Friday, September 28, 2007

Democracy... What is it?

Yesterday, in Myanmar - Burma, a protest leaded by monks ended on people been killed by a government that doesn-t listen to its own people. That-s a terrible thing to happen... Where-s democracy? what-s democracy? that-s our topic in this posting..

I love this definition of democracy...

A political system that allows the citizens to participate in political decision-making, or to elect representatives to government bodies.

What do you think? what-s democracy for you?... Leave a comment... Prticipate in a petition to stop violence in Burma. Sign a petition at Petition on Line

I found this interesting site... Why Democracy

They say that this group is not about being able to define democracy but about sharing conceptions, perspectives and experiences. Discuss current events, intellectualize about political theory, or talk about how cool documentaries are in our forums:
(You can chat about other stuff, too.)

Check it out and start sharing opinions with people in the world...

Keep on shining!

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