Friday, April 30, 2010
Describing people's appearance (practice)
Now, this is a challenge ...Make a video of yourself describing what people look like. You must have pictures of at least 4 different people. Describe what each person looks like.
This is an example...
have fun.. upload your video to you tube... smiles
Keep on shining love and peace!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Molly and me
My pal Kelly says that she thinks I've dropped a pound, maybe two! We'll see. Though I'm maniacal as usual, it's also good to just plop down in the sun every once in a while. You know, rest.
While I was plopped, my new friend Molly ran by, not once, not twice, but three times. That's quite a lot of lake circumference there, all added up and everything. Her mom, Susan, and my mom, knew each other long ago when they both had Dalmatians. Susan was always walking Missy and Prissy, and Mom took Sparky absolutely everywhere.
I was thinking: because Sparky was really a prince, and treated like one, my family must have had to make sure their next dog also had exceedingly special qualities. It's hard to be humble.
Molly and I had a playdate last week, and we gorged on fertilizer (organic, but still...). Now Mom really does have to call the rug guy.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The wind of one foxhound's ears flapping
Here is my evidence: at least 20 times a day, I give my head and neck a good, hard, shake. Anyone who doesn't want earflap burn will stay out of my way, because my folks tell me it's really, really painful. Worse than tail whiplash, even.
So Ken, here's my proposal. Say there's a pack of 40 foxhounds. That's 800 wind-propelling earflaps per day! Just think of the energy savings potential.
What's that saying about if a butterfly flaps its wings, it can create monumental change? Ah, the Butterfly Effect, so named when an MIT professor published his research in a paper titled "Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly's Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?"
Now, my sister would love to attend MIT, so Ken, thinking of her future as well as the future of our country, why not try the Foxhound Effect? We could even throw in a little baying, for good measure. Ah-woooooo! Earflap power!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
CSR: Is Nike just doing it or not?

As many of today’s corporations are focusing on the social responsibilities of their businesses, there are still many world-famous brands receiving criticism for their lack of building a sustainable work environment. One company that is consistently on society’s radar is Nike, Inc. As the largest athletic apparel producer in the world, Nike has become a global representation of business that faces constant accusations of human neglect. In response to years of questioning and examination, Nike is developing a corporate social responsibility plan that focuses on improving working conditions in factories and making sports more available to youth all over the globe.
Nike, Inc. is based in Beaverton, Oregon and is currently labeled as the largest shoemaker in the world. Their shoes are sold in over 160 countries and include name brands such as NIKE, Cole Haan shoes, Nike Bauer Hockey, Umbro, Converse and Hurley International. In 2007, Nike, Inc. reported $16.3 billion in sales, leaving profits of nearly $1.5 billion. Selling to over 19,000 retail accounts in the United States, Nike’s global work-force expansion is required for such large profit margins and mass production. As the conditions of 700 factories worldwide have been a source of much heated debate, the allegations against Nike have led them to respond by working with the Global Alliance to better working conditions in their factories.
Environmental issues are hot topics on every business agenda, especially when it comes to an appealing pulic image. For this reason, Nike created the “GreenXchange” campaign in 2009. Basically, the GX program “bridges some key gaps in the way that green technologies are developed and utilized” (Nikebiz). Ultimately, the GreenXchange will “enable the creation of sustainable revenue streams to fund new green technology development” (Nikebiz). The expected launch of this program is expected sometime in 2010.
The most infamous issue Nike’s faced for over 20 years are concerns expressed about the physical working environment of 800,000 employees worldwide, with emphasis on Asian workers. Nike has responded to these reports, but some labor activists believe Nike’s corporate social responsibility plan is a weak excuse for public relations. Jeff Ballinger, a labor activist, heavily criticized Nike’s social responsibility efforts to Corporate Crime Reporter: “The CSR cost for Nike is about $10 million to $12 million a year, just for the CSR staff and expenses, to go to these sustainability meetings all over the world…” (SourceWatch). Although it costs Nike millions to attend these conventions, Ballinger claims the costs are no where near what they should be spending to improve the quality of life for their workers: “I figure 75 cents per pair of shoes to the worker would fix the problem. If Nike instead paid workers 75 more cents per pair of shoes, do you know what that would cost Nike compared to the CSR costs? That would cost them $210 million a year” (SourceWatch).
According to Mark Parker, NIKE Inc.’s President and CEO, “sustainability is key to Nike’s growth and innovation.” Whether or not critics agree on how Nike should allocate their earnings, the corporate social responsibility efforts do exist. Some argue corporate social responsibility campaigns are not effective and have the “it’s all or nothing” mentality, however, in Nike’s situation their efforts have made them sustainable because they have maintained recognition as a leading world business (Fortune 500).
All in all, being socially responsible is overwhelmingly complicated. The efforts Nike, Inc. has to make to improve their image entails more than a “feel-good” public relations campaign. Like many of their competitors, Nike is striving to appear socially friendly and responsible while transforming into a more sustainable work force.
CSR: Is Nike just doing it or not?

