Thursday, June 30, 2011
Rahasia Ubun Ubun Dalam AL Quran
Gambaran otak manusia bagian depan yang disebut Allah dalam Al Qur’an Al Karim dengan kata nashiyah (ubun-ubun). Al-Qur’an menyifati kata nashiyah dengan kata kadzibah khathi’ah (berdusta lagi durhaka). Allah berfirman, “(Yaitu) ubun-ubun yang mendustakan lagi durhaka.” (Al-‘Alaq: 16). Bagaimana mungkin ubun-ubun disebut berdusta sedangkan ia tidak berbicara? Dan bagaimana mungkin ia disebut
Legenda Tembok Kaukasus dan Dua Kesatria ( Caucasian Wall )
Berlokasi di Selatan Laut Caspian, berdiri tembok pemisah bagi Bangsa Misterius akhir zaman. Berbagai versi Kitab Suci menceritakan hal yang kurang lebih sama, Bangsa keturunan Nabi Nuh yang terdampar di Puncak Kaukasus dan menguasai Utara Asia Timur. Derbent adalah lokasi yang diduga sebagai tempat mengisolirnya, diapit oleh pegunungan Azerbaijan dan Armenia menjadi Penjara bagi Ya'jud dan
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Goodbye, Dr. Schettino!
If a foxhound bays forlornly in Wellesley, can it be heard in Springfield? |
In a way.
He writes:
Hi Tucker,
I didn't have the proper time today to say good-bye. [here, I sighed loudly, and Mom shrieked] I will be leaving VCA Westboro, my last day is June 30th. [egads! that's tomorrow--I will pout all day in protest] I will begin work in July at VCA Southwick (close to Springfield) as Medical Director. It is a very bitter:sweet move ... but I needed to push myself forward. [I do understand, but can you leave me?]
It was a pleasure taking care of you for the last couple of years [of course] and I wish you a long healthy life. [ditto] I don't think I will ever meet a dog more stubborn .... that is not a negative .... [indeed, I take it as a great compliment] it just makes you YOU! [true, unique I am]
I will keep following your tails on your blog! [please do, though I must grieve for a while before I set to writing again]
Best regards,
[What an incredibly dear guy. I highly doubt I'll discover again the perfect combo of smart, professional, and fun vet. More crucially, who can I find who will consider my shenanigans humorous, perhaps even endearing? Given what I've tried to pull, anyone else would have run the other way when they saw me coming.]
So fare thee well, dear doc, all the best, and happy trails to you. Many thanks for your patience, professionalism and expertise. I will miss you greatly.
Level 5. Unit 4 Today's trends
Describe your family. What kind of family do you have? a traditional family or a more modern family? working mom, stay home dad? How about married, single, divorced people in your family? Use a lot of, a majority of, some of... etc..
Level 1 Unit 4. What are you doing? - At school
Things we do
A: What are you doing?
B: I’m listening to music.
Saying hello: How are you doing?
A. Hi, Mary. How are you doing?
B. Great. How about you?
Pronunciation: Question intonation
Are you cooking?
What are you doing?
Taking about school subjects
A: what school do you go to?
B: I go to Engineering school in URBE.
A. What are your favorite subjects?
B. English and math. What about you?.
A: what classes are you taking this trimester?
B: I’m taking a six classes… a math class, an English class, ….
A: How are you doing in your classes?
B: I’m dong well in English but I’m not doing so well in math.
The present continuous
A: What are you doing?
B: I’m listening to music.
Spelling Rules
Cook - cooking
Study - studying
Extended time
Actions happening right now
I’m studying for a test right now.
Craig is talking on the phone
Actions happening these days
I’m taking six classes this trimester
Maria is studying at engineering school
Make a collage with pictures. Say what people is doing in the pictures.
Level 1 Unit 3. Personal Items - Modern electronics
Personal Items.
Tell what you have in your room
A: What’s in your room?
B: In my room there is a tv, a computer.
What’s the perfect gift?
A. What’s the perfect gift for Carlos?
B. A new cell phone. He loves phones
Asking: Is this your cell phone?
A. Excuse me. Is this your cell phone?
B. Yes, it is! Thanks a lot/ No, it’s not.
Buying electronics on the internet. Describing electronic items
I have a cd player. It’s small and easy to use.
Watch the following video: Los Articulos the, a, an - Leccion de ingles online
Singular: a / an
A. What this? / what’s that?
B. It’s an answering machine
Plurals: this/that/these/those
A. What are these?
B: they’re answering machines
1. This, that, these, those
2. More exercise .. this, that, these, those
3. a challenge.. more exercises..
Electronic items:
Adjectives and nouns
The camcorder is expensive
1. Take a picture of your romm and describe what it is in there.
2. Find three pictures that describe the perfect present for you , your mom and your best friend. Write short sentences.
3. Make an advertisement with electronic items. Describe them.
My Wonderful Mother-in-law
Last night my wonderful Mother-in-law, Sharon Cofini, passed away peacefully in her sleep.
Since last November my Mother-in-law was fighting lung cancer. It was hard for her, but she did the best that she could. Then 3 weeks ago she fell ill and was hospitalized. Tim and I have been in NY since then. Last Thursday we were lucky enough to get her into Frances House, a hospice house in Syracuse. Late last night we got the call to get there ASAP, that things were changing and she was getting ready to begin her journey to heaven. Right before we left they called again to tell us that she had passed. Very peacefully, the staff was there with her. She was a great woman and Mother-in-law and showed me how to be a great Mother-in-law when my times comes.
Tim and I are glad that we had some time with her these past few weeks. The last 2 days it seemed that she was getting weaker, although we did see glimmers of the real Mom. On Monday she was pretty funny, although weak and in some pain. Some things she didn't know she was saying (evidently she wanted to change Tim's name) and even teased me a bit. She also was seeing babies, which is something she has always loved and she told me that she would 'sleep tomorrow'. Yesterday she was so weak she could hardly be heard. She did want to have her hand held a lot and told us that it was the baby's birthday. She asked for everyone to hold her hand, I feel bad that I was the only one there then, but I tried to comfort her as much as I could. She also was talking about smoke, which I took to mean clouds in heaven. And at one point she was worried about Mike, her youngest son and made me check on him (he was fine and knowing that put her at ease). She even asked for a banana, although she couldn't really eat it she did put a bit in her mouth, she always loved bananas. Then right before she fell asleep she asked me to hold both of her hands and whispered to me that she loved me. That was a wonderful gift. We left while she was sleeping, she needed the rest since she had not slept the night before. My last look at her she had a slight smile on her face.
She will be missed so much, but it has been my pleasure and honor to have had her in my life for almost 30 years.
Since last November my Mother-in-law was fighting lung cancer. It was hard for her, but she did the best that she could. Then 3 weeks ago she fell ill and was hospitalized. Tim and I have been in NY since then. Last Thursday we were lucky enough to get her into Frances House, a hospice house in Syracuse. Late last night we got the call to get there ASAP, that things were changing and she was getting ready to begin her journey to heaven. Right before we left they called again to tell us that she had passed. Very peacefully, the staff was there with her. She was a great woman and Mother-in-law and showed me how to be a great Mother-in-law when my times comes.
Tim and I are glad that we had some time with her these past few weeks. The last 2 days it seemed that she was getting weaker, although we did see glimmers of the real Mom. On Monday she was pretty funny, although weak and in some pain. Some things she didn't know she was saying (evidently she wanted to change Tim's name) and even teased me a bit. She also was seeing babies, which is something she has always loved and she told me that she would 'sleep tomorrow'. Yesterday she was so weak she could hardly be heard. She did want to have her hand held a lot and told us that it was the baby's birthday. She asked for everyone to hold her hand, I feel bad that I was the only one there then, but I tried to comfort her as much as I could. She also was talking about smoke, which I took to mean clouds in heaven. And at one point she was worried about Mike, her youngest son and made me check on him (he was fine and knowing that put her at ease). She even asked for a banana, although she couldn't really eat it she did put a bit in her mouth, she always loved bananas. Then right before she fell asleep she asked me to hold both of her hands and whispered to me that she loved me. That was a wonderful gift. We left while she was sleeping, she needed the rest since she had not slept the night before. My last look at her she had a slight smile on her face.
She will be missed so much, but it has been my pleasure and honor to have had her in my life for almost 30 years.
My Wonderful Mother-in-law
Last night my wonderful Mother-in-law, Sharon Cofini, passed away peacefully in her sleep.
Since last November my Mother-in-law was fighting lung cancer. It was hard for her, but she did the best that she could. Then 3 weeks ago she fell ill and was hospitalized. Tim and I have been in NY since then. Last Thursday we were lucky enough to get her into Frances House, a hospice house in Syracuse. Late last night we got the call to get there ASAP, that things were changing and she was getting ready to begin her journey to heaven. Right before we left they called again to tell us that she had passed. Very peacefully, the staff was there with her. She was a great woman and Mother-in-law and showed me how to be a great Mother-in-law when my times comes.
Tim and I are glad that we had some time with her these past few weeks. The last 2 days it seemed that she was getting weaker, although we did see glimmers of the real Mom. On Monday she was pretty funny, although weak and in some pain. Some things she didn't know she was saying (evidently she wanted to change Tim's name) and even teased me a bit. She also was seeing babies, which is something she has always loved and she told me that she would 'sleep tomorrow'. Yesterday she was so weak she could hardly be heard. She did want to have her hand held a lot and told us that it was the baby's birthday. She asked for everyone to hold her hand, I feel bad that I was the only one there then, but I tried to comfort her as much as I could. She also was talking about smoke, which I took to mean clouds in heaven. And at one point she was worried about Mike, her youngest son and made me check on him (he was fine and knowing that put her at ease). She even asked for a banana, although she couldn't really eat it she did put a bit in her mouth, she always loved bananas. Then right before she fell asleep she asked me to hold both of her hands and whispered to me that she loved me. That was a wonderful gift. We left while she was sleeping, she needed the rest since she had not slept the night before. My last look at her she had a slight smile on her face.
She will be missed so much, but it has been my pleasure and honor to have had her in my life for almost 30 years.
Since last November my Mother-in-law was fighting lung cancer. It was hard for her, but she did the best that she could. Then 3 weeks ago she fell ill and was hospitalized. Tim and I have been in NY since then. Last Thursday we were lucky enough to get her into Frances House, a hospice house in Syracuse. Late last night we got the call to get there ASAP, that things were changing and she was getting ready to begin her journey to heaven. Right before we left they called again to tell us that she had passed. Very peacefully, the staff was there with her. She was a great woman and Mother-in-law and showed me how to be a great Mother-in-law when my times comes.
Tim and I are glad that we had some time with her these past few weeks. The last 2 days it seemed that she was getting weaker, although we did see glimmers of the real Mom. On Monday she was pretty funny, although weak and in some pain. Some things she didn't know she was saying (evidently she wanted to change Tim's name) and even teased me a bit. She also was seeing babies, which is something she has always loved and she told me that she would 'sleep tomorrow'. Yesterday she was so weak she could hardly be heard. She did want to have her hand held a lot and told us that it was the baby's birthday. She asked for everyone to hold her hand, I feel bad that I was the only one there then, but I tried to comfort her as much as I could. She also was talking about smoke, which I took to mean clouds in heaven. And at one point she was worried about Mike, her youngest son and made me check on him (he was fine and knowing that put her at ease). She even asked for a banana, although she couldn't really eat it she did put a bit in her mouth, she always loved bananas. Then right before she fell asleep she asked me to hold both of her hands and whispered to me that she loved me. That was a wonderful gift. We left while she was sleeping, she needed the rest since she had not slept the night before. My last look at her she had a slight smile on her face.
She will be missed so much, but it has been my pleasure and honor to have had her in my life for almost 30 years.
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Sweet Ride
They were the freaks, the wipe-outs, the beach bums!

