Sunday, May 31, 2009
So You Think You Can Dance Season 5!
So You Think You Can Dance Season 5!
See You on the Ground, Downtown
People always seemed surprised that a Man About Town like myself lives in the unhip suburbs instead of "happening" hoods like Hampden, Mt. Vernon, Bolton Hill, or the Station North Arts District. To which I can reply: read Justin Fenton's Assaults Assaults on rise in downtown and Peter Hermann's Downtown gets riskier after dark articles today's Baltimore Sun.
You see, I don't like violence, crime and confrontation. Given that my only self-defense skills were learned from the Roadrunner School of Meep Meep Runaway Evasion, I like safety. I know the suburbs have crime as well because crime today is global. Still, I've seen enough random acts of violence and provocation working downtown the last eight years to last me a lifetime.
See, I'm scared of aimless youths with nothing better to do than hassle people. Especially the girls. I've seen teenage and younger girls come into my workplace and harass people just because they look "soft" or wear glasses or talk funny or look different from them. One teenage girl actually told a friend of mine, "I could have you killed." Whether this was true or merely a statement intended to impress her friends, the ramifications are frightening. Funny, but if someone accidentally "disses" them - by an act as small as asking them to lower their voice in the library or stop running around like they're at a track meet - in their minds speaking back to them is grounds for a beat-down, if not justifiable homicide.
I used to be a sociable creature. Unfortunately, I've learned to tone it down and not look or speak to most people I see on the street. Someone somewhere will take offense just by me noticing their existance. Or ask me for money. Mr. Nice Guy has become Mr. Leave Me Alone and Mr. I Don't Wanna Be Involved. I just keep my pace brisk, my head down, and my nose out of trouble - as much I realistically can.
I came across an interactive local crimebeat website where people responded to the recent spate of downtown violence and found the following guy's post to be spot-on:
I just graduated from UB and have lived in Mt Vernon (and now Bolton Hill) for 10 years. This is a beautiful area and a great place to live. It is one of the few areas in Baltimore where you really don't need a car. That said, you will not feel safe at all times in Baltimore and if you do, it is an illusion. The best thing you can do is be aware of your surroundings and body language so you do not look like a victim. That is cost of living of living here I am afraid. That will be true even once this current increase in violence in gone. In the 90s we had to be careful of transvestite prostitutes... last year rapists on the balconies.... now young thugs. Welcome.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Sing-along Trafalgar Square
13,500 people sang Hey Jude together in Trafalgar Square.
Now it's your turn!!!
Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
Hey Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better
And anytime you feel the pain
Hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool
Who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
Hey Jude, don't let me down
You have found her, now go and get her
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
So let it out and let it in
Hey Jude, begin
You're waiting for someone to perform with
And don't you know that it's just you
Hey Jude, you'll do
The movement you need is on your shoulder
Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her under your skin
Then you'll begin to make it better.
and remember ... don't make it bad.. Keep on shining Love and Peace and Keep on Sharing...
Maternity Ward
And this!
click on photos to see better.
Do you like our set up we made for them?? hehehe. I was still worried
that the babies may hurt themselves when it came time for jumping, so
we put out an old card table,covered it with a big tarp and stuck cushions
I was throwing out in between the tarp layers.... GOOD THING!
BECAUSE, later in the day we came and checked on her again . NOW there
were at least three ducklings and they all scurried off behind her before I
could get my camera in place... no paparazzi photos for me.
BUT then SUDDENLY, THIS happened! Shrieks and QUACKS!!! Oh MY!!!
This one just suddenly PLOPPED right down! I thought a moment, then
looking at Beatrice, a.k.a. mama duck, I went softly forward to get the duckling.
Mama would have nothing of the kind, she hissed at me, glaring with beady eyes.
Now K.c. had already had a fly over experience with her two days before! He
was trying to take photos of her and the nest UP CLOSE, as in over the top of
her! She flew out shaking up that paparazzi!
Oh! Back to the the problem at hand: I calmly stood there waiting. Mama
duck and baby started to "talk" to each other. I am sure Mama was saying, "Now
you get back up her this instant!" Baby duck was going the wrong way, she
wanted to slide down the "fun slide" I guess. So she did! Now she was on
ground level. This was not working so I swiftly went down and scooped up
this feathery delight and promptly placed her back with her mum! All was
good again.
Can you see the baby ducks in the above photo? *click on the photo*
There at least three ducklings. The ducklings need food and water so within 24 hours they take their leap of faith and leave the nest, following their beloved mum, Beatrice in this case.
This a.m. I went out to check on them and they indeed had left the nest. It is not too long of a "waddle" down to the lake and creek. hehehe
So ends The Story of Beatrice and Her Very Cool Nest!
Maternity Ward
And this!
click on photos to see better.
Do you like our set up we made for them?? hehehe. I was still worried
that the babies may hurt themselves when it came time for jumping, so
we put out an old card table,covered it with a big tarp and stuck cushions
I was throwing out in between the tarp layers.... GOOD THING!
BECAUSE, later in the day we came and checked on her again . NOW there
were at least three ducklings and they all scurried off behind her before I
could get my camera in place... no paparazzi photos for me.
BUT then SUDDENLY, THIS happened! Shrieks and QUACKS!!! Oh MY!!!
This one just suddenly PLOPPED right down! I thought a moment, then
looking at Beatrice, a.k.a. mama duck, I went softly forward to get the duckling.
Mama would have nothing of the kind, she hissed at me, glaring with beady eyes.
Now K.c. had already had a fly over experience with her two days before! He
was trying to take photos of her and the nest UP CLOSE, as in over the top of
her! She flew out shaking up that paparazzi!
Oh! Back to the the problem at hand: I calmly stood there waiting. Mama
duck and baby started to "talk" to each other. I am sure Mama was saying, "Now
you get back up her this instant!" Baby duck was going the wrong way, she
wanted to slide down the "fun slide" I guess. So she did! Now she was on
ground level. This was not working so I swiftly went down and scooped up
this feathery delight and promptly placed her back with her mum! All was
good again.
Can you see the baby ducks in the above photo? *click on the photo*
There at least three ducklings. The ducklings need food and water so within 24 hours they take their leap of faith and leave the nest, following their beloved mum, Beatrice in this case.
This a.m. I went out to check on them and they indeed had left the nest. It is not too long of a "waddle" down to the lake and creek. hehehe
So ends The Story of Beatrice and Her Very Cool Nest!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Holly Golightly inspired bathtub sofa!
Holly Golightly inspired bathtub sofa!
Vintage Storage?
Remember them in their "Avant" stage.
Here is the half way point~ waiting for them to dry.
Oh, yes, they are stacked four crates high in this photo.
There are several views of the sides... each side is
different, of course.
I like the aged look of the application.
And here they are a bit embellished and in place in my petit studio.
I wrapped some bits of tulle' around the wooden posts of the crates.
I wanted to keep them fairly free of adornment.
Bits of tags for quick identification of the crate contents.
Final view, a bit blurry. The insides were kept clean... easy viewing of contents.
I have loved the crates in Anthropologie stores for years. Now I finally have my own!
If you want to make them I am happy to help where ever I can :)
Vintage Storage?
Remember them in their "Avant" stage.
Here is the half way point~ waiting for them to dry.
Oh, yes, they are stacked four crates high in this photo.
There are several views of the sides... each side is
different, of course.
I like the aged look of the application.
And here they are a bit embellished and in place in my petit studio.
I wrapped some bits of tulle' around the wooden posts of the crates.
I wanted to keep them fairly free of adornment.
Bits of tags for quick identification of the crate contents.
Final view, a bit blurry. The insides were kept clean... easy viewing of contents.
I have loved the crates in Anthropologie stores for years. Now I finally have my own!
If you want to make them I am happy to help where ever I can :)
Do Not Cock Block
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Pack Your Bags Party Invite!

