From the Business, Science & Technology Department:

Creative Recreation for the Mentally Retarded
Issam B. Amary, M.S.E.
Charles C. Thomas (1974)
Despite the politically insensitive title, this '70s guide has tons of great suggestions. I mean, who doesn't enjoy activities like the "Tennis Ball Bounce"? I suspect the cover is drawn by one of its target audience. Thanks to "Mr. Ray" for pointing this one out to me.

Coping with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Diane Stoler
Avery Pub. Group (1998)
I love the oxymoronic concept of something being "mildly traumatic." It's like something being "moderately severe." (Incidentally that last reference is to a song by Baltimore rock band Food For Worms, written by Mark O'Connor, who was inspired by the actual Social Security disability status "moderately severe." Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.)

How To Shit in the Woods:
An Environmentally Sound Approach to a Lost Art
Kathleen Meyer
Ten Speed Press (1994)
Everything you need to known about outdoor defecation, urination and menstruation. (Just tell me wiping doesn't involve pine cones - eee-ouch!) Actually, this best-seller with the eyebrow-raising title is considered the "backpacker's Bible."

What's Your Poo Telling You?
Josh Richman and Anish Sheth
Chronicle Books (2007)
Poo that talks back is worse than poo that splashs back. This perfect bathroom reader is filled with "loads of facts."
And on a related note...from the Social Science & History Department:

Fart Proudly:
Writings of Benjamin Franklin You Never Read in School
Benjamin Franklin, ed. by Carl Japikse
Enthea Press (1990)
Believe me I do. That's why I live alone.
Of course, down in the Children's Department, younger readers may avail themselves of this Barf-O-Rama series title:

Juraissic Fart
Pat Pollari
Bantam (1997)
Now we really know why the dinosaurs died. Asphyxiation.
Continuing back to the Social Science & History Department...

Foreskin's Lament: A Memoir
Shalom Auslander
Riverdrome (2007)
The first cut is the deepest.

Castration: An Abbreviated History of Manhood
Gary Taylor
Routledge (2000)
I'm looking for a remaindered copy.
And up in the Humanities Department...

You Are Worthless:
Depressing Nuggets of Wisdom Sure To Ruin Your Day
Oswald T. Pratt
Andrew McNeel Pub. (1999)
And on that note...I bid you adieu!
See also:
Awful Library Books
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