OK, so I'm flipping through one of the too-many-books-of-disposable-pop- cultural-detritus I own, Flip magazine's Flip's Groovy Guide to the Groops (a teenage girl's guide in which "the 100 grooviest groups are waiting to turn you on!", and which includes all-important facts like the eye and hair colors of all the groups - for example, I learned that The Hollies are all blue-eyed yet still appealingly soulful), and on the front page is a listing of other Signet Books from the '60s. One caught my eye, William Murray's The Sweet Ride, because of its Faster Pussycat, Kill! Kill! -ish cover come-on: "Everything swings in this novel about a rootless, restless new breed of youth who want nothing more than a "sweet ride" on alcohol, on drugs, in bed, but mostly on the pounding surf."
It sounded so dangerous and, coming as it did right after watching Joseph Losey's oddball Youth Rebellion-Biker-SciFi cult film These Are the Damned (1963), made me think of Oliver "King" Reed's black leather-loving Teddy Boy biker gang in that film - a film that Losey fanboy Dave Cawley had recommended countless times to me that I finally got around to after he mentioned it starred my fave Brit hearthrob Shirley Anne Field (Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, The Entertainer, Alfie). You see, I'll watch anything with this Bolton Beauty in it - even if I must willingly suspend my disbelieve in seeing Days of Our Lives soap fixture Macdonald Carey as the romantic lead (?!?), while scene- and movie-stealing Oliver Reed is buried in the small-print on the film's poster (!!!).

Warning!: Macdonald Carey is the romantic lead!

Mac wants to know: "What are you trying to make out of these children! ANSWER ME!"
Watch the These Are the Damned trailer.
The movie's great theme song ("Black leather, black leather - smash smash smash/Black leather, black leather - crash crash crash/Black leather, black leather - kill kill kill!" - yes, that last line reminds me of Get Smart's killer combo The Sacred Cows) will soon, allegedly, be covered by Dave Cawley and Scott Wallace Brown's upcoming covers band (can't wait!).

These are the damned black leather Teddy Boys
But then I remembered the film adaptation of this Tough Rebel Youth novel was about as threatening and badass as a Billy Jack movie. Indeed, The Sweet Ride (1968) - starring Tony Franciosa (my hero!), Bob Denver (Gilligan!), Michael Sarrazin (the perpetually poetic drifter with the soulful eyes!) and Jaqueline Bisset (Ooo la la!) - was one of my all-time faves! I had thought of the film only months earlier when, alas, Michael Sarrazin passed away at age 70 in April 2011.

Tony Franciosa (in tennis whites): I used to think he was the coolest guy alive!
My man Tony Franciosa (see him shine also in Fathom with Raquel Welch) is the skirt-chasing aging tennis hustler, Michael Sarrazin is the drifter surfer dude, and Bob Denver plays Beatnik jazz musician "Choo-Choo Burns" (basically a reprise of his Maynard G. Krebs guise from the The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis Show) whose "porn star" girlfriend is named "Thumper" Stevens - played by Annapolis, MD native Michele Carey, she of Elvis' Live a Little, Love a Little (1968) fame!

Thumper shows off her bumpers
Listen to Dusty Springfield sing the theme song in The Sweet Ride trailer below.
Besides Dusty Springfield, the movie boasts a great psychedelic soundtrack (and film appearance) by The Moby Grape!

The Gang's All Here: Thumper, Choo Choo, Mr. Clean and Big Jane
Unfortunately, the movie has never come out on an official video or DVD release and remains unattainable except for boots from The Video Beat (

Here's the Video Beat's description of The Sweet Ride:
Will someone please, please, please release this great '60s beach bohos movie?

"How sweeeeet it is!" - Jackie Gleason

OK, so I'm flipping through one of the too-many-books-of-disposable-pop- cultural-detritus I own, Flip magazine's Flip's Groovy Guide to the Groops (a teenage girl's guide in which "the 100 grooviest groups are waiting to turn you on!", and which includes all-important facts like the eye and hair colors of all the groups - for example, I learned that The Hollies are all blue-eyed yet still appealingly soulful), and on the front page is a listing of other Signet Books from the '60s. One caught my eye, William Murray's The Sweet Ride, because of its Faster Pussycat, Kill! Kill! -ish cover come-on: "Everything swings in this novel about a rootless, restless new breed of youth who want nothing more than a "sweet ride" on alcohol, on drugs, in bed, but mostly on the pounding surf."
It sounded so dangerous and, coming as it did right after watching Joseph Losey's oddball Youth Rebellion-Biker-SciFi cult film These Are the Damned (1963), made me think of Oliver "King" Reed's black leather-loving Teddy Boy biker gang in that film - a film that Losey fanboy Dave Cawley had recommended countless times to me that I finally got around to after he mentioned it starred my fave Brit hearthrob Shirley Anne Field (Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, The Entertainer, Alfie). You see, I'll watch anything with this Bolton Beauty in it - even if I must willingly suspend my disbelieve in seeing Days of Our Lives soap fixture Macdonald Carey as the romantic lead (?!?), while scene- and movie-stealing Oliver Reed is buried in the small-print on the film's poster (!!!).

Warning!: Macdonald Carey is the romantic lead!

Mac wants to know: "What are you trying to make out of these children! ANSWER ME!"
Watch the These Are the Damned trailer.
The movie's great theme song ("Black leather, black leather - smash smash smash/Black leather, black leather - crash crash crash/Black leather, black leather - kill kill kill!" - yes, that last line reminds me of Get Smart's killer combo The Sacred Cows) will soon, allegedly, be covered by Dave Cawley and Scott Wallace Brown's upcoming covers band (can't wait!).

These are the damned black leather Teddy Boys
But then I remembered the film adaptation of this Tough Rebel Youth novel was about as threatening and badass as a Billy Jack movie. Indeed, The Sweet Ride (1968) - starring Tony Franciosa (my hero!), Bob Denver (Gilligan!), Michael Sarrazin (the perpetually poetic drifter with the soulful eyes!) and Jaqueline Bisset (Ooo la la!) - was one of my all-time faves! I had thought of the film only months earlier when, alas, Michael Sarrazin passed away at age 70 in April 2011.

Tony Franciosa (in tennis whites): I used to think he was the coolest guy alive!
My man Tony Franciosa (see him shine also in Fathom with Raquel Welch) is the skirt-chasing aging tennis hustler, Michael Sarrazin is the drifter surfer dude, and Bob Denver plays Beatnik jazz musician "Choo-Choo Burns" (basically a reprise of his Maynard G. Krebs guise from the The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis Show) whose "porn star" girlfriend is named "Thumper" Stevens - played by Annapolis, MD native Michele Carey, she of Elvis' Live a Little, Love a Little (1968) fame!

Thumper shows off her bumpers
Listen to Dusty Springfield sing the theme song in The Sweet Ride trailer below.
Besides Dusty Springfield, the movie boasts a great psychedelic soundtrack (and film appearance) by The Moby Grape!

The Gang's All Here: Thumper, Choo Choo, Mr. Clean and Big Jane
Unfortunately, the movie has never come out on an official video or DVD release and remains unattainable except for boots from The Video Beat (

