Memorial Day Weekend: May 29, 2011
Hollins Market Neighborhood
Jam band jambience with signature shoulder ink typifing a misguided generation
This town will swallow you whole
Sowebo Art: a Steve Blickenstaff-styled eyeball tree
State-of-the-Art hipster couple with leopard-skin cap, marshmallow shooter and man-bag
Sowebo babes looking for meat-on-a-stick; I suggested the beer garden.
Attention-loving hipster doofi entertain the masses
Go-Go Retread Threads: Magic Cool Bus Makes a Stop
What a great idea! Amy and I stopped by the vintage clothing "bus stop" to check out the "wears" on offer from Go-Go's Retread Threads, a mobile resale clothing store that's "out and about" all over Baltimore and surrounding areas. The proprietess buys and sells "gently used, fashion-forward and vintage" women's (and some men's) clothing. She's on Facebook and can be reached via e-mail at

Get on the Go Go Bus!

Step right up: "wears" on offer inside!
Go-Go Retread Threads kept its word; our organs were stimulated by the threads - but not harvested!
"You're either on the bus or off the bus," muses vintage clothing shopper Amy Linthicum, as she explores the Go-Go Retread Threads Bus.
Is the mighty Oz behind that curtain?
Baltimore, the City That Reads "Please Don't Steal" Signs
We repeat: Don't Steal!
Go-Go Ghoul loves its stylish retread threads
Happy Shiny People
Mike Rios, flower child
Behind every great local jeweler stands a Mike Rios
Stephney Wallace & Mike Rios: happy shiny people
Amy holds up her b-day present from jeweler Stephney Wallace
Amy models her Stephney Wallace-crafted earrings
Familiar Faces in Different Places
Merkin Joe Goldsborough and friend debate the great ukelele controversy
Former Daedalus Books employee Cameron shows off his stylish timepiece jewelry
My former TSU pal Valerie and her new beau
Wendy and Rob make the Sowebo Scene
Sowebo Surfink Safari Silliness!
Billy McConnell and This Year's Model
Late in the day, Amy and I ran into the always sartorially resplendent Billy "Bardot" McConnell with his latest young nubile girlfriend. Nice gal, though I forget her name, and she and Billy apparently wear the same jean size because Billy was squeezed into her denims (though the zipper burst, providing much-needed ventilation on this sunny day).
Rumor has it that the secret to rocker-filmmaker Billy McC's youthful vitality is drinking the blood of young nubiles. What exactly IS in your cup, Billy?
Billy McConnell always picks a winner
"I saw these guys at Woodstock!" Billy boasts
"P.U. - was that you, Billy?"
"No way, I didn't cut the cheese!" Billy cries, fanning away the evidence