Friday, May 4, 2007

Let's Go Shopping!

Nice Shop Update

Caitlin's shop!
Caitlin has just added some really great new items to her shop!! We, rather YOU, are lucky that she is parting with them. There are always pieces that I wish she could keep...but then there would be no shop! The owner of Bountiful, in Venice, California has no problem even selling her very own bed right from her bedroom!!! Now that is courage! I guess when we give up things there is then room for new things. I feel the added bonus of knowing the joy that the new owner has in placing it in their home!
The photo above has the coolest pieces in it!!! I see so many uses for it other than the perfect baby room additions!!! How sweet they would look! And check out the cute snail, yes I said cute snail. It was made in France! It is a bank!!! I love going with her scouting for new keeps me fresh on what is happening. I also feel energized! I was able to get a White Fire King casserole dish complete with it's cover! I need one of those! And for me it is the perfect color. I will have to make something in it and take a pix of it for you. Of coarse I am thinking desert right now because I am hungry. But something really healthy sounds superb!
Well, back to the chandelier....if I end up not liking it I can always re-do it easy enough. I just have too many ideas for it! Have a great Friday!

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