Here's the Video Beat's description of The Sweet Ride:
U.S. film. "The Cycles...The Surf...And The Swingers That Make It All Go!" Music by Dusty Springfield and Moby Grape. A 1960s exploitation film featuring surfers, bikers, psychedelic scenes, drugs and rock and roll—but it's more a character study than a typical youth-culture movie.
A hit-and-run leaves gorgeous Jacqueline Bisset almost dead and the movie unfolds in flashbacks as two suspects tell their story to the police. Tony Franciosa plays "Collie," an aging hipster tennis bum who hustles players at a ritzy tennis club and teaches his younger Malibu roommates how to score with the chicks. Michael Sarrazin plays "Denny," a lusting young surfer who is becoming disillusioned with the swinging hipster scene.
Bob Denver plays "Choo Choo" a hipster jazz pianist who pretends to be gay to get out of being drafted. His girlfriend "Thumper" is a porn star! Jacqueline Bisset plays "Vickie" a mostly-out-of-work actress who is the object of everyone's carnal desires.
Famous Sunset Strip locations include Gazzarri's and Scandia. Cool bar scenes featuring a dirty biker gang decorated with Nazi accoutrements. Look for Moby Grape performing in a wild psychedelic nightclub called the Tarantula! Lots of liquid lights, swirling colors and butt-shaking go-go dancers. Moby Grape play the song, "Never Again." Dusty Springfield sings "Sweet Ride" over credits. Anthony Franciosa, Michael Sarrazin, Jacqueline Bisset, Bob Denver, Michael Wilding, Michele Carey, Lara Lindsay, Norma Crane, Percy Rodriguez, Warren Stevens, Pat Buttram, Charles Dierkop, Seymour Cassel. Bonus Selection: 1960s newsreel footage
Will someone please, please, please release this great '60s beach bohos movie?
Sunday, June 26, 2011
And the winner is...
... Aroa Cristiano!!!
Congratulations!! :)
This is the entry list:
#1 - Melanie Renouf
#2 - Silvi Mis Pasitos
#3 - Crystal Fleet
#4 - Cheryl Lewis
#5 - Dawn Evans
#6 - Yamaira Flores
#7 - Elke Schafer
#8 - Vicky Mitchell
#9 - Katie Barron
#10 - Ari Elle
#11 - Aroa Cristiano
#12 - Carrie Lewis
#13 - Paola Papen
#14 - Ashly Diane Morris
#15 - Yolanda Dols
#16 - Debi Lundgren
#17 - Theresa A Hutchings
#18 - Donna Nipper
#19 - Dawn Zimmerman Nance
#20 - Kara Yates
#21 - Sandra Taylor
#2 - Silvi Mis Pasitos
#3 - Crystal Fleet
#4 - Cheryl Lewis
#5 - Dawn Evans
#6 - Yamaira Flores
#7 - Elke Schafer
#8 - Vicky Mitchell
#9 - Katie Barron
#10 - Ari Elle
#11 - Aroa Cristiano
#12 - Carrie Lewis
#13 - Paola Papen
#14 - Ashly Diane Morris
#15 - Yolanda Dols
#16 - Debi Lundgren
#17 - Theresa A Hutchings
#18 - Donna Nipper
#19 - Dawn Zimmerman Nance
#20 - Kara Yates
#21 - Sandra Taylor
And this is the number picked:
Thank you everyone who played with me!! :)
Oops... the kit name will be "Summer Fun"!
See you soon...
Americans Take Debt Crisis Very Seriously
Roanoke Times, 6-26-11, Pg 1 & 9: Americans not taking debt crisis seriously
No that’s not it! Would you like to guess again?
It’s Democrat Leader of the Senate Harry Reid who repeatedly states that there’s no need to address our national financial crisis for at least 10 more years!
The last Congressional Election showed to the dismay of Obama, The Democrats and the Liberal Press that the American People clearly understand the need to STOP THE SPENDING, STOP THE BORROWING AND STOP THE TAXING!
When families realize that they can’t meet their payment obligations they are forced to define priorities, cut expenses, stop borrowing and make whatever adjustments are necessary to live within their means. Apparently Obama and The Democrats are oblivious to these realities, their plan: get more credit cards and pay current credit card payments with debt against the new cards! WHAT A PLAN!
Extending the $14.5 TRILLION debt ceiling is not an answer and certainly isn’t a plan!
On July 1 start the major downsizing of all the federal departments that duplicate the functions already done by the states as defined by the 14th Amendment:
• Dept of Education
• Dept of Transportation
• Dept of Energy
• Dept of Environment
• Dept of Health & Human Services
• Dept of Housing
• Executive Departments including the over two dozen Obama-Czars
Prior Items:
Roanoke Times, 6-26-11, Pg 1 & 9: Americans not taking debt crisis seriously
No that’s not it! Would you like to guess again?
It’s Democrat Leader of the Senate Harry Reid who repeatedly states that there’s no need to address our national financial crisis for at least 10 more years!
The last Congressional Election showed to the dismay of Obama, The Democrats and the Liberal Press that the American People clearly understand the need to STOP THE SPENDING, STOP THE BORROWING AND STOP THE TAXING!
When families realize that they can’t meet their payment obligations they are forced to define priorities, cut expenses, stop borrowing and make whatever adjustments are necessary to live within their means. Apparently Obama and The Democrats are oblivious to these realities, their plan: get more credit cards and pay current credit card payments with debt against the new cards! WHAT A PLAN!
Extending the $14.5 TRILLION debt ceiling is not an answer and certainly isn’t a plan!
On July 1 start the major downsizing of all the federal departments that duplicate the functions already done by the states as defined by the 14th Amendment:
• Dept of Education
• Dept of Transportation
• Dept of Energy
• Dept of Environment
• Dept of Health & Human Services
• Dept of Housing
• Executive Departments including the over two dozen Obama-Czars
Prior Items:
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Gunung-Gunung Yang Disucikan Di Dunia
Terdapat beberapa gunung disucikan di berbagai tempat. Hal ini dikarenakan sejarah maupun kepercayaan dari masyarakat sekitar yang mempercayai bahwa di gunung tersebut tempat tinggal para dewa maupun memiliki kekuatan magis tersendiri. Mari kita simak gunung-gunung yang disucikan dibawah ini.1. Gunung Olimpus, YunaniGunung OlimpusGunung ini merupakan tempat tinggal legendaris para dewa mitos
The Legend : Bahtera Nuh
Satu nama yang selalu muncul dalam Pencarian Bahtera Nuh adalah Ron Wyatt. Saya mulai tulisan ini dengan nama Ron Wyatt.Siapa Ron Wyatt?Website menjadi acuan sumber pertama kali kisah ini beredar, Ron Wyatt di katakan sebagai orang yang memiliki website tersebut. Ah yang benar saja, saya malah membaca tulisan "My Friend Ron Wyatt" by Richard Rives. Walah, website ini saja
Friday, June 24, 2011
Sejarah Berdirinya Candi Muara Takus
Candi Muara Takus terletak di Desa Muara Takus, Kecamatan Tigabelas Koto Kampar, Kabupaten Kampar, Provinsi Riau. Jaraknya dari Pekanbaru, Ibukota Provinsi Riau, sekitar 128 km. Perjalanan menuju Desa Muara Takus hanya dapat dilakukan melalui jalan darat, yaitu dari Pekanbaru ke arah Bukittinggi sampai di Muara Mahat. Dari Muara Mahat melalui jalan kecil menuju ke Desa Muara Takus.Kompleks Candi
The Legend : Misteri Banjir Besar 5000 Tahun Lalu
Tulisan ini saya buat untuk memenuhi permintaan pembaca anonymous pada komentar tulisan The Legend : Bahtera Nuh., Di tulisan tersebut saya tidak berharap pembaca percaya atas kebenaran situs itu, sebab saya hanya menelusuri awal mula Kisah Ron Wyatt. Dan saya hanya mendapatkan lokasi gambar mirip dudukan pertama Bahtera Nuh yang di gunakan Ron Wyatt dalam artikelnya. Dan sebuah Visitor Center
Peter Falk (1927 - 2011) |
Legendary actor PETER FALK, famous for playing rumpled raincoat-wearing detective Lieutenant
COLUMBO, has died at the age of 83.
Actor BERT FREED first played the character in a 1960 episode of The Chevy Mystery Show, entitled "Enough Rope", with THOMAS MITCHELL playing the role when the plot was used as the basis of a stage play called "Prescription: Murder" in 1962.
LEE J. COBB and BING CROSBY were originally considered for the part when it was decided to turn the play into a one-off TV movie, but Cobb was unavailable and Crosby turned it down. The rest is history - Falk made the role his own, first in the 1968 TV movie, and then in a semi-regular series from 1971 until 1978. Falk returned to the role in 1989 and continued to play his most famous part for several more years, his last portrayal being screened in 2003.
COLUMBO, has died at the age of 83.
Actor BERT FREED first played the character in a 1960 episode of The Chevy Mystery Show, entitled "Enough Rope", with THOMAS MITCHELL playing the role when the plot was used as the basis of a stage play called "Prescription: Murder" in 1962.
LEE J. COBB and BING CROSBY were originally considered for the part when it was decided to turn the play into a one-off TV movie, but Cobb was unavailable and Crosby turned it down. The rest is history - Falk made the role his own, first in the 1968 TV movie, and then in a semi-regular series from 1971 until 1978. Falk returned to the role in 1989 and continued to play his most famous part for several more years, his last portrayal being screened in 2003.
The actor developed alzheimer's disease a few years ago, and died peacefully at his Beverly Hills home on June 23rd.
Gene Colan (1926 - 2011) |
I can't begin to do justice to any kind of tribute to Gene, so click on the link at the side of this page to MARK EVANIER's website for a worthy appreciation of the man and his work.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Kisah Iskandar Muda Menyerang Portugis di Malaka
Hikayat Malem Dagang adalah syair kepahlawanan Aceh. Isinya mengisahkan penyerangan Sultan Aceh Iskandar Muda terhadap Portugis yang berkuasa di Malaka. Kerajaan Malaka ditaklukkan Portugis pada tahun 1511 M. Sultan Malaka dan keturunannya yang menyingkir; akhirnya mendirikan kerajaan Johor. Sekarang: Malaka dan Johor; keduanya merupakan dua negara bagian/provinsi di Malaysia.Adanya penyerangan
Obama’s Political Emergency Not A National Emergency
The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is primarily a series of salt-caves in Florida into which the American taxpayers have stored a large amount of oil to help secure the country in the event of a major national emergency. There is approximately 34 days of oil stored there.
President Obama has decided to tap into this critical emergency reserve!
His emergency is not a natural disaster, it is not an oil embargo, it is not the destruction of the Suez Canal, it is not the sinking of many of the oil carrying supertankers.
No, the emergency is Obama’s deteriorating approval ratings by the American people and the upcoming national elections.
The current high price of energy, not just gasoline, is a direct result of the Obama-Gore energy policy that is choking-off supply, elevating energy costs, reducing jobs and crippling business growth and competitiveness.
This is an unprecedented abuse of executive authority by King Obama.
Not only is he placing the nation at additional risk by arbitrarily and unnecessarily burning critical reserves but the taxpayers will have to replace this oil at an enormous premium compared to the cost of the oil when it was “saved for a bona fide national emergency”.
Is there no limit to the Obama abuse of his office with not a whimper from the major liberal media, no less the Editorial Girls of the Roanoke Times?
The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is primarily a series of salt-caves in Florida into which the American taxpayers have stored a large amount of oil to help secure the country in the event of a major national emergency. There is approximately 34 days of oil stored there.
President Obama has decided to tap into this critical emergency reserve!
His emergency is not a natural disaster, it is not an oil embargo, it is not the destruction of the Suez Canal, it is not the sinking of many of the oil carrying supertankers.
No, the emergency is Obama’s deteriorating approval ratings by the American people and the upcoming national elections.
The current high price of energy, not just gasoline, is a direct result of the Obama-Gore energy policy that is choking-off supply, elevating energy costs, reducing jobs and crippling business growth and competitiveness.
This is an unprecedented abuse of executive authority by King Obama.
Not only is he placing the nation at additional risk by arbitrarily and unnecessarily burning critical reserves but the taxpayers will have to replace this oil at an enormous premium compared to the cost of the oil when it was “saved for a bona fide national emergency”.
Is there no limit to the Obama abuse of his office with not a whimper from the major liberal media, no less the Editorial Girls of the Roanoke Times?
Watching the Swedish TV Orienteering Coverage
I watched the Swedish TV coverage of the sprint world cup races in Gothenberg. I thought the coverage was some of the best orienteering coverage I've seen. Personally, I'm not sure I like the "knock out" sprint format, but I think the coverage was strong.You can see a clip of one of the semi final races below. The entire clip is about 10 minutes and gives you a good idea of what the entire
The Legend : Puncak Adam
Adam Bridge : Kebenaran Info Wikipedia , History Jembatan Adam atau Rama Sethu yang sangat rancu siapa pembuatnya, tidak terbukti bahwa peradaban manusia kera yang menyusun lebih dari 103 balok balok batu karang menjadi sebuah jembatan, sebab itu hanya dongeng. Nah di selatan ujung jembatan itu ada Pulau Ceylon atau Sri Lanka. Ada 2 misteri lain masih tersimpan disana.Lukisan hitam putih tahun
HansenGate: More Gore-AGW-Alarmist-Community Malfeasance
This Jim Hansen item Not found in the Roanoke Times (unlike most of Hansen's alarmist proclamations).
Jim Hansen, the NASA employee who receives $180,000 per year plus complete federal benefits, is accused of receiving $1.2 MILLION in “gifts and gratuities” from the friends and associates and beneficiaries of the Gore-AGW-“Mann”-Caused global warming alarmist community without approval or disclosure or oversight as required by law.
These are the very same people who claim AGW-skeptics are being bought by industry and special interests. These alarmists are now refusing to comply with FOI requests and even subpoenas by the Virginia AG and associated court orders.
A cloak of secrecy is the implementation of a cloak of imposed ignorance.
“The NASA scientist who once claimed the Bush administration tried to "silence" his global warming claims is now accused of receiving more than $1.2 million from the very environmental organizations whose agenda he advocated.
In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Washington, D.C., a group claims NASA is withholding documents that show James Hansen failed to comply with ethics rules and financial disclosures regarding substantial compensation he earned outside his $180,000 taxpayer-paid position as director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies.”
“Federal rules prohibit government employees from receiving certain types of income outside their job. Employees are required to file Form 17-60 in writing before any outside activity. And annually, they're required to submit Form SF 278, after receiving outside compensation.
The American Tradition Institute filed a Freedom of Information Act request for those two documents for Hansen. The lawsuit claims NASA has "repeatedly and unlawfully refused to produce the requested materials."
Some of Jim Hansen’s unacceptable behaviors and activities were the focus of a 2009 blog item:
These behaviors are part and parcel of the ongoing Global-warming-alarmists cover-up of their activities that are primarily funded through taxpayer grants that have NO transparency or accountability but are held-up to be THE scientific truths upon which the world should enact draconian changes in energy systems. They are aided and abetted by liberal politicians and an intellectually dysfunctional liberal media.
Some prior examples:
This Jim Hansen item Not found in the Roanoke Times (unlike most of Hansen's alarmist proclamations).
Jim Hansen, the NASA employee who receives $180,000 per year plus complete federal benefits, is accused of receiving $1.2 MILLION in “gifts and gratuities” from the friends and associates and beneficiaries of the Gore-AGW-“Mann”-Caused global warming alarmist community without approval or disclosure or oversight as required by law.
These are the very same people who claim AGW-skeptics are being bought by industry and special interests. These alarmists are now refusing to comply with FOI requests and even subpoenas by the Virginia AG and associated court orders.
A cloak of secrecy is the implementation of a cloak of imposed ignorance.
“The NASA scientist who once claimed the Bush administration tried to "silence" his global warming claims is now accused of receiving more than $1.2 million from the very environmental organizations whose agenda he advocated.
In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Washington, D.C., a group claims NASA is withholding documents that show James Hansen failed to comply with ethics rules and financial disclosures regarding substantial compensation he earned outside his $180,000 taxpayer-paid position as director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies.”
“Federal rules prohibit government employees from receiving certain types of income outside their job. Employees are required to file Form 17-60 in writing before any outside activity. And annually, they're required to submit Form SF 278, after receiving outside compensation.
The American Tradition Institute filed a Freedom of Information Act request for those two documents for Hansen. The lawsuit claims NASA has "repeatedly and unlawfully refused to produce the requested materials."
Some of Jim Hansen’s unacceptable behaviors and activities were the focus of a 2009 blog item:
These behaviors are part and parcel of the ongoing Global-warming-alarmists cover-up of their activities that are primarily funded through taxpayer grants that have NO transparency or accountability but are held-up to be THE scientific truths upon which the world should enact draconian changes in energy systems. They are aided and abetted by liberal politicians and an intellectually dysfunctional liberal media.
Some prior examples:
Mycenaeans - Peradaban Misterius pada tahun 1600 an SM
Tumbuh dari peradaban Minoan, Myceanaeans lahir sekitar tahun 1600 SM di Yunani selatan. Mycenaeans tersebar di dua pulau dan daratan selatan, Myceaneans membangun dan menguasai banyak kota-kota besar seperti Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos, Athena, Thebes, Orchomenus, Iolkos dan Knossos.Banyak mitos Yunani berpusat di sekitar Mycenae termasuk legenda Raja Agamemnon, yang memimpin pasukan Yunani
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Gunung Yang Disulap Menjadi Istana Oleh Kaisar Persia
Di sebelah utara dari kota kuno Persepolis di Iran adalah tebing yang indah bernama Naqsh-i-Rustam berada. Pembangunan tebing sangat menakjubkan, sungguh mengherankan di jaman yang begitu kuno peradabannya manusia sudah bisa membuat arsitektur bangunan seindah itu. Istana tebing ini memiliki pintu besar untuk masuk ,di dinding tebing. Total ada 4 pintu masuk raksasa yang juga dikenal sebagai
The Palin Email Dump Analysis
The major main liberal media analysis and review of the Palin Emails they obtained from the State of Alaska via a FOI (freedom of information) process.
This is devastating for Sarah, her family and the nation.
Be sure to see the explosive ending!
Be patient with the advertising leadin:
This is devastating for Sarah, her family and the nation.
Be sure to see the explosive ending!
Be patient with the advertising leadin:
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
About the contest...
Just a quick note to let you know that you have to post your guesses in the post with the color palette in it (the fourth one, actually) to get the chance to win the coupon! :)
Thank you everyone!
Menilik Batu Emas dan Pagoda Kyaiktiyo di Myanmar
Pagoda Kyaiktiyo adalah situs perjalanan suci umat Buddha di wilayah Mon, Myanmar. Terdapat pagoda kecil yang memiliki tinggi 7,3 meter diatas batu granit yang dilapisi oleh kertas emas yang dipasang oleh para umat yang datang ke batu tersebut. Berdasarkan legenda, batu emas tersebut berdiri dengan kokoh karena beralaskan rambut Buddha. Batu tersebut seakan melawan gravitasi, karena penampakannya
Zhang Da, Sebuah Kisah Teladan dari Negeri China
Seorang anak di China pada 27 Januari 2006 mendapat penghargaan tinggi dari pemerintahnya karena dinyatakan telah melakukan “PERBUATAN LUAR BIASA”. Diantara 9 orang peraih penghargaan itu, ia merupakan satu-satunya kanak-kanak yang terpilih dari 1,4 milyar penduduk China. Yang membuatnya dianggap luar biasa ternyata adalah perhatian dan pengabdian pada ayahnya, senantiasa kerja
SeaLevelGate Yet Another AGW Global Warming Distortion
Roanoke Times, 6-21-11, Pg 3: Sea Levels rising significantly over past century
Sea Levels rising at rate of 2 millimeters per year (one tenth of an inch).
Some interesting “not included” items:
* Yes, the oceans are rising; 16,000 years ago the Atlantic was 400 feet lower than today and the outer banks were 50 miles out at the continental shelf. See the enclosed two data graphs that show the ‘big’ changes occurred from 18,000 to 8,000 years ago and the last 100 years have been a linear slow rise and NOT a big acceleration.
Note: There are 2.54 cm per inch (7.8 inches in past 100 years)
* The University of Colorado’s Sea Level Research Group decided in May to add 0.3 millimeters -- every year to its actual measurements of sea levels, sparking criticism from skeptic-experts who called it an attempt to exaggerate the effects of global warming.
When this “adjustment” was discovered by “skeptics” the university researchers said they did it because the shoreline is rising-up due to the earth's “rebound” from the ice age!
Why can’t the AlGore-AGW people be honest and stop trying to sneak data into the “science” that tries to falsely advance their hypothesis?
These so called “scientists” are destroying the creditability of real honest scientists who are still using the “scientific method” of determining cause-and-effect relationships, however those scientists are clearly not getting the hundreds of millions of taxpayer funded grant money!
Physicians Heal Thyself!
Some Prior Items:
Roanoke Times, 6-21-11, Pg 3: Sea Levels rising significantly over past century
Sea Levels rising at rate of 2 millimeters per year (one tenth of an inch).
Some interesting “not included” items:
* Yes, the oceans are rising; 16,000 years ago the Atlantic was 400 feet lower than today and the outer banks were 50 miles out at the continental shelf. See the enclosed two data graphs that show the ‘big’ changes occurred from 18,000 to 8,000 years ago and the last 100 years have been a linear slow rise and NOT a big acceleration.
Note: There are 2.54 cm per inch (7.8 inches in past 100 years)
* The University of Colorado’s Sea Level Research Group decided in May to add 0.3 millimeters -- every year to its actual measurements of sea levels, sparking criticism from skeptic-experts who called it an attempt to exaggerate the effects of global warming.
When this “adjustment” was discovered by “skeptics” the university researchers said they did it because the shoreline is rising-up due to the earth's “rebound” from the ice age!
Why can’t the AlGore-AGW people be honest and stop trying to sneak data into the “science” that tries to falsely advance their hypothesis?
These so called “scientists” are destroying the creditability of real honest scientists who are still using the “scientific method” of determining cause-and-effect relationships, however those scientists are clearly not getting the hundreds of millions of taxpayer funded grant money!
