Monday, December 20, 2010

The Constitution: “We The People”

Roanoke Times, 12-20-10, Pg 15: Commentary by M. Waldman (speech writer for Bill Clinton): Tea Party’s love for Constitution may kill it.
“The drive to strike down ObamaCare, a jarring move by those long opposed to judicial activism.”
Yet another in an ongoing long term liberal explanation of why the US Constitution is just a set of ideas and principles and a “living document” to be interpreted by politically appointed judges, most of whom serve for life.
All these liberal explanations fly in the face of the first three words of the US Constitution “ We The People” and the context in which the Constitution was written.
“The People” fought and won freedom and independence from The King. At that point “The People” were totally and completely in control of the country, their lives and the future. The Constitution was then written as a “contract” by “The People” granting specific powers to the Federal Government and to the States with any ambiguity being reserved to the States.
A major ongoing 20th Century constitutional issue is the Executive and “judicial activism” expansion of Federal control over the States and The People by treating the Constitution not as a “contract” but as a set of guidelines. It is difficult to find any examples within our society in which one party to a legal contract can unilaterally and at will redefine the terms and conditions of the contract to suit their desires.
This expansion of Federal powers is most evident in the huge bureaucracies that overlap and duplicate at great taxpayer expense the States responsibilities, including:
• Dept of Education
• Dept of Transportation
• Dept of Energy
• Dept of Environment
• Dept of Health & Human Services
• Dept of Housing
• Executive Departments
• Over two dozen Obama-Czars
This Federal concentration of government has resulted in a level of Socialism that mirrors countries like England where opportunity and development and prosperity have been suppressed by socialist controls and processes.
The Obama-Pelosi-Reid team has clearly implemented major socialist controls, programs and staggering debt and in the process have awakened large numbers of “The People” who have become activated to participate in the political process with the objective of confronting these major transgressions into personal freedom, opportunity and States Rights.
The Nov 2010 elections with the election of 60 new Congressmen could well be just the beginning of a major grass-roots movement to reestablish that “The Constitution” starts with “We The People” and was written as a legal and binding contract to limit government control and enable individual freedoms and opportunity and keep the focus of government at the State level close to “The People”.
There are no examples in history in which socialism has resulted in individual freedoms and opportunity that are even close to the American free enterprise system.
Click to see Apples reenactment of the conflict between free people and Federal-socialism in Orwell’s 1984.
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