionary Art Museum:
Watch Danielle hooping at AVAM.
And here she is breakin' it down with her LED hoops during New Year's Eve festivities at Club Orpheus:
Watch Danielle lightup Club Orpheus.
But I never realized the reach of her fame - the long-legged salad tosser is a real hoopin' celebrity! In the following profile, her comment about disliking people who don't make eye contact or smile is telling - because Danielle always makes eye contact and smiles at people and makes a habit of remembering the names of the peeps she meets through hooping. She's mega-friendly and one can sense her "no worries/good times" positive energy vibes immediately. And hooping is just one of her many hobbies and interests - she's also into yoga, fire dancing, crafting and athletics. She got it goin' on! - Tom Warner
***LIKE/DISLIKE: Danielle Weissman, hooper***
Weismann talks to b about hoop dancing, her crush on Mike Rowe and more
as told to Jordan Bartel (bthesite, March 19, 2012)
Danielle Weissman has always been athletic. She has played a lot of sports and danced a lot of dance — modern, jazz, ballet. But with hooping she has found her calling.
"It was the first thing that clicked with me," she said.
Yes, hooping. It, of course, goes beyond the hooping you did when you were 7 and then promptly left your hoop in the garage to be run over by the family car. Weissman, a 22-year-old lifelong Baltimorean who lives in Hampden was introduced to the frenetic, captivating and still somewhat underground world of hoop dancing in late 2008 and has since performed at area bars, clubs, parks and museums, and has taught a hooping class.
"The community that surrounds hooping is really my scene and it's a form of exercise that really allows me to find my flow," said Weissman. "And lets me play with fun blinky lights and fire."
Weissman put down her hoop long enough to chat with b about where she loves to hoop in the city, loving"Workaholics"and more.
Worst pet peeve? People who wont make eye contact or smile at others in public.
What's on your iPod? More or less everything Chopin toWu-Tang Clan.
What song are you hating/loving right now? Loving: "Possum Kingdom," by the Toadies. Hating: that annoying "Shots, Shots, Shots" song.
Favorite place to hoop? Wyman Park. Really great spot with chill people, chill dogs and chill beers.
Met anyone interesting while hooping? I have met so many people through hooping. This summer, I hooped across the country with my brother. We went on an Cross-country road trip to Portland, Ore., and I can't tell you how many people approached me because of my hooping. Hooping makes you a lot of friends, real fast. It brings people together. When people see a hoop, they instantly want to try it.
Trend that has exceeded its natural lifespan? Fake nails. Creepy.
Last movie you liked/disliked? "The Silence of the Lambs,"a definite favorite. Hated: "The Hangover." Really stupid. I could have written a funnier movie.
Last video that made you snort with laughter? The scene in that show "Workaholics," where the guys are shrooming in the office and they try to capture the IT guys with the "web of ethernet cables."
TV shows you can't get enough of? "Arrested Development,""Workaholics," "American Dad." Also "Dirty Jobs" with Mike Rowe (my one and only celebrity crush).
Last great meal you had? Last night. At home. Arugula and spinach salad with Gruyere, Tofurky, a baguette and some serious beer.
Food you hate? Gefilte fish
Favorite place to get a drink? Liam Flynn's Ale House
Favorite quote/saying? "I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to." - Jimi Hendrix
Favorite thing about Baltimore? Its potential.
Related Links:
kafloogaflunken's channel (Danielle's YouTube hooping videos channel)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Mahasiswi ini tau cara terbaik untuk Mencari Anjing Chihuahua Peliharaannya
Laskarcerita - Biasanya jika orang mencari hewan peliharaannya yang hilang mereka akan menempelkan ratusan bahkan ribuan poster di jalan-jalan untuk menarik perhatian orang-orang. Namun gadis yang satu ini tampaknya tahu benar bagaimana menarik perhatian para penguna jalan.Bagaimana tidak? untuk mencari anjing kesayangannya tersebut, mahasiswi berusia 20 tahun ini berdiri di pinggir jalan
Pluck o' the Irish: Lorcan the Magnificent!