Physicians Heal Thyself!
Some Prior Items:
Roanoke Times, Obama, Cuccinelli, Coal And CO2
Roanoke Times editorial June 13, 2011; Va AG AntiScience
Roanoke Times, June 21, 2011; Va AG Cuccinelli response to EPA CO2 lawsuit
Cuccinelli lays out in detail the legal issues with the EPA actions on regulating CO2 and the justification of a lawsuit designed to require the EPA to hold public hearings and obtain US scientific input as required by law. This all avoided by the Editors of the Roanoke Times.
The Roanoke Times Editorial Jihad against Va AG Cuccinelli has been outlined in prior items:
The residents of Virginia have already felt the leading edge of the Obama-EPA anti-CO2 jihad in their utility bills that have just begun to skyrocket as the Obama-EPA draconian restrictions on coal are rolled-out.
The Editors of the Roanoke Times and their liberal media associates never address the root cause of the problem, trying instead to make the utility companies the bad guys.
Obama the candidate said he will bankrupt any company that builds a coal fired electric plant. Obama the President said he will also stop coal mining and shut-down coal fired plants (as is already happening to two plants in southwestern Virginia).
Obama and the Democrats are busy shutting down the power plans and fuels that power America and most of the world. Coal is one of our primary exports to other countries that will be burning coal for generations to come. Apparently they’re not impressed with Obama’s thoughts and decisions about burning coal.
As we shut down our coal fired plants the price of electricity has and will skyrocket at which time the Democrats will blame the utility companies (as they are already doing).
The cost of living, the cost of doing business, the cost of food and products and services are rapidly rising and Obama and associates (as Rhett Butler so clearly stated) don’t give a damn! Of those most adversely impacted are the poor and the elderly on fixed limited incomes. Too bad about them; they need to get on with the green-wagon.
Why isn’t the liberal media standing up for these classes of people and demanding answers to the “cost-benefit” analysis that Obama is ignoring? Instead they continue to demagogue the “utilities as the villains”. How lame and intellectually limited has that line become?
Let’s Play Hide The Real Reasons For High Energy Prices
Perhaps the local voters can ask Democrats Roscoe Reynolds and Ward Armstrong what they are doing to reduce the rapidly rising cost of energy in southwest Virginia.
Roanoke Times editorial June 13, 2011; Va AG AntiScience
Roanoke Times, June 21, 2011; Va AG Cuccinelli response to EPA CO2 lawsuit
Cuccinelli lays out in detail the legal issues with the EPA actions on regulating CO2 and the justification of a lawsuit designed to require the EPA to hold public hearings and obtain US scientific input as required by law. This all avoided by the Editors of the Roanoke Times.
The Roanoke Times Editorial Jihad against Va AG Cuccinelli has been outlined in prior items:
The residents of Virginia have already felt the leading edge of the Obama-EPA anti-CO2 jihad in their utility bills that have just begun to skyrocket as the Obama-EPA draconian restrictions on coal are rolled-out.
The Editors of the Roanoke Times and their liberal media associates never address the root cause of the problem, trying instead to make the utility companies the bad guys.
Obama the candidate said he will bankrupt any company that builds a coal fired electric plant. Obama the President said he will also stop coal mining and shut-down coal fired plants (as is already happening to two plants in southwestern Virginia).
Obama and the Democrats are busy shutting down the power plans and fuels that power America and most of the world. Coal is one of our primary exports to other countries that will be burning coal for generations to come. Apparently they’re not impressed with Obama’s thoughts and decisions about burning coal.
As we shut down our coal fired plants the price of electricity has and will skyrocket at which time the Democrats will blame the utility companies (as they are already doing).
The cost of living, the cost of doing business, the cost of food and products and services are rapidly rising and Obama and associates (as Rhett Butler so clearly stated) don’t give a damn! Of those most adversely impacted are the poor and the elderly on fixed limited incomes. Too bad about them; they need to get on with the green-wagon.
Why isn’t the liberal media standing up for these classes of people and demanding answers to the “cost-benefit” analysis that Obama is ignoring? Instead they continue to demagogue the “utilities as the villains”. How lame and intellectually limited has that line become?
Let’s Play Hide The Real Reasons For High Energy Prices
Perhaps the local voters can ask Democrats Roscoe Reynolds and Ward Armstrong what they are doing to reduce the rapidly rising cost of energy in southwest Virginia.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Contest on my FB page! Win $25 coupon!
Contest on my FB page!!
Just go there and leave your comment under the top post!
Winner will get a $25 coupon :)
Good luck!!
Patung-patung Misterius Ditemukan di Pulau Keros
PECAHAN-pecahan artefak kuno yang ditemukan di Pulau Keros, Yunani.Ketika para arkeolog menggali artefak Zaman Perunggu ini, mereka mengira telah menemukan sebuah puzzle kuno tanpa solusi, ribuan patung yang rusak dan satu pun tidak ada yang cocok saat dipasangkan.Sekarang para peneliti percaya patung-patung misterius yang dibuat dan sengaja dipatahkan ini, merupakan bukti dari ritual Zaman
Inilah Laksamana Pertama Perempuan Dunia
Ketika Negara-negara maju berkoar-koar mempermasalahkan kesetaraan gender terutama terhadap Negara berkembang dewasa ini, wilayah nusantara telah lama mempunyai pahlawan gender yang luar biasa. Dialah Laksamana Malahayati, Laksamana perang wanita pertama di dunia.Laksamana Keumala HayatiKeumalahayati, Namanya mudah ditemukan di literatur Barat maupun China. Di Indonesia, dia memang tidak
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Empat Perairan yang Misterius
KISAH akan hilangnya kapal ataupun hanyutnya kapal tak berpenghuni, telah lama mewarnai imaginasi terkenal akan legenda yang terjadi di laut lepas. Lokasi tertentu telah menjadi titik berat atas peristiwa kehilangan yang tak mampu dijelaskan tersebut, dimana tempat-tempat itu diduga memiliki daya tarik magnetik. Dimana saja itu, berikut kisahnya, seperti kami kutip dari Segitiga
Misteri Merah Planet Mars
Mars tidak selalu merah. Setidaknya itu adalah teori seorang ilmuwan yang telah menemukan alasan bagaimana planet Mars membentuk warna merah. Menurut Dr. John Brandenberg, sekitar 180 juta tahun lalu, sebuah planet hancur akibat reaksi nuklir yang terjadi secara alami dan telah melenyapkan apapun di Mars, melepas guncangan gelombang, sehingga mengubah planet tersebut menjadi pasir kering. Ia
Saturday, June 18, 2011
How to upload your recordings to GOEAR and post to your blog
Well, now that we are making recordings with your voices in dialogs and exercises.. Michelle Chavez from Level 1 C101 shared this wonderful resource... here you can listen to Michele.. Michele Chavez: Practice
To upload a mp3 recording to the internet, go to GOEAR, register and upload your mp3 file. Then copy the code and past it in the HTML tab.
Well, have fun recording your conversations and posting then to your blogs.. And don't forget to keep on shining Love and Peace!
To upload a mp3 recording to the internet, go to GOEAR, register and upload your mp3 file. Then copy the code and past it in the HTML tab.
![]() | |
Well, have fun recording your conversations and posting then to your blogs.. And don't forget to keep on shining Love and Peace!
Best Blogs April _July 2011
Well, it's been a great term.. we are in the middle of the second term and so far these bloggers have made a good job!!!
Michele Chavez
Arenas Carlos
Arturo Molina
Marianny Castro
Dayerlin Lopez
Fernando Matos
Veronica Navarro
Navith Arriaga
Miguel Lopez
Jorge Nava
Arlette Salas
Jose Vazquez
Jose Avila
Roxanny Colina
Laura Prada
Alvarado Maria
Cohen Gabriela
Redondo Jean
Bracho Ariana
Navas Alba
Palmar Dayanna
Ramirez Vanessa
Urdaneta Blanca
Jormi Uribe
Rafael Bracho
Ever Jimenez
Marielis Luzardo
Luis Armijo
Oswaldo Hoyos
Jose Mejias
Adriana Soto
Carmona Tahiret
Barreto Yesica
Diaz Maribys
Garcia Luisana
Ortega Orlando
Edixon Luengo
Anyire Bravo
Yuletzi Gonzalez
Miguel Fernandez
Liz Fernandez
Gabriel Lugo
Julio Gil
Nubia Navarro
Brian Rincon
Yoselin Zapata
Michele Chavez
Arenas Carlos
Arturo Molina
Marianny Castro
Dayerlin Lopez
Fernando Matos
Veronica Navarro
Navith Arriaga
Miguel Lopez
Jorge Nava
Arlette Salas
Jose Vazquez
Jose Avila
Roxanny Colina
Laura Prada
Alvarado Maria
Cohen Gabriela
Redondo Jean
Bracho Ariana
Navas Alba
Palmar Dayanna
Ramirez Vanessa
Urdaneta Blanca
Jormi Uribe
Rafael Bracho
Ever Jimenez
Marielis Luzardo
Luis Armijo
Oswaldo Hoyos
Jose Mejias
Adriana Soto
Carmona Tahiret
Barreto Yesica
Diaz Maribys
Garcia Luisana
Ortega Orlando
Edixon Luengo
Anyire Bravo
Yuletzi Gonzalez
Miguel Fernandez
Liz Fernandez
Gabriel Lugo
Julio Gil
Nubia Navarro
Brian Rincon
Yoselin Zapata
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Drug Testing Fairness Doctrine
Florida Drug Testing Fairness Law
The final bill, HB 353, forces all people who receive welfare cash, called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, to pass a test in order to be eligible for the funds. If prospective recipients fail a first test, they would lose benefits for one year. A second positive drug test makes them ineligible for three years. The new testing requirement would affect about 58,000 people.
The bill passed the House 78-38 on April 26 and passed the Senate 26-11on May 5.
"This bill is all about trying to break the cycle of drug dependency and using taxpayer dollars to buy illegal drugs," said Senate sponsor Steve Oelrich, R-Gainesville”
For years many working people are subject to unannounced workplace drug testing. If they fail some get a chance at rehab most others are fired on-the-spot.
These workers who pay taxes some of which get diverted to paying welfare recipients have asked for drug testing FAIRNESS!
If the folks paying the taxes must undergo drug testing, why not those who receive those tax dollars? Apparently Florida got the message and will start this program July 1st.
Of course the liberals and ACLU will tie this up in court as long as possible, however, its way past due that the “Drug Testing Fairness Doctrine” becomes law in every state for all public assistance.
Why would the liberals oppose what is clearly fair and equitable and in the best interest of all?
Florida Drug Testing Fairness Law
The final bill, HB 353, forces all people who receive welfare cash, called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, to pass a test in order to be eligible for the funds. If prospective recipients fail a first test, they would lose benefits for one year. A second positive drug test makes them ineligible for three years. The new testing requirement would affect about 58,000 people.
The bill passed the House 78-38 on April 26 and passed the Senate 26-11on May 5.
"This bill is all about trying to break the cycle of drug dependency and using taxpayer dollars to buy illegal drugs," said Senate sponsor Steve Oelrich, R-Gainesville”
For years many working people are subject to unannounced workplace drug testing. If they fail some get a chance at rehab most others are fired on-the-spot.
These workers who pay taxes some of which get diverted to paying welfare recipients have asked for drug testing FAIRNESS!
If the folks paying the taxes must undergo drug testing, why not those who receive those tax dollars? Apparently Florida got the message and will start this program July 1st.
Of course the liberals and ACLU will tie this up in court as long as possible, however, its way past due that the “Drug Testing Fairness Doctrine” becomes law in every state for all public assistance.
Why would the liberals oppose what is clearly fair and equitable and in the best interest of all?
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Obama-Holder Team Sent Illegal Guns To Mexican Terrorist Gangs Who Then Killed an American Boarder Agent With Them
New News Development: 7-5-11:
U.S. Officials Behind 'Fast and Furious' Gun Sales Should Be Tried in Mexico, Lawmaker Says
While the investigation continues into the U.S. operation that helped send thousands of guns south of the border, Mexican lawmakers say they'll press for extradition and prosecution in Mexico of American officials who authorized and ran the operation.
What a sight to see Obama's AG Holder on trial in Mexico!
Obama-Holder Team Sent Illegal Guns To Mexican Terrorist Gangs Who Then Killed an American Border Agent With Them
House Panel Slams 'Fast and Furious' Gun Operation Tied to Border Agent's Death
Note that this inquiry didn't occur when Pelosi was in-charge!
“A U.S. law enforcement operation intended to crack down on major weapons traffickers on the Southwest border spiraled out of control as federal agents were told by superiors to "stand down" and ignore weapons bought in Arizona headed for Mexico, a House panel heard Wednesday.”
“Three federal firearms investigators told the House Oversight and Government Reform committee that they wanted to "intervene and interdict" loads of guns, but were repeatedly ordered to step aside.”
"Allowing loads of weapons that we knew to be destined for criminals -- this was the plan," John Dodson, a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent who testified to the panel. "It was so mandated."
He added: "My supervisors directed me and my colleagues not to make any stop or arrest, but rather, to keep the straw purchaser under surveillance while allowing the guns to walk."
While these illegal weapons were being sent to Mexican Gangs, Obama and Hillary were holding news conferences telling the American people that it was weak gun laws that were to blame. Where are NY Mayor Blumberg’s roaming illegal gun sting teams, and why weren’t they arresting the Federal ATF Agents that were committing these crimes?
And most interesting of all: why aren’t the Roanoke Times and the rest of the liberal media covering this story? Aren’t they always right out front with big stories on gun law and gun use abuse? Talk about your sound of silence and political slant and bias!
Prior Items:
Obama & Holder The Real Suppliers of Illegal Guns to Mexican Gangs
Guns Linked to US AG Eric Holder Kill American Border Agent in Mexico
U.S. Officials Behind 'Fast and Furious' Gun Sales Should Be Tried in Mexico, Lawmaker Says
While the investigation continues into the U.S. operation that helped send thousands of guns south of the border, Mexican lawmakers say they'll press for extradition and prosecution in Mexico of American officials who authorized and ran the operation.
What a sight to see Obama's AG Holder on trial in Mexico!
Obama-Holder Team Sent Illegal Guns To Mexican Terrorist Gangs Who Then Killed an American Border Agent With Them
House Panel Slams 'Fast and Furious' Gun Operation Tied to Border Agent's Death
Note that this inquiry didn't occur when Pelosi was in-charge!
“A U.S. law enforcement operation intended to crack down on major weapons traffickers on the Southwest border spiraled out of control as federal agents were told by superiors to "stand down" and ignore weapons bought in Arizona headed for Mexico, a House panel heard Wednesday.”
“Three federal firearms investigators told the House Oversight and Government Reform committee that they wanted to "intervene and interdict" loads of guns, but were repeatedly ordered to step aside.”
"Allowing loads of weapons that we knew to be destined for criminals -- this was the plan," John Dodson, a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent who testified to the panel. "It was so mandated."
He added: "My supervisors directed me and my colleagues not to make any stop or arrest, but rather, to keep the straw purchaser under surveillance while allowing the guns to walk."
While these illegal weapons were being sent to Mexican Gangs, Obama and Hillary were holding news conferences telling the American people that it was weak gun laws that were to blame. Where are NY Mayor Blumberg’s roaming illegal gun sting teams, and why weren’t they arresting the Federal ATF Agents that were committing these crimes?
And most interesting of all: why aren’t the Roanoke Times and the rest of the liberal media covering this story? Aren’t they always right out front with big stories on gun law and gun use abuse? Talk about your sound of silence and political slant and bias!
Prior Items:
Obama & Holder The Real Suppliers of Illegal Guns to Mexican Gangs
Guns Linked to US AG Eric Holder Kill American Border Agent in Mexico
Obama War Against The 14th Amendment And The Right To Work
The Wisconsin Supreme Court rules that the “limit the public union powers act” is constitutional and valid. This is a major victory for the taxpayers of Wisconsin and is consistent with the prior blog item:
Whose Working Rights Are They Anyway?
Virginia is a shining example of a “Right to Work State” and we all are beneficiaries of that sound and prudent policy.
Not good news is that while Obama was in North Carolina talking up jobs while callously joking about his failed shovel-not-ready stimulus act, his henchmen were continuing to harasses Boeing to keep them from building jetliners in South Carolina because they are a “right to work state”.
The blatant Obama unionizing crusade for votes and campaign contributions is in direct conflict with his responsibilities to represent the best interests of all Americans and is in violation of the 14th Amendment that gives to the States the power to manage industry within the state. Obama is also violating the “Commerce Clause” that specifically gives power to the Congress (not the President) for control of that portion of industry not delegated or reserved to the states.
Businesses have always had the "right" to locate in any state that accepts them.
Obama, he who would be King! Didn’t we do something back in 1776 to dethrone Kings from America? Obama just continues to look duller every day; and he was advertised to be the smart one!
The Wisconsin Supreme Court rules that the “limit the public union powers act” is constitutional and valid. This is a major victory for the taxpayers of Wisconsin and is consistent with the prior blog item:
Whose Working Rights Are They Anyway?
Virginia is a shining example of a “Right to Work State” and we all are beneficiaries of that sound and prudent policy.
Not good news is that while Obama was in North Carolina talking up jobs while callously joking about his failed shovel-not-ready stimulus act, his henchmen were continuing to harasses Boeing to keep them from building jetliners in South Carolina because they are a “right to work state”.
The blatant Obama unionizing crusade for votes and campaign contributions is in direct conflict with his responsibilities to represent the best interests of all Americans and is in violation of the 14th Amendment that gives to the States the power to manage industry within the state. Obama is also violating the “Commerce Clause” that specifically gives power to the Congress (not the President) for control of that portion of industry not delegated or reserved to the states.
Businesses have always had the "right" to locate in any state that accepts them.
Obama, he who would be King! Didn’t we do something back in 1776 to dethrone Kings from America? Obama just continues to look duller every day; and he was advertised to be the smart one!
Obama Laughs At His Failed Shovel-ready Stimulus
What a callous and disingenuous elitist snob Obama has demonstrated he is, yet again!
The president's wisecrack came during a meeting in North Carolina with his jobs council. After hearing concerns about how the permitting process delays construction, Obama smiled and said: "Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected." The White House defended its record Tuesday on the stimulus after facing a heap of criticism over President Obama's joke a day earlier that "shovel-ready" projects in the stimulus bill weren't so shovel-ready after all.
"I don't think it's a joke to the millions of Americans who find themselves unemployed," House Speaker John Boehner said.
Prior Shovel Not-Ready Blog Items:
What a callous and disingenuous elitist snob Obama has demonstrated he is, yet again!
The president's wisecrack came during a meeting in North Carolina with his jobs council. After hearing concerns about how the permitting process delays construction, Obama smiled and said: "Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected." The White House defended its record Tuesday on the stimulus after facing a heap of criticism over President Obama's joke a day earlier that "shovel-ready" projects in the stimulus bill weren't so shovel-ready after all.
"I don't think it's a joke to the millions of Americans who find themselves unemployed," House Speaker John Boehner said.
Prior Shovel Not-Ready Blog Items:
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Pasta: Review and Synopsis
Title: 파스타 / Pasta
Genre: Romance comedy
Episodes: 20
Broadcast Network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2010-Jan-04 to 2010-March-04
Air time: Mondays & Tuesdays 21:55
Gong Hyo Jin as Yoo Kyung Seo
Lee Sun Gyun as Choi Hyun-Wook
Lee Ha Nui as Oh Sae-young
Alex Clazziquai as Kim San
Currently, Korean Drama Pasta is running on Indosiar every day at 13:30 pm. Korean drama that originally I thought it only serves about how to make this pasta was very interesting. Especially this Drama is so funny it’s good combines by elements of romantic love, the art of cooking and packaged in a comedy.
In Korea, the country of origin Pasta Drama Korea has been aired on MBC in January of 2004. Although they are the young stars and new comer in Korean Drama but as the casts their acting quality is very good.
Here are Synopsis Pasta (Korean Drama):
Seo Yoo-kyung is a kitchen assistant in a restaurant called La Sefra elite. During the 3 years he became assistant to the kitchen; eventually he was named chef of pasta as long as he dreamed. But on the first day he was working as a chef, he was fired by a new chef at the restaurant named Choi Hyun-wook. Choi Hyun-wook is very anti the woman who was in her kitchen. This is connected with his past when in Italy he was betrayed by a Chef Oh Sae-young woman who becomes his partner as well as his girlfriend. Since the beginning of his presence in La Sefra he never allowed anyone going out in her kitchen.
Not wanting the fired Seo Yoo-kyung still come each Day. It’s make chef Choi Hyun-wook let it work. Because all women had fired the chef kitchen chef shortage, especially in the pasta, Chef finally Hyun-wook brings his students he knew in italy for work in the kitchen La Sefra. Choi Hyun-wook chef character are very hard and likes to snap his chefs with sharp words that make the atmosphere in the kitchen is not comfortable.
But the character of Chio Chef Wook Hyun harsh and unequivocal fact that even makes Kyung Seo Yoo became closer until finally going out. But it was not just Chio who like Seo Hyun Wook Yoo Kyung. Boss La Sefra is Kim San was also very fond of. Complexity eventually happens, especially when the other cooks know that Chio Seo Hyun-wook and Yoo Kyung courtship. Chef chose to resign for Yoo-kyung can still work in the kitchen La Sefra.

