“Motivating Student Writers by Fostering Collaboration through Tagging and Aggregating”
When describing our presentation you can read...
The presenters play with boundaries through the simple expedient of having student bloggers in different countries tag their blog posts with the unique tag term writingmatrix. Searching on that tag in Technorati, the student bloggers in four locations in three different countries have managed to locate one another’s posts, leave comments for one another, and have subsequently interacted in other ways as well. The presenters explain how they started the project and how it has branched into other online and even face to face activities involving the students in the participant countries. The presentation is made not only through the voices of the presenters, but with the students themselves lending their voices through their blogs and videos.
Here, you can watch and listen to or just listen to our presentation
Also, Wesley Fryer podcasted a great on comment about our presentation. Thanks Wesley for your kind words.
Of course... Thanks to our students... they are the most important since they are our inspiration..a warm hug to you all!!!! Teachers and students make the world of education go around and using web 2.0 tools connect them to have F.U.N!!!!
Keep on shining an blogging!
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