So I am magnanimous enough to give some real estate to other pups—once in a while. This guy is a special one, imported straight from Ireland, just in time for St. Patrick's Day. And does he know how to mug for the camera! Take a peek at his antics.
Dictionary time: what's the difference between magnanimous and generous?
Well, magnanimous is from the Latin meaning "great soul," so that fits moi, of course, and it has to do with feeling generous toward someone or something lesser than oneself. Now, Lorcan is lesser, but only because he's small. I'm sure he has a great soul, too. Generous means giving something more than is usually expected. I would be generous if I agreed to go for an afternoon walk and not insist on going in the car; magnanimous if I agreed to share that car with Lorcan.
Dictionary time: what's the difference between magnanimous and generous?
Well, magnanimous is from the Latin meaning "great soul," so that fits moi, of course, and it has to do with feeling generous toward someone or something lesser than oneself. Now, Lorcan is lesser, but only because he's small. I'm sure he has a great soul, too. Generous means giving something more than is usually expected. I would be generous if I agreed to go for an afternoon walk and not insist on going in the car; magnanimous if I agreed to share that car with Lorcan.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Lokomotif Yang Paling Sering Tabrakan
Laskarcerita - Banyak cerita yang beredar di sekitar CC201, maklum saja karena selain jumlahnya yang banyak, juga hampir setiap masinis di Indonesia pernah bertugas di dalamnya. Tapi tidak ada cerita yang sepopuler kisah tentang CC20145. Konon, menurut para masinis dan teknisi, inilah lokomotif paling misterius di antara keluarga CC201. Banyak kejadian aneh dan membingungkan yang berkembang di
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Beginilah Profesi Sebagai Penguji Calon PSK
laskarcerita - Entah apa yang terlintas di benak seorang Jaime Rascone ketika ia memutuskan untuk meninggalkan profesinya sebagai seorang DJ menjadi penguji bagi calon-calon PSK (Pekerja Seks Komersial) kelas atas.Bisa jadi profesi yang dijalani Jaime ini adalah profesi yang diidam-idamkan banyak pria di dunia ini. Pria asal Chili ini bekerja layaknya seorang quality control dirumah
Saturday, March 17, 2012
11 Pemain Sepakbola yang Pingsan di Lapangan Lalu Meninggal
perbesar Laporan wartawan Tribun Jakarta Deodatus Suksmo Pradipto - Pemain Bolton Wanderes, Fabrice Muamba jatuh pingsan ketika bertanding melawan Tottenham Hotspurs pada laga perempat final Piala FA, di White Hart Lane Minggu (18/3/2012) WIB. Muamba terjatuh pingsan pada menit 42. Fabrice Muamba segera dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Pertandingan kemudian dihentikan oleh wasit Howard
31 Fakta Mengejutkan Tentang Artis dan Selebritis Korea I KPOP
Fakta Tentang Artis dan Selebritis Korea 1. Terdapat 3 manajamen / agensi besar di Korea, JYP Entertainment, YG Entertainment, dan SM Entertainment. 2. Di Korea menjadi artis bukanlah hal yang mudah. Ada 2 hal paling utama yang menentukan layak atau tidaknya seseorang menjadi artis, SKILL dan PENAMPILAN. Tapi tentu skill tetap nomor 1 karena bagi mereka penampilan bisa diubah sewaktu-waktu. 3.
Friday, March 16, 2012
**this is a repeat post from 2007, I hope that you still like it**
Happy St. Patrick Day! Yesterday while working on some new items for the shop the radio was on, talking about St. Patrick...(please read the following with an Irish brog)....
