Comments in response to 8/12/09 SML Eagle Commentary by Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello: The Health care proposal addresses senior’s concerns
As a senior I wish to state that “The Proposals” whatever they are at this point in time, apparently there’s at least four of them, do not satisfy my senior concerns.
First: There is the $500 BILLION (that’s half a trillion dollars) of proposed and undefined Medicare cuts in services at a time when the baby-boom generation will become eligible.
Second: There is the Presidents direct statement at a recorded public meeting to a lady that her mother should have a pain pill instead of a heart defibrillator because senior care is taking up to much of the Medicare budget. (
Third: There have been ongoing public statements by the President and his leaders in Congress that the healthcare reform process is to ultimately result in a single-payer system that means a total federal government take-over of the system.
Forth: There is still no plan for a cap on medical liability that is resulting in massive insurance premiums that are passed-on to patients, excessive liability-preventive tests and procedures and the exodus of doctors especially those in Ob-Gyn, trauma care and neurology.
Fifth: There is no meaningful effort to include minority party input into the proposals that are in process as articulated by Congressman and surgeon Tom Price. (
Sixth: The Democrat Congresses’ own budget office has estimated the current proposals will increase the federal budget by one trillion dollars! Where’s that money coming from? And that’s on top of the current two trillion dollar debt they just spent! Apparently this includes major funding for programs for 15 million illegal aliens that shouldn’t be here.
Seventh: Where is the plan? Obama has not submitted a healthcare plan! Pelosi and Reid are conducting secret meetings trying to mimic a Canadian-look-alike thing. If Canadian health care is so good and ours is so bad why isn’t Teddy Kennedy up there right now?
Eight: The President and Congress’ labeling of public reaction to these proposals as “un-American mob-action” is shameful and disgusting. Especially when coming from a “Chicago Community Organizer”. Obama lied to the country and his staged town hall meeting in New Hampshire on Tuesday that “the AARP has endorsed whatever the current proposal is”. These are not the acts of a public servant who is acting in good faith and in the public interest!
Ninth: We do not need new laws to enable doctors and patients to have detailed discussions about end of life issues and plans and we certainly do not need or want to have a government bureaucrat in the middle of that conversation on a conference call!
Finally: There are real valid and positive changes that need to be made to our healthcare system. The current processes and leadership are clearly not focused on achieving their objectives within our system of free enterprise, competition and personal freedom of choice.
Taxes and debt are like anchors nailing our people and our ship of state to the bottom where socialism and stagnation hold us securely to mediocrity.
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