As many of today’s corporations are focusing on the social responsibilities of their businesses, there are still many world-famous brands receiving criticism for their lack of building a sustainable work environment. One company that is consistently on society’s radar is Nike, Inc. As the largest athletic apparel producer in the world, Nike has become a global representation of business that faces constant accusations of human neglect. In response to years of questioning and examination, Nike is developing a corporate social responsibility plan that focuses on improving working conditions in factories and making sports more available to youth all over the globe.
Nike, Inc. is based in Beaverton, Oregon and is currently labeled as the largest shoemaker in the world. Their shoes are sold in over 160 countries and include name brands such as NIKE, Cole Haan shoes, Nike Bauer Hockey, Umbro, Converse and Hurley International. In 2007, Nike, Inc. reported $16.3 billion in sales, leaving profits of nearly $1.5 billion. Selling to over 19,000 retail accounts in the United States, Nike’s global work-force expansion is required for such large profit margins and mass production. As the conditions of 700 factories worldwide have been a source of much heated debate, the allegations against Nike have led them to respond by working with the Global Alliance to better working conditions in their factories.
Environmental issues are hot topics on every business agenda, especially when it comes to an appealing pulic image. For this reason, Nike created the “GreenXchange” campaign in 2009. Basically, the GX program “bridges some key gaps in the way that green technologies are developed and utilized” (Nikebiz). Ultimately, the GreenXchange will “enable the creation of sustainable revenue streams to fund new green technology development” (Nikebiz). The expected launch of this program is expected sometime in 2010.
The most infamous issue Nike’s faced for over 20 years are concerns expressed about the physical working environment of 800,000 employees worldwide, with emphasis on Asian workers. Nike has responded to these reports, but some labor activists believe Nike’s corporate social responsibility plan is a weak excuse for public relations. Jeff Ballinger, a labor activist, heavily criticized Nike’s social responsibility efforts to Corporate Crime Reporter: “The CSR cost for Nike is about $10 million to $12 million a year, just for the CSR staff and expenses, to go to these sustainability meetings all over the world…” (SourceWatch). Although it costs Nike millions to attend these conventions, Ballinger claims the costs are no where near what they should be spending to improve the quality of life for their workers: “I figure 75 cents per pair of shoes to the worker would fix the problem. If Nike instead paid workers 75 more cents per pair of shoes, do you know what that would cost Nike compared to the CSR costs? That would cost them $210 million a year” (SourceWatch).
According to Mark Parker, NIKE Inc.’s President and CEO, “sustainability is key to Nike’s growth and innovation.” Whether or not critics agree on how Nike should allocate their earnings, the corporate social responsibility efforts do exist. Some argue corporate social responsibility campaigns are not effective and have the “it’s all or nothing” mentality, however, in Nike’s situation their efforts have made them sustainable because they have maintained recognition as a leading world business (Fortune 500).
All in all, being socially responsible is overwhelmingly complicated. The efforts Nike, Inc. has to make to improve their image entails more than a “feel-good” public relations campaign. Like many of their competitors, Nike is striving to appear socially friendly and responsible while transforming into a more sustainable work force.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Ode to WGUR!
Overall my experience with WGUR was very positive. Not only did I get the opportunity to be on air for the first time, but I also gained a semester’s worth of quality radio experience. The pro’s of this practicum are endless, such as: working and organizing an hour-long weekly show with my awesome partner Emily Brown, learning how to work the board in the studio without anyone else’s assistance, being part of the really enthusiastic WGUR crew, and last but not least, completing my third and final mass communication practicum.
The cons of this practicum were few, however, there are a couple of things I would do differently if I could do it again. My biggest issues with the practicum were the large amount of e-mails I received. There were several times when I felt like it wasn’t very clear who was in charge and who was advising me. When I signed the original DJ contract with WGUR, it was my understanding that I’d be required to do one show per week, and the remainder of our time was supposed to be spent for preparation purposes. I feel like I should have contacted someone earlier on with questions. I also got the vibe that some of the students in charge would push things off on other students at the last minute, and it would be super inconvenient and confusing for everyone involved.
The station is very well known in the Milledgeville community and is a student organization to be proud of, but there is always room for improvements. A weekly update with requirements via email from ONE person could be helpful, or a bi-weekly meeting to check in with the DJ’s could be very beneficial to see everyone’s progress. Not only would bi-weekly meetings hold everyone accountable, but requirements would be clear and questions could get answered from the main person in charge. I also found it very interesting that the one meeting we did have at the end of the semester was poorly organized and the person who sent out numerous emails about everyone meeting at 12:30 showed up @ 1:00. This wasn’t a huge deal, but it just seemed very unprofessional to the few people who did actually show up on time and ready to wrap things up.
I love WGUR and plan on doing another show with Emily next sdmester for fun, so the things I’m concerned about are only because I want it to go a little bit smoother for the next person. Being a DJ takes a lot of preparation if you plan on having an interesting show, but it’s totally worth it in the end and I will definitely try and use my experiences in the future.
Ode to WGUR!
Overall my experience with WGUR was very positive. Not only did I get the opportunity to be on air for the first time, but I also gained a semester’s worth of quality radio experience. The pro’s of this practicum are endless, such as: working and organizing an hour-long weekly show with my awesome partner Emily Brown, learning how to work the board in the studio without anyone else’s assistance, being part of the really enthusiastic WGUR crew, and last but not least, completing my third and final mass communication practicum.
The cons of this practicum were few, however, there are a couple of things I would do differently if I could do it again. My biggest issues with the practicum were the large amount of e-mails I received. There were several times when I felt like it wasn’t very clear who was in charge and who was advising me. When I signed the original DJ contract with WGUR, it was my understanding that I’d be required to do one show per week, and the remainder of our time was supposed to be spent for preparation purposes. I feel like I should have contacted someone earlier on with questions. I also got the vibe that some of the students in charge would push things off on other students at the last minute, and it would be super inconvenient and confusing for everyone involved.
