Thursday, September 30, 2010
Old PTU kit now free!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Discussion » Doris3m EFL Center. Introduce yourself!
Discussion » Doris3m EFL Center. Introduce yourself!
Listen to more students from the world introducing themselves
Keep on shining Love and peace!
Roanoke Times Editorial Political Pabulum and Bias
Roanoke Times, 9-28-10, Pg 5: U.S. seeks to monitor social media
What a gross editorial minimizing of the significance of Obama demanding internet media programs must provide a gateway for government access and monitoring.
What happened to the editorial diatribes about first amendment rights and the thrashing of the constitution when Bush utilized the Patriot Act for telephone surveillance of foreign terrorists calling into the US?
Roanoke Times, 9-27-10, Pg 1 & 14: Road money, VDOT’s audit turned up a pot, but not enough to carry Virginia into the future. Found money is the most fun to spend.
What a sugar-coated view of this situation that was meant to cover-up the malfeasance of two Democrat administrations and the hundreds of square feet of Roanoke Times print lamenting and bashing the Republicans for not wanting to raise additional taxes for VDOT projects.
The Roanoke Times Editors didn’t even have the intellectual honestly to print the amount (almost $1 billion) that was found by audits initiated by Republican Gov. McDonnell; instead they labeled it a “potful”.
- VDOT audit finds almost $1 billion in unspent funds
These are yet more examples of the published intellectual bias and slant of the Roanoke Times Editors that disqualifies them as a valid newspaper organization and relegates them to yet another of the Democrat party’s media outlets.
Some prior blog items:
Matthew 6:13, Pelosi & The Pseudo-BlueDogs
Roanoke Times, 9-27-10, Pg 3: Taxes: Democrats confident of tax vote after elections.
Lead us not into temptation, we can find it all by our selves!
Pelosi, the wicked witch of the West (San Francisco) led the naïve newly elected pseudo-bluedogs into the swamps of massive deficits, debt and taxes with her “siren song” of socialistic populism.
With dark clouds now gathering over the reelections of her Congressional Minions, the witch is now faced with a rebellion against her plan for a vote on massive tax increases during this prolonged jobless recession.
Many of these Democrats are now hiding from their voting record of Cap&Tax, ObamaCare, Bailouts, TakeOvers and the Nonjob-generating trillion dollar stimulus of money we don’t have and can’t pay back.
The Democrat election strategy has now been reduced to its lowest common denominator “class warfare”.
Let’s Tax and denigrate those nasty rich people! Down with those who have rightfully achieved financial success within the American free enterprise system. After all, the top 5% are only paying 60% of the taxes. Let’s stoke the fires of class warfare with the 50% of the people who pay no net income taxes at all. This is not a new approach, the text book on this strategy was “Das Kapital” written by Karl Mark in 1906.
The bad news for America is that these people have massive amounts of campaign money and spin-doctors to saturate their friendly media in order to white-wash their voting records.
Hopefully the voters will see through the facade and vote them out on Nov 2nd.
Monday, September 27, 2010
A rainy day and a Monday=extra sleep time
Licked something I shouldn't have that fell off a garbage truck, keeping me up at all hours of the night. And I mean all. Fortunately, the skies were clear, so Mom appreciated being able to chart the changing constellations—I mean, who sees Orion in September, unless it's 4 a.m.? She literally counted those lucky stars.
Then, just when I had recovered, a bee stung my right paw. Thank goodness, I'm a leftie when it comes to high-fives and shake, so I haven't missed out on any treats. Somehow, my injury didn't keep me from pretending I hadn't eaten already, so I gobbled down double feedings—one from Mom, one from Dad. It is getting to be trick-or-treat time, so why not? There were a few days when I had practically no calories at all, and I really needed to catch up.
Should be up and about carousing soon. Unless it's raining, of course. Anyone know a good bedtime story?
Sunday, September 26, 2010
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Stan (The Man) Lee |
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Harmless fun - or harmful influence? |
When it comes down to it, inappropriate content is inappropriate content, regardless of whatever format it's presented in. If it's material which could have a harmful or negative effect on its audience, then it doesn't much matter whether it comes in the form of a book, a movie - or a comic. The danger is in the content - not the carton. That's why, to me, those that assert that comics couldn't ever have - and haven't ever had - any kind of negative influence on any reader, are not on as secure ground as they might think. The simple truth is - nothing's ever that simple.
