Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dumbing Down Education And Our Country

Roanoke Times, 11-13-11, Pg 5: Minority legislators oppose (No Child Left Behind) law rewrite plans.
It’s not just the Congress that is working on “dumbing down” the NCLB law and its demands upon the education system to “shape up or ship out”; it’s also Obama who by “executive decree” is bypassing the law’s requirements for steady and continuous improvement in performance and outcomes.
Obama’s priority is to placate his teacher’s union associates and their contributions to his campaign and supply troops for his “Obama Street Army”.
So who wants’ to keep the educators feet to the fire? It’s the civil and minority and disabilities rights groups! Whoa; who could have seen that group supporting Bush’s NCLB and strict standards for educational performance?
It’s not clear why every parent of every student and representatives of all those who hire our workers are not included in objecting to these negative changes and demanding improvements in our educational system.
Our tax investment of over $12,000 per year per student ($156,000 per graduate) is not resulting in our people’s ability to compete and excel in a world-centric economic system. The US lags behind many of the world’s students. We need academic standards and the associated tests to validate that the standards are being met.
Our liberal media have also not been helpful in addressing the basic issues involved. Like sheep following the Judas-goat they are satisfied to be part of the problem instead of part of the solution. How sad!
Yet Another Misdirected Roanoke Times Rant About Schools

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