Sunday, July 31, 2011
Sharbat Gula Gadis Afghanistan Bermata Api
Jika cahaya di layar notebook atau PC Anda cukup terang, pandanglah tegak lurus pada kedua mata gadis pada foto di atas! Maka, Anda akan melihat, api sangat kuat menyambar mata Anda dari kedua biji matanya yang hijau itu! Gadis Afghanistan ini bernama Sharbat Gula. Dia pernah terkenal di seluruh dunia ketika fotonya ini muncul di Majalah National Geographic tahun 1985 saat dia masih seorang
Wow! Ada 493 Situs Harta Karun di Indonesia
Pantas saja si pemburu harta karun Michael Hatcher senang melakukan perburuan di Indonesia. Dari data Direktorat Jenderal Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan (Ditjen PSDKP) Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP), ada 493 situs arkeologi bawah laut di Indonesia."Ada 493, menurut maping yang ada," ujar Dirjen PSDKP KKP Aji Sularso dalam jumpa pers di kantornya, Jl Medan Merdeka Timur,
Natty Boh Film Festival

Saturday, July 30 2011 @ Fraziers on the Avenue
919 W. 36th Street, Baltimore, MD. (410) 662-4914
The inaugural 2011 Natty Boh Film Festival was held this past Saturday night at Fraziers on The Avenue in Hampden and featured 16mm prints of vintage Natty Boh commercials (courtesy of Sam Fitzsimmons) - not to mention some Natty Boh DVD rarities from Atomic TV and the excellent documentary Mr. Boh's Brewery by Alex Castro, Harry Connelly and Lyle Hein - as well as live music about Natty Boh (and other quality-of-life essentials in the Land of Pleasant Living) by The Motor Morons, TT Tucker, The Beatoes (a special reunion for the former Baltimore eccentrics whose leader Chris Dennstaedt now resides up I-95 in Philadelphia), Mongolodian Glow, and some related songs by guest artists (at least I suppose so - I wasn't able to hang around for the full night's festivities because my girlfriend Amy had to get up at 5 in the morning for work!).

Likewise there was quite a cast of local characters on hand for the evening's festivities because in the Land of Pleasant Living and National Beer, "good things happen when you put the two together." I spotted Skizz Cyzyk, Bob Wagner, Teresa Dugan, Liz Abeth, John Ellsberry and even Ellsberry's erstwhile Dork Brothers (and former City Paper and New York Press art director) pal Michael Gentile, who was back in town from NYC for the occasion.

DORK BROS: John Ellsberry and Michael Gentile
But before the films came the tunes...
Down the Beatoe Path: Chris D. Returns to Charm City
The Beatoes open their tab at the Natty Boh Film Festival
First up were The Beatoes, featuring Chris Dennstaedt (Poverty & Spit) on guitar and vocals...
Chris Dennstaedt
...Charleigh Chadwick (The Livers, Pornflakes) on guitar...
Charleigh sez: "Love my Good 'n' Plenty!"
...Chris "Batworth" Ciattei (Go Pills, etc.) on drums and Mike Kiker (of Philly's St. James and the Apostles) on bass.
I really liked Chris D.'s t-shirt that said "Big Man Music," a reference to his dearly departed friend (and former Beatoe) Mark Harp (Mark "Harpo" Linthicum); my girlfriend Amy Linthicum (Mark Harp's former wife) certainly got a "big" kick out of it as well!
Big Man musician Chris and little music lover Amy
It was the first of two shout-outs this night to The King of Peru (who passed away before his time in 2004), as Sam Fitzsimmons ended his Motor Morons set by crying out his name and holding up Mark's guitar. It made sense on this night of remembrance of good things past, for Harp was every bit a part of Baltimore lore and legend as Mr. Boh (whose namesake libation is now brewed out of town by Pabst).
The Beatoes opened with "Beer Drinkin' Woman," an obvious homage to Mrs. Boh, aka "Natalie Boh" (doh! - if only Amy had remembered to wear her Natalie Boh t-shirt this night!).