(FOOTNOTE: The above BUSTER COMIC LIBRARY issue was pulled from distribution at the last moment because of fears that some children may get the idea (even subconsciously) that it was okay to hold lighted fireworks. It would be naive to dismiss the notion that there weren't also concerns about IPC being sued if some kid got hurt following Buster's example, but the primary motivation was out of genuine consideration for children's physical safety. Shouldn't we also be as concerned about the possible psychological effect some comics may have? Incidentally, I Googled "violent comic images" to reference illustrations for possible inclusion - most were of a sexual nature and far too inappropriate to use.)
Obama The Summary Executioner
Roanoke Times, 9-26-10, Pg 9: White House says case involves state secrets.
Obama has declared to the courts and the world that he has the sole and independent and unchallengeable right to target and kill American citizens throughout the world; and the Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, ACLU and their media minions stand totally mute!
The Roanoke Times demonstrates through their editorial silence the stark hypocrisy between the liberal-progressive media coverage of Bush vs. Obama. Where is the indignant and sanctimonious outrage? Where are the threats of impeachment? Where are the lists of violations of the Constitution and due process and habeas corpus being committed by Obama?
The Roanoke Times this week filled their paper with heartfelt sympathy and regret and apologies for the State execution of a woman convicted of the murder of her husband and stepson for money, yet these summary executions by Obama, without trial or due process, results in “the sound of silence.” What a pathetic example of politically motivated standards of justice and morality.
Sept 24, 2010 White House Seeks to Dismiss Suit Filed for Radical Cleric
“The lawsuit filed on the cleric's behalf seeks to have a court declare that the Constitution and international law bar the government from carrying out targeted killings; seeks to block the targeted killing of al-Awlaki; and seeks to force the U.S. government to disclose the standards for determining whether U.S. citizens can be targeted for death.”
“The Obama administration on Saturday invoked the state secrets privilege which would kill a lawsuit on behalf of U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, an alleged terrorist said to be targeted for death or capture under a U.S. government program.”
“In its court papers, the Justice Department said that the issues in the case are for the executive branch of government to decide rather than the courts.”
Prior Item – same hypocrisy
Dec 24, 2009 The Obama Doctrine: Summary Execution Better Than Water-Boarding
The liberals and left-wingers who have been so upset with our treatment of terrorists and Obama who just can’t close GITMO fast enough are now perfectly happy summarily killing targeted people in yet another country, Yemen! Apparently the liberals are OK with killing people without arrest, charges or legal process!
They have embraced the new Obama Doctrine: Summary Execution Better Than Water-Boarding. It’s also cheaper, simpler and lots faster.
Talk about your liberal bipolar-conflicted political, mental and ethical processes and the height of gross hypocrisy.
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"Gee, the waiters in this place are really old!" |
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"Just sign here, Kid - I'll fill in the amount later." |
pen for my convenience. He probably had it on ebay five minutes later and made a fortune from it.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Cookin' with Coolio

Cookin' with Coolio: Five Stars Meals at a 1 Star Price
Atria, 224 pages, 2009
My score of the day at the Baltimore Book Festival was this cookbook ($5 at the Daedalus Books booth!) by rapper-turned-"ghetto gourmet" Coolio. And yes, I was sold by the cover, where Coolio's manning his combo stovetop burner/turntable (where can I get one? Home Depot? Soundscape?). How can you resist a book that starts off, "I can take a cow out of Compton and make it taste better than Kobe beef at your favorite steakhouse...I'm the ghetto Martha Stewart, the black Rachel Ray. I am the kitchen pimp who won't hesitate to fillet Bobby Flay or send my posse after Emeril Lagasse."
Coolio continues: "Let me be clear, I have seen the burning bush and I have spent forty days and nights preparing to guide you on your journey of pimpification from here to the Promised Land...Learn it, love it, live it bitches! Shaka-Zulu!"