Genre: Romance comedy
Episodes: 20
Broadcast Network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2010-Jan-04 to 2010-March-04
Air time: Mondays & Tuesdays 21:55
Gong Hyo Jin as Yoo Kyung Seo
Lee Sun Gyun as Choi Hyun-Wook
Lee Ha Nui as Oh Sae-young
Alex Clazziquai as Kim San
Currently, Korean Drama Pasta is running on Indosiar every day at 13:30 pm. Korean drama that originally I thought it only serves about how to make this pasta was very interesting. Especially this Drama is so funny it’s good combines by elements of romantic love, the art of cooking and packaged in a comedy.
In Korea, the country of origin Pasta Drama Korea has been aired on MBC in January of 2004. Although they are the young stars and new comer in Korean Drama but as the casts their acting quality is very good.
Here are Synopsis Pasta (Korean Drama):
Seo Yoo-kyung is a kitchen assistant in a restaurant called La Sefra elite. During the 3 years he became assistant to the kitchen; eventually he was named chef of pasta as long as he dreamed. But on the first day he was working as a chef, he was fired by a new chef at the restaurant named Choi Hyun-wook. Choi Hyun-wook is very anti the woman who was in her kitchen. This is connected with his past when in Italy he was betrayed by a Chef Oh Sae-young woman who becomes his partner as well as his girlfriend. Since the beginning of his presence in La Sefra he never allowed anyone going out in her kitchen.
Not wanting the fired Seo Yoo-kyung still come each Day. It’s make chef Choi Hyun-wook let it work. Because all women had fired the chef kitchen chef shortage, especially in the pasta, Chef finally Hyun-wook brings his students he knew in italy for work in the kitchen La Sefra. Choi Hyun-wook chef character are very hard and likes to snap his chefs with sharp words that make the atmosphere in the kitchen is not comfortable.
But the character of Chio Chef Wook Hyun harsh and unequivocal fact that even makes Kyung Seo Yoo became closer until finally going out. But it was not just Chio who like Seo Hyun Wook Yoo Kyung. Boss La Sefra is Kim San was also very fond of. Complexity eventually happens, especially when the other cooks know that Chio Seo Hyun-wook and Yoo Kyung courtship. Chef chose to resign for Yoo-kyung can still work in the kitchen La Sefra.

