Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Car Barons: Ford, Hitler, Obama

Roanoke Times: Obama announces American cars and pickups will get 56 MPG by 2025
Ford introduced the Model-T to America as the alternative to the horse and buggy.
Hitler introduced the VW-Bug to Germany as the alternative to motorbikes.
Obama introduced the Hoe-Mobile as his alternative to our current: safe, reliable, affordable and convenient automobiles and light-trucks.
(Note: the Hoe-Mobile will be the first of these vehicles named after green garden tools)
It’s of interest that he did not introduce the technology to achieve these seat-of-the-pants targets nor even a prototype or concept vehicle or a target cost or a guestimate of accident lethality or cost of ownership or anything else a consumer needs to know.
Using power-grid electricity as the energy source (a limited and expensive source after Obama completes the shut-down of all coal and nuclear plants); the new rechargeable battery technology and the massive numbers of rechargeable batteries required will present a whole new set of targets of opportunity for the Sierra Club and their associates (note that NYC Mayor Blumburg just gave $ 50 Million (that’s fifty million dollars) to them for doing good deeds. This from a mayor whose city and state are bankrupt and unemployed and mired in stagnation and decay).
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) ...
 "It is our choices Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
To approach these targets, Vehicles will have to be small, light and the new incarnation of “Unsafe at Any Speed”! Another million seller in the works by Ralph Nader Jr.
As CEO of Government Motors (formerly GM) and the leader of the UAW Obama clearly has sized the power to direct the auto industry to do whatever he and his socialist-progressive associates demand. It’s not clear where in the Constitution he has been granted this power, but what the heck, who cares about the Constitution anymore?
The 2012 Elections will be a clear choice for the American People:
Pick One: _____ Socialism or ____ Americanism

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