Saturday, June 30, 2007
What we did this Week!
Hello! Well, this past week has been a very busy week! We had classes and getting ready for The "Copa America" Also, this week we celebrated Journalist Day.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Bits~n~Pieces Collage Swap
Oh no not another sneek peek and then wait for eternity to see the final product...again!!!
Nope, no way!
Here it is done and Jennyhas it at her home now, so I can show you the collage.
This was a very fun challenge as I am not a paper artist but I sure had fun making this. Jenny was the host and I was very happy to get her as my swap partner!!! The Challenge was to use up our bits~n~pieces as we made a collage for our partner. Our partners sent us specifics on their favorites and any non-favorites! That made me happy! No guessing.
Here is a close-up of a cute poodle pup I found. It is not a cute pup like Carlos but it is glamorous!
A few close-ups of a sparkely "J" (I love sparkle and sparkely letters) and a close-up of a ballerina I dressed up. Jenny loves these details too : )
A Signaure wreath piece : )
And a signature Christmas house piece : )
I had been a looong time in fulfilling another swap I did with Jenny. This was just we two and we did not give each other a time frame. It was also pretty much after Tammy's Tag Swap I
was in. So I made another tag, of coarse the same one I made for Tammy's swap! Yes, so you see, everyone
gets one of these tags!!! All the same pretty much! SEE:
I am a Mom of two!!! Oh yes, and my mom would get my sisters and I the same cute summer outfit each year! Awww we looked adorable. Until she brought home the modern outfit for just Kelly and me!!! The shorts were striped, and the top was a no sleeve REVERSIBLE little shift type top. One side was striped and the reverse was POLKA DOTS!!! We both did not like this ensemble. Kelly, being more clever at this covert operation then some previous ones (namely hiding the food she did not want to eat in her POCKETS, where our mother would find it when she checked pockets before laundry!!! yuck.) Oh I digress. Kelly being quite clever and about to impress her older sister (me) went to the summer arts and crafts afternoon, with me, wearing THE outfit. I think we were both wearing it! She had had enough of it and "spilled" BLACK PAINT all over it. She carefully got it on her top and shorts I believe. She never had to wear it again. Of coarse I am not as quick as she. I thought it was an accident but she let me know that it was not. Oh so clever!
Just so you know, here are the Four tags I made for Jenny...Three were new ones.
I had to think of what I knew of and I wanted to give her something different. So this is what came forth.
Here is the front and back of one tag. I guess I was thinking of those glamorous dresses with the great faux flowers!?
And here is the last one. A wire tag. You may notice that this Pix is not quite the same as the group shot up above in the post. Well, I was tweaking this tag up to the the very end. I added little pink rick-rack that I have had for awhile.
Bits~n~Pieces Collage Swap
Oh no not another sneek peek and then wait for eternity to see the final product...again!!!
Nope, no way!
Here it is done and Jennyhas it at her home now, so I can show you the collage.
This was a very fun challenge as I am not a paper artist but I sure had fun making this. Jenny was the host and I was very happy to get her as my swap partner!!! The Challenge was to use up our bits~n~pieces as we made a collage for our partner. Our partners sent us specifics on their favorites and any non-favorites! That made me happy! No guessing.
Here is a close-up of a cute poodle pup I found. It is not a cute pup like Carlos but it is glamorous!
A few close-ups of a sparkely "J" (I love sparkle and sparkely letters) and a close-up of a ballerina I dressed up. Jenny loves these details too : )
A Signaure wreath piece : )
And a signature Christmas house piece : )
I had been a looong time in fulfilling another swap I did with Jenny. This was just we two and we did not give each other a time frame. It was also pretty much after Tammy's Tag Swap I
was in. So I made another tag, of coarse the same one I made for Tammy's swap! Yes, so you see, everyone
gets one of these tags!!! All the same pretty much! SEE:
I am a Mom of two!!! Oh yes, and my mom would get my sisters and I the same cute summer outfit each year! Awww we looked adorable. Until she brought home the modern outfit for just Kelly and me!!! The shorts were striped, and the top was a no sleeve REVERSIBLE little shift type top. One side was striped and the reverse was POLKA DOTS!!! We both did not like this ensemble. Kelly, being more clever at this covert operation then some previous ones (namely hiding the food she did not want to eat in her POCKETS, where our mother would find it when she checked pockets before laundry!!! yuck.) Oh I digress. Kelly being quite clever and about to impress her older sister (me) went to the summer arts and crafts afternoon, with me, wearing THE outfit. I think we were both wearing it! She had had enough of it and "spilled" BLACK PAINT all over it. She carefully got it on her top and shorts I believe. She never had to wear it again. Of coarse I am not as quick as she. I thought it was an accident but she let me know that it was not. Oh so clever!
Just so you know, here are the Four tags I made for Jenny...Three were new ones.
I had to think of what I knew of and I wanted to give her something different. So this is what came forth.