Mrs. Boh: Beer Drinkin' Woman
Watch the Beatoes play "Beer Drinkin' Woman."
Next up was "Polyester" and "12-Bar Blooze" and probably some other tunes I should know (but the sound mix at Fraziers was a little, how should I say, funky?).
Watch the Beatoes play "Polyester" and "12-Bar Blooze."
Anyway, following are some Beatoes pix I took before running to the back bar for a Boh (oddly priced at $2.20 a can - obviously feeling the effect of the new city beverage tax hike). Oh, I also made a quick stop in the Men's Room, where I had to agree with this thought-provoking graffiti:
OK, back to the Beatoes...
"Hey Charleigh, how do ya hold this stringy thing???"
"Like this???"
"How about like this???"
"I see...ya lift it upright like this!" Chris D. says as a disgusted Charleigh Chadwick turns his back on him
"I see - you sling this thing over your hips!"
"Got it! Under control now! Ready to rock!"
"I'm so happy to be here, I'm glowing!" Chris effuses.
"Is it just me, or did someone turn on the infra-red light? We really must be cooking tonight!"
On with the Boh Show
And now for a word from our sponsors...

After the Beatoes finished their set and broke down their gear, a big screen was set up and the film screening started. Although there were some technical difficulties with the 16mm films that came from Motor Morons bassist Sam Fitzsimmons' private collection (the projectors were provided by Hampden's own audio-visual specialists, the Falkenhan's Audio Visual Service over on 34th and Chestnut Avenue), everyone enjoyed the vintage National Bohemian commercials that were screened.
The Fraziers crowd is mesmerized by the Natty Boh films

"Hey, we're turning black and white like these Natty Boh ads!" Skizz observes, while Amy quips "In that case, I hope Liz and I turn into animated dancing clam shells - though I'd be tempted to eat myself!"
As a backup, someone called former Senator Theatre owner (and current candidate for Baltimore City Council President) Tom Kiefaber to give a hand with the the screening, and Tom brought along a DVD of ads taken from the Atomic TV public access television show's "Atomic Cocktail Hours" episode as well as from the Mr. Boh's Brewery documentary - some of which I had never seen (like the French chef cartoon with Frenchy serving Mr Boh the "wet, cold and delicious" brew from the shores of the Chesapeake Bay, a Preakness Stakes Boh ad, and the dancing clamshells of Maryland's capital, "Clamapolis"!).
I hope the Natty Boh documentary becomes available soon on DVD, because it promises to be chock-full of "extra feature" goodies like these vintage ads (the film transfers look beautiful!). Until then, this Atomic TV sampler will have to suffice:

Watch ATV's "Classic Natty Boh TV Commercials."
The Motor Morons

Motor Morons make merry metallic music mayhem!
The Morons opened with "Another Girl."
Watch Motor Morons play "All You Want Is Another Girl."
I'm not as adept as Amy when it comes to discerning which Motor Moron song is which, but I'm pretty sure I heard "Urinal Cakes" and "No Brakes" in there, and probably "Big Truck."
Watch Motor Morons make more music mayhem.
Following are some Motor Moron pix I took.