The station is very well known in the Milledgeville community and is a student organization to be proud of, but there is always room for improvements. A weekly update with requirements via email from ONE person could be helpful, or a bi-weekly meeting to check in with the DJ’s could be very beneficial to see everyone’s progress. Not only would bi-weekly meetings hold everyone accountable, but requirements would be clear and questions could get answered from the main person in charge. I also found it very interesting that the one meeting we did have at the end of the semester was poorly organized and the person who sent out numerous emails about everyone meeting at 12:30 showed up @ 1:00. This wasn’t a huge deal, but it just seemed very unprofessional to the few people who did actually show up on time and ready to wrap things up.
I love WGUR and plan on doing another show with Emily next semester for fun, so the things I’m concerned about are only because I want it to go a little bit smoother for the next person. Being a DJ takes a lot of preparation if you plan on having an interesting show, but it’s totally worth it in the end and I will definitely try and use my experiences in the future.
Places in the heart: Spotsylvania
You could hear people exclaiming from afar: "A Dalmatian! A Dalmatian!" Mom always said she'd be rich if she could have charged a nickel every time some child asked, "Can I pet your dog?" Let's see...say 10 times a day times 10 years...would just about cover my vet bill for a year. Maybe not rich, but still...
So Mom naturally charged right over when she saw two sets of spots on the lacrosse field, one liver (that's the brown), one the traditional black. What did she think, that she was going to see the great Sparky himself? I was standoffish, I have to admit. She liked the dogs OK, she said, but naturally she was a bit disappointed. Even though I know she loves, loves, loves me, her heart is still a little bit broken.
His birthday's coming up on May 14, and we'll say a little prayer of thanks for him being part of our lives.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Lack of government support?
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Huge Obama-GM Roll-Over
Big front-page with lots more (Jones-cool-aide) on Pg 20.
Yet another Obama-Roanoke Times huge pile of heifer-dust!
GM didn’t earn the $8 BILLION they returned to the government!
They simply took $8 BILLION of $ 50 BILLION GM bailout taxpayer money and turned it back in and said they earned it!
The FTC is investigating General Motors for running ads on all the major networks this week claiming it has repaid its bailout from the taxpayers "in full." But the claim isn't standing up to scrutiny from lawmakers and government watchdogs who have found that the automaker was able to repay the bailout money only by dipping into a separate pot of bailout funds.
If you’re looking for a big retraction and mea culpa by Obama and his associates in the editorial board of the Roanoke Times – don’t hold your breath! After all, the big front page story has already served its purpose of mis-&-disinformation.
Click for the theme song for Obama, GM and their media supporters:
Prior Items:
Last weekend's 10-hours in Nebraska
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The meaning of life
- Why did my neighbor name his dog Buck? “So that I will never be broke,” he told me. “I’ll always have a Buck.”
- Why did the chicken cross the road, or more specifically, why did the turkey cross the bridge? I do not know, but that is what was going on this morning in the Hunnewell Woods. Do these creatures not wade? Fly? Or do they simply prefer the charm of a rickety bridge across a marshy brook? Whatever the real answer, if there is one, it was quite the picturesque scene.
- Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, or in this case, a spring green one. Which did I choose?
A. The longest; B. The most difficult; C. All of them.
ObamaAirlines: SNAFU
“The misery index for airline passengers is definitely going to go up” an expert said!
The editors of the Roanoke Times didn’t have to wait for some unnamed “expert” to give them a realistic assessment of what the results of the Obama Tarmac rules were going to do. All they had to do was read the timely blog items:
Airline Travel: Nine Thousand Dollars Per Hour; 12-22-09
Obama Owes Thousands of Fliers $27,500 Each; 1-4-2010
The truth is simple: the major tarmac delays are caused by FAA control of the take-off and landing slots that they change by the minute and bad weather that changes by the hour.
Isn’t it typical that there is no penalty or reprieve against the FAA and National Weather Bureau (your government services) for their major and primary contributions to this problem.
Perhaps that’s one reason why only 22% of the American people trust the ObamaGovernment.
Perhaps the only way to penetrate the density of the media on this subject would be to initiate a government penalty program in which the paper is fined $100 per subscriber for every incident in which the paper is not delivered within one hour of the scheduled time and the paper would have no recourse against the weather bureaus or VDOT for their primary contributions to the reasons why the carriers can’t deliver.
On second thought, that probably wouldn’t penetrate either.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Obama Preaches to The Nuclear Choir
Obama and his major media outlets portrayed this nuc-fest as a major new initiative on nuclear materials and weapons proliferation.
No agreement was documented or signed; just lots of Obama-jive.
However, the real news is not what was said and done but what wasn’t :
1. President Bush had already established and signed an agreement with Russia covering this subject that was immediately and soundly rejected by Congressional Democrats:
MOSCOW, May 6, 2008 -- The United States and Russia signed a long-sought agreement Tuesday on civilian nuclear cooperation, which officials said would offer Russia lucrative new business while limiting the risk of material being used for weapons.
"It would be a mistake for the United States to provide Russia an important civilian nuclear benefit while Moscow itself continues to assist Iran's nuclear and missile programs," Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, wrote
2. Preaching to the choir is easy; reaching the heathens - not so much!
The two biggest world nuclear risks are North Korea and Iran.
They were not a party to the Obama nuc-fest; so much for engaging our adversaries.
These are the countries that have declared their intent to destroy us and our friends.
These countries have long range missiles and either have or soon will have nuclear weapons to launch at their will that can hit American cities.
Other than 15 months of Obama-jive, nothing has been done to contain these threats.
Isn’t this the real news! Apparently not for the Obama-press.