Here is the front and back of one tag. I guess I was thinking of those glamorous dresses with the great faux flowers!?
And here is the last one. A wire tag. You may notice that this Pix is not quite the same as the group shot up above in the post. Well, I was tweaking this tag up to the the very end. I added little pink rick-rack that I have had for awhile.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I do not know how to manipulate a photo to show tiny parts only . I hope to figure that out soon! And I think "blurry" adds to the effect..(just covering my behind from my "in-house editor" heheh.
With this sneak peek I started thinking about Christmas especially and those who love to sneek a peek! Do any of you now or when you were little check out a gift??? Do you tear a little corner to see the box labeling??? Or...Do you unwrap the entire gift and put it back together???!!! I am not sure if one of my sisters, who shall remain nameless, may have actually practiced both of these techniques! Hehehe. I remember seeing our Christmas gifts once in our parents closet. They were piled HIGH!!! There were Six of us kids!!! It was enough for me to know that I had been good and that there were presents!!! Oh, not that my parents ever threatened. I think it was just more widely "known" that "you better watch out, I'm tell'in you why, Santa Clause is coming to town". Did I stop to think why the gifts were in my Mom and Dad's closet!? NO, not me. I was quite content just knowing that the gifts would be under the tree! One year the SAME sister woke ME up on Christmas morning! That shows how she too loved Christmas and gifts! She came BACK in our bedroom barely able to contain herself!!! WELL, she did NOt contain herself!!! She spilled it all out immediately, without missing a beat to catch her breath...she was breathless from the excitement!!! She was very thrilled to announce that we were getting BIKES for Christmas!!! 4*NEW*BIKES!!! I was thrilled and mad all at once! I was getting one of the bikes (she said one had my name on it, hahah) On the flip side...I had no surprise left when it was time to get up and go out to the livingroom where our tree was. I actually love this story because it really is one of those funny stories, and to look back now I have a great visual of Kelly (OOPS)( heheh) coming in to tell me our wonderful news. We rode our bikes all around for years and years and years. I learned to ride "look Mom no-hands" on that bike. I could ride from our driveway around our entire block (4corners).without touching the handle bars. (Our Mom raised us all without any of us breaking a bone!!!) We all loved those bikes. After my husband and I got married he wanted to get me a bike, since old blue had since been let go. He got me another Sears(I insisted) blue bike! Oh yaya, I still have it, he up grades the tires to a wider tire....but I need to start riding it again!!! Oh what a good cue for
I do not know how to manipulate a photo to show tiny parts only . I hope to figure that out soon! And I think "blurry" adds to the effect..(just covering my behind from my "in-house editor" heheh.
With this sneak peek I started thinking about Christmas especially and those who love to sneek a peek! Do any of you now or when you were little check out a gift??? Do you tear a little corner to see the box labeling??? Or...Do you unwrap the entire gift and put it back together???!!! I am not sure if one of my sisters, who shall remain nameless, may have actually practiced both of these techniques! Hehehe. I remember seeing our Christmas gifts once in our parents closet. They were piled HIGH!!! There were Six of us kids!!! It was enough for me to know that I had been good and that there were presents!!! Oh, not that my parents ever threatened. I think it was just more widely "known" that "you better watch out, I'm tell'in you why, Santa Clause is coming to town". Did I stop to think why the gifts were in my Mom and Dad's closet!? NO, not me. I was quite content just knowing that the gifts would be under the tree! One year the SAME sister woke ME up on Christmas morning! That shows how she too loved Christmas and gifts! She came BACK in our bedroom barely able to contain herself!!! WELL, she did NOt contain herself!!! She spilled it all out immediately, without missing a beat to catch her breath...she was breathless from the excitement!!! She was very thrilled to announce that we were getting BIKES for Christmas!!! 4*NEW*BIKES!!! I was thrilled and mad all at once! I was getting one of the bikes (she said one had my name on it, hahah) On the flip side...I had no surprise left when it was time to get up and go out to the livingroom where our tree was. I actually love this story because it really is one of those funny stories, and to look back now I have a great visual of Kelly (OOPS)( heheh) coming in to tell me our wonderful news. We rode our bikes all around for years and years and years. I learned to ride "look Mom no-hands" on that bike. I could ride from our driveway around our entire block (4corners).without touching the handle bars. (Our Mom raised us all without any of us breaking a bone!!!) We all loved those bikes. After my husband and I got married he wanted to get me a bike, since old blue had since been let go. He got me another Sears(I insisted) blue bike! Oh yaya, I still have it, he up grades the tires to a wider tire....but I need to start riding it again!!! Oh what a good cue for
Monday, June 25, 2007
Yes, Thank you all so very, very much!!! All of you who have checked out Fred Flare's "The Next Big Thing", and to all of you for returning to vote, AND even passing the word along you are so amazing!!! The community of women bloggers (oh is there not a more beautiful term for this), especially the women that I have been fortunate to have met are truly wonderful, inspiring, kind, thoughtful.... I could go on until the end of time! OH MERCI, MERCI!!!