He was actually British, kidnapped at a young age and brought to Ireland to be a slave! His duty was to tend the sheep. Tending sheep gives you quite some time on your hands. He would gaze at the grass and up to the stars and talk to the heavens. This is the way he came to know God! There came a time when he escaped form Ireland. He was able to get passage on a ship with very rough, blood drinking, roughes. Now he did not partake in these events, and he was "left to be much" of the time. After sometime they found themselves on a lonely island. With starvation looming around, these men called out "hey there Christian". The men gave him this name because of his beliefs. "If your God is so great, ask him to give us food." Christian put forth a prayer. Well no sooner did these men turn around when a small group of wild boar appeared before them. They had plenty to eat from then on and they even shared a small portion with him. Christian made his way back to Ireland after hearing God speak to him. God asked him to return for there would be no other way that he could possibly return without being killed, for he was a slave that had escaped! He had the protection of God and was able to bring Christ the Lord to Ireland! For before this there was only a small pocket of Christians near Dublin that had learned of God from traders. The Irish gave him his name, St. Patrick. Also, he used the shamrock to explain the Holy spirit in one body! Three petals representing: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
There is what I now know of St. Patrick. HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY!
**this is a repeat post from 2007, I hope that you still like it**
Happy St. Patrick Day! Yesterday while working on some new items for the shop the radio was on, talking about St. Patrick...(please read the following with an Irish brog)....
He was actually British, kidnapped at a young age and brought to Ireland to be a slave! His duty was to tend the sheep. Tending sheep gives you quite some time on your hands. He would gaze at the grass and up to the stars and talk to the heavens. This is the way he came to know God! There came a time when he escaped form Ireland. He was able to get passage on a ship with very rough, blood drinking, roughes. Now he did not partake in these events, and he was "left to be much" of the time. After sometime they found themselves on a lonely island. With starvation looming around, these men called out "hey there Christian". The men gave him this name because of his beliefs. "If your God is so great, ask him to give us food." Christian put forth a prayer. Well no sooner did these men turn around when a small group of wild boar appeared before them. They had plenty to eat from then on and they even shared a small portion with him. Christian made his way back to Ireland after hearing God speak to him. God asked him to return for there would be no other way that he could possibly return without being killed, for he was a slave that had escaped! He had the protection of God and was able to bring Christ the Lord to Ireland! For before this there was only a small pocket of Christians near Dublin that had learned of God from traders. The Irish gave him his name, St. Patrick. Also, he used the shamrock to explain the Holy spirit in one body! Three petals representing: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
There is what I now know of St. Patrick. HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY!
How can a beautiful young girl not smile when she has her own floral shop/garden,
in her home (well, her parents home... but it is Her flower garden).
These flowers came all the way from Asrai Garden in Wicker Park! This is a neighborhood in Chicago.
That means about an hours worth of driving and then FINDING our home!
Now these are not your everyday flowers!
This arrangement is yummy.
So thoughtfully composed and delivered. Thank You dear friend of my daughter for your kindness,
care and well wishes for Caitlin. ;)
Thank you all for your well wishes and all of the beautiful flowers
(which i was not able to get photographs of at their peek beauty) and such very thoughtful gifts
you have sent to her.
Your love and care overwhelms us.
~Thank You~
How can a beautiful young girl not smile when she has her own floral shop/garden,
in her home (well, her parents home... but it is Her flower garden).
These flowers came all the way from Asrai Garden in Wicker Park! This is a neighborhood in Chicago.
That means about an hours worth of driving and then FINDING our home!
Now these are not your everyday flowers!
This arrangement is yummy.
So thoughtfully composed and delivered. Thank You dear friend of my daughter for your kindness,
care and well wishes for Caitlin. ;)
Thank you all for your well wishes and all of the beautiful flowers
(which i was not able to get photographs of at their peek beauty) and such very thoughtful gifts
you have sent to her.
Your love and care overwhelms us.
~Thank You~
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
10-years ago....