Coolio Cuisine stresses that presentation is everything, and the way he uses his verbal skills to present his recipes is a thing of beauty. Like the term "Shaka-Zula," which Coolio explains is his waying of describing something that "tastes better than your momma's nipples."
Feast on a sampling of his descriptions of some favorite meals:
Backyard Grass Salad:
"I call this the grass salad because it's fresher than a girl in booty shorts on the first day of summer and cleaner than your momma's forehead."
Oil My Mussels:
"Damn, baby, you lookin' so good. I know you're lookin' at me too. That's right, it's your man, Coolio. I know you're hungry, and I know it's not just for food. Get your ass over here and oil my mussels. We'll be enjoyin' a meal together in no time."
Karate Meat:
"This dish ain't just called Karate Meat because it's got an Asian kick to it. It's called Karate Meat because it will beat you up like a pigeon in prison. This is straight up Blasian cuisine - all the delicacy of Asian cooking with all the attitude and flavor of Coolio's very own kitchen. Perfect this dish and you'll see yourself turning from Ralph Macchio into Mr. Miyagi."
Tricked-Out Westside Tilapia:
"Your lady loves Moby Dick but you've never caught a fish on a rod and reel? Take a chance, make her some Tricked-Out Westside Tilapia and you'll be watching them panties come right off. Zoom! Knocking over lampshades and shit. Shaka!"
Now that's what I called (Gettin' On) Down-home cookin!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Ahmadinejad (ImAnutJob) And Obama Agree on Capitalism
Iran's Ahmadinejad (ImAnutJob) began his speech at the UN this week with a full-throated assault against capitalism.
Apparently ImAnutJob and Obama agree that capitalism and America’s free enterprise system are bad. Unfortunately for us Obama has been working diligently to diminish and marginalize the systems that have made this a great country. Obama is clearly an academic-socialist without any shame or remorse or apology for his policies of further degrading the American free enterprise system at the expense of real-jobs, real-growth and business development.
He has squandered over a trillion dollars of future tax dollars propping up his political constituents without regard for what makes our businesses and enterprises work. How could he know? He’s never had any involvement in business or industry and neither have most of his bureaucratic team members. Who among them have been a captain of industry and creator of good private industry jobs?
All Obama’s major initiatives are job killers including: card-check, higher taxes on successful and entrepreneurial people, Cap&Tax, extension of EPA job-killing initiatives, ObamaCare and curtailing sources of domestic energy.
In addition, he has filled the government regulatory agencies and judiciary with people who are blatantly hostile to industry and our free enterprise system.
The sooner the Obama, Pelosi, Reid programs of the Obamanation of American is ended the sooner we can get back on the path to economic success.
Thursday, September 23, 2010

New owners for Wellesley Booksmith: paws up!
For example, last week Margaret was quite concerned that I might waste away unless I was handed a treat immediately. And then Rebecca made sure that I was properly fed before going out into that cold, vastness of the Square. (Actually, it's just a few steps down to Pinnacle's real estate office, where I am regularly refreshed. But I won't tell her that.)
So welcome, Gillian and Bill, and congratulations! I can't wait to be properly introduced. Paw?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Obama’s Economic “Mission Accomplished”: Recession Ended June 2009
Obama’s Economic Mission Accomplished occurred before the Trillion Dollar NonJob-Stimulus was enacted (exactly how dull was that move?).
The Obama Economic Recovery Outcomes
No Jobs
No economic recovery
Real estate train wreck
Record deficits
Record debt
No hope of paying off the debt in our lifetime
Now, after doing immense financial damage, Obama’s economic team (high on schooling, low on doing) are leaving like rats off a sinking old freighter.
Former OMB Director Peter Orszag
Orszag, just left his job as President Barack Obama’s budget chief
Larry Summers – Chief Economic Advisor now on his way back to school
Christina Romer, Chair of Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, to resign
Bob Rubin – Obama Financial Wizzard, Clinton Treasury Secretary, recent Guru at Collapsed-CitiGroup – apparently he has disappeared
The blog item on Obama’s State of the Union speech is more valid now than when it was written:
“Twelve months in office with very limited positive accomplishments certainly didn’t stop our Aloft Arrogant Professor Obama from getting up in front of his lowly ignorant students and giving yet another lecture about the joys of socialism, big government, big taxes and big debt.