Unfortunately, the Morons set was the last tune-age we would hear for the evening, as Amy had to get up early the next morning. But I'm glad Amy was there to hear Sam Fitzsimmons bid adieu to former Motor Moron Mark Harp (circa 1998-2004), holding up Harpo's 4-string guitar as he shouted "Mark Harp!"
Watch Motor Morons say goodnight @ Fraziers.
On the way out, we ran into Amy's friend Robyn Webb, who was playing pool in the adjacent room. We exchanged chit-chat about spotted dick and mushy pees - er, peas - since we all love British pub food (though Amy and I didn't discover spotted dick until we "spotted" it next to a packet of Asian "Cock Soup" in the Dundalk Giant's International food isle).
A blurry Robyn Webb and Amy Linthicum say goodnight as my camera battery runs out
What a fun night! But I have a question for the folks at Fraziers: since former milltown Hampden is becoming increasingly upscale and well-heeled, can we expect a National Premium Film Festival anytime soon? It was the "classy" beer of choice in this town for many years. Expensive? Yes. Extravagant? No.
Related Links:
Natty Boh Film Festival set on Flickr
Natty Boh Documentary
"Boh & Utz: A Love Story" (Smythe ad)
Atomic TV's "Classic Natty Boh Commercials"
5 Negara Pemilik Taman Bunga Terbaik di Dunia
Untuk benua yang mempunyai empat musim di setiap tahunnya, kedatangan musim semi mungkin ditunggu-tunggu untuk mereka penggemar bunga karena biasanya di musim ini bunga-bunga akan bermekaran. Hamparan kebun bunga yang awalnya hanya terlihat seperti ladang yang dominan warna hijau akan berubah warna dengan warna penuh keceriaan. BelandaBerwisata ke Belanda selama musim semi tanpa melihat bunga
Go! Baby and a Baby Quilt
Look what came for me on Friday!
I won this from Sew Inspired and true to my word the first thing I used it for was to make 2.5" strips for a jelly race quilt. I ordered the 2.5" strip die, the diamond die and the Rose of Sharon die set.
Jeanne Gwin from The Learning Curve has been collecting items for the victims of the Joplin tornado. So my first project was to make a baby quilt for her cause. I had some left over Lily and Will 2, which I though was perfect for a baby quilt. I have to tell you that I wasn't sure how much I would use the 2.5" strip die, but I can honesty say that I will use it a lot! Yes I could just cut strips with a rotary cutter, but this was so much easier and more accurate, not to mention more fun :).
Here's the quilt I made for Joplin. The fun part of this quilt pattern is that you never know how it will come out. I think this one looks like buildings on a street (crooked ones). I even tried a new way to do binding on a quilt and love it!. If you haven't done so yet you should check out Mauby's series on bindings. This was was so easy and the corners come out great!
So a big Thank you to Vicki at Sew Inspired and Accuquilt! The Go! Baby made today easier and fun at the same time!
Sha :)
I won this from Sew Inspired and true to my word the first thing I used it for was to make 2.5" strips for a jelly race quilt. I ordered the 2.5" strip die, the diamond die and the Rose of Sharon die set.

Here's the quilt I made for Joplin. The fun part of this quilt pattern is that you never know how it will come out. I think this one looks like buildings on a street (crooked ones). I even tried a new way to do binding on a quilt and love it!. If you haven't done so yet you should check out Mauby's series on bindings. This was was so easy and the corners come out great!
So a big Thank you to Vicki at Sew Inspired and Accuquilt! The Go! Baby made today easier and fun at the same time!
Sha :)
Go! Baby and a Baby Quilt
Look what came for me on Friday!
I won this from Sew Inspired and true to my word the first thing I used it for was to make 2.5" strips for a jelly race quilt. I ordered the 2.5" strip die, the diamond die and the Rose of Sharon die set.
Jeanne Gwin from The Learning Curve has been collecting items for the victims of the Joplin tornado. So my first project was to make a baby quilt for her cause. I had some left over Lily and Will 2, which I though was perfect for a baby quilt. I have to tell you that I wasn't sure how much I would use the 2.5" strip die, but I can honesty say that I will use it a lot! Yes I could just cut strips with a rotary cutter, but this was so much easier and more accurate, not to mention more fun :).
Here's the quilt I made for Joplin. The fun part of this quilt pattern is that you never know how it will come out. I think this one looks like buildings on a street (crooked ones). I even tried a new way to do binding on a quilt and love it!. If you haven't done so yet you should check out Mauby's series on bindings. This was was so easy and the corners come out great!
So a big Thank you to Vicki at Sew Inspired and Accuquilt! The Go! Baby made today easier and fun at the same time!
Sha :)
I won this from Sew Inspired and true to my word the first thing I used it for was to make 2.5" strips for a jelly race quilt. I ordered the 2.5" strip die, the diamond die and the Rose of Sharon die set.

Here's the quilt I made for Joplin. The fun part of this quilt pattern is that you never know how it will come out. I think this one looks like buildings on a street (crooked ones). I even tried a new way to do binding on a quilt and love it!. If you haven't done so yet you should check out Mauby's series on bindings. This was was so easy and the corners come out great!
So a big Thank you to Vicki at Sew Inspired and Accuquilt! The Go! Baby made today easier and fun at the same time!
Sha :)
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