I am excited for us to pass the info about the Fred Flare Contest on so that next year we will have some more of our loved ones in this challenge!
Here is the box I decorated for Lorraine's Necklace. The inside was actually my favorite part of the box...but alas, As if on cue, I forgot to take a picture of it. I get so excited to get to the post office and send the package
off! Thus resulting in incomplete photos.
And WHO IS THIS??? This is our lovable, sweet cat Hobbes! My son Douglas named him...much to Caitlin's Distress...He deserved a more unique name she thought. (Caitlin's boyfriends' cat has the name of Constable!) But as it has turned out the name is perfect. Hobbes came from the A.D.O.P.T.E. program in our area. They are wonderful and protective of the dogs and cats. Doug and I were the only ones who went to pick him out. We had already gotten our first cat about a year and a half earlier...another story for another day! No one thought we should get one more cat except Doug and I. We knew what our other cat needed. Hobbes was the best medicine for her!!! He was there waitng for us when we arrived. He had been dropped off earlier that day in the parking lot of Petsmart. Petsmart has a viewing room for A.D.O.P.T. to house some of there cats and kittens. We got there just in time, for while Doug was holding the kitten a women came in wanting an orange tabby kitten. Doug had originally wanted a black and white cat like one of his best friends cats (Button's). However he saw the little, frightened orange tabby and all love was for him! He mews like a puurfect kitten, STILL to this day even! He talks to us, and he plays like a dog! He is great fun and we are so Thankful that he is in our lives!
Here is my inspiration for some recent projects. I love how the jar holds the confections of ribbons. I think
we all love this idea! : )
I also love placing pretty things, in pretty bowls. They are even more assemble for inspiring ideas I think. Notice how even dinner can be inspired from them while working! Humm, how did that get there? More importantly...WILL I be making dinner??? Yes, I will make a home cooked dinner-ALL WEEK even! Yaya, I will believe it when I taste it!!!
THANK YOU ALL WHO ARE STILL COMING BY AND READING MY POST AFTER SUCH A LOOONG BREAK! I had my sister and her husband from out of state visit : ) : ) and projects and I had to go 'CRAZY" about the voting! THANK YOU again for all of your support there!!! : )
Yes, Thank you all so very, very much!!! All of you who have checked out Fred Flare's "The Next Big Thing", and to all of you for returning to vote, AND even passing the word along you are so amazing!!! The community of women bloggers (oh is there not a more beautiful term for this), especially the women that I have been fortunate to have met are truly wonderful, inspiring, kind, thoughtful.... I could go on until the end of time! OH MERCI, MERCI!!!
I am excited for us to pass the info about the Fred Flare Contest on so that next year we will have some more of our loved ones in this challenge!
Here is the box I decorated for Lorraine's Necklace. The inside was actually my favorite part of the box...but alas, As if on cue, I forgot to take a picture of it. I get so excited to get to the post office and send the package
off! Thus resulting in incomplete photos.
And WHO IS THIS??? This is our lovable, sweet cat Hobbes! My son Douglas named him...much to Caitlin's Distress...He deserved a more unique name she thought. (Caitlin's boyfriends' cat has the name of Constable!) But as it has turned out the name is perfect. Hobbes came from the A.D.O.P.T.E. program in our area. They are wonderful and protective of the dogs and cats. Doug and I were the only ones who went to pick him out. We had already gotten our first cat about a year and a half earlier...another story for another day! No one thought we should get one more cat except Doug and I. We knew what our other cat needed. Hobbes was the best medicine for her!!! He was there waitng for us when we arrived. He had been dropped off earlier that day in the parking lot of Petsmart. Petsmart has a viewing room for A.D.O.P.T. to house some of there cats and kittens. We got there just in time, for while Doug was holding the kitten a women came in wanting an orange tabby kitten. Doug had originally wanted a black and white cat like one of his best friends cats (Button's). However he saw the little, frightened orange tabby and all love was for him! He mews like a puurfect kitten, STILL to this day even! He talks to us, and he plays like a dog! He is great fun and we are so Thankful that he is in our lives!
Here is my inspiration for some recent projects. I love how the jar holds the confections of ribbons. I think
we all love this idea! : )
I also love placing pretty things, in pretty bowls. They are even more assemble for inspiring ideas I think. Notice how even dinner can be inspired from them while working! Humm, how did that get there? More importantly...WILL I be making dinner??? Yes, I will make a home cooked dinner-ALL WEEK even! Yaya, I will believe it when I taste it!!!
THANK YOU ALL WHO ARE STILL COMING BY AND READING MY POST AFTER SUCH A LOOONG BREAK! I had my sister and her husband from out of state visit : ) : ) and projects and I had to go 'CRAZY" about the voting! THANK YOU again for all of your support there!!! : )
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