10 Maskapai Penerbangan Termewah Dari Seluruh Dunia
Apakah Anda memiliki ingin bepergian menggunakan maskapai penerbangan internasional yang menawarkan layanan plushest dan kualitas yang paling baik?Jadi pada saat Anda merencanakan untuk perjalanan udara Anda mungkin ingin mempertimbangkan untuk memiliki momen super mewah di salah satu kabin yang luar biasa. di sini adalah beberapa maskapai penerbangan yang paling mewah di dunia. Saya mungkin
Hiii... Seremmm... Kuburan Aneh Dan Unik Di Dunia
Pekuburan NewgragePekuburan yang letaknya di negara Irlandia ini adalah salah satu bangunan atau monumen pra sejarah yang paling impresif dan megah di dunia. Dibangun sekitar tahun 3300 sampai dengan 2900 sebelum masehi, makam misterius ini termasuk sangat besar. Luas bangunan berbentuk bulat seperti bungker ini memiliki luas 4046 meter persegi dengan tinggi 12 meter.Bangunan ini sebenarnya
Burning Our Food
Roanoke Times, 6-10-11, pg 7: Wet spring cuts corn crop; US food prices to stay high.
Over the next two years, the nation’s corn supplies may be at their tightest levels since 1995. The projected shortage caused corn prices to surge on global markets to a record high. Contracts for July delivery jumped 22 cents to a record $7.86 a bushel.
The authors of this large article while lamenting the shortage and cost of corn for food products never mentioned the word ETHANOL. It’s amazing how well the liberal media can hide important information that should be in plain sight!
The Obama corn policy is to BURN OUR FOOD AS ETHANOL! How dull is that?
The resurgent U.S. ethanol industry will use an additional 250 million bushels of corn through the next 15 months:
This is corn that is converted to ethanol at great taxpayer and customer expense and also results in the discharge of more greenhouse gas than using 100% gasoline and has a major effect on animal feed and other food item costs.
Not only don’t the liberal media question this gross and inappropriate and misdirected government mandate, they actually hide it least the general public become informed and ask why.
New Bad News: The special interests won again!
The Democrat Controlled Senate voted Tuesday 6-14-11 to preserve 6 (six) billions of dollars in government subsidies for ethanol; 45 cents for every gallon of ethanol that is blended into gasoline.
Wasn't Obama supposed to place science above politics in decision making?
Prior Items:
Roanoke Times, 6-10-11, pg 7: Wet spring cuts corn crop; US food prices to stay high.
Over the next two years, the nation’s corn supplies may be at their tightest levels since 1995. The projected shortage caused corn prices to surge on global markets to a record high. Contracts for July delivery jumped 22 cents to a record $7.86 a bushel.
The authors of this large article while lamenting the shortage and cost of corn for food products never mentioned the word ETHANOL. It’s amazing how well the liberal media can hide important information that should be in plain sight!
The Obama corn policy is to BURN OUR FOOD AS ETHANOL! How dull is that?
The resurgent U.S. ethanol industry will use an additional 250 million bushels of corn through the next 15 months:
This is corn that is converted to ethanol at great taxpayer and customer expense and also results in the discharge of more greenhouse gas than using 100% gasoline and has a major effect on animal feed and other food item costs.
Not only don’t the liberal media question this gross and inappropriate and misdirected government mandate, they actually hide it least the general public become informed and ask why.
New Bad News: The special interests won again!
The Democrat Controlled Senate voted Tuesday 6-14-11 to preserve 6 (six) billions of dollars in government subsidies for ethanol; 45 cents for every gallon of ethanol that is blended into gasoline.
Wasn't Obama supposed to place science above politics in decision making?
Prior Items:
New in store! "Ocean Wonders" - 40% off - limited time
Hi all!
I've just uploaded this new kit to the store called "Ocean Wonders".
It's available in both full and taggers size and
it's 40% for a limited time!
More summer kits to come :)
Thanks for reading!
Hugs :)
Monday, June 13, 2011
Diet secrets revealed!
It's been a while since I've visited the esteemed Dr. Schettino at VCA Westboro, so on a spare Sunday I hopped into the car and made Mom drive me over. Thought it would be the typical weigh-in, followed by my also-typical reward at Especially for Pets—conveniently located next door.
They really should put in some kind of massage place or something, because Mom's always exhausted after taking me. She's the one who needs to calm down.
All seemed to go according to plan, but I got tipped off in the waiting area that something more was happening. There was no way I was going in. I plopped. "That's right," said the vet tech, whom I had not met before. "I heard he was a lot like a donkey!"
As I was deciding whether this comment was critical or complimentary, Dr. S. came out. "He has a waist!" he exclaimed, and everyone gathered 'round to admire my new silhouette. Unfortunately, everyone also had a certain uncomfortable procedure in mind. My focus point was on how quickly I could wrestle two people to the ground.
Now onto my diet secrets:
Tucker's Diet Secret #1: Destroy the temptation to eat more than you should. I unwittingly stumbled onto this gem after mistakenly annihilating the cup used to measure my food. It was replaced with a slightly smaller cup; therefore, I've been eating less.
Tucker's Diet Secret #2: Follow your nose and get some exercise. You know how when you're enjoying yourself, you don't even realize you're doing something healthy? In search of the source of some tantalizing scents, and in part to help poor Mom relax, I've traversed mile after mile.
Tucker's Diet Secret #3: Nap when you get tired. You actually burn calories when you sleep, so napping isn't lazy—it's work toward your goal of gaining and maintaining a svelte figure. After all, it's supposed to be bathing suit season, and I for one am ready.
Tip: Always stand sideways, right foot forward, for optimal slimness in photos. |
All seemed to go according to plan, but I got tipped off in the waiting area that something more was happening. There was no way I was going in. I plopped. "That's right," said the vet tech, whom I had not met before. "I heard he was a lot like a donkey!"
As I was deciding whether this comment was critical or complimentary, Dr. S. came out. "He has a waist!" he exclaimed, and everyone gathered 'round to admire my new silhouette. Unfortunately, everyone also had a certain uncomfortable procedure in mind. My focus point was on how quickly I could wrestle two people to the ground.
Now onto my diet secrets:
Tucker's Diet Secret #1: Destroy the temptation to eat more than you should. I unwittingly stumbled onto this gem after mistakenly annihilating the cup used to measure my food. It was replaced with a slightly smaller cup; therefore, I've been eating less.
Tucker's Diet Secret #2: Follow your nose and get some exercise. You know how when you're enjoying yourself, you don't even realize you're doing something healthy? In search of the source of some tantalizing scents, and in part to help poor Mom relax, I've traversed mile after mile.
Tucker's Diet Secret #3: Nap when you get tired. You actually burn calories when you sleep, so napping isn't lazy—it's work toward your goal of gaining and maintaining a svelte figure. After all, it's supposed to be bathing suit season, and I for one am ready.
Inilah Alasan Pramugari Harus Cewek
Karena kalo bences (banci) yang jadi pramugari maka inilah yang terjadi...:"Eheemm... Para pere n lekong, yuhhuu... atensiong pliss deyh... Bekudis tempel semen alias ledis en jentelmen... Sesuai peraturan penerbangan, jadi eike di mawar melati anggrek berbunga-bunga sepanjang hari, mao tawarin yiey cara makarena sabuk pengaman yeiy.. aih emangnya koendom kale aah, pengaman...
Transporters @ Honfest 2011: Satisfaction Guaranteed
Sunday, June 12, 2001
Honfest (TM), Hampden