If you listened carefully you could hear the old civil war song playing in the background:
Neck Deep in the Big Muddy and the Big Fool Says Push-ON.
One might think that at some point in the speech Obama would turn to his wife and say:
Gee Michelle, I’ve a feeling we’re not at Yale anymore!”
Some Prior Items Along The Road to Our Economic Train Wreck:
Obama Uses Tax Laws to Stroke Class Warfare
Obama Doubles-Down With Your Money Again
Yet Another Obama Lecture
Obama Insulting Our Economic Intelligence Again
Obama Economics
Picking Quality Economic Advisors
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Yesterday's Man of Tomorrow |
There was occasionally some clumsy tampering with Luis Bermejo's artwork (the addition of an inconsistent futuristic emblem on his costume being but one example), but overall, the strip is fondly remembered as a benchmark of comic strip art from the '60s. Interestingly, Bermejo always misspelled the title as "Jhonny Future" in his pencilled indication of where the logo should be placed - English not being his strong point, I guess. STEVE HOLLAND of BEAR ALLEY BOOKS was going to reprint the complete run in book form, but - due to events beyond his control - it hasn't yet come to pass.

I have a fascinating origin worked out for the Link and Johnny Future - maybe one day...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
SUPER DC was a British monthly comic published by Top Sellers back in 1969/70, featuring - as it said above the title - "The Best of DC Comics". Such a claim was arguable, but I certainly thought it was a worthwhile effort and it was definitely good value for one old Shilling. (5 new pence.)
Apparently only fourteen issues were ever produced - and I have the first thirteen of them. If anyone out there has the last issue and is prepared to sell, then get in touch - I'll give you a fair price for it.
More Arctic Ice Data Bias and Slant
Roanoke Times, 9-20-10, Pg 15: Opinion: A melting Arctic hits home
A summary of the varied wildlife that lives in the Arctic region and the author’s assessment of the impact a reduction in Artic ice cover may have on their survival.
Includes a large graphic showing yet another forlorn polar bear and a dire warning to Americans to change their ways.
Our 250 years of natural global warming has indeed had impacts on the environment as have the many thermal cycles the earth has experienced over the millennium.
During a major past cooling period, the brown bears that moved north found marine mammals to be a good source of food. Over time the lighter haired bears survived best resulting in the polar bears we have today.
What a change, and without any input from mankind!
Sixteen thousand years ago the Atlantic Ocean was 400 feet lower than it is today. The North Carolina Outer Banks were 50 miles east out at the continental shelf. Talk about your melting ice raising the sea level! And all without any input from mankind!
From 1750 to 1950 the Mendenhall Glacier retreated (melted) from close to downtown Juneau Alaska up the valley two and a half miles (2-1/2 mi) with no significant change in CO2 or any input from mankind!
The Artic has been relatively free of summer ice in the past and it appears that will happen again. Just 3,000 years ago Greenland was 3 degrees C warmer than it is now. Clearly the satellite images from that period would have show the Northwest Passage far different than it is today!
Isn’t it way past due to stop the Gore-Hysteria and fear mongering and report the climate history in its historical perspective?
The climate is changing! The climate has always been changing, and without any input from mankind!
Last week Russian fighter planes “buzzed” an American military ship in the Northwest Passage. Russia, Norway, America and Canada are claiming the Artic region as part of their territory. The real interesting Artic story is the coming war for oil and gas that lies below the diminishing Artic ice.
Some news from the Non Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:
The Glaciers of Greenland were smaller 5000 years ago;
African savanna trees thrive with increases in CO2;
It was hotter in China a thousand years ago, and by a whole degree;
Marine-life-with-shells can’t agree on their favourite CO2 level and
Temperatures make no difference to the 5000 year record of hurricanes.
Some prior items:
Monday, September 20, 2010
Archie was modest and unassuming, and a joy to be with. He looked much younger than his years, despite having suffered from the illness which eventually claimed his life much too soon. It's been said that if you look up the word "nice" in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of Archie smiling back at you.
Here's to you, Archie - wherever you may be.