Patrick N. pointed out that today is the 10th anniversary of this blog. Since it has been a bit dead recently, I thought I'd celebrate the anniversary by posting something.*
I've been playing around with an Iphone app called "Colorsplash" to illustrate orienteering legs. The idea came from Brent Langbakk Colorsplash lets you selectively show the color of the original photo. You can use it
Monday, March 12, 2012
20 Fakta Gila Tubuh Manusia
1. Setiap jam satu miliar sel di daam tubuh harus diganti.2. Mata manusia bisa membedakan 500 warna abu-abu.3. Tulang paha manusia lebih kuat dari beton.4. Hati manusia mampu menciptakan tekanan yang cukup untuk menyemprotkan darah sejauh 30 kaki (9 m).5. Mata kita selalu berukuran sama sejak lahir, tapi hidung dan telinga kita tidak pernah berhenti tumbuh.6. Batuk rata-rata yang keluar dari
One of the things I liked about the POWER COMICS from the '60s was the fact that characters in the British strips often referred to the American MARVEL superheroes reprinted in the same pages. I remember the brother and sister team known as THE HUMBUGS (reprinted as The Terrible Twins in SMASH! a few years later, but originally appearing in WHAM!) pretending to be THE THING and THE INVISIBLE GIRL in one of their adventures. Likewise DON STARR, in an issue of TERRIFIC, wished he had SPIDER-MAN's spider-sense on one occasion. This helped foster the illusion that, whether they were humour or adventure strips, British or American, they were all the result of ALF, BART & COS and their team of writers and artists on this side of the pond.
IPC/FLEETWAY don't seem to have indulged in this kind of comics integration to the same extent - at least not that I'm aware of - so the above SWEENY TODDLER strip is a nice-but-rare example of when they did. I'm unaware of who wrote the story, but the artwork is by the irrepressible TOM PATERSON, doing an absolutely 'pitch-perfect'
impersonation of LEO BAXENDALE at his very best. Tom captures Bax's style so well, in fact, that I sometimes wonder if Leo has ever looked at Tom's work and wondered why he can't remember drawing it.
impersonation of LEO BAXENDALE at his very best. Tom captures Bax's style so well, in fact, that I sometimes wonder if Leo has ever looked at Tom's work and wondered why he can't remember drawing it.
It's just a shame that nothing is being done with the treasure-chest of IPC/FLEETWAY comics characters today. They're a neglected asset
deserving of positive exploitation, and which would surely be enjoyed by many thousands of would-be comics reading youngsters up and down the length and breadth of the country.
deserving of positive exploitation, and which would surely be enjoyed by many thousands of would-be comics reading youngsters up and down the length and breadth of the country.
5 Manusia Terberat Dalam Sejarah
Carol Yager (peak weight 727 kg/ 1,600 lbs) Jon Brower Minnoch (peak weight 635 kg / 1400 lbs) Manuel Uribe (597 kg / 1,316 lb) Walter Hudson (544 kg / 1,200 lb) Rosalie Bradford (544 kg / 1,200 lb) sumber:
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Chaos In The Classroom: Challenged Students, Addiction, Mainlining, Restraint and Isolation
Roanoke Times, 3-11-12, Pg 1: Born to addiction. Virginia’s population of drug-exposed infants has more than doubled in 10 years.
Pg 7: Activists fighting physical restraints for students. A recent report showed that tens of thousands of students, many with disabilities, are subjected to “seclusion and restraint”.
Albany Times Union (Albany, NY) Way Back in December 16, 1993
“Union Hits Mainlining of Disabled Students.”
Placing special education children in regular classrooms regardless of disability is a "recipe for educational disaster" and must be stopped, American Federation of Teachers President Albert Shanker said Wednesday.
It’s somewhat prophetic that the Roanoke Times has within today’s edition articles on children born to addiction and conflicts on how to handle mainlined problem students in a regular classroom. Unfortunately neither article addressed the “educational disaster” well predicted by Al Shanker back in 1993. A prediction that sadly has come true.