3. Obama also has unilaterally announced that enemies striking our people with poison gas and biological weapons will be exempt from nuclear retaliation as long as they sign up with him as nice guys before hand!
Has Obama ever viewed the military films on the effects of poison gas and viewed the films of the 200,000 Kurds that Sadam gassed? Apparently not!
Has Obama ever contemplated the effects of an enemy launched contagious virus similar to the 1918 worldwide influenza pandemic? Apparently not!
The bad news is the ongoing series of bad policy and bad decisions being made by Obama and associates;
the really bad news is that the American major media continue to cover for and enable his actions without ever fulfilling their responsibilities as the 4th estate.
Some prior items:
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
our cat wakes me up with the birdies ... or earlier! ~ So during one
of the early morning sleep walks downstairs to "kitty food central"
the lid slipped out of my hand, fell, and shattered into many pieces.
All the while flying into several rooms! sigh.
Clean up in aisles 3,4 and 5 please.
So I solved two issues with one... a new painted project for a show and
a new kitty kibble jar for Hobbes. {I voted NO GLASS LIDS}
I also
voted on a nice seal to keep the food fresh...easy open!
I love gingham and of course you guessed it, I love aqua! So I took some paint
I had ordered up for another project,and made my own custom shade and painted
a gingham pattern. I love it! It makes me smile every time I use it... which
believe me is way too often for Hobbes!
Hmm, I think Hobbes would like a picnic at the shore... fish :0
I think he actually prefers chicken!
The beautiful knob I found at Anthropologie a bit ago. I love this knob!
A friend has a similar one that is all white and it is amazingly beautiful!!!
The little aqua one works fine here.
our cat wakes me up with the birdies ... or earlier! ~ So during one
of the early morning sleep walks downstairs to "kitty food central"
the lid slipped out of my hand, fell, and shattered into many pieces.
All the while flying into several rooms! sigh.
Clean up in aisles 3,4 and 5 please.
So I solved two issues with one... a new painted project for a show and
a new kitty kibble jar for Hobbes. {I voted NO GLASS LIDS}
I also
voted on a nice seal to keep the food fresh...easy open!
I love gingham and of course you guessed it, I love aqua! So I took some paint
I had ordered up for another project,and made my own custom shade and painted
a gingham pattern. I love it! It makes me smile every time I use it... which
believe me is way too often for Hobbes!
Hmm, I think Hobbes would like a picnic at the shore... fish :0
I think he actually prefers chicken!
The beautiful knob I found at Anthropologie a bit ago. I love this knob!
A friend has a similar one that is all white and it is amazingly beautiful!!!
The little aqua one works fine here.
ObamaCare: The Doctor Is Out The Nurse Is In
Pg 18: Nurses: Few patients object
After years of searching for and exploiting examples of health issues associated with doctors and proposing all those who have complaints against doctors to post them on the internet, the editors of the Roanoke Times have now concluded that under ObamaCare doctors are not important and can be replaced by nurse practitioners. Their wonderful and flowery description of all this warms the cockles of the heart.
No talk now of suing for unfavorable medical outcomes. How can you get anything by suing a nurse without insurance or a home in Hunting Hills? Clearly no need for medical labiality insurance reform now! If your health care outcomes are not OK, you’re just going to have to suck it up and move on. No need to worry about a shortage of doctors, it takes a fraction of the time to get a nurse into uniform compared to the time to develop a board certified doctor. And under ObamaCare, apparently they’re defined to be equivalent.
The reality is that while ObamaCare Government Committees implement the $500 BILLION dollar reductions in Medicare funding and redefine the definitions of proper and adequate care, our new army of nurse parishioners will be ready to serve your medical needs. With the “new dumbed-down” definition of “proper care” we all should be out of the clinic and home in no time. What a joy! Why didn’t we think of this before? That Obama is such an innovative Yale thinker!
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Click for a youtube video (iPod vs ObamaPad) that every young person who will live by and pay for this program should watch.
Prior Items:
Interesting list of ObamaCare details:
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hyping Domestic Political Violence
Roanoke Times, 4/10/10, Pg 6: Lawmakers report spike in threats of violence.
Note: Only confirmed case is a gun shot into Republican Eric Cantors home in Va.; very unlikely caused by a Republican or Tea Party member!
Roanoke Times, 4/19/10, Pg 4: Only 22% of all Americans trust the Obama-government.
Roanoke Times, 4/19/10, Pg 1: Patriots to “open carry” arms at rally near DC
Obama and his associates, supported by his media machine, have kept up a steady drum-beat for weeks accusing the Republicans and FOX-folks and Tea Partiers of “inciting” violence against the Obama-government. This has culminated in clearly obscene and inappropriate remarks by Bill Monica Clinton who has major personal responsibility for initiating serious domestic violence during his tour.
As a perspective: Some reflections on political violence over my life-time would include:
Lee Harvey Oswald: clearly not a Republican and his group affiliation was the “Fair Play for Cuba Committee” not the Tea Party.
Sirhan Sirhan: clearly not a Republican and his group affiliation was not the Tea Party but may actually have been our first Radical Muslim Terrorist.
The Family of Ruby Ridge: clearly not Republican or Tea Party member but members of a hillbilly hunt-club. The government action was based on a dull Bubba who had no history of violence or breaking any laws. The entire event was government initiated when he was duped into cutting several inches off the barrel of a shotgun as a personal favor to an undercover ATF agent. The following horrific event was a siege of his mountain camp in which the result was viewed by Clinton’s AG, Janet Reno, as “we shot the dog, we shot the boy, we shot the mother”; let’s call it a day!
The Oklahoma Federal Office Building Bombing by Timothy McVeigh who was clearly not a Republican or a Tea Party member but a highly disturbed and psychotic person driven over the cliff to a horrible action in reaction to Clinton’s AG Janet Reno’s siege of the Koresh Cult in Waco Texas in which only nine people survived, 75 perished either by gunshot or by fire inside the compound. Twenty-five of the dead were children.
The Rioters that destroyed much of Chicago in the 1968 Democratic Convention were clearly not Republican or Tea Party members.
The Rioters that destroyed much of Newark in 1967 and 1968 were clearly not Republican or Tea Party members.
The Watts Riots of 1960, 1964, 1965, 1968, and 1992 were clearly not Republican or Tea Party members.
The members of the Black Panther Party were clearly not Republican or Tea Party members.
The members of the Symbionese Liberation Army were clearly not Republican or Tea Party members.