Transporters freak the beat @ Hunfest
The Transporters are:
Joe Stone: Guitar & Vocals
Joel Denolt: Guitar & Vocals
Steve Caplan: Drums & Vocals
Nick Sypniewski: Bass
OK, I admit it: I went to Denise Whiting's Attila the Hunfest (officially known as Honfest) on Sunday - but only to support those land-of-pleasant-living troubadors, The Transporters. The Transporters play righteous retro rock of the classic Sixties variety, specifically British Invasion, Brit Beat, Merseybeat, Garage, Mod, Psychedelic and/or Nuggets-friendly songs that are sometimes called "Freakbeat" by retro CD compilers. We're talking Stones, Yardbirds, Kinks, Beatles, Love, Who, Small Faces, Byrds, Pretty Things, Them, Doors, The Seeds. Whatever you call it, it is the music Baby Boomers like Amy and I grew up with, so we're as familiar with these musical chestnuts as our AARP Membership card numbers. And from their opening Stones number, "Satisfaction" was guaranteed to one and all in attendance.

Starting at 4 p.m., The Transporters played two sets this day (one before and after a crowd-scattering rainstorm) and were introduced by their unofficial fanboy/mascot/stage dancer, Dave Cawley - yes, the same well-dressed "Man About Town" and dedicated flower of fashion you've seen featured in Urbanite magazine, tripping the light fantastic on the dancefloor at Soul Night and Reaction, and defying gravity whilst plucking his Hofner bass with local surf-rockers Garage Sale. Dave not only introduced the band, but also did some onstage dancing with the freakbeatin' foursome on their opening Rolling Stones number "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction," replete with fey Jaggeresque hand-clapping. The Transporters might want to consider adding Dave as a full-time dancer - the "Fifth Member," as it were - a la Mancunian madcap Bez's role with The Happy Mondays.

Helter Swelter: "Memo to McCartney: you may be a lover but you ain't no dancer - not like me, baby!"
Like-minded musicians tend to gravitate toward one another like a band of, well, a Band of Brothers, and soon after spotting Dave Cawley, we ran into Skizz Cyzyk and then John Irvine - representing 3/4 of the mostly instro/all-mental Garage Sale (and we were sure GS guitarist Dave McDonough was somewhere in the Honfest crowd - probably "refueling" at the beer truck!). Skizz and John were there to support their other band bandmate, Joe Stone, who also plays in The Jennifers. Plus John Irvine was soon to join the Transporters on stage to add some brass to their Sixties sass. (More on that later...)

Slaughter on the Avenue: Joe Stone and Joel Denolt's twin-guitar opening salvo
The Transporters really had the crowd grooving with their opening guitar onslaught of "Satisfaction" (Stones), "I Need You" (Kinks) and "I Feel Fine" (Beatles), as shown in the video clip below:
Watch "Transporters @ Honfest, Part 1."
"That last song sounds really obscure," Dave Cawley commented. "Wonder if it was one of those little-known Liverpudlian beat groups?" Um, yes...

Joe Stone feels a whole lot better playing his Vox Phantom 12-string
Then the ever-observant Dave Cawley, noticing Joe Stone strapping on his 12-string guitar, shouted out, "Play some Byrds!" - to which six-string Transporters plucker Joel Denolt replied, "You've been looking at at set list, good sir!"

"Play some Byrds!" Dancin' Dave demands, spreading his wings to fly across the dancefloor
The band then obliged with Gene Clark's classic "I'll Feel a Whole Lot Better," followed by The Outsiders' "Time Won't Let Me," as recorded in the video clip below.
Watch "Transporters @ Honfest, Part 2."

Joe "Heart of" Stone and Joel "Never a Wrong Note" Denolt essay the parts of Roger McGuinn and David Crosby during their Byrds homage
The one-man Transporters Glee Club continued to rally the troops as he called out for more retro rockers.

"Please sirs, can I have some more of your tasty licks?!" Dave beckons, his freakbeat appetite unsated
The band obliged, with a bevy of Boomer-friendly beats and sizzlin' Sixties sounds, as captured in the photos below. And note guitarist Joe Stone's uncanny resemblance to Jason Stratham of the Transporter action movie franchise; could it be the band is named after the movie and not in homage to the global transportion industry (am I smart or what?)?

There are but four Transporters, but on this day they had celebrity guest musicians sitting in with them, among them trumpter John Irvine and singer Jeni Jones.
Hey Chum, It's Time to Come Blow Your Horn!
You see, besides playing guitar in Garage Sale and The Jennifers, John Irvine is a Munsingwear Penguin spokesmodel and part-time trumpet player. John attended Hunfest with his photogenic girlfriend Kelly (as shown below)...

Cute Couple: John & Kelly
...and later hit the stage to blow trumpet on several numbers with The Transporters. That John: he's flexible, just like Munsingwear casual apparel! Clearly John's horn-iness wasn't sated by playing "Lonely Bull" with Garage Sale during last weekend's Tunes @ The Tower gig up the street at the Roland Water Tower. And while I was disappointed that the Young Man with a Horn didn't play any selections from the Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass songbook (despite my repeated shout-outs for "Lonely Bull"), he did the Transporters proud with his sassy brass on the Arthur Lee & Love classic "Alone Again Or," aided and abetted by Jeni Jones shaking her maracas.

John Irvine: "I should warn you: I play a mean 'Little Spanish Flea'!"

Joe Stone: "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you John Irvine. And take it from me, this guy really blows!"

The sound of trumpet and maracas filled the air - and still no Herb Alpert songs!

John thinks to himself: "All those years of listening to Chuck Mangione records is finally paying off big time!"

John Irvine: "Hey guys, I also blow a mean 'Tijuana Taxi'"

Jeni Jones just wants "Somebody to Love"

After shaking her maracas during "Alone Again Or" (as shown above), Jeni Jones rested her wrists and proceeded to stir the crowd with her voice when she essayed the role of Grace Slick to sing Jefferson Airplane's "Somebody To Love" with the Transporters.

The crowd was shaken, then stirred by singer Jeni Jones
At this point, Dave Cawley decided to rest his legs, taking his place in the VIP seating area in front of the stage, where he took a seat next to Joe Stone's girlfriend Sarah.

"I go out with the dreamy guitar player!" Sarah Hilton gushes

"Oh yeah?" Dave Cawley retorts, "Well, I go out with the Utz Potato Chip Girl - see?" "Ha! Everyone knows she's seeing Mr. Boh," Sarah snorts.

"I find their work very pleasing, aesthetically that is," Dave Cawley muses from his perch in the plush VIP Seating Area (far from the maddening crowd). "They have a very appealing weltanschauung."

Cooling off with a cold libation, Dave strikes his most suave "I'm Harrison Ford - get to know me!" pose
Then, the Transporters really turned up the heat in their "Soul Kitchen" (The Doors), before "Pushin' Too Hard" (The Seeds) as they neared the end of their first set, as shown in the following video clip.
Watch "Transporters @ Honfest, Part 3."
Near the end of the Transporters' first set, the first drops of rain started to come down, which forced us inside to Woodward's Antique Collectables, where I busied myself debating whether to buy another very clean-looking copy of The Raspberries' Fresh LP for $4 (you can never have enough Fresh Raspberries!) while Amy looked for yet more vintage clothing.