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"Wait'll I tell Kirby that I met Kid Robson." |
When you're a living legend and creative megasatar in the world of comics, one of the things you have to put up with is ordinary folk wanting their photo taken with you so that they can tell their buddies you're their best friend. Such a thing happened to me one day when, out of the blue, this wrinkly old pensioner (oo-er - sorry, Stan) insisted I pose for a snap with him - anybody know who he is?
Oh well - just another day in the life of a leg-end - er, I mean legend.
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Illustrated by E. H. Shepard |
"Where's my swimming trunks?" |
He was produced without trunks, but that apart, was a fantastic fun figure - looking for all the world like a GERRY ANDERSON puppet. Is that STEVE ZODIAC under the cape and cowl? Sure looks like it to me.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Remember the BATMAN craze of the '60s? TOPPS released a set of cards to cash-in on the interest that the TV programme had incited, and to anyone who had them back in 1966, the above and below images will surely bring back many happy memories of their childhood. A further two sets were released after the first, and - fortunately, for people like myself who never kept the originals - Topps rereleased them back in 1989 when the first TIM BURTON/MICHAEL KEATON/JACK NICHOLSON big-budget BATMAN movie hit the screens.
Ah, happy days. More '60s Batman merchandise soon, perhaps.
Many of you will have seen THE FREEDOM COLLECTIVE one-shot from ROUGH CUT COMICS a few years ago. There were quite a few people involved with it, but I believe the basic premise sprang from the fertile mind of IAIN HENDERSON (which makes up for his infertility in other parts of his anatomy - allegedly). It's all right - I have a permit to take the mickey out of him.
I'm unsure whether it was prepared as a possible project or merely for the artist's own amusement, but DOMINIC REGAN (computer-colourist on various mags) produced a pencil rough of the above image - traced (I believe) from a copy of the cover of STRANGE TALES #135 - which I inked, embellished and lettered, and which came out not too badly at all, in my humble estimation.
"KRUST" was later changed to "K.R.U.S.H.", but the above illustration is how it left my drawing board.
"National O' Day" courses
Orlando Ortega's Blog
Visit Orlando's blog and follow him. he's determined to be a brilliant student.. you can also ask him to be your friend and please..leave a comment on his posts.
Keep on shining Love and Peace!
Obama Hawking Class and Race Warfare
Obama sees and hears and feels the American people’s reaction to his wrong-headed social, political and economic policies and he is frightened at the prospects of the November elections; and frightened people resort to primal instincts.
Tax those nasty rich people! Down with those who have rightfully achieved financial success within the American free enterprise system. After all, the top 5% are only paying 60% of the taxes. Let’s stoke the fires of class warfare with the 50% of the people who pay no net income taxes at all.
Obama-Pelosi-Reid are spending trillions of dollars we don’t have and can’t pay back with no significant positive results. To feed this monster Obama wants to diminish through taxes and regulation those people who have the assets and capability to generate new businesses and new private industry jobs.
And whose money is it anyway?
After months of this Class warfare Obama has now launched, before the Congressional Black Caucus, the political Race war opening the wounds of racism and division that MLK worked tirelessly to resolve.
These are not the actions of any American President in our history.
Apparently Obama is not capable of leaving behind the actions and behaviors he practiced on the streets of Chicago. He does not comprehend that the office and position of President of The United States demands much more than that.
What a sad and pathetic chapter in American history!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Digital Literacy: How to choose a safe password?
How to choose a safe password - Animated Explanations
Wow, that was interesting... now.. is your password a safe password?
Keep on shining Love and Peace!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
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"Where's Cagney? I'll moider da bum!" |
Back in the '60s, ODHAMS PRESS - who were publishing comics such as WHAM!, SMASH!, POW!, FANTASTIC, and TERRIFIC (as well as EAGLE and others) - made all sorts of alterations to the MARVEL strips they reprinted. Credit boxes were deleted, American references were changed, colloquial speech was altered, characters names were revised, and pages were - in the case of WHAM!, SMASH!, and POW! - resized to fit the standard British comic dimensions. However, rather than whitter on about it let me show you. Below is a THOR page as it appeared in FANTASTIC.