The KKK were clearly not Republican or Tea Party members.
It’s worthy of note that all those who “incited violence” against George Bush and his administration for eight years were not labeled by the liberal media as potential domestic terrorists but wonderful patriots; including those who produced and distributed a movie about the assassination of President Bush while he was in office.
It’s also amazing that the liberal media sees no problem or issue with Obama’s personal friend, neighbor and fellow education board member Bill Ayers, a founder of the radical Weather Underground, (Weathermen) which was involved in several bombings in the early 1970s, including the Pentagon and the Capitol. Bill Ayers is clearly not Republican or a Tea Party member.
Another prime example of the media hypocrisy is the gleeful and jovial manner they treated the attack upon Ann Colter while she was giving a speech at a University. The liberal clowns on late nite TV found the attack lots of fun. Clearly not the media reaction if a left-wing liberal (like one of the girls of the Roanoke Times Editorial staff) suffered a similar attack.
Click to see this domestic political violent attack and see if you think it's funny:
More hypocrisy and dishonesty by Obama, his associates and especially the liberal media! Didn’t he claim he would be a uniter and not a divider?
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Some prior items:
Boston Marathon madness 2010
Knew enough to keep my mouth shut when the elite leaders zipped by. You can see that I wanted to take on Robert Cheruiyot, but realizing I might knock him and everyone else over, I tamped down the impulse. Good thing, since that speedy guy set a course record! Dad, having run Boston five times, looked like he was ready to jump in, too.
Carolina's Pod Blog: A Venezuelan stuying English in the UK
Hello, I'm Carolina del Barco and I'm from Barquisimeto, Venezuela. My city is about 4 hours drive from Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, but it is only one and half hours from the beach!! The most beautiful thing about my city is sunset because almost everyday you can see different colours on the sky like red, pink, yellow, green..!Here you can read more about her:
On the cultural aspect Barquisimeto is call the “Musical Capital” of Venezuela. Music is very important in our education, it is even taught in schools as a compulsory subject. About 30 years ago a program to establish a youth orchestra in every state around the country founded by Jose Antonio Abreu (who by the way is going to get a Grammy soon due to this). Many important musicians were born there. Actually, Gustavo Dudamel, who was born in Barquisimeto was the Director of the “Simon Bolivar” Youth Orchestra. He is one of the youngest directors in the world with only 28 years old. His success is difficult to measure with words, you have to go and see it... I guess some of you have probably seen it because he was in London a couple of months ago!!
I speak English because my mother is English and grew up in England before going to Venezuela after she finished university. She was teaching English when she met my father, who is Venezuelan.
I am now living in the UK, in Newcastle, in the north-east of England, and studying at the university there. Newcastle is a very welcoming city. People from here (also called Geordies) have a quite strong accent which even native English speakers find it difficult to understand!! But I most say that they are some of the friendliest people I have ever met!! Plus the city is not too big, not too small but has all the facilities you need, even great nights out and is full of students which makes it a comfortable place to live in.
I am studying Environmental Science and I really enjoy my course, which is about how we, people, effect the natural world we live in, and what we can do to make things better. I think this is very important in today's world, because of all the problems with global warming and things like that. Most of the processes carried out to obtain food, technological equipments, electricity and other different things take raw materials from the Earth and/or produce waste, but not many disciplines take into account the consequences on the environment of doing this. It is a great subject because it gives me the opportunity to discover all the wonderful things that our planet offer us and at the same time I feel I can do something to keep it so that future generations can enjoy in in the same way as us.
I'm living in an apartment on the university campus with four other girls: Emily, Charlotte, Jenny and Beth, who are all really nice. We all have our own rooms but we share a kitchen. That's OK, though, because it's really big and we share some things and have other things of our own and plus it give us the opportunity to get to know each other whilst having our own privacy. The girls are all lovely and funny people although I still have to work on trying to follow Charlotte when she’s telling a story, her Irish accent is just too fast!! Back home people tell me that I speak quite fast, and when I’m talking to my friends no one can understand us... but doing it in English is a different story!
The day I arrived in England I travelled up from London to Newcastle on the train, and I was sitting next to a boy called Jamie. It was a strange thing – a coincidence – because he was also a student at the university. He was really nice and made me feel 'at home', bought me lunch on the train and we agreed that I would get him lunch some time in Newcastle.
When I'd been in Newcastle for a short time I wanted to join the Conservation Society, because I thought it might help me with my course and also because I think it's good to do things that help the environment. Anyway, I went to the Societies Bazaar, which is a meeting where you can join the different student clubs at the university, and – another coincidence – Jamie was the Conservation Society president! So I took him to lunch, as we'd agree, and since then we've been out together a few times and have become really good friends. So far, life at Newcastle has been better than expected. At the beginning I was a bit scared about missing home, about coming to another country with different language, culture and even different weather than where I come from but it is definitely a unique experience to be here.
So, now you know a bit more about me. I'll be writing this blog regularly, so I hope you'll come back and read it again and find out more about what it's like living and studying in the UK. Also, if you have any questions you'd like to ask me, or comments about anything I've written, please send them to me and I'll try and answer them.
Well, hope you go and visit Carolina'a blog and leave her a comment... we are very proud of her...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Towson Book Sale
It was more than we anticipated and much better than any thrift store score, because instead of ratty and dog-eared used library books, scratched CDs, and demagnetized videos, all the stuff was new or nearly new - all from donors and "friends of the library." Neither of us really need any more books, CDs, videos or DVDs, but at $1 dollar an item, how can you go wrong with the following haul:
Pet Shop Boys - Very CD ($1)

