Thursday, April 12, 2007


The grass is visible! yaya! Thank You for your very comforting comments yesterday. It was a depressing post. I AM going to walk today! I am also going to finish painting the diningroom ceiling! I have been waiting a very, I mean very long time to be able to do this. The old color I loved, Nigerian Peony by Ralph Lauren, was warm and created a very nice ambiance in this room, south exposure. Any picture would turn out great! I had planed to repaint the ceiling the same Nigerian peony again. Well let's just say I was out voted. Acually, when Caitlin disagrees strongly I listen. Douglas has a good sense of desigm also, but he is very busy right now. K.C., the hubby can pinpoint a color with the snap of 2 fingers! He studied printing and also paper science... It used to make me mad that he was so good at defining a color. I grew-up. So now I am actually using a color that is a mystery paint found in the basement. I call it "cheap vanilla icecream". oookay...not loving it so far. The sun is not out so it is hard to tell if it will be ok. I am going to change if I find it is not working. ( I should note that my husband is not a fan of ceiling color).
The kids bath I did a few years ago with a pretty bluish,aqua color , on the ceiling. Actually it is about the color of the aqua wreaths that I make.P3270101
The walls are a taupe/grey, cabinets I painted off white with a light glaze over them. No pix's right now of that. I will try to get them later.
Back to the diningroom. Wall color is going to be Lynx Lake, Ralph Lauren I think (I told you I was waitng a long time to paint).
AVANT P4110204P4110203P4110202 Stay tuned. This job is going to GET Done! : )

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