Pack Your Bags Party Invite!

Best Worst Library Book Titles
From the Business, Science & Technology Department:

Creative Recreation for the Mentally Retarded
Issam B. Amary, M.S.E.
Charles C. Thomas (1974)
Despite the politically insensitive title, this '70s guide has tons of great suggestions. I mean, who doesn't enjoy activities like the "Tennis Ball Bounce"? I suspect the cover is drawn by one of its target audience. Thanks to "Mr. Ray" for pointing this one out to me.

Coping with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Diane Stoler
Avery Pub. Group (1998)
I love the oxymoronic concept of something being "mildly traumatic." It's like something being "moderately severe." (Incidentally that last reference is to a song by Baltimore rock band Food For Worms, written by Mark O'Connor, who was inspired by the actual Social Security disability status "moderately severe." Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.)

How To Shit in the Woods:
An Environmentally Sound Approach to a Lost Art
Kathleen Meyer
Ten Speed Press (1994)
Everything you need to known about outdoor defecation, urination and menstruation. (Just tell me wiping doesn't involve pine cones - eee-ouch!) Actually, this best-seller with the eyebrow-raising title is considered the "backpacker's Bible."

What's Your Poo Telling You?
Josh Richman and Anish Sheth
Chronicle Books (2007)
Poo that talks back is worse than poo that splashs back. This perfect bathroom reader is filled with "loads of facts."
And on a related note...from the Social Science & History Department:

Fart Proudly:
Writings of Benjamin Franklin You Never Read in School
Benjamin Franklin, ed. by Carl Japikse
Enthea Press (1990)
Believe me I do. That's why I live alone.
Of course, down in the Children's Department, younger readers may avail themselves of this Barf-O-Rama series title:

Juraissic Fart
Pat Pollari
Bantam (1997)
Now we really know why the dinosaurs died. Asphyxiation.
Continuing back to the Social Science & History Department...

Foreskin's Lament: A Memoir
Shalom Auslander
Riverdrome (2007)
The first cut is the deepest.

Castration: An Abbreviated History of Manhood
Gary Taylor
Routledge (2000)
I'm looking for a remaindered copy.
And up in the Humanities Department...

You Are Worthless:
Depressing Nuggets of Wisdom Sure To Ruin Your Day
Oswald T. Pratt
Andrew McNeel Pub. (1999)
And on that note...I bid you adieu!
See also:
Awful Library Books
Thank You
Mercy Me... I love this song.
Thank you so for stopping by.
Thank You
Mercy Me... I love this song.
Thank you so for stopping by.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Entertain in the great outdoors with modern accents from Z Gallerie!

Entertain in the great outdoors with modern accents from Z Gallerie!