I couldn't remember if I had this Lego tactile cover edition of PSP's hit-packedVery ("Can You Forgive Her," "I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind of Thing," "Liberation," etc.), so I picked it up just in case. I did. Now I have very many. Or many Very, if you like.
Squeeze - Singles: 45's and Under CD ($1)

All the hits. Essential.
Various - 80s Metal Mania CD ($1)
All the hits. Not essential - but loads of fun! Drove off listening to Poison singing "Ain't Nothin' But a Good Time" followed by Scorpions' "Rock You Like a Hurricane" and by the end of the record had done enough head banging to justify popping a 500mg-strength Naproxen for the resulting neck pain.
Evelyn Glennie - Her Greatest Hits ($1)

Two CDs containing over two hours of Evelyn Glennie? Yes, because you can never have enough of Scotland's greatest deaf percussionist-babe.
Derek Bell - Carolan's Favourite CD

Amy scored this solo album by the late great Chieftains harp player because she likes instro backround music that's more conducive to reading than 80s Metal Mania. Soothing harp is good for book-worming. Good call, that one.
Red Army Choir - Red Army Choir Sings Russian Favorites CD ($1)

C'mon - how can anyone seriously pass up the "Volga Boatman's Song"??? Amy picked this up for her Dad, who speaks fluent Russian (apparently well enough to impress the Russian summer-help waitresses at Burke's Restaurant). Never say nyet nyet Soviet to a rousing chorus of "The Volga Burlock Song" or "The Brave Lads of the Don"!
The Fortune Cookie Chronicles: Adventures in the World of Chinese Food by Jennifer Lee (2008) ($1)

Amy got this because, well, Amy likes food. Especially Asian food. 'Nuff said!
Let There Be Light (1946) - directed by John Huston, video ($1)

This somewhat obscure WWII documentary - Huston's third war doc - about "shell-shocked" (today we call 'em "post-traumatic" ) vets was suppressed by the U.S. guv'ment for over 30 years. Filmed in an army hospital after the war had ended, it showed that the casualties continued to pile up even after all the shooting stopped. The mind is a terrible thing to waste, and many were wasted by the psychological toll of "the war to end all wars.".
TV Book: The Ultimate Television Book, edited by Judy Fireman (1977) ($1)
Glad I grabbed this really cool, detailed book of essays by various writers that covers every aspect of television, from its invention and history to paens to some of some of its most obscure TV shows. It's discussion about the coming battle between Beta and VHS clearly dates it (although I get a feeling of deja vu given today's similar speculation over blu-ray and HD and whatever other upcoming technology is around the corner), but I'm glad I got as it's long been out-of-print.
The Golden Age of B Movies by Doug McClelland (1978) ($1)
With an introduction by "Queen of the B's" Evelyn Ankers. I know what you're thinking - who the heck is Evelyn Ankers??? I didn't know either, so I had to pick this one up - if only to find out this 1940's actress starred opposite Lon Chaney, Jr. in The Wolf Man and with Basil Rathbone in Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror!
50 from the 50's: Vintage Films from American's Mid-Century by David Zinman (1979) ($1)
This one was my personal fave rave of the day, chock-full of info and pix for some great '50s flicks from the knowledgeable author of Saturday Afternoon at the Bijou. Great review of Jack Arnold's existential sci-fi masterpiece The Incredible Shrinking Man. Out-of-print, natch.
Griffin & Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence by Nick Bantock ($1)

I always wanted this interactive romantic postcard mystery, and they had lotsa copies!
The Beatles Album: 30 Years of Music and Memorabilia by Geoffery Guillano ($1)

The steal of the day. I made a waffling Amy (yes, she - the Beatles completist!) pick up this fascinating guide to "All Beatle Product" and I'm glad I did, as it's currently out of print.
The Rough Guide to the Beatles ($1)

Essential guide and inexcusable to pass up for a buck.
...and from the "Specially Priced" book sale table...
Lovers of Cinema: The First American Film Avant-Garde 1919-1945, edited by Jan-Christopher Horak (List price $24.95, bought it for $10)

My one indulgence of the day. Wasn't sure about the availablity of this academic press tome; I'm not even that much into early experimental filmmakers, but the inner Librarian in me saw it as a potentially rewarding reference guide. You never know when you're gonna need a good reference book on Dudley Murphy, Man Ray, or Robert Florey. Really.
*** The Deal's Keep Coming... ***

Later, after we had Shepherd's Pies for lunch at Slainte in Fells Point (2nd only to those of the Brit-themed Go Fish pub in Rehobeth Beach!), we stopped in Soundgarden and I scored a used copy of The Firesign Theatre's out-of-print How Can You Be in Two Places at Once (When You're Not Anywhere At All)? for $5.99. I have all the records, but Firesign Theatre CDs are an endangered species and this is the famous 2nd album with the (Groucho) Marx-(John) Lennon cover and the first appearance of "Nick Danger, Third Eye." Another essential pickup!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Cugini from the Old Country
Speaking of esteemed women, Mom's longtime friend Susan Van Allen also has written about Italy and why women love Italy. Her book, 100 Places in Italy Every Woman Should Go, is an insider's guide to the art, the flavors, the beauties, the dogs, the shopping that makes Italy special. I made up the dogs part, but there are an awful lot of elegant hounds in those Italian paintings.
Check out her book and blog at It's bellissima!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The theft of time and tomato sauce
Hiatus, in case you were wondering about that, is a word meaning "gap," especially a break in a series. So, because my journal is nothing but a serial (oh, how Dickensian of me!) it is quite the appropriate noun.
Mom learned a new moniker yesterday meant to help children manage their relationships as well as their schoolwork: time-robber. It's not in the dictionary, but it applies to anything that keeps you from doing what you want to do, or are supposed to do. It can be a person or activity, so you can say to someone, "You're being a time-robber right now." I must say, it seems rather accusatory, although I might be sensitive on the thievery angle.
Monday, 5:10 p.m. Mom frantically preparing dinner so my sister can get to her next activity. Just the opportunity to grab some delicious homemade tomato, fresh ricotta and basil sauce. While Mom is scooping my dry, drab dog food, I scoop the sauce container from the counter, bring it over to a comfy rug, and dive in. Good thing I'm quick, because so is Mom, and she was not pleased. I don't get it: the rug is red, the sauce is red. Problem?
Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Go through a few play-bows with Barney the beagle to get him all dizzy, then snag his stuffed squirrel and trot off with it before he could even howl. Give it a few shakes to get the dust off, then drop it just out of his reach. Satisfying.
Wednesday, 12:30 p.m. Leftover pizza, sausage sauce. Yum!
Fortuitously, on our latest outing in the town forest, Mom came upon the guy who does our carpet cleaning. She dropped several hints hoping he'd volunteer to come over and fix the tomato-sauce mess. It wasn't really fair, considering that's his business. And what better business for a carpet cleaner than to know lots of people with dogs? Think of it in a positive way: I'm helping to support the local economy.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Google and Twitter Unite!

