Ya ay ya! Caitlin and I are so happy that it has finally arrived! We love the thrift stores, but we really enjoy the event of a flea market. There are the favorite vendors to see and the new ones to meet, and the aromas of grilled foods. This year a nearby meat market had a large grill and tent, The Wurst Kitchen. Wurst is German for sausage...as in bratwurst. My choice is Italian sausage but they did not bring that. So we opted for a hot dog. They should think about grilling veggies.
The weather was GORGEOUSE!!! Somewhere in the 80's with of coarse a breeze. You may call it GUSTS of wind. It blows your hair everywhere and causes havoc for the vendors. We did see a few broken plates. I wonder if the markets in California have this problem? It sure kept the temperature comfortable!
Caitlin found, in the first booth a beautiful necklace, I think form the 50's and she came back at the end (1 hr 15 min till closing) and swooped it up. The markets here have not been as busy as in the past. I will let you hop over to
Caitlin's to see her goodies. I found a great, older iron chaise lounge that I have been wanting since ~2003 but I have to confess that I prefer making large purchases (whether size or $) with the Hubby. It was black...change that to a nice apple green , blue or soft pink or white!
Well we did get these two adorable pins

A pink deer and a blue one! We both really like deers. I grew up on a street called Dearfield. (with a tree in the back of our yard known to the whole nieghborhood as THE TARZAN TREE. (I do not recommend playing tree tag). Ok the goods...

The little angels were all together in a bag and I have a great idea for them. I happen to love pink and aqua jewlery, among others, and these pins and earrings where a nice find.

The blue flower IS A KLEENEX FLOWER!!! I remember girls making these for various things. It came in a bag with this pink corsage

and these cool felt flowers

We ended up getting 5 handkechiefs. I also found a pretty pink beaded necklace.
As great as these finds are the best came at the end when we were making our way to the exit...i spyied the most beautiful roses I had ever seen. I had to ask if they were real! They were, and she gave me one! Oh BUT WAIT! I asked about them and a gentleman comes up, he is a forist in the city and Caitlin's boyfriend, James, gives her roses quite often. But this guy only does events. He reaches around the flowers and asks if he can give them TO ME!!! all 13!!! (I counted them when We got home). They were packing up to leave and would not be brining the roses home! OH THE SCENT IS HEAVENLY!!! The last dealer, where Caitlin got her necklace, admired the roses so SHE GOT TO PICK ONE OUT! Caitlin and I were thrilled with the necklace still being there and the roses!!! OH, What a day.