Clearly these articles connect directly to the Roanoke Times, 3-7-12, Pg 6: Government: Minority kids punished more harshly. Hispanic and African-American students make up nearly three-fourths of students involved in school-related arrests.
One doesn’t need a PHD in Psychology or Education to connect the dots within these four articles and conclude that our Federal Dept of Education has mandated programs that are innately destructive to teaching and learning in America’s public school classrooms and the results are clear for all to see.
Our public education system has been sacrificed by the progressive-liberals on the altars of expediency and political correctness and misdirected sociological experiments. What a sad commentary on what should be the best educational system in the world.
Are the inmates running the asylum?
Roanoke Times, 3-11-12, Pg 1: Born to addiction. Virginia’s population of drug-exposed infants has more than doubled in 10 years.
Pg 7: Activists fighting physical restraints for students. A recent report showed that tens of thousands of students, many with disabilities, are subjected to “seclusion and restraint”.
Albany Times Union (Albany, NY) Way Back in December 16, 1993
“Union Hits Mainlining of Disabled Students.”
Placing special education children in regular classrooms regardless of disability is a "recipe for educational disaster" and must be stopped, American Federation of Teachers President Albert Shanker said Wednesday.
It’s somewhat prophetic that the Roanoke Times has within today’s edition articles on children born to addiction and conflicts on how to handle mainlined problem students in a regular classroom. Unfortunately neither article addressed the “educational disaster” well predicted by Al Shanker back in 1993. A prediction that sadly has come true.
Clearly these articles connect directly to the Roanoke Times, 3-7-12, Pg 6: Government: Minority kids punished more harshly. Hispanic and African-American students make up nearly three-fourths of students involved in school-related arrests.
One doesn’t need a PHD in Psychology or Education to connect the dots within these four articles and conclude that our Federal Dept of Education has mandated programs that are innately destructive to teaching and learning in America’s public school classrooms and the results are clear for all to see.
Our public education system has been sacrificed by the progressive-liberals on the altars of expediency and political correctness and misdirected sociological experiments. What a sad commentary on what should be the best educational system in the world.
Are the inmates running the asylum?
5 Tips Merawat Wajah dari Para Ahli Kecantikan
Laskarcerita - Tidak semua wanita dikaruniai wajah yang mulus tanpa cacat. Kebanyakan wanita justru memiliki masalah terhadap kulitnya, mulai dari kering, kusam, berjerawat, flek hitam dan masih banyak lagi masalah lainnya.Merawat bagian wajah merupakan cara terbaik untuk menghilangkan dan mencegah masalah-masalah yang bisa terjadi pada kulit muka. Para ahli kecantikan memaparkan cara
The bones of a good story...
Ah, the bounty of a snowless winter! Chicken bones. Spareribs. Hot dogs. And once, the grand prize—juicy remnants of beef tenderloin, snagged from behind a top restaurant. Quite a different scenario from last year, when I dutifully dug in a frozen snowbank for a bagel. This being New England, it wasn't even that good.
So when Mom presented me with a bona fide bone that I didn't have to scrounge for myself, I was mystified. It was kind of like being at a fancy dinner and having more tableware than usual. Just what does one do with that fourth fork?
Turns out that Mom's generosity had something to do with teeth cleaning. Not happy with the toothbrush results, she tried the old-fashioned thing, and my canines are gleaming. Kind of like whitening strips, but for dogs. Except much, much tastier.
So when Mom presented me with a bona fide bone that I didn't have to scrounge for myself, I was mystified. It was kind of like being at a fancy dinner and having more tableware than usual. Just what does one do with that fourth fork?
Turns out that Mom's generosity had something to do with teeth cleaning. Not happy with the toothbrush results, she tried the old-fashioned thing, and my canines are gleaming. Kind of like whitening strips, but for dogs. Except much, much tastier.
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