Google and Twitter Unite!

Afternoon Delight on WGUR 88.9
Afternoon Delight on WGUR 88.9
The DeMoss Group

They are located at 3343 Peachtree Road N.E., Suite 1000 - Atlanta, Georgia 30326 on the 10th floor of the East Tower of the Atlanta Financial Center. The DeMoss Group can be reached at (770)813-0000.
The DeMoss Group

They are located at 3343 Peachtree Road N.E., Suite 1000 - Atlanta, Georgia 30326 on the 10th floor of the East Tower of the Atlanta Financial Center. The DeMoss Group can be reached at (770)813-0000.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Buzzcocks at Ottobar!!!

Buzzcocks play the Ottobar
2549 N. Howard Street, Baltimore, MD
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 9 p.m.
Be there or be square!
Here's the backstory of Pete Shelley and Steve Diggle's current tour (the rhythm section's new, but the core songwriters/guitar-slingers are what the 'Cocks are about, right?), with verbiage taken from something called the Brooklyn Vegan (whatever the hell that is!), with highlights courtesy of moi:
"Manchester punk legends the Buzzcocks are mounting a 22-date North American tour where they'll play their first two albums, Another Music in a Different Kitchen and Love Bites (both released in 1978) in their entirety "plus other hits"...One of the truly greats, The Buzzcocks bridged punk and powerpop and their tuneful tales of teen angst were the blueprint for pretty much all all popular pop-punk from Green Day on. If you don't own (or haven't heard) Singles Going Steady, you should stop reading this blog right now and rectify that. Not just one the most essential documents of the punk era, it's one of the greatest records ever.
That compilation is such a classic, people sometimes forget the Buzzcocks actual studio albums from the same era. Mute recently reissued the band's first three LPs, Another Music in a Different Kitchen, Love Bites, and A Different Kind of Tension, all with bonus discs containing b-sides, demos, Peel Sessions, live versions, etc...
What's amazing, beyond the quality, is almost all of this was written and recorded in a two-year period. As almost all of their songs dealt with matters of the heart (and other body organs), their music hasn't really dated at all. Their records since main men Pete Shelley and Steve Diggle reformed the band in the early '90s, while less essential, are pretty good too.
Live, The Buzzcocks have still got it (or at least they did the last time I saw them, mid-'00s.) Diggle especially seems to truly still love playing these songs. I wish they could coerce original drummer John Maher (arguably UK punk's greatest drummer, along with Rat Scabies) to go back out with them, but their rhythm section is tight. And, of course, those songs, many of which have probably never been played in America before."
Nostalgia for an age yet to come
OK, now about those Mute double-CD reissues - Another Music in a Different Kitchen (1978), Love Bites (1978), and A Different Kind of Tension (1979) - that came out February 9, 2010 and serve as the perfect "Raison d'Etre" for the current "Another...Bites"'re probably wondering why you should upgrade if, like me, you already have all the records or purchased the 1989 triple-CD import box set Product (Restless Retro 7723772in the US, EMI CDPRDT1 in the UK)...

Some Product Carry On
Of the 123 total tracks, 33 are never-before-heard versions (demos and live recordings). Demos are all fine and dandy, but for my money the main reason - the crux of the biscuit, so to speak - to get the reissues is the live performances, for the Buzzcocks walked the walk as well as they talked the (Martin Rushent-tweaked) studio talk.
I just wish they'd included the original four-song Spiral Scratch EP, which somebody released years ago but which is now back to being out-of-print.

OK, but now you do get the entire October 1977 live performance from Manchester's Electric Circus club; previously only "Time's Up" - my favorite Buzzcocks song - was excerpted on the Short Circuit: Live at the Electric Circus vinyl recording of this show (the only other versions of "Time Up" I knew of were the Spiral Scratch EP studio original and the 1978 live recording at London's Lyceum that appears on Disc 3, "Many Parts," of the Product box set). But now you also get: "Fast Cars," "Boredom," "Sixteen," "You Tear Me Up," "Orgasm Addict," "Moving Away From the Pulsebeat," and "Love Battery" (a beloved song my old band Thee Katatonix used to to cover - mainly because I think its sexual charge appealed to Adolf's AC/DC tendencies).

The 'Cocks Electric Circus performance was previously only available on the vinyl bootleg Best in Good Food (released Dec 1978 on Edible GF001).

Best in Good Food
This was a great record, the first and one of the most well-known Buzzcock boots that presented snippets of various of radio and TV sessions and live performances, including original vocalist Howard Devoto on the "Boredom" segment and the Troggs cover "I Can't Control Myself" from the 1978 reunion TV Special on the Beeb. (I remember the boot had a great "the Golden Age of Big Band music" radio intro that I used to excerpt and use as the intro to countless mix tapes)
Best In Good Food
Intro [a]
Fast Cars [b]
Fiction romance [b]
Boredom [b]
Sixteen [b]
You Turn [sic] Me Up [b]
Orgasm Addict [b]
Pulsebeat [b]
Love Battery [b]
Time's Up [b]
What Do I Get [c]
Noise Annoys [d]
Walking Distance [d]
Late for the Train [d]
I Can't Control Myself [e]
[a] = 'Boredom' segment from "Band On The Wall" Nov 8, 1976
[b] = Oct 2, 1977, Electric Circus, Manchester (see Short Circuit)
[c] = from 1st Peel Session" mid-1977"
[d] = 2nd Peel Session, BUZZCOCKS #3.0
[e] = "What's On" TV special, broadcast Jul 21, 1978 w/Howard Devoto - vocals, Pete Shelley - rhythm guitar, vocals, Steve Diggle - bass, John Maher - drums
The only other great live recording I had heard - prior to these Mute Record reissues - was the 1978 London Lyceum performance that was included on Disc 3, "Many Parts," of the 1989 Product box set release.