"I like shopping for clothes!" says Amy, in her 9th Life Plumbing Skirt
By the time we looked out again, a torrential rainstorm was pouring down and we had to wait it out as we watched nervous vendors frantically move their wares inside or pack up for the day.
Apres les Deluge
After the deluge, we ventured out again just in time to see the start of the Transporters' second set. Much of the crowd had scattered, thinking the gig was a washout...

A dedicated few in raingear stuck around
...but for those who stayed, the highlight was cleary the Dave Cawley Dance Party. Usually seen only in the Midnight Hour at the Sidebar's Reaction! parties and Soul Night at the Lithuanian Hall in SoWeBo, Dave's terpsichorean twinkle toes were on full display for all to see in the suddenly bright-again late afternoon sunshine, as the Transporters' musical missives seemed to trigger an almost Pavlovian urge in Dave to put his body into frenetic motion.
Watch Dave Cawley and Sarah Hilton tear it up dancing to the Yardbirds' "Over Under Sideways Down" and The Who's "Run Run Run."

Dave goes Over...



and Down, dancing to the Yardbirds!

Will he go round in circles?

Following Dave's lead, girls in the audience went wild, dancing in the streets like crazed maenads!
At the conclusion of the Transporters post-deluge set, Dave and Sarah gave the Transporters a standing ovation.

"Well played sirs!" Dave bellowed. "I raise my cup to thee and drink thy health!"
Also Observed: Hons, Nuns and Buns

Girls just wanna have...nun???

"These sisters thought today was Nunfest," cackle some Honfest Hons

The Sisters were having Nun of those lascivious short skirts: "Spread yer cheeks and take your bun-ishment!"

This babe - in taut form-fitting lycra - obviously thought it was Bunfest
And that, music lovers, is the Living End of this tale.
Thank you, Transporters, oh timeless jingle-jangling troubadors of yore! Like the Pied Piper, you led us on a musical journey down Memory Lane to Happy Days and Good Times.
Related Links:
Transporters66 (MySpace)
Transported (Accelerated Decrepitude)
Honfest (TM), Hampden

Transporters freak the beat @ Hunfest
The Transporters are:
Joe Stone: Guitar & Vocals
Joel Denolt: Guitar & Vocals
Steve Caplan: Drums & Vocals
Nick Sypniewski: Bass
OK, I admit it: I went to Denise Whiting's Attila the Hunfest (officially known as Honfest) on Sunday - but only to support those land-of-pleasant-living troubadors, The Transporters. The Transporters play righteous retro rock of the classic Sixties variety, specifically British Invasion, Brit Beat, Merseybeat, Garage, Mod, Psychedelic and/or Nuggets-friendly songs that are sometimes called "Freakbeat" by retro CD compilers. We're talking Stones, Yardbirds, Kinks, Beatles, Love, Who, Small Faces, Byrds, Pretty Things, Them, Doors, The Seeds. Whatever you call it, it is the music Baby Boomers like Amy and I grew up with, so we're as familiar with these musical chestnuts as our AARP Membership card numbers. And from their opening Stones number, "Satisfaction" was guaranteed to one and all in attendance.

Starting at 4 p.m., The Transporters played two sets this day (one before and after a crowd-scattering rainstorm) and were introduced by their unofficial fanboy/mascot/stage dancer, Dave Cawley - yes, the same well-dressed "Man About Town" and dedicated flower of fashion you've seen featured in Urbanite magazine, tripping the light fantastic on the dancefloor at Soul Night and Reaction, and defying gravity whilst plucking his Hofner bass with local surf-rockers Garage Sale. Dave not only introduced the band, but also did some onstage dancing with the freakbeatin' foursome on their opening Rolling Stones number "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction," replete with fey Jaggeresque hand-clapping. The Transporters might want to consider adding Dave as a full-time dancer - the "Fifth Member," as it were - a la Mancunian madcap Bez's role with The Happy Mondays.

Helter Swelter: "Memo to McCartney: you may be a lover but you ain't no dancer - not like me, baby!"
Like-minded musicians tend to gravitate toward one another like a band of, well, a Band of Brothers, and soon after spotting Dave Cawley, we ran into Skizz Cyzyk and then John Irvine - representing 3/4 of the mostly instro/all-mental Garage Sale (and we were sure GS guitarist Dave McDonough was somewhere in the Honfest crowd - probably "refueling" at the beer truck!). Skizz and John were there to support their other band bandmate, Joe Stone, who also plays in The Jennifers. Plus John Irvine was soon to join the Transporters on stage to add some brass to their Sixties sass. (More on that later...)
Slaughter on the Avenue: Joe Stone and Joel Denolt's twin-guitar opening salvo
The Transporters really had the crowd grooving with their opening guitar onslaught of "Satisfaction" (Stones), "I Need You" (Kinks) and "I Feel Fine" (Beatles), as shown in the video clip below:
Watch "Transporters @ Honfest, Part 1."
"That last song sounds really obscure," Dave Cawley commented. "Wonder if it was one of those little-known Liverpudlian beat groups?" Um, yes...
Joe Stone feels a whole lot better playing his Vox Phantom 12-string
Then the ever-observant Dave Cawley, noticing Joe Stone strapping on his 12-string guitar, shouted out, "Play some Byrds!" - to which six-string Transporters plucker Joel Denolt replied, "You've been looking at at set list, good sir!"

"Play some Byrds!" Dancin' Dave demands, spreading his wings to fly across the dancefloor
The band then obliged with Gene Clark's classic "I'll Feel a Whole Lot Better," followed by The Outsiders' "Time Won't Let Me," as recorded in the video clip below.
Watch "Transporters @ Honfest, Part 2."
Joe "Heart of" Stone and Joel "Never a Wrong Note" Denolt essay the parts of Roger McGuinn and David Crosby during their Byrds homage
The one-man Transporters Glee Club continued to rally the troops as he called out for more retro rockers.

"Please sirs, can I have some more of your tasty licks?!" Dave beckons, his freakbeat appetite unsated
The band obliged, with a bevy of Boomer-friendly beats and sizzlin' Sixties sounds, as captured in the photos below. And note guitarist Joe Stone's uncanny resemblance to Jason Stratham of the Transporter action movie franchise; could it be the band is named after the movie and not in homage to the global transportion industry (am I smart or what?)?
There are but four Transporters, but on this day they had celebrity guest musicians sitting in with them, among them trumpter John Irvine and singer Jeni Jones.
Hey Chum, It's Time to Come Blow Your Horn!
You see, besides playing guitar in Garage Sale and The Jennifers, John Irvine is a Munsingwear Penguin spokesmodel and part-time trumpet player. John attended Hunfest with his photogenic girlfriend Kelly (as shown below)...

Cute Couple: John & Kelly
...and later hit the stage to blow trumpet on several numbers with The Transporters. That John: he's flexible, just like Munsingwear casual apparel! Clearly John's horn-iness wasn't sated by playing "Lonely Bull" with Garage Sale during last weekend's Tunes @ The Tower gig up the street at the Roland Water Tower. And while I was disappointed that the Young Man with a Horn didn't play any selections from the Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass songbook (despite my repeated shout-outs for "Lonely Bull"), he did the Transporters proud with his sassy brass on the Arthur Lee & Love classic "Alone Again Or," aided and abetted by Jeni Jones shaking her maracas.
John Irvine: "I should warn you: I play a mean 'Little Spanish Flea'!"
Joe Stone: "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you John Irvine. And take it from me, this guy really blows!"
The sound of trumpet and maracas filled the air - and still no Herb Alpert songs!
John thinks to himself: "All those years of listening to Chuck Mangione records is finally paying off big time!"
John Irvine: "Hey guys, I also blow a mean 'Tijuana Taxi'"
Jeni Jones just wants "Somebody to Love"
After shaking her maracas during "Alone Again Or" (as shown above), Jeni Jones rested her wrists and proceeded to stir the crowd with her voice when she essayed the role of Grace Slick to sing Jefferson Airplane's "Somebody To Love" with the Transporters.
The crowd was shaken, then stirred by singer Jeni Jones
At this point, Dave Cawley decided to rest his legs, taking his place in the VIP seating area in front of the stage, where he took a seat next to Joe Stone's girlfriend Sarah.
"I go out with the dreamy guitar player!" Sarah Hilton gushes
"Oh yeah?" Dave Cawley retorts, "Well, I go out with the Utz Potato Chip Girl - see?" "Ha! Everyone knows she's seeing Mr. Boh," Sarah snorts.
"I find their work very pleasing, aesthetically that is," Dave Cawley muses from his perch in the plush VIP Seating Area (far from the maddening crowd). "They have a very appealing weltanschauung."
Cooling off with a cold libation, Dave strikes his most suave "I'm Harrison Ford - get to know me!" pose
Then, the Transporters really turned up the heat in their "Soul Kitchen" (The Doors), before "Pushin' Too Hard" (The Seeds) as they neared the end of their first set, as shown in the following video clip.
Watch "Transporters @ Honfest, Part 3."
Near the end of the Transporters' first set, the first drops of rain started to come down, which forced us inside to Woodward's Antique Collectables, where I busied myself debating whether to buy another very clean-looking copy of The Raspberries' Fresh LP for $4 (you can never have enough Fresh Raspberries!) while Amy looked for yet more vintage clothing.
"I like shopping for clothes!" says Amy, in her 9th Life Plumbing Skirt
By the time we looked out again, a torrential rainstorm was pouring down and we had to wait it out as we watched nervous vendors frantically move their wares inside or pack up for the day.
Apres les Deluge
After the deluge, we ventured out again just in time to see the start of the Transporters' second set. Much of the crowd had scattered, thinking the gig was a washout...
A dedicated few in raingear stuck around
...but for those who stayed, the highlight was cleary the Dave Cawley Dance Party. Usually seen only in the Midnight Hour at the Sidebar's Reaction! parties and Soul Night at the Lithuanian Hall in SoWeBo, Dave's terpsichorean twinkle toes were on full display for all to see in the suddenly bright-again late afternoon sunshine, as the Transporters' musical missives seemed to trigger an almost Pavlovian urge in Dave to put his body into frenetic motion.
Watch Dave Cawley and Sarah Hilton tear it up dancing to the Yardbirds' "Over Under Sideways Down" and The Who's "Run Run Run."

Dave goes Over...



and Down, dancing to the Yardbirds!
Will he go round in circles?
Following Dave's lead, girls in the audience went wild, dancing in the streets like crazed maenads!
At the conclusion of the Transporters post-deluge set, Dave and Sarah gave the Transporters a standing ovation.
"Well played sirs!" Dave bellowed. "I raise my cup to thee and drink thy health!"
Also Observed: Hons, Nuns and Buns
Girls just wanna have...nun???
"These sisters thought today was Nunfest," cackle some Honfest Hons
The Sisters were having Nun of those lascivious short skirts: "Spread yer cheeks and take your bun-ishment!"
This babe - in taut form-fitting lycra - obviously thought it was Bunfest
And that, music lovers, is the Living End of this tale.
Thank you, Transporters, oh timeless jingle-jangling troubadors of yore! Like the Pied Piper, you led us on a musical journey down Memory Lane to Happy Days and Good Times.
Related Links:
Transporters66 (MySpace)
Transported (Accelerated Decrepitude)
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