Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Obama: I Have Just Begun To Spend Your Money That We Don't Have

Obama's State of The Union ignored his two years of multinational foreign failures and the domestic decline and stagnation and the impacts of $14 TRILLION of debt we can't pay back.
Apparently not important in the State of The Union is the $14 Trillion debt, the $1.4 Trillion deficit, the one-half million new weekly jobless claims or the 1 million home foreclosures in 2010 that are projected to be repeated in 2011.
Instead of addressing these dramatic failures, he surged ahead with pompous vigorous proposals to spend yet more trillions of dollars of debt money we can't pay back.
The old Civil War Song says it best:
Neck deep in the big muddy and the big fool says push-on.
Apparently he believe what he said back in Oct 2010: "Americans are so "scared" they're not thinking straight!"
And based on that premise, there's no limit to what he believes he can sell to the American people.
Now he's repackaged and is selling his "shovel ready jobs" as "investments". He still doesn't understand that businesses generate most of the American jobs. He still doesn't understand that we are spending over $12,000 per student per year and that our educational problems are not because we're not spending enough! And he still doesn't understand that our federal and state governments are dedicated to ensure that businesses can't be formed or grow due to overwhelming bureaucratic regulations. He still doesn't understand that abundant cheap energy is key to our competing with foreign cheap labor and their minimal restrictions.
How could he know - he nor his associates have ever started or run a real business.
Going forward we have to have hope in four things:
1. The American people have had it with the jive and now see the reality of Obama's change.
2. The 60 new Congresspersons will hold the line on spending and Federal expansionism.
3. Bluedog Senators will join Republicans in stopping the Obama-Reid agenda.
4. The 2012 elections will get America back on the track to success.
Some prior items:

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