Many Parts (Product Disc 3, 1989)
Live At The Lyceum, London 1978, Mixed by Martin Rushent
Pete Shelley notes: '10th March 1978
Fast Cars
Noise Annoys
Moving Away from the Pulsebeat
Fiction Romance
What Do I Get?
Whatever Happened To?
Time's Up
For 'cocks completists, Many Parts also included the (less than spectacular) final vinyl transmissions called Parts 1,2,3 - the last three singles that were also collected on the "Parts 1, 2, 3" EP (1981)...
Are Everything (1980)
Strange Thing (1980)
Running Free (1980)
Why She's a Girl from the Chainstore (1980)
Airwaves Dream (1980)
What Do You Know (1980) well as "I Look Alone," a 1981 cassette release from New Music Express magazine.

OK, now about those new double-disc Mute releases. This is the digital manifold, album by album:
Another Music in a Different Kitchen

01 Fast Cars
02 No Reply
03 You Tear Me Up
04 Get on Our Own
05 Love Battery
06 Sixteen
07 I Don't Mind
08 Fiction Romance
09 Autonomy
10 I Need
11 Moving Away From the Pulsebeat
Associated singles:
12 Orgasm Addict
13 Whatever Happened To...?
14 What Do I Get
15 Oh Shit
BBC Session: John Peel Show 9/7/77 TX 9/19/77:
16 Fast Cars
17 Moving Away From the Pulsebeat
18 What Do I Get
01 Boredom
02 Fast Cars
03 No Reply
04 You Tear Me Up *
05 Get on Our Own *
06 Sixteen
07 I Don't Mind *
08 Fiction Romance
09 Autonomy
10 I Need
11 Orgasm Addict *
12 What Do I Get *
13 Whatever Happened To...?
14 Oh Shit
Live at the Electric Circus:
15 Fast Cars *
16 Fiction Romance *
17 Boredom *
18 Sixteen *
19 You Tear Me Up *
20 Orgasm Addict *
21 Moving Away From the Pulsebeat *
22 Love Battery *
23 Time's Up
Love Bites

01 Real World
02 Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've)
03 Operators Manual
04 Nostalgia
05 Just Lust
06 Sixteen Again
07 Walking Distance
08 Love Is Lies
09 Nothing Left
10 E.S.P.
11 Late for the Train
Associated singles:
12 Love You More
13 Noise Annoys
14 Promises
15 Lipstick
BBC Sessions:
John Peel Show 4/10/78 TX 4/17/78:
16 Noise Annoys
17 Walking Distance
18 Late for the Train
John Peel Show 10/18/78 TX 10/23/78:
19 Promises
20 Lipstick
21 Sixteen Again
John Peel Show 5/21/79 TX 5/28/79:
22 E.S.P.
01 Love Is Life (Lies) *
02 Just Lust
03 Operators Manual *
04 Ever Fallen in Love *
05 Nothing Left *
06 Sixteen Again *
07 Raison D'Etre *
08 Real World *
09 Nostalgia *
10 E.S.P.
11 Lipstick
12 Children (Promises)
13 Mother of Turds
You also get the entire Manchester Lesser Free Trade Hall live show from July 21, 1978 that was organized by Factory Records (and 24-hour Party Person) Tony Wilson:
14 Breakdown *
15 What Do I Get *
16 I Don't Mind *
17 Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've) *
18 Noise Annoys *
19 Nothing Left *
20 Get on Our Own *
21 Love You More *
22 Fiction Romance *
23 Autonomy *
*previously unreleased
A Different Kind of Tension

Still my fave Buzzcocks album (as opposed to those superlative singles)...I can still recall the awe I felt hearing the sterophonic left-channel/right-channel division of those Steve Diggle and Pete Shelley guitars...the lyrical genius of the split-channel vocals on "Tension" and the imagery of "I Believe."

I'm a Believer
OK, enough's what you get:
CD 1:
01 Paradise
02 Sitting 'Round at Home
03 You Say You Don't Love Me
04 You Know You Can't Help It
05 Mad Mad Judy
06 Raison D'Etre
07 I Don't Know What to Do With My Life
08 Money
09 Hollow Inside
10 A Different Kind of Tension
11 I Believe
12 Radio Nine
Associated singles:
13 Everybody's Happy Nowadays
14 Why Can't I Touch It
15 Harmony in My Head
16 Something's Gone Wrong Again
Associated singles:
01 Are Everything
02 Why She's a Girl From the Chainstore
03 Airwaves Dream
04 Strange Thing
05 What Do You Know?
06 Running Free
07 I Look Alone
08 You Say You Don't Love Me
09 I Don't Know What to Do With My Life
10 Harmony in My Head *
11 I Don't Know
12 Run Away From Home
13 The Drive System
14 Mad Mad Judy *
15 Jesus Made Me Feel Guilty
16 Something's Gone Wrong Again (backing track) *
17 You Know You Can't Help It
18 I Believe July 1979 Indigo Arrow-Chronology
BBC Sessions:
John Peel Show 18/10/78 TX 23/10/78:
19 Everybody's Happy Nowadays
John Peel Show 5/21/79 TX 5/28/79:
20 I Don't Know What to Do With My Life
21 Mad Mad Judy
22 Hollow Inside