Look how beautifully she has wrapped everything! I love the vintage photo and the oh so petit envelope! Do you see it? It is addressed "Mary"... that's me :) Lu Lu gets them from The Envelope Please. Plus, this cutie, Lu Lu Sparkles, even sent more sweet things! Just look at all of those packages!
Surprise! See what they held! I am telling you she is soooo sweet to send all of this! The bobby pin is so adorable, I love it.
The cute little calendars, very thoughtful. Then there is the beautiful painted brooch, that was a BIG surprise!
Are you wondering what I actually ordered? Well, yes there is something that can even top all of these sweet frostings.
Yes indeedy! Is this ooo Laa Laaa? This is actually a locket that opens! Lu Lu customizes the inside of it for you with a map!
And you get to choose the location on the map! I chose Harbor Springs Michigan for this is a place that the hubby and I used to take our children before we moved to Chicago. We LOVE Lake Michigan, especially the Michigan side. The sand and the dunes and the water, ahhh, so peaceful!
This necklace is so very beautiful! I love it!!! TODAY is Lu Lu's Birthday!!!!
Hop on over to her shop for!! her Birthday celebration!!!
Happy Birthday Lu Lu!!!
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